2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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Academic and <strong>College</strong> Policiesmit a letter indicating the reasons why you shouldbe considered for reinstatement; and be interviewedby the vice president. Consideration forreinstatement may be based on an evaluation of lifechanges and circumstances that would merit reinstatementor an official transcript from another collegeor university indicating that you have been academicallysuccessful since being dismissed fromSCC. For a detailed list of procedures to apply foracademic reinstatement, see the office of the vicepresident for student services.Review of Academic <strong>St</strong>atusThe college recognizes that extenuating circumstancesoccur from time to time that may warrantfurther review of a student’s academic progress.Contact the <strong>St</strong>udent Development Office or theAdmissions Office for more information.NOTE: <strong>St</strong>udents with concerns about courserequirements, class procedures, teaching styles,or grades should follow the procedure outlinedon page 104.DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSIONSuspension from the college may be deemednecessary for reasons other than academic ones.<strong>College</strong> policy on disciplinary proceedings andstudent conduct code is addressed in thestudent handbook.TRANSCRIPTS ANDGRADE REPORTSA transcript of your grades and credits at SCC isavailable through the Admissions Office. You mayrequest your transcripts in person or in writing.Written requests should include semester andyear of last attendance, name under which youwere enrolled, and student identification number(social security number). Give complete informationas to street address, location, and office oragency to which the transcript is to be mailed.Transcripts are $3 each. All holds on a student’srecord must be cleared before a transcript will bereleased. Please allow two working days forprocessing. Additional time is required at the endof a semester.Grades are mailed to students shortly after theclose of the final exam period for each session. Atmid-term of the fall and spring semester, onlygrades of “D,” “F,” and “R” are mailed to students.Mid-term grades are not recorded on your academictranscript and therefore can not be mailed toother institutions. Final grades may be withheldfrom students who have not met their financial commitmentsto the college or who have not returnedall outstanding library and/or college materials.AUDITING A COURSEIf you wish to attend a course without taking anexamination or receiving credit for the course, youmay register on an audit basis. <strong>St</strong>udents who registeron an audit basis will pay the regular tuitionrate and must meet the course prerequisites orreceive special permission from the instructor.If you wish to change from audit to credit orfrom credit to audit after the course is under way,you must process the change through the AdmissionsOffice within the first four weeks of classes.<strong>St</strong>udents cannot count audited courses to establishfull-time status.REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTSTAKING ENGLISH AND MATHAll students taking English and math coursesare required to make a grade of “C” or better inprerequisite courses before progressing to the nextcourse in sequence. For example, you are requiredto make a “C” or better in English Composition Ibefore being allowed to register for EnglishComposition II.In the event that you have registered for the nextcourse in a sequence and are currently enrolled ina prerequisite course, and upon completion havenot earned a “C” or better, you will be administrativelywithdrawn from the next level course. Youwill be refunded the tuition for the course fromwhich you were withdrawn.101

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