alankar - IMFA

alankar - IMFA

alankar - IMFA


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At the <strong>IMFA</strong> Foundation day celebrations on 26.11.2009, 'Long<br />

& Dedicated Service Awards' were distributed to the<br />

employees and prizes to the winners of various sports events.<br />

Scenes from Foundation day celebration at SMC:<br />

Top: Mr. S Bhargava receiving LDSA from Mr. P Behera<br />

Middle: Slow Cycling Race in Progress.<br />

Bottom: Archery competition in progress.<br />


As a part of celebrations of the New Year 2010, a T20<br />

Cricket match under flood-light was organized by the<br />

young officers at Mahagiri Enclave on 31.12.2009.<br />


Mrs. & Mr. Ratan Kumar Sahoo have been blessed with a son<br />

on 10.12.2009. --------- Congratulations!!!<br />

January – March 2010 11<br />

The Office<br />

<strong>alankar</strong><br />

Hard work spotlights the character of people; some turn up<br />

their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn<br />

up at all!<br />

I always try to go the extra mile at work, but my boss always<br />

finds me and brings me back.<br />

The world is full of willing people -- some willing to work and<br />

some willing to let them. - Robert Frost<br />

Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear.<br />

I don't mind if you sleep in office. Only, please do not snore.<br />

You are disturbing others who are trying to sleep.<br />

- Dr. C. Rao, UW-Whitewater<br />

A morning without tea is like something without something<br />

else.<br />

Hard work never killed anyone, but why give it a chance?<br />

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.<br />

Two kinds of people: Those who finish what they start and...<br />

Work fascinates most, they can look at it for hours!<br />

If 'A' equals success, then the formula is A = X + Y + Z.<br />

X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.<br />

- Albert Einstein<br />

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.<br />

If you're good you'll get assigned all the work. If you're<br />

REALLY good you will get out of it.*<br />

The Priest & The Mayor<br />

After 25 years in the same town, Father O' Shaunessey was<br />

saying his farewells at his retirement dinner. The mayor of the<br />

town had been asked to make a presentation and a short<br />

speech, but was late arriving. So the priest took it upon<br />

himself to fill the time, and stood up to the microphone:<br />

"I remember the first confession I heard here twenty-five<br />

years ago and it worried me as to what sort of place I'd come<br />

to... That first confession remains the worst I've ever heard.<br />

The chap confessed that he'd stolen a TV set from a<br />

neighbour and lied to the police when questioned, successfully<br />

blaming it on a local scallywag. He said that he'd stolen money<br />

from his parents and from his employer; that he'd had an affair<br />

with his best friends' wife; that he'd taken hard drugs, and had<br />

slept with a nun of this church and given her VD. You can<br />

imagine what I thought... However I'm pleased to say that as<br />

the days passed I soon realised that this sad fellow was a<br />

frightful exception and that this town was indeed a wonderful<br />

place full of kind and decent people..."<br />

At this point the Mayor arrived and apologized for being late,<br />

and keen to take the stage, he immediately stepped up to the<br />

microphone and pulled his speech from his pocket:<br />

"I'll always remember when Father O' Shaunessey first came<br />

to our town," said the Mayor, "In fact, I'm pretty certain that I<br />

was the first person that he heard in confession.."<br />

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble<br />

bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell<br />

the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the<br />

fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

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