FEIN Main Catalogue 2008/2009 - Howarth Timber

FEIN Main Catalogue 2008/2009 - Howarth Timber FEIN Main Catalogue 2008/2009 - Howarth Timber

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Introducing FEINFEIN: Inventions and power tools from Germanyfor over 140 years.Ever since it was first founded in 1867, FEIN has continuallyset new standards – as the inventor of the electric hand drilland a premium manufacturer of professional and extremelyreliable power tools. The quality synonymous with the FEINname and the legendary reputation for durability have wonFEIN products numerous accolades, as well as over 800 patentsand industrial property rights. These attributes have madeFEIN what it is today – a company with a rich heritage andglobal reputation that is firmly committed to Germany as abusiness location. This reputation gives us an obligation andincentive to continue driving forwards while confirming thatwe are on the right track. And that’s what we devote ourenergies to every single day as we continue to research anddevelop new products.Quality of the highest standard.Around the world, over the decades, FEIN power tools havegained a reputation for durability in trade and industry. The keyfactors in the success of FEIN power tools are reliability, maximumsafety and precision. Modern quality management conceptsgo far beyond the simple quality checks that many companiesuse. This enables our products to safely and reliably achieve thelevels of durability and precision synonymous with the FEINname.We know what’s important to youFor over 100 years, FEIN has beendeveloping innovative power toolsthat have set standards for the restof the industry. FEIN has alwayshad a “finger on the pulse of themarket”, responding to the needsof its users in industry and manualtrades and developing power toolsand professional solutions cateringfor the most discriminating buyersin each individual target group.The result is a range of machinesand accessories that are tailor-madefor users’ actual everyday needs.If it hasn’t been developed yet, we’ll invent it.The spirit of invention is a traditionat FEIN, and always will be. Theinvention of the first electric drillin 1895 decided very early on thedirection the company would take.The numerous – often pioneering –inventions on which our nationaland international patents andcopyrights are based are one ofthe key factors in FEIN’s successover the decades. Many of ourpatents are for fundamental innovationswhich were afterwards copiedby most of our prominent competitors.That’s something were proudof.Made in GermanyFEIN is firmly committed to its home country of Germany. Thereare very good reasons for this: values like inventiveness, qualityand reliability are the reasons for our 140 years of success andtop-quality products. To make sure this production location stayscompetitive, we need an efficient production system geared optimallyto the FEIN product range which can respond very flexiblyto customer requirements. We use a Continuous ImprovementProcess (CIP), which incorporates all business processes, toenable us to systematically develop. Only when you continuallyseek to make a good thing better can you stay successful in thecompetitive arena.

Introducing <strong>FEIN</strong><strong>FEIN</strong>: Inventions and power tools from Germanyfor over 140 years.Ever since it was first founded in 1867, <strong>FEIN</strong> has continuallyset new standards – as the inventor of the electric hand drilland a premium manufacturer of professional and extremelyreliable power tools. The quality synonymous with the <strong>FEIN</strong>name and the legendary reputation for durability have won<strong>FEIN</strong> products numerous accolades, as well as over 800 patentsand industrial property rights. These attributes have made<strong>FEIN</strong> what it is today – a company with a rich heritage andglobal reputation that is firmly committed to Germany as abusiness location. This reputation gives us an obligation andincentive to continue driving forwards while confirming thatwe are on the right track. And that’s what we devote ourenergies to every single day as we continue to research anddevelop new products.Quality of the highest standard.Around the world, over the decades, <strong>FEIN</strong> power tools havegained a reputation for durability in trade and industry. The keyfactors in the success of <strong>FEIN</strong> power tools are reliability, maximumsafety and precision. Modern quality management conceptsgo far beyond the simple quality checks that many companiesuse. This enables our products to safely and reliably achieve thelevels of durability and precision synonymous with the <strong>FEIN</strong>name.We know what’s important to youFor over 100 years, <strong>FEIN</strong> has beendeveloping innovative power toolsthat have set standards for the restof the industry. <strong>FEIN</strong> has alwayshad a “finger on the pulse of themarket”, responding to the needsof its users in industry and manualtrades and developing power toolsand professional solutions cateringfor the most discriminating buyersin each individual target group.The result is a range of machinesand accessories that are tailor-madefor users’ actual everyday needs.If it hasn’t been developed yet, we’ll invent it.The spirit of invention is a traditionat <strong>FEIN</strong>, and always will be. Theinvention of the first electric drillin 1895 decided very early on thedirection the company would take.The numerous – often pioneering –inventions on which our nationaland international patents andcopyrights are based are one ofthe key factors in <strong>FEIN</strong>’s successover the decades. Many of ourpatents are for fundamental innovationswhich were afterwards copiedby most of our prominent competitors.That’s something were proudof.Made in Germany<strong>FEIN</strong> is firmly committed to its home country of Germany. Thereare very good reasons for this: values like inventiveness, qualityand reliability are the reasons for our 140 years of success andtop-quality products. To make sure this production location stayscompetitive, we need an efficient production system geared optimallyto the <strong>FEIN</strong> product range which can respond very flexiblyto customer requirements. We use a Continuous ImprovementProcess (CIP), which incorporates all business processes, toenable us to systematically develop. Only when you continuallyseek to make a good thing better can you stay successful in thecompetitive arena.

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