Rules & Regulations - Festival de télévision de Monte-Carlo

Rules & Regulations - Festival de télévision de Monte-Carlo

Rules & Regulations - Festival de télévision de Monte-Carlo

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DRAMA & COMEDY TV SERIES COMPETITION<strong>Rules</strong> and regulationsArticle 1 – CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION1.1. GENERAL RULES• Only production companies (including TV organisations with the status of producer for thesubmitted programmes) are allowed to participate in the competition.• The Producer Award for TV Series inclu<strong>de</strong>s two categories: Comedy and Drama.• A producer is eligible in both categories.• The Gol<strong>de</strong>n Nymphs will be awar<strong>de</strong>d only to (a) qualified, credited producer(s) mentionedon the registration form, notwithstanding that the production company may have accor<strong>de</strong>dsuch credit to other persons as well.• A producer shall be <strong>de</strong>emed eligible if he or she is actually engaged in, and has ultimateresponsibility for, the creation, selling, <strong>de</strong>velopment and/or production of a project.In production, a producer must have final approval in such areas as <strong>de</strong>termination of theshooting script, hiring of the director and other key creative personnel, i.e. casting, budgetand final cut.• All nominated actors and actresses mentioned on the registration form shall be eligible.• All questions of eligibility are the final <strong>de</strong>cision of each member of the pre-selectioncommittee for the nominees of their own country.• The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject entries which do not qualify un<strong>de</strong>r theexisting rules, or fall outsi<strong>de</strong> the prescribed categories, and for productions which extolviolence or are of a pornographic nature.• Participation in the competition implies tacit authorization for the Organizing Committee tohave free right to use up to 2 minutes of extracts from each nominated program for purposesof information and promotion for a period of one year after the end of the <strong>Festival</strong>.• A co-production will be regar<strong>de</strong>d as the entry of the submitting organization as stipulatedon the fact sheet. It will be presumed that the other co-producers have agreed to its beingentered. It shall be the responsibility of the submitting organization to nominate theorganization(s) or person(s) to receive any prize(s) eventually awar<strong>de</strong>d.• Programmes should be presented in the original language of the submitting producer’scountry, with English subtitles (if the original language is not English).• Producers who wish to submit an entry in the competition have the obligation to complywith the present rules.4, Bd du Jardin Exotique • 98000 Monaco • Tél. : +377 93 10 40 60 • Fax : +377 93 50 70 14 www.tvfestival.com TV Series - 1 -

1.2. DELIVERY AND RETURN OF ENTRIESFreight and customs clearances are the responsibility of the entrant and should be settled atthe participant’s end. Please mention that the parcel has no commercial value.The DVDs and electronic files will be <strong>de</strong>stroyed after use unless otherwise stated in writing nolater than 1 week after the end of the <strong>Festival</strong>.The <strong>Festival</strong> Organizing Committee assumes no responsibility for submitted materials but willtake all precautions that may be necessary for their safekeeping.Article 2 – THE AWARDSIn each one of the two categories (Drama and Comedy) the following prizes will beawar<strong>de</strong>d:• a Gol<strong>de</strong>n Nymph for Outstanding International Producer, awar<strong>de</strong>d to a producer chosenamong all the nominees;• a Gol<strong>de</strong>n Nymph for Outstanding European Producer, awar<strong>de</strong>d to a producer chosenamong the European nominees;• a Gol<strong>de</strong>n Nymph for Outstanding Actor ;• a Gol<strong>de</strong>n Nymph for Outstanding Actress.The nominees agree to be present - or to send a representative - for the Gol<strong>de</strong>n NymphAwards Ceremony scheduled on Thursday 14 th June 2012 at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco.Article 3 - TERMS OF ELIGIBILITY AND REGISTRATION3.1. TERMS OF ELIGIBILITYThe TV series prizes reward an executive producer, an actor and an actress for a series(drama/comedy):• broadcasted between 1 st July 2011 and 30 th June 2012;• including a minimum of 6 episo<strong>de</strong>s of at least 26 minutes each for Comedy series;• including a minimum of 6 episo<strong>de</strong>s of at least 52 minutes each for Drama series;• <strong>de</strong>fined as multiple episo<strong>de</strong>s in which theme, content and main characters are presentedun<strong>de</strong>r the same title and have continuity of production supervision. Each episo<strong>de</strong> must beconclu<strong>de</strong>d by stand-alone storylines.Children’s programmes are not eligible.3.2. TERMS OF REGISTRATIONAll programs must be submitted no later than Wednesday 15 th February 2012. Submissions areto be done online on the <strong>Festival</strong> website www.tvfestival.com. When submitting the series, anEnglish version of the general synopsis of the series will be requested.You do not need to send a DVD for the pre-selection procedure. If your series is nominated,you will be asked to send the material mentioned in Article 5.2.4, Bd du Jardin Exotique • 98000 Monaco • Tél. : +377 93 10 40 60 • Fax : +377 93 50 70 14 www.tvfestival.com TV Series - 2 -

Article 4 – THE PRE-SELECTIONThe Producer Award for TV Series is organized by the <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong>.The nominees will be <strong>de</strong>signated by a pre-selection committee comprising representativesfrom the following Producers Unions:- Heinrich Ambrosh, FAFO (Austria)- Juan Julio Baena, ANEPA (Spain)- Mathieu Béjot, TV France International (France)- Graham Benson, PACT (United Kingdom)- Christian Dorsch, German Films GmbH (Germany)- Fre<strong>de</strong>rico Ferreira <strong>de</strong> Almeida, APIT (Portugal)- Klaus Hansen, Producenterne (Denmark)- Stéphane Le Bars, USPA (France)- Claire Samson, APTF (Canada - Québec)- Chiara Sbarigia, APT (Italy)- Vance Van Petten, Producers Guild of America (USA)- Per-Erik Wallin, STVP (Swe<strong>de</strong>n)The pre-selection committee is opened to all unions should they wish to join.For productions that are not represented by producers unions, the pre-selection procedurewill be the responsibility of the <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong>’s organisers.Article 5 – THE NOMINATION5.1. THE PROCEDUREIn each country, the representative of the national producer’s union mentioned in Article 4will <strong>de</strong>signate - in each of the two categories - one to three television series.All the information submitted to the pre-selection committee members is strictly private andconfi<strong>de</strong>ntial and will not, un<strong>de</strong>r any circumstances, be disclosed. The committee's <strong>de</strong>cisionwill be final and irrevocable.Programmes that do not comply with the period of broadcasting will be automaticallyrejected.Productions will be judged according to the following criteria:• quality of script;• quality of production;• number of countries in which the submitted season programme is broadcasted between 1 stJuly 2011 and 30 th June 2012.Series that do not comply with the broadcasting period will be rejected.In each category, the number of country in which it is broadcast <strong>de</strong>termines the number ofnominated series for each country:- 1 nominated TV series if the submitted programmes are broadcasted in 1 to 5 countries;- 2 nominated TV series if a minimum of 2 submitted programmes are broadcasted in 6 to 10countries;- 3 nominated TV series if a minimum of 3 submitted programmes are broadcasted in 11 andmore countries.4, Bd du Jardin Exotique • 98000 Monaco • Tél. : +377 93 10 40 60 • Fax : +377 93 50 70 14 www.tvfestival.com TV Series - 3 -

Notice of nomination will be sent by email.Nomination Diplomas will be awar<strong>de</strong>d to all programmes selected for the competition.5.2. THE MATERIALFor selected series, it is required to send to the <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong>, no later thanSaturday 31 ST March 2012:→ the episo<strong>de</strong> submitted in the registration form on seven multi-zone DVDs with subtitles inEnglish (if applicable, i.e. when the original language is not English), to the <strong>de</strong>livery addressbelow:CompetitionThe <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong>Villa Le Mas, 4, Bd. du Jardin ExotiqueMC 98000 Monaco→ a 30 seconds sequence (trailor…) suitable for broadcast in the event of winning an award,by electronic file with support on DVD / USB key / hard disk with the technical specificationsbelow:• Quick time fle only .mov (no .mp4) - files like avi, wmv, mkv, vob will not be accepted• Only 16:9 native aspect ratio, no letterbox format• SD resolution: only 1024*576• HD resolution: 1280*720 or 1920*1080• Image frequency: 25i or 50i (interleave) - 24p, 25p, 30i, 30p formats will not be accepted• Vi<strong>de</strong>o co<strong>de</strong>c: H264 minimum 8mbit/s. maximum 15mbits/s.• Audio co<strong>de</strong>c: stereo GD _PCM 48khz 16bit→ a short synopsis in English of the submitted episo<strong>de</strong>, to be sent atcompetition@tvfestival.com;→ one press kit or any communication document including information about theprogramme, the cast (actors, director, producteurs, etc…) to be sent atcompetition@tvfestival.com;→ photos – of the series and the nominated cast (actors and producer(s)) - of good quality in300 dpi, jpg format and cmjn mo<strong>de</strong>, with copyrights mentioned on the picture, to be sent atcompetition@tvfestival.com.Important: please inclu<strong>de</strong> the online registration number when sending all material.Article 6 – THE WINNERS6.1. THE JURYThe winners of The Producer Award for TV Series will be <strong>de</strong>signated by a Jury comprised of amaximum of five members chosen by the <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong>.The Jury Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, <strong>de</strong>signated by the Chief Executive Officer of the <strong>Festival</strong>, will beresponsible for conducting the <strong>de</strong>liberation of the Jury. The Jury members will have a duty topreserve secrecy and must respect the confi<strong>de</strong>ntiality of the <strong>de</strong>liberations outsi<strong>de</strong> the votingarea.4, Bd du Jardin Exotique • 98000 Monaco • Tél. : +377 93 10 40 60 • Fax : +377 93 50 70 14 www.tvfestival.com TV Series - 4 -

6.2. METHOD OF SELECTIONThe jury will <strong>de</strong>liberate from the list of nominees <strong>de</strong>signated by the pre-selection committee.The jury will mark each nominated television series according to the following criteria:• the quality of the script;• the quality of the production;• the number of country in which the series is being broadcast giving a maximum of 4 pointsaccording to the following scale:- 1-5 countries = 1 point;- 6-10 countries = 2 points;- 11 and more countries = 4 points.The Gol<strong>de</strong>n Nymphs will be awar<strong>de</strong>d to:- the producer and/or executive producer which production has the highest number ofpoints.- the actor and/or actress for his/her performance.Article 7 - ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITYThe <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong> will be responsible for the administrative organization ofThe Producer Award for TV Series.A representative of the <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong> will take part in the pre-selectioncommittee meetings but will not have the right to vote.The Chief Executive Officer of the <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong> is responsible for the goodrunning and organization of the competition and for the cancellation of proceedingsun<strong>de</strong>rtaken to <strong>de</strong>signate a winner should these not be respected.Article 8 - PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF PROGRAMMESThe Organizing Committee certifies that the programmes entered for the competition willonly be screened within the framework of the <strong>Festival</strong>, that is to say within the territorialboundaries of the Principality of Monaco and the period of the 52 nd <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television<strong>Festival</strong> from 10 th to 14 th June 2012.Article 9 - PUBLICITYOrganizations or producers responsible for the diffusion or broadcast of the prize-winningprogrammes un<strong>de</strong>rtake to mention, in the credits and in press releases, the award obtainedat the 52 nd <strong>Monte</strong>-<strong>Carlo</strong> Television <strong>Festival</strong>.Article 10 - OBSERVANCE OF THE FESTIVAL RULESParticipation by organizations or in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt producers as <strong>de</strong>fined in Article 1 implies theirtotal acceptance of the rules. In the event of any dispute concerning the interpretation ofthe rules, the French text prevails.For any further information, please contact:Lara Isoardo✆ +377 93 10 40 54 l.isoardo@tvfestival.com4, Bd du Jardin Exotique • 98000 Monaco • Tél. : +377 93 10 40 60 • Fax : +377 93 50 70 14 www.tvfestival.com TV Series - 5 -

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