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<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Issue RecordIssue Revised by Checked by Authorised byNumberDateIssue 1 Sep 99 J. H. Parry J. H. Parry R. BrownIssue 2 Sep 01 A. Murrell A. Murrell A. MurrellIssue 3 Nov 01 A. Murrell R. Brown A. MurrellIssue 4 Mar-02 A Bass P Barnett R BrownIssue 5 Mar-02 A Bass P Barnett R BrownIssue 6 May-02 A. Murrell R. Brown A. Rent<strong>com</strong>eIssue 7 Jan-03 G. Creech P Stock A MurrellIssue 8 Jan-03 G. Creech P Stock A MurrellIssue 9 May-03 G. CreechIssue 10 May-03 G. CreechIssue 11 May-03 G. Creech P Stock A MurrellIssue 12Issue 13 G. Creech D Johnson R BrownIssue 14 G. Creech D Johnson R BrownIssue 15 Mar-04 M Bhatt G Creech P StockIssue 16 Nov 04 J Bourn D Johnson G CreechIssue 17 Nov 05 P Stock G Creech G CreechIssue 18 July 06 G. Creech P. Agar P. StockIssue 19Issue 20 Feb 09 Andy Holgate Ian Vince Pete StockIssue 21 Oct 09 Andy Holgate Ian Vince Pete StockIssue 22 Oct 12 Sean Wilkinson Ian Vince Gerry CreechIssue 23 Oct 12 Sean Wilkinson Ian Vince Gerry CreechNoteThe latest issue of the Safety Manual is available by either:- contacting support@icstriplex.<strong>com</strong>- visiting the TUV website at www.tuv-<strong>fs</strong>.<strong>com</strong>/plcics.htmDoc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page iv


<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>RECORD OF AMENDMENTSIssue NumberIssue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6Issue 7Issue 8ChangesInitial IssueUpdated to reflect re-certification as of September,2001Updated to reflect 3.0 certification.Updated to add new logoUpdated to correct table and figure numbering.Updated to reflect 3.1 certification.Updated to reflect 3.2 certification.Updated to reflect EN 60204 stop categories.Reworded 9 Added IEC 61508, EN54, NFPA 85 and HFPA 86requirementsIssue 10Updated to reflect TUV <strong>com</strong>mentsIssue 11 System release 3.3Issue 12Issue 13Not releasedUpdated Section 3.12.11 For Intelligent UpdateIssue 14 Added & updated 3.22System Release 3.4Issue 15Added Appendix B – Triguard (SC300e) supportAdded Application and System Configuration archiveto 3.12.1 and 3.12.2.Added 8472 Output Module to Table 5Reworded & 3.2.4Removed item 4 from section 3.13.3Corrected reference in 3.11.3 to specify section 5Added “Grey Channel” to glossaryCorrected 3.6.2 paragraph 2 to refer to the correctsection.3.7.2 added ‘<strong>com</strong>panion slot’ to a. and removed ‘pair’from b.Issue16Updated to incorporate TUV <strong>com</strong>ments to release3.41,Record of amendments for issue 15 had incorrecttable reference for 8472 Output module.Previously unlabeled figures and tables givenreferences in issue 15 and hence figure and tableDoc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page viii

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>numbering changed.Some points in checklist 4.2.1 were changed in errorand have been corrected in issue 16Issue 17Added T8442 Module (Table 6). Added T8424 Module(Table 4). Added Enhanced Peer to Peer (Table 3 &section 3.10).Updated Table 10, forced air temperatures.Changed suggested Global Protection to level 8 intable 8.Corrected reference to NFPA86 & EN54 in 3.2.7 &3.2.8Issue 18Issue 19Issue 20Modified table 3 regarding peer to peerNot releasedCompany logomaster\slave replaced by active\standbySection 3.7.2 corrected Companion Slot configurationAdded section 6 SYSTEM SECURITYIssue 21Relevant sections revised due to updated standards; NFPA72:2007, NFPA 85:2007, NFPA 86:2007.ICS Triplex Technology replaced with ICST TriplexIssue 22Modified Table 11 - Electromagnetic CompatibilityChange made regarding the EMC Air Discharge levelIssue 23Modified Table 11 - Electromagnetic CompatibilityChange made regarding the EMC Contact Discharge levelUpdate also made to Issue Number and YearDoc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page ix

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>DiscrepancyDRAMA discrepancy exists if one or more of theelements disagree.Dynamic Random Access Memory. A type ofvolatile read/write memory where the data isstored as a short-life capacitive charge. Thoughhigh density and low cost are a feature ofDRAMs, they require each row address andhence all data to be refreshed frequently.Element A set of input conditioning, applicationprocessing and output conditioning.EngineeringWorkstationEPROMComprising rugged PC platform fitted withIEC1131 TOOLSET.Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Anon-volatile storage medium which iselectronically programmed. The EPROM devicemay be erased by strong ultra-violet light.EUC Equipment Under Control. Equipment,machinery, apparatus or plant used formanufacturing, process, transportation, medicalor other activities.Fail SafeFault ToleranceField DevicesFirmwareFixed FrameFBDThe capability to go to a pre-determined safestate in the event of a specific malfunction.Built-in capability of a system to providecontinued correct execution of its assignedfunction in the presence of a limited number ofhardware and software faults.Equipment connected to the field side of the I/Oterminals. Such equipment includes fieldwiring, sensors, final control elements andthose operator interface devices hard-wired toI/O terminals.Special purpose memory units containingsoftware embedded in protected memoryrequired for the operation of programmableelectronics.An empty fixed metal surround, designed tocontain 483mm (19”) standard equipment.Functional Block Diagram. A graphical IEC1131language for building <strong>com</strong>plex procedures bytaking existing Functional Blocks from theIEC1131 library and wiring them together on thescreen.Grey Channel A non-safety critical <strong>com</strong>munication linebetween two modules that are regarded assafety critical. Communications sent across a“grey channel” are viewed as subject to errorsinduced by that channel which must be detectedand <strong>com</strong>pensated be the safety related receiver.GUIGraphical User InterfaceDoc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xii

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Hot SwapIEC 1131 TOOLSETIEC 61508IEC 61511EPROMILIndustrial ProcessorInput ModuleI/OI/O DriverAlternative term for Companion SlotSoftware used to configure and program the8000 series TMR system.IEC61508 is an international standard thatcovers functional safety, en<strong>com</strong>passingelectrical, electronic and programmableelectronic systems; hardware and softwareaspects.IEC61511 is an international standard thatcovers functional safety and SafetyInstrumented Systems for the processindustry, en<strong>com</strong>passing electrical, electronicand programmable electronic systems,hardware and software aspects. .A non-volatile storage medium which iselectronically programmed. The EPROMdevice may be erased by strong ultra-violetlightInstruction List. A low level IEC1131 language,similar to the simple textual PLC’s language.High performance processor for use in nonsafety-related applications which can be usedin a simplex or dual-redundant configuration.Interface that converts input signals fromexternal devices into signals that the controlsystem can utilise.Input/Output conditioning circuits (as distinctfrom the central processing).Essential software to allow the IEC1131TOOLSET to configure and program uniquetypes of TMR system I/O interfaces.LD Ladder Diagram. An IEC1131 language<strong>com</strong>posed of contact symbols representinglogical equations and simple actions. Themain function of the ladder diagram is tocontrol outputs based on input conditions.MMI Man Machine Interface. The operator’swindow to monitoring and keys, knobs,switches, Graphical User Interface of theOperator Workstation, etc. for makingadjustments in the process.Modbus An industry standard <strong>com</strong>municationsprotocol developed by Modicon. Used to<strong>com</strong>municate with external devices such asdistributed control systems (DCSs) or operatorinterfaces.M-oo-Nm-out-of-n. See Voting SystemModule An electronic (generally pluggable) subsystem.Doc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xiii

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>MORSEOutput ModulePeer-to-PeerCommunicationsPCMProtocolPSURAMReal TimeRedundancyRISCRS-232C,RS-422,RS-485RTUSafetyMethod for Object Reuse in Safety-criticalEnvironments. Programming andconfiguration software tool for the Fastflexrange of Remote I/O.Interface that converts output signals from thecontrol system into signals that can actuateexternal devices.Allows two or more TMR Controllers to<strong>com</strong>municate with each other.PCI Mezzanine CardA set of rules governing data flow in a<strong>com</strong>munication system. The protocol governssuch matters as the way a message isaddressed and routed, how often it is sent,how to recover from transmission errors andhow much information is to be sent.Power Supply Unit.Random Access Memory. A volatile (unlessbattery backed) form of read/write memory.The time to access different locations is thesame. It may be static (SRAM - data held in aflip- flop) or dynamic (DRAM – data held as acapacitive charge).A method of data processing in which the datais acted upon immediately instead of beingaccumulated and processed in batches.The employment of two or more devices, eachperforming the same function, in order toimprove reliability.Reduced Instruction Set ComputerStandard interfaces introduced by the EnergyIndustries Association covering the electricalconnection between data <strong>com</strong>municationequipment. RS-232C is the most <strong>com</strong>monlyused interface,. However, RS-422 allows forhigh transmission rates over greatly increaseddistances.Remote Telemetry UnitWhere TÜV certification is a requirement, theSafety Chapter prescribes how to use the TMRsystem in a safety-related application.SFC Sequential Function Chart. A IEC1131language that divides the process cycle into anumber of well-defined steps separated bytransitions.Doc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xiv

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>SIL Safety Integrity Level. One of four possiblediscrete levels for specifying the safety integrityrequirements of the safety functions to beallocated to the safety-related systems. SIL4has the highest level of safety integrity; SIL1 hasthe lowest.SlotA slot is the term given to the physicalallocation of a module within a 483mm (19 inch)frame.SmartSlot Spare module slot position wired, andconfigured to enable any one of a number ofmodules of the same type to be ‘hot’ replaced asnecessary.SOESoftware (ApplicationSoftware)Sequence of EventsSoftware specific to the user application.Generally, it contains logic sequences,permissives, limits, expressions, etc. thatcontrol the appropriate input, output,calculations and decisions necessary to meetsystem safety functional requirements.ST Structured Text. A high level IEC1131structured language with a syntax similar toPascal. Used mainly to implement <strong>com</strong>plexprocedures that cannot be expressed easilywith graphical languages.SwingframeSynchronousSystem EngineeringToolsetTMRTMR InterfaceAn empty hinged metal surround, designed tocontain 483mm (19 inch) standard equipment.A data-<strong>com</strong>munication term describing themethod by which signals between <strong>com</strong>putersare timed. In synchronous <strong>com</strong>munications, apre-arranged number of bits is expected to besent across a line per second. To synchronisethe sending and receiving machines, a clockingsignal is sent on the same line by thetransmitting <strong>com</strong>puter. There are no start orstop bits in synchronous <strong>com</strong>munications.Sophisticated software package which can beused to reduce the time to perform applicationsengineering, manufacturing, validation andsupport of the TMR systemTriple Modular Redundancy.An interface between the TMR Controller and 6Uformat TMR I/O Modules (Low Density I/O)8000 Series Certified family of products for use in a widerange of controls applications including safety,continuous process, supervisory control/dataacquisition, and integrated control and safety.Doc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xv

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>CommunicationsInterfaceAn intelligent <strong>com</strong>munications module whichinterfaces between a TMR Controller and anEngineering Workstation, third party equipmentor other TMR Controllers.TMR Processor A processor for use in safety-relatedapplications of the 8000 series system. Handlesapplication program execution, diagnostics andreporting functions. The TMR Processor usesthree high performance RISC processors basedon patented TMR architecture arranged in alock-step configuration.TÜV CertificationUVoting SystemWatchdogIndependent third party certification against adefined range of International standards.Units of electronic module size (1-¾ inches).Redundant system (e.g. m out of n, 1-oo-2, 2-oo-3 etc.) which requires at least m of the nchannels to be in agreement before the systemcan take action.Watchdog circuitry provides dynamic and/orstatic monitoring of processor operation and isused to annunciate processor or processorrelated failures.Doc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xvi

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>TABLE OF CONTENTSParagraphPage1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 11.1 PURPOSE OF <strong>SAFETY</strong> ............................................................................ 11.2 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ................................................................... 21.3 TERMINOLOGY ........................................................................................ 21.3.1 Safety and Functional Safety........................................................... 31.3.2 Safety Integrity and Risk Class Levels ............................................ 31.3.3 Process Safety Time (PST)............................................................. 41.4 THE 8000 SERIES OVERVIEW ................................................................ 72. <strong>SAFETY</strong> PRINCIPLES.................................................................................... 82.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 82.2 <strong>SAFETY</strong> MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 82.2.1 Safety Lifecycle................................................................................ 92.3 FUNCTIONAL <strong>SAFETY</strong> ASSESSMENT ................................................. 162.3.1 Competency................................................................................... 173. SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................. 183.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 183.2 I/O ARCHITECTURES ............................................................................ 183.2.1 Safety-Related Configurations....................................................... 193.2.2 High-Density I/O ............................................................................ 233.2.3 Analog Input Safety Accuracy........................................................ 253.2.4 Energise to Action Configurations ................................................. 253.2.5 EN 60204 Category 0 & 1 Configurations...................................... 263.2.6 NFPA 72 Requirements................................................................. 263.2.7 NFPA 85 Requirements................................................................. 263.2.8 NFPA 86 Requirements................................................................. 273.2.9 EN54 Requirements ...................................................................... 283.3 SENSOR CONFIGURATIONS................................................................ 303.4 ACTUATOR CONFIGURATIONS ........................................................... 313.5 PFD CALCULATIONS ............................................................................. 313.6 PROCESSOR CONFIGURATION........................................................... 323.6.1 Timing............................................................................................ 323.6.2 Diagnostic Access ......................................................................... 333.6.3 Configuration File Verification........................................................ 333.7 HIGH DENSITY I/O MODULE CONFIGURATION.................................. 333.7.1 Module Characteristics .................................................................. 333.7.2 Module Replacement Configuration .............................................. 353.8 INPUT AND OUTPUT FORCING............................................................ 363.9 MAINTENANCE OVERRIDES................................................................. 373.10 PEER COMMUNICATIONS CONFIGURATION ..................................... 383.11 APPLICATION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ......................................... 383.11.1 IEC1131 Workbench Configuration............................................... 403.11.2 Language Selection....................................................................... 413.11.3 Testing of New or Previously Untested Functions......................... 423.11.4 Application Development............................................................... 44Doc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xvii

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.11.5 Communications Interaction.......................................................... 453.11.6 Program Testing............................................................................ 463.12 ON-LINE MODIFICATION....................................................................... 473.12.1 Application Program ...................................................................... 473.12.2 System Configuration .................................................................... 483.13 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................... 483.13.1 Climatic Conditions........................................................................ 483.13.2 Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)........................................... 503.13.3 Electrostatic Handling Precautions................................................ 513.14 SYSTEM POWER REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 514. CHECKLISTS ............................................................................................... 524.1 PRE-ENGINEERING CHECKLISTS ....................................................... 524.1.1 Scope Definition Checklist............................................................. 524.1.2 Functional Requirements Checklist............................................... 534.1.3 Safety Requirements Checklist ..................................................... 544.2 ENGINEERING CHECKLISTS ................................................................ 554.2.1 I/O Architecture Checklist.............................................................. 554.2.2 Language Selection Checklist ....................................................... 564.2.3 Override Requirements Checklist.................................................. 574.2.4 High Density Module Configuration Checklist................................ 584.2.5 Processor and Other Configuration............................................... 584.2.6 Testing........................................................................................... 595. PREVIOUSLY ASSESSED FUNCTIONS..................................................... 606. SYSTEM SECURITY .................................................................................... 62APPENDIX A...................................................................................................... 637. LOW-DENSITY I/O ....................................................................................... 637.1.1 Effect of Input Architectures .......................................................... 637.1.2 Effect of Output Architectures ....................................................... 637.1.3 TX and DX Low Density module types in Safety applications. ...... 66APPENDIX B...................................................................................................... 688. TRIGUARD I/O ............................................................................................. 688.1.1 Effect of Input States ..................................................................... 688.1.2 Effect of Output States .................................................................. 688.2 <strong>SAFETY</strong> RELATED INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ........................................ 718.2.1 Inputs............................................................................................. 718.2.2 Outputs .......................................................................................... 73APPENDIX C ..................................................................................................... 75Doc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xviii

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>ILLUSTRATIONSFigure 1 - Simple Triplicated System ................................................................... 5Figure 2 – TMR Architecture................................................................................ 6Figure 3 - Single High Density TMR I/O Module Architecture............................ 23Figure 4 - SmartSlot or Adjacent Slot TMR Module Configuration .................... 24Figure 5 – 2-oo-3 voting logic with discrepancy reporting.................................. 66Figure 6 – Discrepancy error bit latch and manual reset logic........................... 67Figure 7 - Current to Voltage Conversion .......................................................... 72TABLESTable 1 - Referenced documents......................................................................... 2Table 2 - Central Modules.................................................................................. 19Table 3 - Input Modules High Density I/O .......................................................... 20Table 4 - Output Modules High Density I/O ....................................................... 20Table 5 - Multi-purpose Modules, High Density I/O ........................................... 21Table 6 - Auxiliary Modules................................................................................ 22Table 7 - IEC1131 Workbench Re<strong>com</strong>mended Access Levels......................... 40Table 8 - Safety Related Programming Language............................................. 41Table 9 - Climatic Condition Requirements ....................................................... 49Table 10 - Electromagnetic Compatibility........................................................... 50Table 11 - Input Module, Low Density I/O.......................................................... 64Table 12 - Output Modules, Low Density I/O ..................................................... 65Table 13 - Central Modules................................................................................ 69Table 14- Input Module, Triguard I/O................................................................. 69Table 15- Output Modules, Triguard I/O ............................................................ 70Table 16 – Triguard Multi-purpose Modules ...................................................... 70Table 17 – Auxiliary Chassis and PSUs............................................................. 70Doc No T8094Issue 23 – October 2012Page xix

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<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>1. INTRODUCTION1.1 PURPOSE OF <strong>SAFETY</strong><strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>The 8000 series TMR system has been designed and certified for use in safety relatedapplications. To ensure that systems build upon these foundations, it is necessary toimpose requirements on the way such systems are designed, built, tested, installedand <strong>com</strong>missioned, operated, maintained and de-<strong>com</strong>missioned. This Manual setsout the requirements to be met during the lifecycle stages of safety-related systems toensure that the safety objectives of the safety system are achievedThis Manual is intended primarily for system integrators. It is assumed that the readerhas a thorough understanding of the intended application and can translate readilybetween the generic terms used within this Manual and the terminology specific to theintegrator’s or project’s application area.The TMR system has been independently certified by the German certificationauthority Technischer Überwachungs-Verein (TÜV) to meet the requirements of IEC61508 SIL 3.The content of this Manual has been reviewed by TÜV and it represents therequirements that shall be fulfilled to achieve certifiable safety-related systems up toSIL 3. Conditions and configurations that shall be adhered to if the system is to remainin <strong>com</strong>pliance with the requirements of SIL 3 are clearly marked.The information contained in this Manual is intended for use by engineers and systemintegrators and is not intended to be a substitute for expertise or experience in safetyrelatedsystems. Requirements for quality systems, documentation and <strong>com</strong>petenceare included within this document; these are requirements, and NOT replacements, foran operating <strong>com</strong>pany’s or integrator's quality systems, procedures and practices. Thesystem integrator remains responsible for the generation of procedures and practicesapplicable to its business, and shall ensure that these are in accordance with therequirements defined herein. The application of such procedures and practices is alsothe responsibility of the system integrator, however, these shall be consideredmandatory for systems for SIL 3 applications.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 1 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>1.2 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTSThe following documents are associated with the safety requirements applicable to theTMR system or provide supporting information via TUV web Site.DocumentTitle"Maintenance Override" by TÜVSüddeutschland / TÜV Product ServiceGmbH and TÜV RheinlandIEC61508 Functional Safety of ProgrammableElectronic SystemsIEC61511 Functional safety: Safety InstrumentedSystems for the process industry sectorEN54-2NFPA 72:2007NFPA 85:2007NFPA 86:2007Fire Detection and Fire Alarm SystemsNational Fire Alarm CodeBoiler and Combustion Systems HazardsCodeStandard for Ovens and FurnacesTable 2 - Referenced documentsAn understanding of basic safety and functional safety principles and the content ofthese standards in particular are highly re<strong>com</strong>mended. The principles of thesestandards should be thoroughly understood before generating procedures andpractises to meet the requirements of this Safety Manual.1.3 TERMINOLOGYThe terms ‘certification’ and ‘certified’ are used widely within this Manual. Within thecontext of this Manual, these terms refer to the functional safety certification of theproduct to IEC 61508 SIL 3. The 8000 series as a product is certified to a wider rangeof standards that are outside the scope of this Safety Manual.This Manual contains rules and re<strong>com</strong>mendations:Rules are mandatory and must be followed if the resulting system is to be a SIL 3<strong>com</strong>pliant application. These are identified by terms such as ‘shall’.Re<strong>com</strong>mendations are not mandatory, but if they are not followed, extra safetyprecautions must be taken in order to certify the system. Re<strong>com</strong>mendations areidentified by terms such as `it is strongly re<strong>com</strong>mended’.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 2 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>1.3.1 Safety and Functional SafetySafety: The expectation that a system will not lead to risk to human life or health.Safety is traditionally associated with the characteristics or hazards resulting from thesystem itself; including fire hazards, electrical safety, etc. The requirements to besatisfied by the integrator here include wiring, protective covers, selection of materials,etc.Functional Safety: The ability of a system to carry out the actions necessary toachieve or to maintain a safe state for the process and its associated equipment.Functional safety is considered the ability of the system to perform its required safetyfunction. The requirements on the integrator here are to take the steps necessary toensure that system is free from faults, errors, and correctly implements the requiredsafety functions.This Manual concentrates on functional safety; it is assumed that the reader is familiarwith the methods of achieving basic safety.1.3.2 Safety Integrity and Risk Class LevelsThe TMR system is certified for use for applications to SIL 3 for subsections of thesystem using low density I/O.A Safety Integrity Level (SIL) is defined in IEC61508/IEC61511 as one of four possiblediscrete levels for specifying the safety integrity requirements of the safety functions tobe allocated to the safety-related system. SIL 4 has the highest level of safetyintegrity; SIL 1 has the lowest.However, IEC61508 requires that the <strong>com</strong>plete installation meet these requirements inorder to achieve an overall SIL. The system covered by this technical manual formsonly a part of such requirements.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 3 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>1.3.3 Process Safety Time (PST)Every process has a safety time that is the period that the process can be controlled bya faulty control-output signal without entering a dangerous condition. This is a functionof the process dynamic and the level of safety built into the process plant. TheProcess Safety Time 1 (PST) can range from seconds to hours, depending on theprocess. In instances where the process has a high demand rate and/or highlydynamic process the PST will be short, for example, turbine control applications maydictate process safety times down to around 100msThe PST dictates the response time for the <strong>com</strong>bination of the sensor, actuators andeach realised control or safety function. For demand or event-driven elements of thesystem, the response time of the system shall be considerably less than:(PST- Sensor and actuator delay)For convenience within this document, we will refer to the element of the PST relevantto the system’s response time as PST E , effective PST.For cyclic elements of the system, the system’s scan time shall be considerablyless than of the effective PST, i.e.:½ (PST- Sensor and actuator delay), or½ (PST E )The response time in the context of the process safety time must consider thesystem’s ability to respond, i.e. its probability of failure on demand (including its abilityto fulfil the required function within the required time). The probability of failure ondemand is a function of the system’s architecture, its self-test interval and its β-factor 2 .If the system architecture provided no fault tolerance, it would be necessary to ensurethat the sum of the response times (including sensors and actuators) and the faultdetection time does not exceed the process safety time.In practice, many of a system’s self-test intervals vary from seconds to hoursdepending on the element of the system under test. For higher requirements, thesystem architecture shall provide sufficient fault tolerance, or faults shall result in failsafeactions, i.e. there shall be no potential covert failures for those safety-relatedelements of the system. Degraded OperationNon-fault tolerant (simplex) systems, by definition, do not have the ability to continuetheir operation in the presence of fault conditions. If we consider a digital point, thestate may be 0, 1, or undefined (X). In the case of a fault within a non-fault tolerantsystem we would normally assume that the state be<strong>com</strong>es undefined in the presenceof faults. For safety applications, however, it is necessary to be able to define how thesystem will respond in the presence of faults and as faults accumulate, this is thesystem’s defined degraded operation. Traditionally, 0 is considered the fail-safe state,and 1 considered the operable condition. A standard non-fault tolerant system wouldtherefore be 1 channel operating (or 1-out of-1), degrading to undefined (X) in the caseof a fault. Obviously, this would be undesirable for safety applications, where werequire a fail-safe reaction in the case of a fault, a system providing this operationwould be 1-oo-1 fail-safe, or 10.The additional element in the degradation path is that the fault may occur but may behidden, or covert. The fault could be such that it prevents the system from respondingwhen required to do so. Obviously, this would also be unacceptable for safety1 The only source of information about the PST is the designer’s Loss Prevention Engineer. This data is notnormally supplied at bid or at the manufacturing stage, so a direct request for information should be made.This data must form part of the safety considerations for the system and design reviews must be afundamental part of safety engineering.2 The β-factor is a measure of <strong>com</strong>mon cause failure and is dependent on the equipment’s original design,which is assessed and certified independently, and the implementation of the guidance providing withinthis Safety Chapter. The <strong>com</strong>pact nature of the TMR system provides a β-factor of better than 1%.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 4 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>applications. To detect the presence of these covert faults, it is necessary to performtests, or diagnostics on the system. Detection of the covert fault is then used to forcethe system to its fail-safe condition. For a non-fault tolerant (simplex) system withdiagnostics, this is referred to as 1-oo-1D.Fault tolerant systems have redundant elements that allow the system to continueoperation or to ensure that the system fails safety in the presence of faults. Forexample, a dual system may be 1-oo-2 (also known as 2v2), with either channel ableto initiate the fail-safe reaction, or 2-oo-2 (1v2) requiring both channels to initiate thefail-safe reaction. The 1-oo-2 system provides a greater period between potentialfailure to respond to a hazard, but a higher probability of spurious responses. The 2-oo-2 system providing a greater period between spurious responses, but a higherchance of not responding when required. It is also possible to have dual systems withdiagnostics to address covert failures and help redress the balance between failure torespond and spurious response. A dual system could therefore be 2-oo-2D revertingto 1-oo-1D reverting to fail-safe, or 210.Consider a simple triplicated system, as shown in Figure 1. The input and outputdevices are assumed to be simply wired to the input and output channels to providethe requisite distribution and voting. We have assumed that the output vote is a simplemajority vote for this purpose. Note with non-8000 series systems there may be aneed for a <strong>com</strong>mon output-voting element.INPUT(Ch. A)1PROCESSOR(Ch. A)1OUTPUT(Ch. A)1INPUT(Ch. B)1PROCESSOR(Ch. B)1OUTPUT(Ch. B)1INPUT(Ch. C)1PROCESSOR(Ch. C)1OUTPUT(Ch. C)1Figure 1 - Simple Triplicated SystemDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 5 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>A failure in any element of each channel, e.g. Ch. A Input, will result in that <strong>com</strong>pletechannel’s failure. If this failure is fail-safe, only 1 of the remaining channels needs torespond to a demand condition to generate the safe reaction. If a second channel failssafe then the overall system will fail-safe. This is therefore a 3-2-0 architecture.Typically diagnostics are used to ensure that the fail-safe state can be assured, theoperation is therefore 2-oo-3D, reverting to 1-oo-2D, reverting to fail-safe.The 8000 series is a TMR system; this means that each stage of the system istriplicated, with the results from each preceding stage majority voted to provide bothfault tolerance and fault detection. Diagnostics are also used to ensure that covertfailures are detected and result in the correct fail-safe reaction. For example, a faultwithin Input Ch. A will be localised to that input, and unlike the standard triplicatedsystem, will allow Processor Ch. A and Output Ch. A to continue operation, i.e. theinput is now operating 1-oo-2D whilst the remainder of the system continues to operate2-oo-3.DiagnosticsINPUT(Ch. A)1DiagnosticsPROCESSOR(Ch. A)1DiagnosticsOUTPUT(Ch. A)1DiagnosticsINPUT(Ch. B)1DiagnosticsPROCESSOR(Ch. B)1DiagnosticsOUTPUT(Ch. B)1DiagnosticsINPUT(Ch. C)1DiagnosticsPROCESSOR(Ch. C)1DiagnosticsOUTPUT(Ch. C)1Figure 2 – TMR ArchitectureThe 8000 Series utilises this Triple Modular Redundant architecture with diagnostics,supporting a 2-oo-3D reverting to 1-oo-2D reverting to fail-safe, or 3-2-0 operation.The 1-oo-2D operation is a transient mode of operation where active and standbymodules are installed; in this case, the degradation is 3-2-3-2-0.The architecture, and hence degradation modes for low density I/O may be selected asrequired, see para. 3.2 in this Manual for further details.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 6 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>1.4 THE 8000 SERIES OVERVIEWThe TMR system is based on a triplicated microprocessor with internal redundancy ofall critical circuits. The system controls <strong>com</strong>plex and often critical processes in realtime - executing programs that accept external sensor signals, solving logic equations,performing calculations for continuous process control and generating external controlsignals. These user-defined application programs monitor and control real-worldprocesses in the oil and gas, refining, rail transit, power generation and relatedindustries across a wide range of control and safety applications. The TMR system iscertified for use in safety-related applications such as fire and gas detection, andemergency shutdown up to requirements of IEC 61508 SIL 3.Application programs for the TMR system are written and monitored using theIEC1131 TOOLSET , a Microsoft ® Windows NT, Windows 2000, or WindowsXP, based software suite running on a personal <strong>com</strong>puter.The TMR architecture provides a flexibility that allows each system to be easilyadapted to the different needs of any installation. This flexibility permits the user tochoose from different levels of I/O fault protection and provides a variety of I/Ointerfacing and <strong>com</strong>munications methods, thereby allowing the system to <strong>com</strong>municatewith other equipment and field devices.Those elements of the system that are to be used in safety-related operations arecertified to IEC 61508 SIL 3.. The remaining elements of the system are certified fornon-interfering operation.This manual covers the release as specified in the certified module list.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 7 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>2. <strong>SAFETY</strong> PRINCIPLES2.1 INTRODUCTIONThis paragraph provides an overview of generic safety principles with emphasis on thesystem integration process. These principles are applicable to all safety-relatedsystems, including, but not limited to, the 8000 series system.2.2 <strong>SAFETY</strong> MANAGEMENTA prerequisite for the achievement of functional safety is the implementation ofprocedural measures applicable to the safety lifecycle; these are collectively referred toas a Safety Management System. The Safety Management System defines thegeneric management and technical activities necessary for functional safety. In manycases, the Safety Management and Quality systems will be integrated within a singleset of procedures. It is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that the integrator have a qualitymanagement system in accordance with ISO9000.The safety management system shall include:• A statement of the policy and strategy to achieving functional safety.• A Safety Planning Procedure. This shall result in the definition of the safetylifecycle stages to be applied, the measures and techniques to be applied ateach stage, and responsibilities for <strong>com</strong>pleting these activities.• Definitions of the records to be produced and methods of managing theserecords, including change control. The change control procedures shallinclude records of modification requests, the impact analysis of proposedmodifications and the approval of modifications. The baseline for changecontrol shall be defined clearly.• Configuration items shall be uniquely identified and include versioninformation, e.g. system and safety requirements, system designdocumentation and drawings, application software source code, test plans,test procedures and results.• Methods of ensuring that persons are <strong>com</strong>petent to undertake their activitiesand fulfil their responsibilities.Expansion of these requirements is included within the following sub-paragraphs.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 8 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>2.2.1 Safety LifecycleThe Safety Lifecycle is designed to structure a system’s production into defined stagesand activities, and should include the following elements:• Scope definition• Functional requirements specification• System safety requirements specification• System engineering• Application programming• System production• System integration• System safety validation• System installation and <strong>com</strong>missioning• System operation and maintenance procedures• System modification• De<strong>com</strong>missioningThe definition of each lifecycle stage shall include its inputs, outputs and verificationactivities. It is not necessary to have stages within the lifecycle addressing each ofthese elements independently; it is important that all of these stages be covered withinthe lifecycle. Specific items that need to be considered for each of these lifecycleelements are described in the following sub-paragraphs. Scope DefinitionThe initial step in the system lifecycle should establish the bounds of the safety-relatedsystem and a clear definition of its interfaces with the process and all third partyequipment. This stage should also establish the requirements resulting from theintended installation environment, including climatic conditions, power sources, etc.In most cases, the client will provide this information. It is necessary to review thisinformation and establish a thorough understanding of the intended application, thebounds of the system to be provided and its intended operating conditions. Anexample checklist for the review of the scope definition is given in para. Functional RequirementsThis stage is to establish the <strong>com</strong>plete set of functions to be implemented by thesystem. The timing requirements for each of the functions are also to be established.Where possible, the functions should be allocated to defined modes of operation of theprocess.For each function, it is necessary to identify the process interfaces involved in each ofthe functions. Similarly, where the function involves data interchanged with third partyequipment, the data and interface are to be clearly identified. Where non-standardfield devices, <strong>com</strong>munications interfaces or <strong>com</strong>munications protocols are required, itis important that the detailed requirements for these interfaces be established andrecorded at this stage. In general, the client will provide the functional requirements. Itis, however, necessary to collate these requirements into a document, or documentset, including any clarification of the functional requirements. In cases where the clientprovides the functional requirements in an ambiguous form it will be necessary toclarify, document and establish agreement on the requirements with the client. It isre<strong>com</strong>mended that logic diagrams be used to represent the required functionality. Anexample checklist for the review of the functional requirements is given in para. 4.1.2.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 9 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Safety RequirementsThe functional requirements shall be analysed to determine their safety relevance.Where necessary, additional requirements shall be established to ensure that the plantwill fail-safe in the case of failures within the plant, the safety-related system, externalequipment and <strong>com</strong>munications or the safety-related system’s environment.For each safety-related function the required safety requirements class and safetyrelatedtiming requirements shall be defined. The client should supply this information.Where this information is not supplied it shall be established and agreed with the clientas part of this phase. It is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that the client approve the resultingsafety requirements. An example checklist for the review of the safety requirements isgiven in para. Systems EngineeringThis stage realises the safety-related system design. It is re<strong>com</strong>mended that theengineering <strong>com</strong>prise two stages, the first defining the overall system architecture, andthe second detailing the engineering of the architectural blocks.The overall system architecture shall identify the individual systems. The architecturefor these systems and for their sub-systems shall include any diverse or othertechnology elements.The architectural definition shall include the required safety requirements class foreach architectural element and identify the safety functions allocated to that element.Additional safety functions resulting from the selected system architecture shall bedefined at this stage. The detailed engineering shall refine the architectural elementsand culminate in detailed information for system build. The detailed design shall be ina form that is readable, readily understood and allows for simple inspection/review.Tools used within the system engineering process are to be carefully selected, withdue consideration of the potential of introduction of error and the required safetyrequirements class. Where there remains the possibility of error, procedural methodsof detecting such errors shall be included within the process. Safety Requirements AllocationsThe overall system architecture shall define the individual system. The architecture forthese systems, and for their sub-systems, shall include any diverse or other technologyelements. The architectural definition shall also define the required safetyrequirements class for each architectural element and identify the safety functionsallocated to that element. Additional safety functions resulting from the selectedsystem architecture will be defined at this stage.The detailed engineering shall refine the architectural elements and culminate indetailed information for system build. The detailed design shall be in a form that isreadable, readily understood and allows for simple inspection/review.Tools used within the system engineering process are to be carefully selected, withdue consideration of the potential for the possibility of introduction of error and therequired safety requirements class. Where there remains the possibility of error,procedural methods of detecting such errors shall be included within the process.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 10 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Application ProgrammingAn overall Application Program software architecture is to be defined.architecture will identify the software blocks and their allotted functions.The application architectural design shall be used to define the additional requirementsresulting from the system hardware design. Specifically, methods for addressingsystem specific testing, diagnostics and fault reporting are to be included.It is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that simulation testing be performed on each software block.This simulation testing should be used to show that each block performs its intendedfunctions and does not perform unintended functions.It is also highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that software integration testing be performed within thesimulation environment before hardware-software integration. The softwareintegration testing will show that all software blocks interact correctly to perform theirintended functions and do not perform unintended functions.The development of the application software shall follow a structured developmentcycle; the minimum requirements of which are:This• Architectural definition The application program shall be divided intolargely self-contained ‘blocks’ to simplify the implementation and testing.Safety and non-safety functions should be separated as far as possible atthis stage.• Detailed design and coding. This stage details the design, and implementseach of the blocks identified during the architectural definition.• Testing. This stage verifies the operation of the application; it isre<strong>com</strong>mended that the application blocks first be tested individually and thenintegrated and tested as a whole. This should be initially undertaken withinthe simulation environment.The resultant Application Programs shall be integrated with the system hardware andintegration testing performed. System ProductionThe system production stage implements the detailed system design. The productiontechniques, tools and equipment used within the production testing of the system shallbe <strong>com</strong>mensurate with the required safety requirements class. System IntegrationThis stage shall integrate the Application Programs with the target systems. Wheremultiple systems are used to meet the overall requirement, it is suggested that eachsystem undergoes individual application program and target system integration beforeoverall system integration is performed. To meet the requirements of the intendedsafety requirements class, the system integration shall ensure the <strong>com</strong>patibility of thesoftware and hardware.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 11 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Installation and CommissioningThe system installation stage shall define the steps to be undertaken to ensure that thesystem is installed correctly and <strong>com</strong>missioned on the plant. These steps shall includethe physical and electrical installation of the system.The installation environment is a potential source of <strong>com</strong>mon cause failure. Therefore,it is vital that <strong>com</strong>patibility of the equipment is established. The `environment` forthese purposes includes the climatic, hazardous area, power, earthing and EMCconditions. In many cases, there may not be a single installation environment.Elements of the system may be installed in differing location, i.e. central control room,equipment rooms and field installations. In these cases, it is important to establish theequipment and environment <strong>com</strong>patibility for each site.The first step in the installation sequence is typically the physical installation of thesystem. Where the system <strong>com</strong>prises a number of physically separate units, it isimportant that the sequence of installation be established. This may include theinstallation of termination facilities before the remaining elements of the system. Inthese cases, it is important to establish that independent installation and testingfacilities are available.Each installation shall be designed to ensure that the control equipment is notoperated in environments that are beyond its design tolerances. Therefore,consideration should be given to the proper control of temperature, humidity, vibrationand shock, as well as adequate shielding and earthing to ensure that exposure toelectromagnetic interference and electrostatic discharge sources are minimised.The <strong>com</strong>missioning stage is to establish the system hook-up and verify its correct ‘endto-end’functionality, including the connection between the TMR system and therequired sensors and final elements. It is likely that groups of functions are<strong>com</strong>missioned rather than the system as a whole, i.e. ac<strong>com</strong>modation area functionsbefore production functions. In these cases, it is important to establish the<strong>com</strong>missioning sequence and the measures to be taken to ensure safe operationduring periods of partial <strong>com</strong>missioning. These measures shall be system specific andshall be defined clearly before <strong>com</strong>missioning. It is important to establish that anytemporary measures implemented for test purposes or to allow partial <strong>com</strong>missioningare removed before the system, as a whole, be<strong>com</strong>es live.Records shall be maintained throughout the <strong>com</strong>missioning process. These recordsshall include records of the tests <strong>com</strong>pleted, problem reports and resolution of theseproblems.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 12 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Safety System ValidationSafety system validation shall test the integrated system to ensure <strong>com</strong>pliance with therequirements specification at the intended safety requirements class. The validationactivities should include those necessary to establish that the required safety functionshave been implemented under normal start-up, shutdown and abnormal fault modes.The validation shall ensure that each functional safety requirement has beenimplemented at the required safety integrity level, and that the realisation of thefunction achieves its performance criteria, specifically that the process safety timerequirements have been met. The validation shall also consider the potential external<strong>com</strong>mon cause failures, i.e. power sources, environmental conditions, and ensure thatthe system will provide fail-safe operation in the event of conditions exceeding itscapabilities. Operation and Maintenance PlanThis Operation and Maintenance requirement ensures that functional safety continuesbeyond the design, production, installation and <strong>com</strong>missioning of the system. The inserviceoperation and maintenance is normally beyond the system integratorresponsibility. However, guidance and procedures shall be provided to ensure that thepersons or organisations responsible for Operation and Maintenance maintain theintended safety levels.The Operating and Maintenance Plan shall include the following:• Although the TMR product requires no specific power-up and power-downrequirements, it is possible that the project specific implementation willdictate specific action sequences. These sequences shall be clearly defined,ensuring that the sequences cannot result in periods of the system’s inabilityto respond safely whilst a hazard may be present.• The Maintenance Plan shall detail the procedures to be adopted whenre-calibrating sensors, actuators and I/O modules. The re<strong>com</strong>mendedcalibration periods shall also be included.• The Maintenance Plan shall include the procedure to be adopted for testingthe system, and the maximum intervals between manual testing.• Sensor and actuator maintenance will require the application of overrides incertain circumstances. Where these are required, they shall be implementedin accordance with the guidance provided within this document. Planned MaintenanceIn most system configurations there will be some elements that are not tested by thesystem’s internal test facilities. These may be the final passive elements in some I/Omodules types, the sensors and actuators themselves and the field wiring. A regime ofPlanned Maintenance testing shall be adopted to ensure that faults do not accumulatewithin those elements that could ultimately lead to the system’s inability to perform itsrequired safety functions. The maximum interval between these tests shall be definedduring the system design, i.e. before installation. It is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that thetest interval be less than 12 months.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 13 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Field Device MaintenanceDuring the lifetime of the system, it will be necessary to undertake a number of fieldmaintenance activities that will include re-calibration, testing and replacement ofdevices. Facilities should be included within the system design to allow thesemaintenance activities to be undertaken. Similarly, the operating and maintenanceplan needs to include these maintenance activities, and their effect on the systemoperation and design. In general, adequate provision for these measures will bedefined by the client, and provided the facilities, i.e. maintenance overrides, areimplemented within the requirements specified within this document. No further safetyrequirements will be required.It is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that the I/O forcing capability NOT be used to support fielddevice maintenance; this facility is provided to support application testing only. Shouldthis facility be used, the requirements defined in para. 3.8 shall be applied. Module Fault HandlingWhen properly configured and installed, the TMR system is designed to operatecontinuously and correctly even if one of its modules has a fault. When a module doeshave a fault it should be replaced promptly to ensure that faults do not accumulate,thereby causing multiple failure conditions that could cause a plant shutdown. Allmodules permit live removal and replacement, and modules within a fault-tolerantconfiguration can be removed with no further action. Modules that do not have apartner slot or smart slot configured and have a fail-safe configuration will require theapplication of override or bypass signals for the period of the module removal toensure that unwanted safety responses are not generated inadvertently.On-site repair of modules is not supported; all failed modules should be returned forrepair and/or fault diagnosis. The return procedure for modules should includeprocedures to identify the nature and circumstances of the failure and the systemresponse. Records of module failures and repair actions shall be maintained. MonitoringIn order to establish that the safety objectives have been met through the lifetime ofthe system it is important to maintain records of the faults, failures and anomalies.This requires the maintenance of records by both the end-user and the systemintegrator. The records maintained by the end-user are outside the scope of thisdocument; however, it is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that the following information beincluded:• Description of the fault, failure or anomaly• Details of the equipment involved, including module types and serialnumbers where appropriate• When the fault was experienced and any circumstances leading to itsoccurrence• Any temporary measures implemented to correct or work around the problem• Description of the resolution of the problem and reference to remedial actionplans and impact analysisEach system integrator should define the field returns, repair and defect handlingprocedure. The information requirements placed on the end user because of thisprocedure should be clearly documented and provided to the end user. The defecthandling procedure shall include:• Method of detecting product related defects and the reporting of these to theoriginal designers.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 14 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>• Methods for detecting systematic failure that may affect other elements of thesystem or other systems, and links to the satisfactory resolution of theissues.• Procedures for tracking all reported anomalies, their work around and/orresultant corrective action where applicable. System ModificationDesign changes will inevitably occur during the system lifecycle; to ensure that thesystem safety is maintained, such changes shall be carefully managed. Proceduresdefining the measures to be adopted when updating the plant or system shall bedocumented. These procedures shall be the responsibility of the end-user. Thesystem integrator shall provide sufficient guidance to ensure that these proceduresmaintain the required level of functional safety. Special consideration shall be given tothe procedures to be adopted in case of product level updates and enhancement, i.e.module and firmware updates. Updates to the system shall include considerations ofthe requirements for application changes and firmware changes. These proceduralmeasures shall include:• Requirement to undertake impact analysis of any such changes• The measures to be implemented during the modification to the system andits programming. These measures shall be in-line with the requirementswithin this document. Specifically, the requirements defined in sections 2.2to shall be applied, as well as the additional requirements defined inthis paragraph (• The definition of these procedures shall include the review and authorisationprocess to be adopted for system changes. BaselinesBaselines shall be declared beyond which any change shall follow the formal changemanagement procedure. The point within the lifecycle at which these baselines aredeclared depends on the detail of the processes involved, the <strong>com</strong>plexity of thesystem, how amenable to change these processes are, and the required safetyrequirements class. It is re<strong>com</strong>mended that the baseline for formal change process isthe <strong>com</strong>pletion of each step in the lifecycle. However, as a minimum the baseline shallbe declared before the presence of the potential hazards, i.e. before start-up. Modification RecordsRecords of each requested or required change shall be maintained. The changemanagement procedure shall include the consideration of the impact of each of therequired/requested changes before authorising the implementation of the change. Theimplementation of the change should repeat those elements of the lifecycleappropriate to the change. The test of the resultant changes should include nonregressiontesting in addition to test of the change itself.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 15 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> De<strong>com</strong>missioningThe procedure for de<strong>com</strong>missioning the system shall be defined. This procedure is toinclude any specific requirements for the safe de<strong>com</strong>missioning of the system and,where applicable, the safe disposal or return of materials.As with <strong>com</strong>missioning, it is likely that the de<strong>com</strong>missioning be performed in a phasedmanner. The de<strong>com</strong>missioning procedure shall ensure that a plan be developed thatmaintains the functional safety whilst the corresponding hazards are present.Similarly, the installation environment of the control equipment shall be maintainedwithin its operating envelope whilst it is required to function.• The de<strong>com</strong>missioning plan shall identify the sequence that the hazards areto be removed.• Methods shall be defined to ensure that the interaction between safetyfunctions can be removed without initiating safety responses and stillmaintain safety functionality for the remaining potential hazards. This shallinclude the interaction between systems.• The de<strong>com</strong>missioning procedure shall define which modules/materials are tobe returned for safe disposal following de<strong>com</strong>missioning.2.3 FUNCTIONAL <strong>SAFETY</strong> ASSESSMENTThe functional safety assessment process shall confirm the effectiveness of theachievement of functional safety for the system. The functional safety assessment, inthis context, is limited to the safety-related system and will ensure that the system isdesigned, constructed and installed in accordance with the safety requirements.Each required safety function and its required safety properties shall be considered.The effects of faults and errors within the system and application programs, failureexternal to the system and procedural deficiencies in these safety functions are to beconsidered.The assessments are to be undertaken by an audit team that shall include personneloutside of the project. At least one functional safety assessment shall be performedbefore the presence of the potential hazards, i.e. before start-up.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 16 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>2.3.1 CompetencyThe achievement of functional safety requires the implementation of the safetylifecycle and ensuring that persons who are responsible for any safety lifecycleactivities are <strong>com</strong>petent to discharge those responsibilities.All persons involved in any safety lifecycle activity, including management activities,shall have the appropriate training, technical knowledge, experience and qualificationsrelevant to the specific duties they have to perform. The suitability of persons for theirdesignated safety lifecycle activities shall be based on the specific <strong>com</strong>petency factorsrelevant to the particular application and shall be recorded.The following <strong>com</strong>petence factors should be addressed when assessing and justifyingthe <strong>com</strong>petence of persons to carry out their duties:• Engineering experience appropriate to the application area.• Engineering experience appropriate to the technology.• Safety engineering experience appropriate to the technology.• Knowledge of the legal and safety regulatory framework.• The consequences of failure of the safety-related system.• The safety requirements class of the safety-related systems.• The novelty of the design, design procedures or application.• Previous experience and its relevance to the specific duties to be performedand the technology being employed.In all of the above, the higher risk will require increased rigour with the specificationand assessment of the <strong>com</strong>petence.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 17 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3. SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS3.1 INTRODUCTIONThis paragraph expands on and applies the safety principles described earlier in thisManual. Many of the re<strong>com</strong>mendations within this paragraph are equally applicable toother safety-related systems. However, the details of the re<strong>com</strong>mendations orrequirements are specific to the TMR system.3.2 I/O ARCHITECTURESThe TMR system has very <strong>com</strong>prehensive internal diagnostics that reveal both covertand overt failures. The hardware implementation of many of the fault tolerance andfault detection mechanisms provides for rapid fault detection for most systemelements. Self-test facilities used to diagnose faults within the remainder of thesystem are defined to provide optimum safety availability. These self-test facilities mayrequire short periods of off-line operation or introduce conditions, i.e. alarm or fault testconditions, which effectively result in the point being off-line within that redundantchannel. Within TMR configurations, this period of off-line operation only affects thesystem’s ability to response under multiple fault conditions.The TMR Processors, TMR Interfaces, Expander Interfaces and Expander Processorsare all naturally redundant and have been designed to withstand multiple faults andsupport a fixed on-line repair configuration in adjacent slots and therefore require littlefurther consideration. The input and output modules support a number of architectureoptions, the effects of the chosen architecture should be evaluated against the systemand application specific requirements.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 18 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.2.1 Safety-Related ConfigurationsTMR Processor8110TÜV CertifiedConfiguration2oo3ConditionsCertified as safety-related and can be used forsafety-critical applications in SIL 3 in single moduleor active/standby configurations.TMR Processor8110B (IRIG-B)Peer to PeerSoftware boarddefinitions Dxpdi16,Dxpdo16,Dxpai16,Dxpao16,Dxpdi128,Dxpdi128 &dxpnc40Peer to PeerSoftware boarddefinitionsDxpai128 &Dxpao128TMR Interface2oo3Certified for use overa single<strong>com</strong>municationnetwork or multiplenetworksCertified for use overa single<strong>com</strong>municationnetwork or multiplenetworks8160 2oo3Certified as safety-related and can be used forsafety-critical applications in SIL 3 in single moduleor active/standby configurations.IRIG-B functionality is interference free and can notbe used for safety functionsCertified as safety-related and can be used forsafety-critical <strong>com</strong>munication in SIL 3 applications.Certified as safety-related and can be used forsafety-critical <strong>com</strong>munication in SIL 3 applicationsprovided two separate Dxpai128 & Dxpao128board definitions are used for safety values, thesafety values from the two Dxpai128 boards (ordigital trip points from the values) shall have a1oo2 vote within the receiving application.Certified as safety-related and can be used forsafety-critical applications in single module oractive/standby configurations.CommunicationInterface8150 / 8151 / 8151BExpander Modules,(XIM / XPM)8310 / 8311Fiber TX/RX Unit8314Not safety related butinterference freeNot safety related butinterference free2oo3Not safety related butinterference free2oo3Certified as non-interfering safety-related and canbe used for safety-critical <strong>com</strong>munication in SIL 3 aspart of the grey channel in single or dual moduleconfigurations.Certified as non-interfering safety-related and canbe used for safety-critical <strong>com</strong>munication in SIL 3 aspart of the grey channel in single module oractive/standby configurations.Certified as non-interfering safety-related and canbe used for safety-critical <strong>com</strong>munication in SIL 3.Table 3 - Central ModulesDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 19 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Digital Inputs8403, Triplicated, 24VDC8423, Triplicated,120VDCDigital Inputs8402, Dual,24 VDCDigital Inputs8424, Triplicated,120 VACAnalog Inputs8431, Triplicated8433, Triplicated,isolatedAnalog Inputs8432, DualTÜV CertifiedConfigurationInternal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Internal 1oo2D(1oo2 implemented ina single module)Internal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Internal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Internal 1oo2D(1oo2 implemented ina single module)ConditionsNormally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.Normally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.Time-limited operation in degraded modeNormally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.Within the manufactures specified safety accuracylimits. The safety state of the analogue input has tobe defined to 0 mA/0 VCertified SIL 3.Within the manufactures specified safety accuracylimits. The safety state of the analogue input has tobe defined to 0 mA/0 VTime-limited operation in degraded mode.Certified: SIL 3.Table 4 - Input Modules High Density I/ODigital Outputs8451, Triplicated 24VDC8471, Triplicated120VDC8461, Triplicated48VDCDigital Outputs8472, Triplicated120VACAnalog Outputs8480 Analog Output4-20 mATÜV CertifiedConfigurationInternal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Internal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Not safety related butinterference freeConditionsNormally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.May be used in single module or active/standbyconfigurations.Normally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.May be used in single module or active/standbyconfigurations.Certified as non-interfering and can be used for nonsafety-criticaloutput devices.Table 5 - Output Modules High Density I/ODoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 20 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Speed MonitorModule8442, Triplicated,Pulse Generator8444, Triplicated,24VDCZone Interface8448 Triplicated,24VDCValve Monitor8449, Triplicated,24VDCTÜV CertifiedConfigurationInternal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Not safety related butinterference freeInternal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Internal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Inputs:ConditionsWithin the manufactures specified safety accuracylimits.Outputs:Normally energized (de-energize to trip relays).Normally open or Normally closed Contacts can beusedCertified SIL 3.Certified as non-interfering and can be used for nonsafety-criticaldevices.Outputs:Normally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.May be used in single module or active/standbyconfigurations.Inputs:Normally de-energized (energize to trip): only forapplications that fulfil the requirements undersection 3.2.4, and only for “trip amplifier” (like gasinputs) or quasi digital inputs (like fire loops).Normally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedonly if the inputs are dynamically transitioned at aperiod not greater than the second fault occurrencetime.Analog measurements: certified only if the input isdynamically exercised over its full range within aperiod shorter than the second fault occurrencetime 3 .Non-interfering for non-safety-critical devicesOutputs:Normally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.Safety critical valve may only be tested towards thesafe position.May be used in single module or active/standbyconfigurations.Inputs:Certified as non-interfering and can be used for nonsafety-criticaldevices.Table 6 - Multi-purpose Modules, High Density I/O3 The analog input must be exercised over it’s full range (i.e. 0 to 4095) over a period of time related to thesafety accuracy specification of the module and the discrepancy detection time configured for the system.For typical systems, the discrepancy detection time is 200 seconds.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 21 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>ConditionsController Chassis8100Expander Chassis8300Power Supply Rack820X15Vdc Power Supply UnitCertified as safety related and can be used for safety criticalapplications in SIL 3Certified as safety related and can be used for safety criticalapplications in SIL 3Certified as safety related and can be used for safety criticalapplications in SIL 3 together with either of the following powersupply units providing reinforced insulation according to EN60950.Alternatively, any power supply <strong>com</strong>pliant with IEC 61131-2 may beusedProviding reinforced insulation according to EN609508220, 110 - 220 VAC, DualInput24Vdc Power Supply UnitProviding reinforced insulation according to EN609508225, 110 - 220 VAC, DualInputTable 7 - Auxiliary ModulesRevisions of modules are subject to change. A list of the released versions is held byTÜV or can be obtained from ICS Triplex Ltd.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 22 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.2.2 High-Density I/OThe High-Density I/O modules are either inherently triplicated or dual redundant with<strong>com</strong>prehensive self-test and diagnosis facilities. The self-tests are co-ordinated toensure that a majority can be established even in case of a demand during theexecution of the tests. Discrepancy and deviation monitoring further enhance theverification and fault detection. The TMR Processor tests internal interfaces to thecontroller. The culmination of these measures results in high levels of fault detectionand tolerance, ultimately leading to fail-safe operation in the event of multiple faultconditions. The maximum fault detection time for each module type is specified withinits associated Product Description. In all cases, even in the presence of a fault duringthis period, the system will continue to be able to respond. Under multiple faultconditions the second fault detection period within the repair time may need to beconsidered where the system is used in high or continuous demand safetyapplications.All High Density I/O modules include line-monitoring facilities; it is re<strong>com</strong>mended thatthese facilities be enabled for safety-related I/O. For normally de-energised I/O thesefacilities shall be enabled, see 3.2.4.Ch. ACh. BCh. CFigure 3 - Single High Density TMR I/O Module ArchitectureThe system supports single module, where it is acceptable to either stop the system orallow the signals corresponding to that module to change to their default state, and twoactive-standby configurations. The first active-standby configuration is toac<strong>com</strong>modate the active and spare modules in adjacent slot positions, the second isuse the SmartSlot configuration where a single module position may be used as thespare for a number of active modules. All configurations may be used for safetyrelatedapplications; the choice between the configurations supporting live on-linerepair is dependent on the end-user’s preference and the number of faulty modules tobe repaired simultaneously.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 23 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Standby ModuleCh. ACh. ACh. BCh. BCh. CCh. CActive ModuleFigure 4 - SmartSlot or Adjacent Slot TMR Module ConfigurationThe High Density I/O modules support the system’s inherent TMR architecture. Toannunciate the failure, diagnostic and status information is available within thecorresponding module information available to the application programmer. Faults willalso result in the generation of the corresponding front panel indication on the I/Omodule and the system healthy indicator and status output.A majority fault condition on an I/O point, i.e. a fault beyond its fault tolerantcapability, results in a fail-safe logical state (logical 0). The input state is forcedto “unknown”, state 0x07 in this condition and the analog level to -2048. Themodule fault status and fault codes will be set accordingly, and may beoptionally used for remote diagnosis purposes.The maximum duration for single-channel operation of High Density Dual I/Omodules depends on the specific process and must be specified individually foreach application. For a specific system configuration this time can bedetermined through a quantitative analysis performed by ICS Triplex Ltd. usinga TÜV approved modelling technique. If no calculation is available, themaximum duration for single channel operation is 72 hours for (SIL 3) safetyrelatedapplications.When a module is operating in a Dual mode (or degraded to a dual mode) and astate discrepancy occurs. If no module fault is detected, the state reported tothe application will always be the lower of the two states for a digital module,and the higher of the two states for an analogue module.In safety critical applications, the channel discrepancy alarms shall bemonitored and alarmed to the operator.The I/O modules use the active-standby arrangement to support bumpless on-linerepair. The module architecture allows the faulty module to continue normal serviceuntil a replacement module is available and unlike conventional hot-standbyconfigurations, allows for a controlled transfer even in the presence of a fault condition.The standby module may be permanently installed to reduce the repair time to anabsolute minimum.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 24 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.2.3 Analog Input Safety AccuracyWhen High Density Analog input modules are used, the system uses the medianvalue. The deviations between the redundant channels’ measurements are monitoredto determine if they are within the safety accuracy limit, refer to the associatedmodule’s Product Description for its safety accuracy specification. When a singlechannel measurement exceeds the safety accuracy limit then a discrepancy alarm isset for the input channel. Furthermore, should two or more redundant channelmeasurements exceed the safety accuracy limit then the reported channel value is setto -2048 and the channel line fault status set to True.In safety critical applications, the line fault status shall be monitored by theapplication program and be used to initiate the appropriate safety function whentwo or more slice readings for a channel exceed the safety accuracy limit.Furthermore, the discrepancy alarms should be monitored and alarmed to theoperator.3.2.4 Energise to Action ConfigurationsCertain applications may require normally open (energise to action) input and energiseto action outputs.Normally de-energised configurations shall only be used if:• the activation of the system is only mitigating an already existinghazard such as in fire and gas applications SIL 1 to SIL 3, or• the activation of the system is a hazard itself and the system is used ina SIL 1 to SIL 3 application for 8000 series modules and <strong>com</strong>pliantapplication for 7000 series modules.Additionally the following restrictions apply:• At least two independent power sources must be used. These powersources must provide emergency power for a safe process shutdownor a time span required by the application.• Each power source must be provided with power integrity monitoringwith safety critical input read back into the TMR system controller orimplicit power monitoring provided by the I/O modules. Any powerfailure shall lead to an alarm.• Unless provided implicitly in the I/O modules, all safety critical inputsand outputs must be fitted with external line and load integritymonitoring and safety critical read back of the line-status signals. Anyline or load failure shall lead to an alarm.• Only modules specifically identified for the use in restricted normallyde-energized configurations shall be used.In cases where one or more output is used in energise to trip configuration all specificrequirements above are to be followed for all associated inputs.If energise to trip safety-related outputs are used, line fault conditions shall bemonitored by the system application and alarmed to plant operations personnel.Line monitor devices shall be installed as close to the field sensor (or actuator ifrequired) as is practicable. Line fault status shall be monitored by the systemapplication and alarmed to plant operations personnel.Line monitoring may also be used in de-energise to trip safety critical input applicationsbut is not specifically required.When isolation barriers are used in safety critical applications, line-monitoringthresholds shall be configured to detect barrier faults. This ensures that barrierfaults do not inhibit the safety critical function.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 25 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.2.5 EN 60204 Category 0 & 1 ConfigurationsThe system is fully <strong>com</strong>pliant for use with category 0 application (de-energise to trip).Category 1 configurations require a controlled stop with power available to the machineactuators to achieve the stop and then removal of power.The 8000 system has a defined internal fail-safe state as de-energised. This couldresult in the defined shutdown delay being shortened in some cases of I/O failure, CPUfailure or loss of power to the system.3.2.6 NFPA 72 RequirementsThe 8000 system is certified to be used in NPFA 72 <strong>com</strong>pliant fire alarm systems.The systems should be designed and integrated in accordance with NFPA 72. Inparticular the following shall be applied.Unless otherwise permitted, all field loops to sensors and actuators, inter-systemand subsystem signal wiring, and <strong>com</strong>munications links shall be line monitored forsingle open & short circuits. The fault condition and the restoration to normal shallbe automatically indicated within 200seconds.3.2.7 NFPA 85 RequirementsThe 8000 system is certified to be used in NFPA 85 <strong>com</strong>pliant systems.The systems should be integrated in accordance with NFPA 85. In particular thefollowing shall be applied.• The operator shall be provided with a dedicated manual switch that shallindependently and directly actuate the safety shutdown trip relay. At least oneidentified manual switch shall be located remotely from the boiler where it can bereached in case of emergency.• The burner management system shall be provided with independent logic,independent input/output systems, and independent power supplies and shall be afunctionally and physically separate device from other logic systems, such as theboiler or HRSG control system.• Momentary Closing of Fuel Values. Logic sequences or devices intended to causea safety shutdown, once initiated, shall cause a burner or master fuel trip, asapplicable, and shall require operator action prior to resuming operation of theaffected burner(s). No logic sequence or device shall be permitted that allowsmomentary closing and subsequent inadvertent reopening of the main or ignitionfuel valves.• Documentation shall be provided to the owner and operator, indicating that allsafety devices and logic meet the requirements of the application.• System response time (i.e. throughput) shall be sufficiently short to preventnegative effects on the application.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 26 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.2.8 NFPA 86 RequirementsThe 8000 system is certified to be used in NFPA 86 <strong>com</strong>pliant systems.The systems should be integrated in accordance with NFPA 86. In particular thefollowing shall be applied.• The supplier of the application software for the programmable controller shallprovide the end user and the authority having jurisdiction with the documentationneeded to verify that all related safety devices and safety logic are functionalbefore the programmable controller is placed in operation.• In the event of a power failure, the programmable controller (hardware andsoftware) shall not prevent the system from reverting to a safe default condition. Asafe condition shall be maintained upon the restoration of power.• The control system shall have a separate manual emergency witch, independentof the programmable controller, that initiates a safe shutdown.• Any changes to hardware or software shall be documented, approved, andmaintained in a file on the site.• System operation shall be tested and verified for <strong>com</strong>pliance with this standardand the original design criteria whenever the programmable controller is replaced,repaired, or updated.• Whenever application software that contains safety logic or detection logic ismodified, system operation shall be verified for <strong>com</strong>pliance with this standard andthe original design criteria.• The NFPA certification is only applicable where the system is applied inaccordance with the safety manual and NFPA86 requirements.• A programmable controller not listed for <strong>com</strong>bustion safety service shall bepermitted to monitor safety interlocks, or to provide burner control functions,provided that its use <strong>com</strong>plies with both of the following:(1) The programmable controller shall not interfere with or prevent the operation ofthe safety interlocks.(2) Only isolated programmable controller contacts (not directly connected to apower source) shall be permitted to be wired in series with the safety interlocks topermit burner control functions.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 27 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.2.9 EN54 RequirementsThe 8000 system is certified to be used in EN 54 <strong>com</strong>pliant systems.The systems should be integrated in accordance with EN 54. In particular the followingshall be applied.• Where an alphanumeric display is used to display indications relating to different functionalconditions these may be displayed at the same time. However for each functionalcondition there shall be only one window, in which all of the fields relating to that functionalcondition are grouped.• Unless EN 54 section 7.12 applies, the time taken by scanning, interrogation, or otherprocessing of signals from fire detectors, in addition to that required to take the fire alarmdecision, shall not delay the indication of the fire alarm condition, or of a new zone in alarmby more than 10 s.• The control and indicating equipment shall enter the fire alarm condition within 10 s of theactivation of any manual call point• The audible indication shall be capable of being silenced by means of a separate manualcontrol at access level 1 or 2. This control shall only be used for silencing the audibleindication, and may be the same as that used for silencing in the fault warning condition.• The control and indicating equipment shall be capable of being reset from the fire alarmcondition. This shall only be possible by means of a separate manual control at EN 54defined access level 2. This control shall be used only for reset and may be the same asthat used for reset from the fault warning condition.• Unless 7.11 and/or 7.12 apply, the control and indicating equipment shall action allmandatory outputs within 3 s of the indication of a fire alarm condition• Unless 7.11 applies, the control and indicating equipment shall action all mandatory outputswithin 10 s of the activation of any manual call point.• The control and indicating equipment shall enter the fault warning condition within 100 s ofthe occurrence of the fault or the reception of a fault signal, or within another time asspecified in this European Standard or in other parts of EN 54.• Total loss of the power supply (option with requirements)In the event of the loss of the main power source (as specified in EN 54-4), thecontrol and indicating equipment may have provision to recognize and indicate thefailure of the standby power source to a point where it may no longer bepossible to fulfil mandatory functions of this European Standard. In this case atleast an audible indication shall be given for a period of at least one hour.• A system fault shall be audibly indicated. This indication may be capable of beingsilenced.• The cabinet of the control and indicating equipment shall be of robust construction,consistent with the method of installation re<strong>com</strong>mended in the documentation. Itshall meet at least classification IP30 of IEC 60529:2004.• All mandatory indications shall be visible at access level 1 without prior manualintervention (e.g. the need to open a door).• If the control and indicating equipment is designed to be used with a power supply(item L of figure 1 of EN 54-1) contained in a separate cabinet, then an interfaceshall be provided for at least two transmission paths to the power supply, such thata short circuit or an interruption in one does not affect the other.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 28 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>[EN54 section 7.12 Co-incidence detection (option with requirements)Following the receipt of a signal from a fire detector, and until one or moreconfirmatory signals are received from the same or other points, the CIE mayhave provision to inhibit either the indication of the fire alarm condition, orthe operation of outputs to- fire alarm devices (item C of figure 1 of EN 54-1), and/or;- fire alarm routing equipment (item E of figure 1 of EN 54-1), and/or;- fire protection equipment (item G of figure 1 of EN 54-1) .In these cases at least the following shall apply:a) it shall be possible to select the feature at access level 3 for individualzones;b) the inhibition of one output signal shall not affect the actioning of otheroutputs.][EN54 section 7.11, Delays to outputs (option with requirements - see also 9.4.2.c) andannex E)The control and indicating may have provision to delay the actioning of outputsto fire alarm devices (item C of figure 1 of EN 54-1) and/or to fire alarm routingequipment (item E of figure 1 of EN 54-1). In these cases at least the followingshall apply:a) the operation of delays to outputs to C shall be selectable at accesslevel 3 to apply to- fire detectors, and/or;- manual call points, and/or;- signals from specific zones;b) the operation of delays to outputs to E shall be selectable at accesslevel 3, to apply to- fire detectors, and/or;- signals from specific zones.c) the delay times shall be configurable at access level 3, in increments notexceeding 1 minute, up to a maximum of 10 minutes;d) it shall be possible to override the delays and immediately action delayedoutputs by means of a manual operation at access level 1 and/or by meansof a signal from a manual call point;e) the delay to one output signal shall not affect the actioning of other outputs.]Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 29 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.3 SENSOR CONFIGURATIONSIt is re<strong>com</strong>mended that safety critical process inputs be measured using redundantinput sensors.Some applications may require multiple sensors and I/O points per safetyfunctionIn safety critical input applications using a single sensor, it is important that thesensor failure modes be predictable and well understood, so that there is littleprobability of a failed sensor not responding to a critical process condition. Insuch a configuration, it is important that the sensor be tested regularly, either bydynamic process conditions that are verified in the TMR system, or by manualintervention testing.The function of a signal shall be considered when allocating the module and channelwithin the system. In many cases, redundant sensor and actuator configurations maybe used, or differing sensor and actuator types provide alternate detection and controlpossibilities. Plant facilities frequently have related signals, e.g. start, and stop signals,in these cases it is important to ensure that failures beyond the system’s fault-tolerantcapability do not result in either inability to respond safely or in inadvertent operation.In some cases, this will require that channels be allocated on the same module, toensure that a module failure results in the associated signals failing-safe.However, in most cases, it will be necessary to separate the signals across modules.Where non-redundant configurations are employed, it is especially important to ensurethat the fail-safe action is generated in case of failures within the system.Field loop power should be considered in the allocation of signals to input channelsand modules. For normally energised input configurations, field loop power failure willlead to the fail-safe reaction. As with the allocation of signals to modules, there maybe related functions, e.g. start and stop signals, where loss of field power should beconsidered in the same manner as the signal allocation. Where signals are poweredfrom separate power groups, it is important that this separation be maintained whenallocating the signals to modules, i.e. that they are not connected to input channelswithin the same power group.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 30 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.4 ACTUATOR CONFIGURATIONSAs with sensor configurations it is re<strong>com</strong>mended that redundant actuatorconfigurations be used for safety-critical applications.Some applications may require multiple actuators and I/O points per safetyfunctionIn safety-critical applications using a single actuator, it is important that theactuator failure modes be predictable and well understood, so that there is littleprobability of a failed actuator not responding to a critical process condition.In such a configuration, it is important that the actuator be tested regularly, either bydynamic process conditions that are verified in the TMR system, or by manualintervention testing.The function of a signal shall be considered when allocating the module and channelwithin the system. In many cases, redundant actuator configurations may be used, ordiffering actuator types provide alternate control and mitigation possibilities. Plantfacilities frequently have related signals; in these cases it is important to ensure thatfailures beyond the system’s fault-tolerant capability do not result in either an inabilityto respond to safety demands or in inadvertent operation. In some cases, this willrequire that channels be allocated on the same module, to ensure that a module failureresults in the associated signals failing-safe. However, in most cases, it will benecessary to separate the signals across modules. Where non-redundantconfigurations are employed, it is especially important to ensure that the fail-safeaction is generated in case of failures within the system.Field loop power should be considered in the allocation of signals to output channelsand modules. For normally energised configurations, field loop power failure will leadto the fail-safe reaction. As with the allocation of signals to modules, there may berelated functions where loss of field power should be considered in the same manneras the signal allocation. Where signals are powered from separate power groups, it isimportant that this separation be maintained when allocating the signals to modules,i.e. that inadvertent coupling between power groups, and particularly return paths, arenot generated.3.5 PFD CALCULATIONSSystems that are configured to meet the needs of IEC 61508 will require the PFD forthe safety instrumented functions to be calculated.For information regarding the calculation for the 8000 system and PFD numbersallocated for the 8000 system pleased refer to the TUV approved PFD calculationdocument listed in the approved version list.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 31 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.6 PROCESSOR CONFIGURATION3.6.1 TimingThe TMR Processor supports a limited set of configuration options; the system willverify many of the configuration options, for example module locations against actualmodule types. The configuration options include the maximum application programscan time and sleep period between application program scans. It is important toensure that the overall application program scan period (scan and sleepperiods) be set according to the PST E . ISAGRAF_CONFIG SectionSleep Period (ISA_SLEEP_PERIOD)This parameter defines the period that the application program should “sleep” betweenprogram scans. This parameter works in conjunction with the allowed scan timedefined within the IEC1131 TOOLSET. The default value for this parameter is zero.This value may be increased to allow higher levels of processing resource to beallocated to other tasks, e.g. external <strong>com</strong>munications. Increasing this parameter willincrease the overall scan time. If this parameter is increased, it is important toensure that this overall scan time does not result in a response time exceedingthat dictated by PST E .The sleep period or the allowed scan time, set in the IEC1131 TOOLSET, should beadjusted to free up processing resource for other activities. If the sleep period is set tozero and the application execution to “fast as possible” the system will switch betweenthe necessary activities as required. Allowing a “free” amount of resource reduces theswitching, improves overall efficiency for the specific application and results in greaterscan period consistency under a range of conditions, rather than a faster scan period,but variable depending on load.Maximum Scan Period (MAX_SCAN_TIME)This parameter defines the maximum application scan time. The default setting is1000ms. If the defined time is exceeded the system will automatically and immediatelyinitiate its overall fail-safe response. This value should be set to ensure that theoverall scan time does not exceed the period dictated by PST E . Composite Scan Time Estimation for the Trusted TMR SystemThe <strong>com</strong>posite scan time for a Trusted system represents the time required to readthe input data, solve the application logic, and write the output data. This sequence isrepeated cyclically for as long as the Trusted system is executing an application. Fordetails of the scan time see the scan time calculation section of the TMR ProcessorPD for the 8110 & 8110B module.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 32 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.6.2 Diagnostic AccessThe TMR Processor supports <strong>com</strong>prehensive diagnostic facilities. Some of thesefacilities have the capability of modifying the system’s operation and are thereforepassword protected, to provide access protection in addition to that afforded byphysical access to the system.The password is defined in the Security section of the system.ini file. The password isencoded and is not readily decodable from the system.ini text file.A default password is implemented automatically, however it is re<strong>com</strong>mendedthat a specific password be defined within the system.ini file. It is important thatthis password be made available only to personnel requiring access to theadditional diagnostic capabilities (typically only ICS Triplex Ltd. personnel). Ifthis password is lost, there is no capability of accessing these functions withoutreconfiguring the system3.6.3 Configuration File VerificationThe system.ini file defines a number of fundamental safety configuration options. It isimportant to ensure that the correct file is downloaded to the system and that this filerepresents the correct configuration.1. The system.ini file may be created using either the configuration tool ora text editor.2. Once <strong>com</strong>plete, this file should be downloaded to the system.3. The system.ini file shall then be uploaded from the system and checkedthat it contains the required configuration options. This ensures that nofaults have been introduced by the configuration tool, the PC itself, orthe down/upload process.4. Following this check the checksum of the file (uploaded with the file)should be recorded, and used to verify that the file has not changed.3.7 HIGH DENSITY I/O MODULE CONFIGURATION3.7.1 Module CharacteristicsThe High Density I/O range has facilities to allow several of its operating parameters tobe adjusted; examples of these include threshold settings, indicator operation, updaterates, etc. The configuration settings available for each module type is defined in itscorresponding Product Description (PD). In many applications, the parameter’s defaultvalues will provide the required operation.These parameters may be adjusted within the system.ini file, which shall be reviewedin a similar manner as other system configuration and programming.Once the configuration settings for a module have been determined, the checksum forthe configuration data may optionally be calculated and entered into the system.ini filewith the appropriate <strong>com</strong>mand. This provides further protection against configurationsetting changes if desired. The checksum can be uploaded from the module, once thesettings have been verified for <strong>com</strong>pleteness.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 33 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> SYSTEM Section ConfigurationThe High Density I/O SYSTEM section within the system.ini file allows the internal busactivity, system watchdog and power failure signal and bypass timeouts to be adjusted.These may be adjusted for test and development purposes.Internal Bus Activity (IMBTO)The default setting (500ms) for the internal bus activity timeout is appropriate for mostapplications. This timeout may be adjusted to a shorter period; the adjusted periodshall be shorter than the PST E less the overall system response time. Thissetting SHALL NOT be set to zero for operational systems.System Watchdog Timeout (WDOGTO)As with the internal bus activity timeout, it is not normally necessary to adjust thisparameter. This value shall not be adjusted for safety-related applications andshall not be set to zero for operational systems.Power Fail Timeout (PWRFAILTO)The power fail signal timeout shall only be set to zero if the output module isrequired to change to its configured fail-safe state, rather than off/de-energisedin the case of loss of <strong>com</strong>munications with, or removal of the TMR Processor.Bypass Timeout (BYPASSTO)The Bypass Timeout period to temporarily bypass the other timeouts defined in thesystem section during an Active/Standby changeover. Only in exceptional cases will itbe necessary to adjust this setting. This setting shall not be adjusted for safetyrelated systems and shall not be set to zero for operational systems. FORCE SectionThis section allows the reported channel state to be forced directly on the associatedinput or output module. This feature is for testing by ICS Triplex Ltd. or anapproved systems integrator only, and SHALL NOT to be used in an operationalsystem. SHUTDOWN SectionThis section allows the user to configure individual shutdown states for each outputchannel. The options include de-energise, energise and hold. Safety related, deenergiseto trip outputs shall either be left to their default shutdown actionconfiguration (de-energise) or specifically configured to de-energise. Safetyrelated, energise to trip outputs should be configured for the energise option. FLAGS SectionThis section allows the user to configure the input or output type and the form ofmonitoring supported for each channel. For line monitored, safety-related outputsthe logical = TRUE setting shall not be used as this disables the line-monitoringfacility. LED SectionThis section allows the user to configure the indicators on the front of each HighDensity I/O module. LED color and flash attributes can be specified for each possiblechannel state (such as line fault conditions or voltage threshold ranges) Safetyrelated I/O shall not use steady green to indicate abnormal channel conditions.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 34 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> De Energised Short Circuit Detection SectionThis section allows the user to enable the de-energised short circuit detection (defaultis disabled). Safety related I/O that is normally De-Energised shall use shortcircuit monitoring (see section 3.2.4).3.7.2 Module Replacement ConfigurationThe system supports 3 forms of High Density I/O module replacement:a. Hot-swap pair (<strong>com</strong>panion slot)b. SmartSlotc. Live insertion and removalIn the hot-swap pair, 2 adjacent module positions are coupled to provide and activeand standby module pair. If it intended that the system be able to start-up (includingapplication stop and re-start), on the primary module position, there is no requirementto define the secondary module position.If it is intended to allow the system to start with only the secondary moduleposition occupied, it is important that the module positions be included withinthe system.ini file. For Companion Slot modules, enter a module in the primaryslot. Tick ‘Simulate’ and enter the partner chassis and slot location. Do NOTenter a module in the partner slot.For SmartSlot pair operation, it is not possible to start-up using the “spare” moduleposition. The spare module position need not be in the same chassis as the primarymodule position.If it is intended to perform live insertion and removal without transfer to a standbymodule no specific configuration is required. If it is intended to start-up a systemwithout the primary module installed in either a SmartSlot or single module liveinsertion and removal configuration, the “simulate” configuration option should be set.The simulate option will allow the system to start with these modules omitted, thecorresponding states and values being set to their fail-safe conditions.1. A consistent module replacement philosophy should be used within anysingle system. Where mixed philosophies are used, there shall be clearindication of the repair approach applicable to each module or group ofmodules.2. In hot-swap and SmartSlot configurations, the accuracy with both modulesinstalled shall be within the plant required safety accuracy specification. Iftighter tolerance is required, ensure that each sensor within a redundantconfiguration is allocated to independent modules and procedural measuresare implemented to ensure that only a single module within this set ofmodules is paired at any instant.3. If the SmartSlot module replacement is used, the system shall includeprovision for testing the SmartSlot linking cable. This cable shall be testedbefore use; the testing of this cable shall be included in the Operating andMaintenance Manual.4. In hot-swap configurations, a secondary module that does not pair with theprimary module in a reasonable amount of time (less than the second faultoccurrence time) must be removed.5. In SmartSlot configurations, a secondary module that does not pair with theprimary module in a reasonable amount of time (less than the second faultoccurrence time) when the SmartSlot linking cable is installed must beremoved.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 35 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.8 INPUT AND OUTPUT FORCINGLocking and forcing of individual inputs and outputs from the IEC1131 Workbench aresupported for engineering, installation and <strong>com</strong>missioning purposes. In-service,maintenance overrides for safety-related inputs and outputs should be implementedusing the application program. The IEC1131 Workbench initiated locking and forcingrequires:• The TMR Processor keyswitch to be in the “Maintain“ position to makechanges to the lock or force status of any point• Access to the workbench lock & write <strong>com</strong>mands, which are multi-levelpassword protected.• A list of the currently locked points are read back from the TMR system andmade available within the IEC1131 WorkbenchThe TMR Processor inhibit LED will indicate when one or more I/O points are locked.The application program can determine how many points are currently locked by usedthe information available from the TMR Processor <strong>com</strong>plex equipment; it is highlyre<strong>com</strong>mended that this be used to control additional status display and/or for loggingpurposes.All input and output locks (and forces) can be removed using either a singlefunction from the IEC1131 Workbench or from an edge triggered signal to theTMR Processor board within the application program. If locking is used, asafety-related input connected to an operator accessible switch shall beimplemented to initiate the removal of the lock and force conditions.It is important that the effects of forcing input and output points on the process andtheir safety impact are understood by any person using these facilities.The system will allow the forced conditions to be maintained during normal operation.When returning to normal operation it is re<strong>com</strong>mended that all locked andforced points be returned to normal operation. It is the plant operators’responsibility to ensure that if forced conditions are present that they do not jeopardisethe functional safety.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 36 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.9 MAINTENANCE OVERRIDESMaintenance Overrides set inputs or outputs to a defined state that can be differentfrom the real state during safety operation. It is used during maintenance, usually tooverride input or output conditions in order to perform a periodic test, calibration, orrepair of a module, sensor or actuator.To correctly implement a maintenance override scheme within the TMR Controller theoverride, or ‘bypass’ logic shall be programmed within the Application Program, with aseparate set of safety-related input points or variables enabling the bypass logic.In order to ac<strong>com</strong>modate maintenance overrides safely, TÜV has documented aset of principles that shall be followed. These principles are published in thedocument "Maintenance Override" by TÜV Süddeutschland / TÜV ProductService GmbH and TÜV Rheinland.There are two basic methods now used to check safety-related peripherals connectedto the TMR system:1. Special switches connected to conventional system inputs. These inputs areused to deactivate sensors and actuators during maintenance. Themaintenance condition is handled as part of the system’s application program.2. Sensors and actuators are electrically switched off during maintenance and arechecked manually.In some installations, the maintenance console may be integrated with the operatordisplay, or maintenance may be covered by other strategies. In such installations, theguidance given in para. 3.11.5 is to be followed. A checklist for the application ofoverrides is given in para. 4.2.3.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 37 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.10 PEER COMMUNICATIONS CONFIGURATIONPeer Communications allows safety-relevant data to pass between numbers of 8000series TMR systems. When using this mechanism, as with any other, it is important toensure that the overall system will respond within the required PST E . This requirementapplies to normal operation and in the presence of faults.For safety-related applications, it is re<strong>com</strong>mended that the Peer-to-PeerCommunications use redundant networks. It should be noted that high networkbandwidth usage by non safety system equipment may cause data timeouts andhence spurious trips, therefore separate networks for the safety data should beconsidered.The Peer-to-Peer Input boards include the configuration of a refresh timeout. Thistimeout defines the maximum interval between the receipts of valid, updated data froman associated (source) system. This timeout period shall be set that if the faulttolerant capabilities of the Peer-to-Peer Network, (i.e. lack of fresh data isdetected) the system can still respond within the required PST E . The networkpropagation time must be included in the timeout period calculations, andshould be re-verified after each change to the network configuration.The freshness of the received data is available to the application programmer as partof the Peer-to-Peer Input board input information. This status is set to ‘TRUE’ or ‘1’whilst updated data is received within the refresh timeout. If a timeout occurs, thisstatus bit is set to ‘0’. The data received from the corresponding source system will beheld in its previous state or value in the case of a timeout or go the defined fail safestate depending on the configuration. If hold last state is selected it is importantthat the application programmer include handling of this condition, includinglatching of the failure as necessary. For example, the loss of the Peer-to-PeerCommunications link may require a specific safety reaction, or may require that thecorresponding data be set to a specific states or value.The Peer-to-Peer Output board includes a refresh period. This value defines theinterval between transmissions of the corresponding data if no state or value changesare received from the local application program. This value shall be set to a periodshorter than that of the input board, unless changes occur constantly, otherwise thecorresponding input boards will timeout.The Peer-to-Peer master configuration includes transmit timeout values for thatnetwork. The Peer-to-Peer master and slave configurations include response timeoutvalues. These values are used to determine the link status. This link statusinformation may be used in addition to the freshness status to allow the sourcesystem, or Peer-to-Peer Communications master to report link status or to act in theevent of link failure.Release 3.5 and later, Peer to Peer transfers 32 bit values between nodes. The 32 bitvalues can be 32 bit unsigned, 32 bit signed or 32 bit floating point depending on thevariable connected to the output board. The variable type used for a particular variablemust match at both the input and output board. A single input and output board paircan use different data types on different channels provided they match on both theinput and output boards.3.11 APPLICATION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTThe IEC1131 Workbench may be connected either directly to the serial<strong>com</strong>munications ports local to the TMR Processor or via an Ethernet network. WhereEthernet is used, the network shall not be used to connect equipment notassociated with the TMR system. PCs connected to this network shall notprovide a route to access the TMR system from other networks, i.e. if theyDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 38 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>support multiple Ethernets, routing to the dedicated TMR system network shallbe specifically disabled.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 39 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.11.1 IEC1131 Workbench ConfigurationThe IEC1131 workbench supports 16 levels of password access, level 0 being thehighest access level. Each workbench function (for example, viewing, editing,<strong>com</strong>piling, downloading) may be identified for use only by users with an access levelabove a certain level.User access passwords shall be implemented, the re<strong>com</strong>mended access levelsare:0 – Engineering supervisor2 – Engineer/Application Programmer4 – Maintenance Engineer8 – General UserWith the functions allocated as shown in Table 8.FunctionMin.accesslevelFunctionMin.accesslevelGlobal Protection 8 Debug application 8Overwrite with archive 2 Simulate application 8Backup on archive 8 Download/stop/start application 4Project Description 4 Update application 4History of modifications 8 Communications parameters 8I/O Connection 2 Set cycle time 2Global Variables 2 Set execution mode 2Global & Common Defined Words 2 Change variable state 4Create New 2 Lock/Unlock variable 4Move program in hierarchy 2 Control SFC 4Verify 8 Control Timer 4Make application code 4 Set IL Breakpoint 4Touch application 4 Set SFC Breakpoint 4Conversion tables 2 Create graphics 8Application runtime parameters 2 List of variables 8Compiler options 2 List of time diagrams 8Resource definition 2 Print project document 8Customise project document 4Table 8 - IEC1131 Workbench Re<strong>com</strong>mended Access LevelsDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 40 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.11.2 Language SelectionThe IEC1131 TOOLSET offers many programming tools to develop algorithms tomeet the needs of virtually any real-time control application. The configuration andprogramming languages approved for use in SIL 3 safety related application is shownin Table 9.SafetyRelatedFunction Block (FB)Instruction List (IL)Structured Text (ST)Ladder Diagrams (LD)Non-SafetySequential Function Chart (SFC)‘C’Table 9 - Safety Related Programming Language• Safety Related Languages. For those languages that have been classified as‘safety related’. Commonly used functions have been exhaustively tested and maybe used freely. Those included within the certification testing are shown in para. 5.Further functions may be used subject to <strong>com</strong>pletion of testing <strong>com</strong>mensurate withthe level used for the <strong>com</strong>monly used functions.• Non-Safety. The languages that have been classified for non-safety relatedapplication only shall NOT be used within a safety-related system.IL and ST include program flow control functions; these functions shall be used withcaution to ensure that infinite loop or omitted logic conditions do not result. Wherethese constructs are used, it is re<strong>com</strong>mended that full branch and data coveragetests be performed on these sections of program. It is re<strong>com</strong>mended that onlyBoolean conditions be used for these constructs to ensure that a feasible set oftests can be applied.Application programmer generated function blocks may be created either on a projectspecific or library basis. Where these functions are to be used for safety-relatedapplications, they shall be subject to exhaustive testing, <strong>com</strong>mensurate withthat used for the <strong>com</strong>monly used functions (see para. 3.11.3). Once the functionblock has been subject to this level of testing it may be used as for <strong>com</strong>monly usedfunctions.There is provision for the TMR system to support multiple programs within a project. A<strong>com</strong>plete project may be classified as safety or non-safety related. A safety-relatedproject may use the safety programming languages; non-safety programminglanguages cannot be used. A project classified as non-safety may use any of theprogramming languages and the full instruction set but shall not be used to implementsafety related functions. A checklist for the selection of programming languages isgiven in para. 4.2.2.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 41 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.11.3 Testing of New or Previously Untested FunctionsThe TMR system Tool set <strong>com</strong>prises a number of function blocks that can be<strong>com</strong>bined together to form a project application. The use of these function blocksin safety certified systems is only permitted once they have been tested forcorrect operation. A list of the functions tested prior to the initial certification the TMRsystem is provided in section 5 of this Manual.The new or previously untested function may be:• a generic function block, which forms part of the Toolset, but has not previouslybeen subject to the level of testing defined herein, or• project specific function block, which is written to meet the needs of a particularfeature within an application program, and may <strong>com</strong>prise a number of genericfunction blocks or other program functionsIf a previously untested function block is needed, the function block must be tested inaccordance with to Test MethodEach function to be tested shall be placed within an application test harness using theTMR system Toolset that exercises its capabilities. The implementation of thisharness shall be such that the function block is exercised automatically, so that thetest is repeatable.As a minimum each test harness shall <strong>com</strong>prise of all of the following:• Function Block under test• Alternative implementation of the function block• Function generator• Main and alternative <strong>com</strong>parison Pass/Fail Flag• Test results registerWhere practical, and with the exception of time, results of the test shall beautomatically recorded and should not require a human to count or record dynamicdata. Alternative Implementation of the Function BlockThe test harness shall include an alternative implementation of the function beingtested. This implementation shall be performed using features of the tool set that areas diverse as possible from the actual function block.For example an “Or Gate” can be simulated by counting the number of inputs set to alogical “1” and determining that the count is greater than or equal to Function GeneratorThe operation of the test harness shall be automatic; a function generator shall beprovided to generate the stimuli for the function under test. This function generatorshall be as simple as possible and shall not contain the function under test. Main and Alternative Comparison Pass/Fail FlagThe results of the alternative implementation shall be <strong>com</strong>pared with the results of thefunction under test; discrepancies shall cause a “main and alternative <strong>com</strong>parison failflag” to be set.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 42 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Test Results RegisterEach harness shall include registers that record the functionality of the function block.This registration should be as <strong>com</strong>prehensive as possible and should utilise as manypredictable features as possible.For example, a 2 input logical “Or Gate” stimulated by the two lower bits of a 16-bitcounter will record 32768 logical high states if the counter is allowed to make one<strong>com</strong>plete up count from 0 to 65536. The results register would count these states andpresent a number to the human operator. In this case the results register should alsorecord that no two consecutive states of the counter caused a logical “1” at the outputof the Gate. Test CoverageWhere possible, all <strong>com</strong>binations of input shall be simulated.For certain functions, such as adders and <strong>com</strong>parators, this is not practical. In thesecases, the test harness shall utilise a significant number of test cases to prove thefunctions operation. The use equivalence class, boundary cases and randomnumbers shall be used as the preferred method of generating these cases.Functions containing <strong>com</strong>plex algorithms or with extensive retained state or valuedependence require an extensive number of test cases, and are therefore consideredimpractical to achieve a sufficient level of test coverage and shall be used in nonsafetyprograms only. Recording and Filing of ResultsThe tests shall utilise formally approved test procedures and the test results shall beformally recorded. The test harness, details of the test environment and test resultshall be retained.Any deviation between the results and expected results shall be examined; where thisresults from deficiencies in the test harness these shall be corrected and the testrepeated. Should any function fail it shall be:• Not used within safety related applications, or• The conditions that result in erroneous operation shall be explicitly recordedand published. If the function is used, other function(s) shall be added to theapplication to specifically detect the conditions leading to erroneousoperation and take a fail-safe action.To maintain system certification, any test harness used to prove a function blockshould be archived as part of the test record so that the tests can be repeated at laterdate and if required, reviewed by TÜV.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 43 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.11.4 Application DevelopmentThe application program development shall follow a structured approach and follow theprinciples defined in para. The stages defined in the following sub-sectionsshall additionally be applied for safety related applications. Partitioning the ApplicationIt is impractical and unnecessary to apply the same degree of rigorous developmentand testing to all functions within the Application where some of those functions are notsafety related.The identification of safety functions is, in part, dependent on the specific safetyphilosophy. Examples of non-safety may include status indication, data reporting andsequence of events. It is important to establish that these elements are not safetyrelated. For example, some safety cases rely on human intervention and therefore thecorrect operation of status indication.The safety related elements shall be implemented within separate programs tothose of non-safety related elements. Where information passes between theseelements, it shall be arranged that the direction of flow is from safety relevant tonon-safety relevant only. Defensive MeasuresIn defining the Application the programmer must consider the potential sources of errorand apply reasonable defensive programming techniques. Where values are receivedfrom other programs or external <strong>com</strong>munications interfaces, the validity of the valuesshould be checked where possible. Similarly, values received from input interfacesshould be checked where possible. In many cases, it will also be possible to monitorpermutations of data, inputs and plant operating modes to establish the plausibility ofthe information and program measures to ensure safe responses in case ofimplausible conditions.Safety related functions shall be latched when in their tripped state to preventintermittent field faults from removing the trip condition. The applicationsoftware shall be written to ensure that safety related functions are in their safestate during system startup. Testable BlocksEach safety-related software block shall be 100% testable. A 100% testable block isthe application logic that belongs to one safety function. Such functions could be:• Burner flame supervision including temperature, air/gas pressure monitoring,etc.• Burner gas-to-air ration control/supervision• Parts or whole of the start-up sequence of a batch reactorThe fewer the number of inputs, outputs and signal paths, the fewer the number ofpermutations that require testing. However, a single safety function should not be splitinto separate blocks; such a division is likely to lead to the introduction of errors duringmaintenance activities.The interaction between the individual software blocks shall be minimised. Whereinteraction is necessary, it should be kept as simple as possible, for example a singleshutdown initiation signal.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 44 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Each safety function shall be responsible for the control of the corresponding outputs.Sharing of outputs between functions shall not be permitted. Individual Safety Related FunctionsThe TMR system IEC1131 TOOLSET allows the definition of up to 250 individualprograms within a single project. This facility should be exploited to enable theallocation of individual safety related functions to separate programs. Where suchprograms contain independent logic paths, these should be investigated to determine ifthey are separate safety functions. Where they are separate, it is re<strong>com</strong>mended thatthese be further allocated to their own program, subject to conforming to there<strong>com</strong>mendation to minimising the coupling between programs.Cases should be looked for that allows the creation of individual logic paths byrepeating small sections of logic rather than fanning out the resultant signal(s). Minimise Logic DepthWhere possible, the logic depth should be minimised. This helps reduce visual<strong>com</strong>plexity, simplifies testing, minimises the number of interconnects required andimproves program efficiency.Where there is nested logic, it shall be possible to establish the correct operation of allintermediate logic connections.The use of memory, i.e. latches, <strong>com</strong>ponents within the safety function shall beminimised. Similarly, the permutation of conditions that lead to their activation shall beminimised.3.11.5 Communications InteractionThe TMR system provides a range of <strong>com</strong>munications options to allow interaction withexternal systems. Where this <strong>com</strong>munication is used for reporting (or out-going)<strong>com</strong>munications, there are no specific safety requirements.Data received from external equipment that either controls safety-related functions oraffects their operation must be handled with caution. The Application Program shallhandle the received data.The received data should be such that it is limited to interaction which:• Initiates safety operations, i.e. initiates shutdown sequences• Resets signals, with the reset action only possible once the initiatingconditions have been removed• Initiate timed start-up override signals which are removed automaticallyeither on expiration of the start period or once the associated signal hasstabilised in the normal operating condition• Adjust control parameters within defined safe operational limits, i.e. loweringof trip thresholds.Where the interaction does not fall within these categories, the affects of incorrectvalues and sequences of values shall be considered and measures taken to ensurethat the system will respond safely in the event of erroneous data. Alternatively,measures may be implemented within the application to ensure the integrity andvalidity of the data.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 45 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.11.6 Program TestingEven with a small number of inputs, it is possible to reach a point where the number oftests be<strong>com</strong>es unreasonable. Eliminating impossible or unlikely scenarios should beused to reduce the number of logic path tests that need to be performed. Theselection of what constitutes a scenario that does not require testing can be performedonly after a suitable hazard analysis.The scenarios should include possible plant conditions, sequences of plant conditions,system conditions (including partial power conditions, module removal and faultconditions).Where it is not possible to define a representative suite of test cases, all permutationsof input conditions, i.e. all possible states on all possible inputs, shall be exercised.Where the logic includes memory or timing elements, additional tests shall be definedto exercise all the possible sequences of input permutations leading to their operation.All safety-related functions shall be tested and the results of the tests recorded.The tests shall include the system scan time, fault detection time, fault reactiontime and throughput delay for shutdown logic. The system scan time, includingPeer-to-Peer Communications where appropriate, shall be less than ½ PST E .Functional testing of all safety related programs is considered to be 100% if:• All inputs are exercised through their entire allowable range• All outputs are exercised through their entire program determined range• All logic paths are exercised• All timers have been tested regarding their timing characteristics withoutchanging timing parameters• All <strong>com</strong>binatorial permutations of digital signals, with the exception of 100%tested function blocks, are tested, including fault states.• All <strong>com</strong>binatorial permutations of analogue signals, with the exception of100% tested function blocks, are tested within the safety accuracygranularity.• All timing properties of each safety loop have been verified3.11.6.1 Cross Reference CheckingWhile the aim shall be to minimise the coupling and dependencies between individualprograms, there will inevitably be occasions where, for example, a variable is usedwithin two or more programs. It is important to ensure that any application programchanges that affect these interactions do not jeopardise the functional safety.The TMR system Toolset includes two cross-reference check tools. One of theseverifies the source cross-references, the other the <strong>com</strong>piled code cross-references.Once the application program baseline has been established, these tools shallbe used following application modification. The identified interdependentprograms shall then be re-tested. Whenever a program modifies a sharedvariable all programs that use that same variable shall be re-tested. Code ComparisonAfter each phase of modification to the application as a whole, the TMR systemcode <strong>com</strong>parison and run-time code version checker utilities shall be used toidentify those programs that have changed. Any program identified as havingundergone change, other than <strong>com</strong>piled variable addresses, shall be re-tested.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 46 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>After an application has been tested, and before any changes are made, a referencecopy of the <strong>com</strong>piled application should be made. After the application has beenmodified, the new application is <strong>com</strong>pared to the original application by using theTicDiff utility. The utility will identify those programs that have changed since theoriginal application and are subject to re-test.The TicVer utility is used to ensure that the reference copy of the original application isthe same as the application currently loaded into the TMR system.3.12 ON-LINE MODIFICATIONAs with any safety related system it is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that on-line changes not beperformed. Where changes have to be performed on-line, it is re<strong>com</strong>mended that theybe performed when alternative safety measures are provided or when the affectedhazards cannot arise.Certain modifications can be performed without directly affecting the system’s safetyfunction, for example the installation of additional modules. Although thesemodifications will not affect the system’s operation until the system configuration andapplication program have been modified, caution shall be exercised to ensure that themodifications do not affect other safety functions.The product allows for the on-line addition of modules, although these requireapplication program modification, which dictates the stop and reload of the application.The addition of modules may be performed on-line to minimise the period of plantdowntime. Modifications to field and power wiring to ac<strong>com</strong>modate new modules shallbe considered carefully. Changes that affect the system’s ability to respondsafely, or may cause other plant disruption shall not be performed on-lineunless alternate protection measures can be implemented for the duration o<strong>fs</strong>uch modifications.3.12.1 Application ProgramThe Trusted system supports two types of on-line updates: Normal Updates andIntelligent Updates. Specifically, an on-line update consists of changing the currentlyrunning application, loading those changes into the system, then having the system“switch” to the updated application without interruption to the process that theapplication is controlling. Normal updates are available in all released versions of theTrusted system.With Normal Updates, the TMR system allows limited changes to be made to theapplication program on-line. These pre-defined limits restrict changes to logicaloperation. Modifications that exceed these predefined limits automatically preclude onlinemodification and dictate that the application program be stopped before updating.In addition to Normal Updates, Intelligent Updates are supported in release 3.4 andabove. Both on-line update features enable the user to modify the application whilethe process is running. While both types of on-line updates perform essentially thesame function, Intelligent Updates allow the application to be modified in a number ofways that Normal Updates would not allow.If Intelligent Updates are to used they must be explicitly enabled for each project, andthe Intelligent Update Manager must have knowledge of the specific version of theapplication that is currently running in the controller. Each time an application is<strong>com</strong>piled, the Intelligent Update Manager uses it’s knowledge of the applicationrunning in the controller to create an Intelligent Update recipe. This recipe contains asignature of the application running in the target, and information on how to performspecific mapping for variables and function block instance data. It is the recipe thatallows the value of variables and function block instance data to be preserved acrossan on-line update. The Intelligent Update Enhancement section of 8082B ProductDescription (PD) must be read and understood before Intelligent Update is used.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 47 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>The existing application program must be archived before any changes to theapplication are carried out.Where it is necessary to perform on-line modifications, caution shall be taken toensure that unsafe responses are not generated. Particular consideration shall begiven to the effects during the transition between the existing and the new programsand configurations. This is particularly important where a number of interactingsystems provide the required safety functions.Before any revised application program is downloaded to an on-line system:• All changes shall be tested using the application simulator• The cross-reference checkers (see para. shall be used and programsusing data from modified programs shall be re-tested.• The source code <strong>com</strong>pare utility (see para. shall be used; anyprograms identified as having other than <strong>com</strong>piled variable addresses shallbe re-tested.Once testing has been successfully <strong>com</strong>pleted, the application program may bedownloaded to the TMR Processor. The download and application update mayonly be performed with the TMR Processor keyswitch in the ‘Maintain’ position.3.12.2 System ConfigurationAll modifications to the system configuration (system.ini file) shall be subject to thesame considerations as specified earlier in this Manual. The configuration file may beup- or downloaded to the system when the TMR Processor keyswitch is in the Maintainposition. High Density I/O configuration changes then require that the applicationprogram be stopped and re-started to bring the changes on-line.Modification to the system configuration normally entails the addition or deletion ofinput and output points. If these points previously did not exist within the applicationprogram, it will be necessary to take the system off-line to perform the changes.Basic system parameters, including the number of chassis, chassis mapping,<strong>com</strong>munications settings etc., require that the TMR Processor be removed and reinstalled,or the power cycled to the controller chassis to implement the configurationchanges.The existing system configuration (system.ini) must be archived before any changes tothe system configuration are carried out.Where changes to the system configuration are anticipated it is necessary to includethe “spare” module positions and chassis within the existing system.ini file.3.13 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTSThe system installation environment presents a potential source of <strong>com</strong>mon causefailure. It is necessary to ensure that the equipment is suitable for the intendedenvironment. Alternatively, methods of maintaining the equipment’senvironmental conditions within its capabilities should be provided. This isapplicable to all systems; the remainder of this section however gives thespecific environmental re<strong>com</strong>mendations for a TMR system.3.13.1 Climatic ConditionsThe re<strong>com</strong>mended and maximum climatic conditions for the equipment are shown inthe Table 10. These conditions apply for representative and typical systemconfigurations. Where high equipment densities are ac<strong>com</strong>modated within a systemor large quantities of high-power equipment are closely packed, it is necessary toDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 48 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>consider the localised heat generation and its impact on the overall system operatingenvironmental conditions.Table 10 defines the climatic conditions for the modules within a system as a whole. Itis possible to achieve a system capable of operation in a wider range of climaticconditions using detailed analysis of the characteristics of the system and resultantconditions for the equipment mounted within the system.It should be noted that the operating temperature for the equipment within anyelectronic system has a significant impact on the potential operating life of thatequipment. High operating temperature and rates of temperature change significantlyreduce the operational life of any electronic device; therefore, measures should betaken to ensuring that the operating environment remains within the re<strong>com</strong>mendedrange. Similarly, it is highly re<strong>com</strong>mended that the periods that the equipment isexposed to conditions outside the re<strong>com</strong>mended range be minimised.ParameterCommentRe<strong>com</strong>mendedLimitOperatingTemperature(dry)With naturalcoolingMin Max Min Max10°C 30°C 0°C 40°C50°F 86°F 32°F 104°FStorage Temperature(dry)With forcedairflow10°C 30°C -5°C 60°C50°F 86°F 23°F 140°F10°C 30°C -25°C 70°C50°F 86°F -13°F 158°FOperating HumidityNoncondensing5%RH95%RHStorage HumidityNoncondensing5%RH95%RHTemperature change0.5°C/min1ºF/minSeeNoteTable 10 - Climatic Condition RequirementsNote:Although there is no defined maximum, it is important to avoid changes of humidityand temperature that could produce condensation. The effects of condensation onany type of electrical equipment can result in equipment failures or improper operation.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 49 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.13.2 Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)The TMR system has been designed and tested to withstand normal levels ofconducted and radiated electromagnetic interference and electrostatic discharge.Electrical noise conditions may vary greatly, depending on the equipment installation,wiring, other installed equipment, and its proximity to the TMR equipment. A detailedanalysis of the installation electrical and magnetic conditions is rare. It is thereforenecessary to ensure that the system as a whole <strong>com</strong>plies with the client’srequirements or appropriate standards; within Europe, the CE mark requirements forma legal minimum. For systems for applications outside Europe it is re<strong>com</strong>mended thatat least the same measures be applied, and confirmation sought from the client orend-user that electromagnetic interference (EMI) levels shall not exceed of thoseshown in Table 11.Parameter Conditions NotesElectrostaticDischargeElectromagneticFieldConducted Noise/Fast TransientImmunity Test(Burst)8kV air discharge6kV contact discharge10V/m23MHz to 1GHz2kV test voltage – powersupplies1kV test voltage – digital I/O (≥24V)0.25kV test voltage – digital(

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>3.13.3 Electrostatic Handling PrecautionsThe following handling precautions shall also be observed:1. Personnel should earth themselves before handling modules.2. Modules should not be handled by their connectors.3. Do not remove modules from their packaging until required for use.3.14 SYSTEM POWER REQUIREMENTSThe system’s power supplies and distribution, if incorrectly designed, present apotential <strong>com</strong>mon cause failure. It is therefore necessary to:• Establish the power philosophy, specific earthing philosophy 4 , requiredvoltage and power requirements, and the separation requirements whereitems of equipment are separately supplied, e.g. system internal supplies andfield loop supplies.• Define the architecture of the Power Supply Units (PSU), e.g. 100%redundancy, dual N+1 redundancy, etc. and ensure that each power sourceis of adequate capability.• Ensure that the PSUs are <strong>com</strong>patible with the power feeds provided.Alternatively, measures should be implemented to ensure that the PSUpower feeds remain within the PSU specifications.• Define the power distribution requirements, together with the protectivephilosophy for each distribution, e.g. current limited at source or protectivedevices. Where protective devices are used, it is important to establish thatthe sufficient current be available to ensure their protective action and thatthe protective device can break the maximum prospective fault current.• Ensure that the power distribution media is sized to ac<strong>com</strong>modate themaximum prospective fault currents and tolerable voltage losses. This isspecifically important where floating supplies are employed and other powersources may result in high prospective fault currents in the event of multipleearth-fault conditions.The system modules require two 24V dc power feeds, with a <strong>com</strong>mon return path, i.e.the 24V return is <strong>com</strong>mon between the power feeds.Where other than 8000 series power supplies are used, they shall conform toIEC61131 Part 2, EN61010-1 or EN 60950.4 ICS Triplex Ltd. re<strong>com</strong>mends that the negative side of the field supply be connected to earth (ground).This will avoid possible fail danger conditions that can be caused by some earth fault monitors used withfloating power supplies.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 51 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>4. CHECKLISTSThis section provides a number of example checklists, these are provided as an aid for<strong>com</strong>petent engineers. In general each checklist item should result in “yes”, where thisis not the case a justification should be produced.4.1 PRE-ENGINEERING CHECKLISTSThe checklists provided within this section are applicable to the requirements. Itshould be recognised that the requirements will undergo refinement, particularly, in theearly stages of a project. The information provided initially may be ‘outline’; in thiscase these checklists should be used to help identify where omission has occurred orwhere further refinement is necessary.4.1.1 Scope Definition ChecklistDescriptionReferenceHas a summary description of the intendedapplication been provided?Is the intended installation environmentdefined? If so:• does this include both normal and possibleabnormal conditions?• does this include geographical distributionrequirements?Has a list of all the third-party equipmentinterfaces been provided and aredefinitions of both the protocol and thedata to be interchanged established?Are all of the plant interfaces defined,including the signal qualities andcharacteristics?Have any special or abnormal conditionsthat exceed the normal equipmentcapabilities been highlighted to enablespecial measure to be implemented?Is the presented information adequate tosupport the necessary level ofunderstanding of the plant/EUC and itsenvironment? Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 52 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>4.1.2 Functional Requirements ChecklistDescriptionReferenceIs the definition of each of the requiredfunctions <strong>com</strong>plete?Are the interfaces, signals, and dataassociated with each function clearlyidentified?Where a ‘tag referencing’ scheme is usedfor these signals, has a summarydescription of the naming convention beenprovided to facilitate an understanding ofthe role of the signal?Have the performance requirements foreach function, or collective functions, beendefined?Have the operating modes of the EUC,process or plant been clearly defined?Have the functions required to operate ineach plant operating-mode been identified?Have the transitions between each plantoperating-mode been defined? Have thefunctions necessary to effect thesetransitions been established? Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 53 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>4.1.3 Safety Requirements ChecklistDescriptionReferenceHave all of the functional requirementsbeen allocated a required safetyrequirements class?Has the safety-related timing for eachsafety-related function, including processsafety time (PST) and fault tolerance period,been established?Have the safety requirements beenapproved?Are there clear definitions of the externalinterfaces involved in each of thesafety-related functions? (These mayalready be defined in the functionalrequirements). there now sufficient information tounderstand how the plant should becontrolled safely in each of its intendedoperating modes?Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 54 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>4.2 ENGINEERING CHECKLISTS4.2.1 I/O Architecture ChecklistDescriptionReferenceHas the PST E been established? 1.3.3and2.2.1.3What is the PST E?Has the fault detection time for the systembeen established?3.2.2and 0What is the fault detection time?Where the fault detection time is greater thanthe PST E, does the safety-related I/Oconfiguration provide a fail-safeconfiguration?If not, the system topology shall be discussedwith the client to ensure that the systemimplementation is safe.If a probability of failure on demand has beenspecified, has this been met?Do the selected architectures providesolutions where there is no single powersource or distribution point of failure thatcould lead the system to fail to function safelywhen required?Have sensor fault conditions been taken intoaccount?3.143.3For each of the I/O signal types, do the I/Omodules provide the correct characteristicsand behaviour for the intended sensor oractuator (including minimum and maximumload requirements)?If not, have additional interfacing elementsbeen included to ensure that the effectivesignal is <strong>com</strong>patible with the selected moduletype?Are the selected I/O module types <strong>com</strong>patiblewith the required I/O architecture?Is the safety-accuracy adequate for theapplication?If active and standby modules are to beinstalled simultaneous, has allowance beenincluded for the effect on the accuracy? Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 55 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>DescriptionReferenceHas the allocation of signals to I/O modulesand channels considered each of the signals’function?Ensure that potential module and power groupfailures result in either continued safetyfunction or fail-safe operation.Do safety related inputs and outputs use onlythose configurations identified as safetyrelatedAre there any safety-related, normally deenergisedoutputs?If so have redundant power sources, powerfailure warning and line monitoring beenprovided?Have sensor fault conditions been taken intoaccount?Have actuator fault conditions been taken intoaccount?Have field power supplies conforming toEN6101-1 or EN 60950 been used? Language Selection ChecklistDescriptionReferenceHas application programming for safety-relatedsections been limited to the FB programminglanguage?Are any functions not in the previously testedlibraries required? If so has provision beenmade to adequately test these functions?Ensure that the programming languagesclassified as non-safety (‘C’ and SFC) are NOTused for safety-related projects3. Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 56 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>4.2.3 Override Requirements ChecklistDescriptionReferenceAre the effects of overriding fully understood,particularly where the override action will affectindependent parts of an application?Has a method of enabling, or more importantlyremoving, the overrides for the system aswhole, or individual sub-systems, beenprovided?Have programming or procedural measuresbeen defined to ensure that no more than asingle override may be applied to a given safetyrelatedprocess unit?Have indication of the presence of overrideconditions and recording their application andremoval been defined?Is there an alternative method of removing anoverride?Are there programming or procedural measuresto limit the period of override? Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 57 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>4.2.4 High Density Module Configuration ChecklistDescriptionReferenceFor each of the I/O signal types, do the I/Omodule settings provide the correctcharacteristics and behaviour for the intendedsensor or actuator?Have the thresholds been verified with bothincreasing and decreasing field signal levelsand with margins to allow for the accuracy andcalibration to ensure that they do not result inoverlapping bands?Is consistent use made of front panelindicators? that “green” is not used for abnormalconditions.Have the update rates been set such that theyare acceptable for fault annunciationrequirements and that the rates result in thesystem’s response within the PST E.Have the settings been defined according to afield device type setting, and minimal use hasbeen made of channel specific settings?For any non-standard configuration settings,have tests been defined and executed to 100%test the required operation? Processor and Other ConfigurationDescriptionReferenceIf Peer-to-Peer <strong>com</strong>munications is used, are thetimeouts set to ensure a response time lessthan that required by PST E?3.10Has the diagnostic access password been set? 3.6.2Password:Has the security has been set up on the IEC1131TOOLSET?3.11.1Engineering supervisor passwordEngineer/ Application programmer passwordMaintenance engineer passwordGeneral user passwordDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 58 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>4.2.6 TestingDescriptionReferenceHave all of the functions used been fully tested? 3.11.2and3.11.3Has the program been fully tested? The codechecker can be used to highlight whichprograms have changed during modification -see para. the application scan time (read from theToolset display)Record the system throughput time (output SOE– input SOE)Record the system throughput time wherePeer-to-Peer <strong>com</strong>munications is required(output SOE – input SOE)Are the scan and response times in accordancewith the PSTE requirements (< ½ PST E)?Have the climatic conditions been verified to besuitable?3.13Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 59 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>5. PREVIOUSLY ASSESSED FUNCTIONSThe following list shows those function blocks that have been proven safe to use inCertified systems.Boolean(>=1) Logical Or (2 to 16 inputs)(&)Logical And (2 to 16 inputs)( ) Inverted Line (Boolean inversion)(=1) Exclusive Or(RS)(SR)(ftrig)(rtrig)Reset dominant LatchSet dominant latchFalling edge detectionRising edge detectionTimers(TON)(TOF)Timer delay onTimer delay offCounting(CTU)CounterComparisonTests(>=) Greater than or Equal to() Greater than.Arithmetic(+) Add (2 to 16 inputs)Logic(And Mask.)And MaskSignalGeneration(sig_gen)Function GeneratorDataManipulation(sel)(MOD)Binary selector (Selects one of 2 integer variables)ModuloDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 60 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Register Control(SHR)Shift RightData Conversion(Boo)(Ana)(Tmr)Converts any variable to a BooleanConverts any variable to an IntegerConverts a variable for use by a timerTriplex Technology Ltd. specific function blocks(Pack 16)(Unpack 16)(INGAS)Packs 16 Boolean values into one wordUnpacks 1 word into 16 Boolean valuesProvides facilities for Analogue input of Gas levelsDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 61 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>6. SYSTEM SECURITYSerial networks are closed and local, and have limited protocol functionality. They aretherefore immune to any attack except local deliberate sabotage. Trusted systems,however, with their Engineering Workstations and DCS are Ethernet networks whichtend to be part of a larger corporate network which opens up limitless possibilities foraccidental or malicious infection or attack.There are some simple steps that can be taken to help prevent such issues.• The Trusted system should not be on a network with open access to theinternet.• The Firewall must be active on the Engineering Workstation, preventingaccess to the relevant Ethernet ports on each <strong>com</strong>munication interface andanti-virus software must be installed and up to date.• The Engineering Workstation, containing the Toolset, should be passwordprotected. If it is a laptop, it should be kept locked as it is the key to theapplication.• The Ethernet Telnet access should be kept closed (tcp diag off) until required.• If the Toolset uses a USB or parallel dongle, this should be kept securely.Without it, the Toolset will not run at workbench version 3.51 and above. Atworkbench version 3.46, the application <strong>com</strong>pilation will not <strong>com</strong>plete.• Keep the maintenance lead securely stored because it can be used for bothconfiguration and diagnostics.• Ensure that the full <strong>com</strong>piled application and the system configuration aresecurely backed up. The configuration can be recovered from the processorbut the application can not and a full copy of the application is needed formodifications.• The application should be password protected.• Trusted is quite resistant to radio interference due to its voting structure.However, sensible use of site radios is advised; do not use radios inside ornear an open panel. The panel doors form part of the RFI protection; theplastic module cases provide no protection.• The Panel doors should be closed and locked. Key operated locks are moresecure than tool operated locks. Terminals, plugs, fuses and relays can all bedislodged, so are best kept secure.• The Processor keyswitch should be turned to the Run position and removed.This prevents download of system configurations or online changes throughthe Toolset.• The Module ejectors should remain closed. The ejector tool can be kept withthe processor key. This makes it more difficult to remove modules.• Removable media (USB storage devices, CDs etc) should be virus checkedbefore use within the system.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 62 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>7. LOW-DENSITY I/OAPPENDIX AThe Low-Density I/O modules provide internal TMR interfacing. Other elements ofindividual modules may be non-redundant (depending on module type) to support ‘sliceredundancy’ in redundant module configurations. To optimise the system’s safetyavailability, the self-test functions are timed to take only a small part of the systemresources.In non-redundant configurations, it is important that the resulting test interval besufficiently short to ensure the system’s ability to respond within the process safetytime. For these configurations, the test interval (TI) is given by:Where:TIIOUTscanTI = (172 × IOU × Tscan) + 2= test interval in seconds= number of Low Density I/O chassis= system scan time in secondsThe Regent+Plus User’s Guide provides additional information on theconfiguration and use of Low Density I/O, including I/O module specificrestrictions that must be followed.7.1.1 Effect of Input ArchitecturesIf the four basic low density input configurations and the effect of the fault detectiontime are considered, then:1. For a simplex input configuration, the logic signal into the application will remainat the state prior to detection until the fault detection time has expired, and willthen take up the logic ‘0’ condition. This is not fault tolerant and only be<strong>com</strong>esfail safe after the fault detection period or test interval. If the sum of the TI, and2× Tscan is not less than PST E , then an alternative I/O architecture shall bechosen. If the demand rate is low, this can be acceptable for shutdownfunctions.2. In one-out-of-two (1-oo-2) situations, the system remains active during the faultdetection time but will trip when the fault detection time expired.3. In two-out-of-two (2-oo-2) situations, the input remains static during the faultdetection period, but returns to operation when the fault detection periodexpires. This is fault tolerant but the system is inactive during the fault detectiontime. As before, if the sum of the TI, and 2× Tscan is not less than PST E , thenan alternative I/O architecture shall be chosen. In this configuration, the inputmodules SHALL be in separate chassis.4. When two-out-of-three (2-oo-3) is used the system remains operational at alltimes and tolerates the failure.7.1.2 Effect of Output ArchitecturesIf the three basic low density output configurations and the effect of the fault detectiontime are considered, then:1. For a simplex output configuration, the output may be indeterminate in the eventof failure. Additional outputs may be used to provide a fail-safe mechanism onan output group basis. The output will remain indeterminate until the faultdetection time has expired, with the additional output fail-safe the output groupDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 63 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>will then take up the fail-safe (logic ‘0’) condition. This is not fault tolerant andonly be<strong>com</strong>es fail safe after the fault detection period or test interval. If the sumof the TI, and 2× Tscan is not less than PST E , then an alternative I/Oarchitecture shall be chosen.2. Guarded output modules provide a one-out-of-two (1-oo-2) structure within asingle module. A single fault may in an indeterminate condition on a redundantoutput channel, leading to either immediate fail-safe action, or action by theother channel on demand. A faulty output will be detected within the faultdetection period, and shall be replaced within the second fault occurrence periodto ensure continued functional safety. This provides a fail-safe output structureand may be used within safety-related configurations.3. Dual guarded outputs, this structure uses two guarded output modules inparallel, i.e. a quad output structure. This structure is both fault-tolerant and failsafe.As with other dual structures, a failed output shall be replaced within thesecond fault occurrence period to ensure continue safe operation.Digital InputsT7401, 24 VDCT7402, 48 VDCT7404, 110 VACT7408, 120 VDCMonitored InputsT7411, 24 VDCT7411F, 24 VDCT7418F, 120 VDCTÜV CertifiedConfiguration1oo2or2oo3or1oo31oo2or2oo3ConditionsNormally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedonly if the inputs are dynamically transitioned at aperiod not greater than the second fault occurrencetime.1oo3 configuration means that the 3 input signalscannot be voted. Any mismatch of the signals leadsto an alarm annunciation.Normally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedonly if the inputs are dynamically transitioned at aperiod not greater than the second fault occurrencetime.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.T7419, fire detector MooNAnalog InputsT7420A, standardT7420AF, fastresponseOther InputsT7431A,thermocoupleInput and OutputMultiplexerT74912oo3 with mid-valueselectordual with high/lowselectNot safety related butinterference freeNot safety related butinterference freeCertified only if the inputs are dynamically rangedover full scale at a period not greater than thesecond fault occurrence time.Certified as non-interfering and can be used fornon-safety-critical input devices.Certified as non-interfering and can be used fornon-safety-critical input devices.Table 12 - Input Module, Low Density I/ODoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 64 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Guarded DigitalOutputsT7461A, 24 VDCT7485 L/H, 120 VACMonitored GuardedOutputsT7481, 24 VDCT7484, 110 VACT7488, 120 VDCOther OutputsT7441A, 24 VDCT7444, 110 VACT7446L/H, relayT7454, 110 VAC,isolatedT7464, 110 VAC,guardedT7470A, AnalogT7480A, Analog,guardedInput and OutputMultiplexerT7491TÜV CertifiedConfigurationFail-safe singlemodule (1oo1)orFault tolerant dualmodules (2oo2)Fail-safe singlemodule (1oo1)orFault tolerant dualmodules (2oo2)Not safety related butinterference freeNot safety related butinterference freeConditionsNormally energized (de-energize to trip): certified.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4, and only if the outputs aredynamically transitioned 0→1→0 or 1→0→1 at aperiod not greater than the second fault occurrencetime.Normally energized (de-energize to trip): certified.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.Certified as non-interfering and can be used fornon-safety-critical output devices.Certified as non-interfering and can be used fornon-safety-critical output devices.Table 13 - Output Modules, Low Density I/ODoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 65 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>7.1.3 TX and DX Low Density module types in Safetyapplications.When Using DX and TX Low Density I/O Structures certain defensive measures areneeded. These structures provide discrepancy and error information but do not takeany cognisance of Second Fault occurrence time. If these structures are used in asafety function it is required that the logical state of each channel be defaulted to a safestate within the logic. In the case of DX modules this time must be less than thesystems process safety time. In the case of TX modules this must be less than thesecond fault occurrence time.In safety related applications it is re<strong>com</strong>mended where 2-oo-3 fault tolerance is required,three SX modules should be used, and the 2-oo-3 vote performed in the applicationprogram. Within the application the vote must detect discrepancies on a per channelbasis and cause the discrepant channel to default gracefully to a safe state. In the eventthat an input fails to the energised state and is declared as discrepant it must be forcedto a safe state within the voter logic. Should a second input go to the energised state,and not be confirmed by the third within the defined time period, that input will also beforced to a safe state thus preventing energisation of the logic until a reset is operated.Below is a function which performs this logic. There are many implementations whichcan be used but the functionality should be retained.Figure 5 – 2-oo-3 voting logic with discrepancy reportingA&>=1 Voted StateBC&&&&>=1DLY 0n5 SecDiscrepancy&&&DLY On5 SecLatch&DLY On5 SecLatchReset&DLY On5 SecLatchDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 66 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>The sample application logic above uses a 5 second discrepancy timeout period. Theactual timeout period used should be based on the process safety time, and must notexceed the second fault occurrence time.In safety related systems the logical state from DX type modules must be forced to thesafe condition by the application program if the error bit for that channel is set to a “1”.This action can be delayed in order to prevent unwanted control actions but the totaltime of the logical delay, the MSEC delay set within the module and the systemthroughput must not exceed the “Process Safety Time” for the application.In this configuration the error bit must be latched by the application and manually resetafter the discrepancy has been removed.Voted state&Logical StateError bitDelayLatchResetFigure 6 – Discrepancy error bit latch and manual reset logicDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 67 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>APPENDIX BFor guidance on how to upgrade a Triguard SC300E system to a hybridTrusted/SC300E system, see application note AN-T80015.8. TRIGUARD I/OThe Triguard I/O modules provide internal TMR interfacing. Other elements ofindividual modules may be non-redundant (depending on module type) to support ‘sliceredundancy’ in redundant module configurations. To optimise the system’s safetyavailability, the self-test functions are timed to take only a small part of the systemresources.The test interval (TI) to ensure the system’s ability to respond to latent errors within theprocess safety time is given by:Where:TIIOUTI = 20 × IOU × I/0= test interval in seconds= number of Triguard I/O chassisI/0 = number of I/O modules in a chassis8.1.1 Effect of Input StatesIf the three basic Triguard input states and the effect of the fault detection time areconsidered, then:1. For a simplex input configuration (used in non-SIL applications), the logic signal intothe application will remain at the state prior to detection. This is not fault tolerant anddoes not test the simplex elements. The module is however interference-free.2. In one-out-of-three, second critical fault (1-oo-3) situations, the system remains activeuntil the fault is detected during normal data or status reads by the MP and accessedby the application. The application then carries out a controlled plant shutdown if it is acritical input.3. In two-out-of-three (2-oo-3) the system remains operational at all times and toleratesthe single failure.8.1.2 Effect of Output StatesIf the single basic state and the effect of the fault detection time are considered, then:1. Output modules provide a two-out-of-three (2-oo-3) structure within a single modulewith one slice fault. A faulty output will be detected within the fault detection period,and shall be replaced within the second fault occurrence timeout period to ensurecontinued functional safety.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 68 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Triguard Interface,8161Local ChassisInterface,MBBRemote SlaveInterface,MRB01XSRemote MasterInterfaceMRB04XMTÜV CertifiedConfigurationSimplex(2003 implemented ina set of threemodules)Simplex(2003 implemented ina set of threemodules)Simplex(2003 implemented ina set of threemodules)Simplex(2003 implemented ina set of threemodules)ConditionsCertified as safety related and can be used forsafety-critical applications in SIL 3.Certified as safety related and can be used forsafety-critical applications in SIL 3..Certified as safety related and can be used forsafety-critical applications in SIL 3.Certified as safety related and can be used forsafety-critical applications in SIL 3.Table 14 - Central ModulesDigital InputsMDI32BIS, TMR,24VDCMDI32GIS, TMR,48VDCMDI32FIS, TMR,120VDCDigital InputsMDI64BNS,Simplex, 24VDCAnalogue InputsMAI32(L/M)AD, TMR0-5/10VMAI32(N/P)AD, TMR0-20/40mATÜV CertifiedConfigurationInternal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Simplex 1oo1Internal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)ConditionsNormally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.Normally energized (de-energize to trip).Certified as non-interfering and can be used fornon-safety-critical input devices.Within the manufactures specified safety accuracylimits. The safety state of the analogue input has tobe defined to 0 mA/0 VCertified SIL 3.Table 15- Input Module, Triguard I/ODoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 69 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>Digital OutputsMDO32BNS, TMR,24 VDCMDO16GNS, TMR,48VDCMDO16FNS, TMR,120VDCMDO16CNS, TMR,120VACAnalogue OutputMAO04NND, TMR,0-22mATÜV CertifiedConfigurationInternal 2oo3(2oo3 implemented ina single module)Not safety related butinterference freeConditionsNormally energized (de-energize to trip): certifiedSIL 3.Normally de-energized (energize to trip): certifiedonly for applications that fulfil the requirementsunder section 3.2.4.May be used in single module or active/standbyconfigurations.Certified as non-interfering and can be used for nonsafety-criticaldevices.Table 16- Output Modules, Triguard I/OAnalogue Output /Pulse InputMHB44IND, TMR,4-20mA,1Hz-35KHzTÜV CertifiedConfigurationNot safety related butinterference freeConditionsCertified as non-interfering and can be used for nonsafety-criticaldevices.Table 17 – Triguard Multi-purpose ModulesConditionsController Chassis8100Primary, Secondary andRemote Triguard ChassisPower SuppliesPAC, PDCCertified as safety related and can be used for safety criticalapplications in SIL 3.Certified as safety related and can be used for safety criticalapplications in SIL 3.Certified as safety related and can be used for safety criticalapplications in SIL 3.Table 18 – Auxiliary Chassis and PSUsDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 70 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>8.2 <strong>SAFETY</strong> RELATED INPUTS AND OUTPUTSThe Safety Loops, Cause and Effect Charts or other design data will define whichloops are to be considered as Safety Loops. All inputs and outputs associated withSafety Loops must follow the design guidelines laid out in this section.All Modules must be configured for 320 fail safe operation.All output modules associated with Safety Loops must be configured with adjacent hotrepair partner slots. The hot repair partners for output modules must not be fittedduring normal operation.If the process time constraint is less than 30 seconds, or only single sensors areprovided for process measurement, then all input modules associated with safetyloops must also be configured with adjacent hot repair partner slots.8.2.1 InputsSafety inputs to a Safety System will be either Normally Energised Digital Inputs (De-Energise to Trip) or Analogue Inputs. Digital InputsDe-energise to trip inputs (usually termed fail-safe) will be used for all safety digitalinputs. The number of safety monitoring signals required for each safety parameterwill depend primarily on the safety integrity level (safety classification) required to beachieved, the 100% proof test cycle required and the level of diagnostics availablefrom the field device.All safety digital inputs will be wired to a Digital Input Termination Card. Where thesafety integrity level requires that more than one field sensor monitoring a safetyparameter, each of these sensors should be, where practical, wired to separateTermination Cards. The Simplex part of the termination card (eg fuses) must beconsidered for reliability analysis as part of the field loop.The Termination Card will be connected to the Triguard SC300E Input Module via astandard system cable which connects to the socket on the appropriate Hot RepairAdapter Card (THR) or chassis slot.Through the hot repair adapter card, where required, and the chassis backplaneconnector the input signal is connected to the configured digital input slot positionwhere a Digital Input Module would be located.All the chassis slots and, where required, its hot repair partner slots configured for theDigital Input Module must also have the polarisation keys fitted and configured for thistype of module as specified in the Module and Chassis Users Manuals.Where the safety integrity level requires that separate sensors are used to monitor thesame safety parameters they should be configured to separate Digital Input Moduleswhere practical.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 71 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Analogue InputsAnalogue transmitters are used to monitor safety parameters and inherently provide anincreased level of diagnostics with respect to a simple fail-safe digital input. Analoguesignals always provide values within a set operating range. For safety relatedtransmitters this should be 4-20mA or 1-5 volts allowing for fault indication below say3mA (0.75V) and 20mA (5V). If over-range detection is required a 0-10V input modulemust be used. All monitored faults from the analogue signals must be used by theapplication software to produce fail-safe results (eg failed transmitter demands ashutdown).The number of analogue transmitters used to monitor a safety parameter will bedependent on the system integrity level (safety classification) requirement of the loop,the 100% proof test cycle of the loop and the level of diagnostics available from thetransmitter.The field analogue signal is wired to the Analogue Input Termination Card. Where thesafety integrity levels require that more than one transmitter be used to monitor asafety parameter, then the additional analogue input signals should be wired toseparate Termination Cards where practical. The Simplex circuitry on the terminationcard must be considered for reliability as part of the transmitter loop (eg fuses andmonitoring resistors where fitted). Refer to Figure 7.The signal is connected from the termination card to the Triguard SC300E inputmodule via a standard system cable, which connects to the socket on the appropriateHot Repair Adapter Card (THR) or chassis connector.Through the Hot Repair Adapter Card, where required, and the chassis backplaneconnector the input signal is connected to the appropriate configured analogue inputmodule slot position, where an appropriate Analogue Input Module would be located.All the chassis slot and, where required, their hot repair partner slots configured for theAnalogue module must also have the polarisation keys fitted and configured for thistype of module as specified in the Module and Chassis User Manuals.Figure 7 - Current to Voltage ConversionWhere separate transmitters are used to monitor the same safety parameters to meetincreased integrity levels these should be configured to separate Analogue InputModules where practical.Switch inputs with end of line and series line-monitoring resisters fitted may beconnected as analogue inputs. These line-monitored inputs provide increaseddiagnostic information to the safety system giving discrete analogue values (stepchanges) for open circuit, switch open, switch closed and short circuit conditions.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 72 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Fail Safe Analogue ProcessingFor each Analogue Input variable received by the system, three values are generated,one from each channel. Under normal operation (transparent to the application) astandard mid-value selection algorithm is used selecting the middle value (assumingall three values are within the health window) to be passed on to the application. It isthis mid-value that the user operates on within the application, all three processingchannels now using this selected mid-value.When one of the three analogue channel values presented to the processors fallsoutside of the health window the processors flag it as bad by converting it to a negativenumber. If now the two remaining values diverge by more than the health windowthese are also flagged as bad by converting them to negative numbers. The effect isto present to the application a negative value when 2 or more channels are bad.The application, by use of either an analogue processing module or simple<strong>com</strong>parators, can provide a bad/safe discrete for each analogue value.When large numbers of Analogue Inputs are to be processed, a function should beused to effectively monitor faults within the analogue loops.This configuration provides for each analogue variable an array of discretes forchannel faults, open and short circuit faults, as well as defining a global fault bit andthe test parameters. Both open and short circuit faults values should be configured.8.2.2 OutputsThe standard configuration for ESD Safety System outputs is to provide digital outputsonly, which are configured for de-energise to trip (again fail to safe). De-Energise to Trip OutputsAll safety related outputs will be from the Digital Output Module. Each module must beconfigured with a hot repair partner slot to allow bumpless hot repair to beac<strong>com</strong>plished.The Output Module provides a fully tested six-element switch voting circuit for eachindividual output.Where the safety integrity level (safety classification) requirements of a safety looprequires two or more final elements to be available for shutdown purpose, then eachfinal elements should be driven from a separate Digital Output Module andTermination Card, where practical.The shutdown signal is connected from the Output Module through the chassisbackplane, the hot repair adapter card and the system cable to the Termination Cardwhere the field wiring is connected.The simplex part of the termination module (e.g. fuses) must be considered as part ofthe field loop for reliability analysis.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 73 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong> Multiple Input / Output Safety ConfigurationWhere the safety integrity level requires multiple sensors and final elements from asafety loop, then these configurations will be as follows. Dual SensorsThese will be voted by the application logic in a 1oo2 manner such that either sensorproviding an alarm status requires a shutdown.Where the sensor diagnostics provide fault status then the safety loop may revert to a1oo1 voting on the good sensor for the time constraint of the sensor's safety loop. Atthe termination of this time constraint the loop will demand a shutdown.A single remaining sensor going into fault will demand an immediate shutdown. Triplicated SensorsThese will be voted on a 2oo3 basis by the application logic; however, once a sensorhas been voted as bad, the voting logic will revert to a 1oo2 vote on the remaining twosensors following the strategy determined for dual sensors. Dual Final ElementsThese are to be configured in a 1oo2 manner such that either output requires ashutdown. Hot Repair AdaptersWherever dual slot hot repair facilities are required, the hot repair adapter boards mustbe fitted on the chassis backplane.Doc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 74 of 76

<strong>SAFETY</strong> <strong>MANUAL</strong>APPENDIX CThis page intentionally blankDoc Number T8094Issue 23 - October 2012 Page 75 of 76

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