pin a recent passport size photo without the stamp and ... - AP Online

pin a recent passport size photo without the stamp and ... - AP Online

pin a recent passport size photo without the stamp and ... - AP Online

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PINA RECENTPASSPORTSIZE PHOTOWITHOUTTHE STAMPANDSIGNATUREOFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS,ANDHRA PRADESH, HYDERABAD<strong>AP</strong>PLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE DRAWING, TAILORING, EMBROIDERY,HANDLOOM WEAVING EXAMINATIONS FOR BOTH LOWER & HIGHER GRADESRegd.No.DistrictCentre1 Name of <strong>the</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idate(in block letters) :2. Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Name (in Block Letters) :3. Date of Birth :4. Sex (Whichever is applicable) : Male/Female5. Community :- :(SC-A/B/C/D) ST/BC-A/B/C/D/OC)1. Educational qualifications(enclose certificate copies)a) Academic : VIL/SSC or its equivalent :b) Technical : Lower Grade (appearing in caseOf Higher in <strong>the</strong> concerned trade) :2. Details of Examinations in which <strong>the</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idate : Trade Grade Roll Result CentreAppeared previously with Trade, Grade, Result,No.Roll No. & Centre(in case of once failed C<strong>and</strong>idates) :8. Examination in which <strong>the</strong> c<strong>and</strong>idate intends to : Trade Grade Mediumappear with subject <strong>and</strong> grade <strong>and</strong> with Medium :

9. Residential address of <strong>the</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idate : H.No.StreetVillage/TownDistrictPincode10. Details of remittance of Examination fee with : Challan No. Date DD.No.& Amount Try/bankDD.No./ Challan No. & BankDate:11. Signature of <strong>the</strong> Applicant :12. Place <strong>and</strong> Date :Affix RecentPassport SizePhotoAnd get itattestedBy anyINSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES1. The Admit Card should be collected by <strong>the</strong> c<strong>and</strong>idate form <strong>the</strong> Chief Superintendent of <strong>the</strong> Centretwo days before <strong>the</strong> Commencement of <strong>the</strong> Examination.2. The fee should be paid in SBH or SBI by way of crossed Dem<strong>and</strong> Draft in favour of Secretary, to <strong>the</strong>Commissioner for government Examinations A.P. Hyderabad payable at SBH Gunfoundry,Hyderabad, if <strong>the</strong> amount is below Rs.50/- If <strong>the</strong> amount is above Rs.50/- it should be paid throughChallan on <strong>the</strong> following Head of Account.- 0202 – Education, Sports, Arts <strong>and</strong> Culture.- 01- General Education- 102 - Secondary Education- 01- Examination fee- 02 – O<strong>the</strong>r fees.3. Incorrect, incomplete <strong>and</strong> defective application forms will be Summarily rejected <strong>without</strong> anyintimation <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> fee will nei<strong>the</strong>r be refunded nor reserved for any subsequent examinations.4. All <strong>the</strong> entries in <strong>the</strong> application form should be filled in his/her own h<strong>and</strong>writing.5. Any change of address should be immediately communicated to <strong>the</strong> Additional Joint Secretary to <strong>the</strong>Commissioner for Government Examinations. Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad concerned.6. The c<strong>and</strong>idate shall write his/her name as it appears in his/her S.S.C/VII class certificate.

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENT EXAMS, A.P., HYDERABADADMITCARDRegd. No._________________Centre:____________________________(I) This is to certify that______________________________________________Son/Daughter of___________________________________ whose <strong>photo</strong> is affixed is known to me <strong>and</strong> he/she isa bonafide c<strong>and</strong>idate appearing for <strong>the</strong> Technical Examination, 200 in Drawing / H<strong>and</strong>loomWeaving / Tailoring & Embroidery for Lower / Higher Grade.(II)(III)The Signature of <strong>the</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idate affixed below is taken in my presence.The C<strong>and</strong>idate is appearing in <strong>the</strong> following subject <strong>and</strong> grade Drawing / H<strong>and</strong>loomWeaving / Tailoring & embroidery for Lower / Higher Grades.Affix RecentPassport <strong>size</strong>Photo <strong>and</strong> getIt attested byAny GazettedOfficer___________________________________Signature of <strong>the</strong> Officer with seal who isAttesting PhotoSignature of <strong>the</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idateDate_________________ 200ADDL.JOINT SECRETARYTO THE COMMISSIONERFOR GOVT. EXAMS

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENT EXAMS,A.P.,HYDERABADADMITCARDRegd. No._________________Centre :________________________(I) This is to certify that ______________________________________________Son/Daughter of____________________________whose <strong>photo</strong> is affixed is known to me <strong>and</strong> he/she is abonafide c<strong>and</strong>idate appearing for <strong>the</strong> Technical Examination, 200 in drawing /H<strong>and</strong>loom Weaving / Tailoring & Embroidery for Lower / Higher Grade(II)(III)The Signature of <strong>the</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idate affixed below is taken in my presence.The C<strong>and</strong>idate is appearing in <strong>the</strong> following subject <strong>and</strong> grade Drawing / H<strong>and</strong>loomWeaving / Tailoring & Embroidery for Lower / Higher Grades.Affix RecentPassport <strong>size</strong>Photo <strong>and</strong> getIt attested byAny GazettedOfficer____________________________________Signature of <strong>the</strong> Officer with sealwho is attesting PhotoSignature of <strong>the</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idateDate___________________200ADDL.JOINT SECRETARYTO THE COMMISSIONER FORGOVT.EXAMS

ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATETo be returned to this office after conclusion of Exams <strong>without</strong> fail.Subject Grade Date ofExam.Signature ofThe c<strong>and</strong>idateInitial of <strong>the</strong>InvigilatorSIGNATURE OF CHIEF SUPERINTENDENTINSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES1. C<strong>and</strong>idates should carefully scrutinise <strong>the</strong> nominal roll put up on <strong>the</strong> Notice Board Two daysbefore <strong>the</strong> commencement of <strong>the</strong> Examinations <strong>and</strong> inform <strong>the</strong> Chief Superintendentimmediately, if <strong>the</strong>re is any mistake or ommission relating to Name, Fa<strong>the</strong>r Name, Date ofBirth, Registration Number, Trade or Grade etc.2. The c<strong>and</strong>idates should enter <strong>the</strong> Registration Number correctly on <strong>the</strong> script <strong>and</strong> failure onhis/her part to fulfil this condition will entitle <strong>the</strong> withholding of his/her result.

3. A c<strong>and</strong>idate should, take his/her place. In <strong>the</strong> Examination hall fifteen minutes before <strong>the</strong>commencement of <strong>the</strong> Examination. Anyone coming late will not be admitted to <strong>the</strong>Examination.4. No c<strong>and</strong>idate shall leave <strong>the</strong> hall in <strong>the</strong> first half-an-hour after <strong>the</strong> commencement ofExamination.5. C<strong>and</strong>idates are prohibited from any kind of communication with one ano<strong>the</strong>r or copyingano<strong>the</strong>r’s work. Anyone found violating <strong>the</strong>se rules will be sent out of <strong>the</strong> Hall <strong>and</strong> his/heranswer paper cancelled besides o<strong>the</strong>r deterrent punishments.

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