No. andNo. & Name ofName ofNo. & Name of PanchName of ElectedRemarks (PleaseName of Panchayat Elected Ward/Constituency Panches mention reasons forBlock Halqa Sarpanchesany vacancy till date )5/(Pharka Yokma)III Sonam Ishey5/(Tsaldung)IV Stanzin Yangdol5/(Chungkar)V Tsewang Spaldon5/(MatangVI Tsewnag Dorjay5/(Kagan)VII Tsewang Rigzen1-Leh 06-Taroo Lobzang Thinles 6/(Umla)I Thinless Chorol6/(Umla)II Tashi Namgail6/(Yarchon Taru )III Jigmeet Namgail6/(Yul-I)IV Tsewang Dolma6/(Yul-II)V Rinchen Dorje6/(Gyab)VI Rabjung DorjayNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilPage 4 of 8

No. andNo. & Name ofName ofNo. & Name of PanchName of ElectedRemarks (PleaseName of Panchayat Elected Ward/Constituency Panches mention reasons forBlock Halqa Sarpanchesany vacancy till date )1-Leh 07-Phyang Tsering Mutup 7/(pholungs)I Tashi Spalzes7/(Phyang)II sonam Dorje7/(Tsakma)III Kunzang Lundup7/(Changmachan)IV Rigzen Yangdol7/(Gonpa)V Norbu Lundup7/(Gaon)VI Tashi Gurmet7/(Thangnak)VII Jasema Bano7/(Mankhang)VIII Ali Akoon1-Leh 08-Saboo Rinchen Tundup 8/(Saboo)I Tsering Dolker8/(Saboo)II Lobzang Chinba8/(Saboo)III Sonam TundupNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilPage 5 of 8

No. andNo. & Name ofName ofNo. & Name of PanchName of ElectedRemarks (PleaseName of Panchayat Elected Ward/Constituency Panches mention reasons forBlock Halqa Sarpanchesany vacancy till date )1-Leh 07-Phyang Tsering Mutup 7/(pholungs)I Tashi Spalzes7/(Phyang)II sonam Dorje7/(Tsakma)III Kunzang Lundup7/(Changmachan)IV Rigzen Yangdol7/(Gonpa)V Norbu Lundup7/(Gaon)VI Tashi Gurmet7/(Thangnak)VII Jasema Bano7/(Mankhang)VIII Ali Akoon1-Leh 08-Saboo Rinchen Tundup 8/(Saboo)I Tsering Dolker8/(Saboo)II Lobzang Chinba8/(Saboo)III Sonam TundupNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilNilPage 5 of 8

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