May 2011 - Career Point

May 2011 - Career Point May 2011 - Career Point
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40. A block is moving on an inclined plane makingan angle 45º with the horizontal and thecoefficient of friction is µ. The force required tojust push it up the inclined plane is 3 times theforce required to just prevent it from slidingdown. If we define N = 10 µ, then N is.Ans. [5]Sol.45ºN=mgcosθmgsinθ + µmgcosθ = 3(mgsinθ – µmgcosθ)1 µ 3 3µ⇒ + = −2 2 2 2⇒4µµ = 212=22⎛ 1 ⎞N = 10µ = 10 ⎜ ⎟ = 5⎝ 2 ⎠41. A boy is pushing a ring of mass 2 kg and radius0.5 m with a stick as shown in the figure. Thestick applies a force of 2 N on the ring and rolls itwithout slipping with an acceleration of 0.3 m/s 2 .The coefficient of friction between the groundand the ring is large enough that rolling alwaysoccurs and the coefficient of friction between thestick and the ring is (P/10). The value of P is.StickAns. [4]Sol.mgGroundf 22NP×2 Pf 1 = µ×2 = =10 52 – f 2 = Ma cm …….(1)f 2 = 2 – 2 × 0.3 = 1 .4 N(f 2 – f 1 ) R = I cm αa(f 2 – f 1 ) R = MR2 cm×Rf 2 – f 1 = Ma cmf 1 = f 2 – ma cm = 1.4 – 2 × 0.3 = 0.8 NP0 .8 = ⇒ P = 45Note : It has been assumed that the stick applieshorizontal force of 2N (only normal reaction)42. Four point charge, each of +q, are rigidly fixed atthe four corners of a square planar soap film ofside 'a'. The surface tension of the soap film is γ.The system of charges and planar film are inequilibrium, andAns. [3]Sol.⎡2q ⎤a = k ⎢ ⎥⎦⎣ γF AC1/NF AB, where 'k' is a constant. Then N is.F +qADA+qDF AC =BC+q +qq28πεa0F AD = F AB =F R =⇒ a 3 =22q24πεa0q ⎛ 1 ⎞⎜2cos45º+ ⎟24πε0a⎝ 2 ⎠= r (2) (BD) = 2 r( 2 a)2⎛q ⎜⎝8⎛2q ⎞a = k⎜⎟r⎝ ⎠1/3⎛ 1 ⎞⎜ 2 + ⎟where k = ⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 8 2π⎟⎝ ⎠21 ⎞2 + ⎟2 ⎠2πεr1/30⇒ N = 3XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 72 MAY 2011

43. Four solid spheres each of diameter 5 cm andmass 0.5 kg are placed with their centers at thecorners of a square of side 4 cm. The momentumof inertia of the system about the diagonal of thesquare is N × 10 –4 kg-m 2 , then N is.Ans. [9]Sol.mmmr =lm5 cm = × 1025 –2 m2m = 21 kgl = 4 × 10 –2 mUsing parallel axis theorem⎡ 2 1 5 −4 ⎤I total = ⎢4 × × × × 10 ⎥ +⎣ 5 2 4 ⎦⎡ 1 −4 ⎤⎢2× × 8×10 ⎥⎣ 2 ⎦⇒ 10 –4 + 8 × 10 –4 ⇒ 9 × 10 –4 kg m 244. The activity of a freshly prepared radioactivesample is 10 10 disintegrations per second, whosemean life is 10 9 s. The mass of an atom of thisradioisotope is 10 –25 kg. The mass (in mg) of theradioactive sample is.Ans. [1]Sol. A = λN10 10 1=9 × N10N = 10 19mass of sample = 10 19 × 10 –25 × 1 × 10 6 = 1 mg45. A long circular tube of length 10 m and radius 0.3carries a current I along its curved surface asshown. A wire-loop of resistance 0.005 ohm andof radius 0.1 m is placed inside the tube with itsaxis coinciding with the axis of the tube. Thecurrent varies as I = I 0 cos(300 t) where I 0 isconstant. If the magnetic moment of the loop is Nµ 0 I 0 sin(300 t), then 'N' is.Ans. [6]Sol. B =µ 0 0I cos300 t10µ Iφ = 0 0× 3.14 × 0.01 cos 300 t10φ = 3.14 × µ 0 I 0 cos 300 t × 10 –3dφe = − = 3.14 × 300 µ 0 I 0 sin 300t × 10 –3dtI−3e 3.14 × 300 µ I sin 300t 10i = =0 0 ×R 0. 005i = 3.14 × 60 µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t0.01Magnetic moment = 3.14 × 60 × 3.14 × × 100µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t= 5.9 µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t= 6 µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t46. Steel wire of length 'L' at 40ºC is suspended fromthe ceiling and then a mass 'm' is hung from itsfree end. The wire is cooled down from 40ºC to30ºC to region its original length 'L'. Thecoefficient of linear thermal expansion of the steelis 10 –5 /ºC, Young's modulus of steel is 10 11 N/m 2and radius of the wire is 1 mm. Assume that L >>diameter of the wire. Then the value of 'm' in kgis nearly.Ans. [3]Sol.mmgL∆L = = Lα(∆θ)AYAYα(∆θ)⇒ m ==gm = 3.14 kg ⇒ 3 kgπ × 10−611× 10 × 1010−5× 10XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 73 MAY 2011

43. Four solid spheres each of diameter 5 cm andmass 0.5 kg are placed with their centers at thecorners of a square of side 4 cm. The momentumof inertia of the system about the diagonal of thesquare is N × 10 –4 kg-m 2 , then N is.Ans. [9]Sol.mmmr =lm5 cm = × 1025 –2 m2m = 21 kgl = 4 × 10 –2 mUsing parallel axis theorem⎡ 2 1 5 −4 ⎤I total = ⎢4 × × × × 10 ⎥ +⎣ 5 2 4 ⎦⎡ 1 −4 ⎤⎢2× × 8×10 ⎥⎣ 2 ⎦⇒ 10 –4 + 8 × 10 –4 ⇒ 9 × 10 –4 kg m 244. The activity of a freshly prepared radioactivesample is 10 10 disintegrations per second, whosemean life is 10 9 s. The mass of an atom of thisradioisotope is 10 –25 kg. The mass (in mg) of theradioactive sample is.Ans. [1]Sol. A = λN10 10 1=9 × N10N = 10 19mass of sample = 10 19 × 10 –25 × 1 × 10 6 = 1 mg45. A long circular tube of length 10 m and radius 0.3carries a current I along its curved surface asshown. A wire-loop of resistance 0.005 ohm andof radius 0.1 m is placed inside the tube with itsaxis coinciding with the axis of the tube. Thecurrent varies as I = I 0 cos(300 t) where I 0 isconstant. If the magnetic moment of the loop is Nµ 0 I 0 sin(300 t), then 'N' is.Ans. [6]Sol. B =µ 0 0I cos300 t10µ Iφ = 0 0× 3.14 × 0.01 cos 300 t10φ = 3.14 × µ 0 I 0 cos 300 t × 10 –3dφe = − = 3.14 × 300 µ 0 I 0 sin 300t × 10 –3dtI−3e 3.14 × 300 µ I sin 300t 10i = =0 0 ×R 0. 005i = 3.14 × 60 µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t0.01Magnetic moment = 3.14 × 60 × 3.14 × × 100µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t= 5.9 µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t= 6 µ 0 I 0 sin 300 t46. Steel wire of length 'L' at 40ºC is suspended fromthe ceiling and then a mass 'm' is hung from itsfree end. The wire is cooled down from 40ºC to30ºC to region its original length 'L'. Thecoefficient of linear thermal expansion of the steelis 10 –5 /ºC, Young's modulus of steel is 10 11 N/m 2and radius of the wire is 1 mm. Assume that L >>diameter of the wire. Then the value of 'm' in kgis nearly.Ans. [3]Sol.mmgL∆L = = Lα(∆θ)AYAYα(∆θ)⇒ m ==gm = 3.14 kg ⇒ 3 kgπ × 10−611× 10 × 1010−5× 10XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 73 MAY <strong>2011</strong>

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