May 2011 - Career Point

May 2011 - Career Point May 2011 - Career Point
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22. The total number of alkenes possible bydehydrobromination of 3-bromo-3cyclopentylhexane using alcoholic KOH is.Ans. [5]−1⎛ 5.7 ⎞ 3= T 1 ⎜ ⎟⎝ 0.7 ⎠1no. of mole = 45= T 1 (8) 2/3 = 4T 1Sol.C–C–C–C–C–C1 2 3 4 5 6Br+ G.IC–C–C–C= C– C+ G.IC–C–C=C– C– Calc.KOH+C–C–C–C– C– CnR(T1− T2)W ==γ −11R(4T T )4× 1 − 1 9= RT12/3 825. A ball of mass (m) 0.5 kg is attached to the end ofa string having length (L) 0.5 m. The ball isrotated on a horizontal circular path about verticalaxis. The maximum tension that the string canbear is 324 N. The maximum possible value ofangular velocity of ball (in radian/s) is-23. The work function (φ) of some metals is listedbelow. The number of metals which will showphotoelectric effect when light of 300 nmwavelength falls on the metal is.Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Pt Wφ (eV) 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 6.3 4.75Ans. [4]Sol.−348hc 6.62×10 × 3×10E falling = =−9−19λ 300×10 × 1.6×10= 4.137 eVThe metals having less work function will showphotoelectric effectHence Li, Na, K, MgPHYSICSSECTION – ISingle Correct Choice TypeThis section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Eachquestion has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out ofwhich ONLY ONE is correct.24. 5.6 liter of helium gas at STP is adiabaticallycompressed to 0.7 liter. Taking the initialtemperature to be T 1 , the work done in the processis-93(A) RT1(B) RT182159(C) RT1(D) RT182Ans. [A]Sol. T 1 V γ–1 γ–11 = T 2 V 21⎛ V1⎞γ−T 2 = T 1 ⎜V⎟⎝ 2 ⎠Ans.Sol.m(A) 9 (B) 18(C) 27 (D) 36[D]θmgT cos θ = mgLTLθT sin θ = mω 2 L sin θT = mω 2 Lω 2 max =ω max =T maxmLT max=mL= 36 rad/s3240.5×0.5= 324× 4r26. Consider an electric field E = E0xˆ, where E 0 is aconstant. The flux through the shaded area (asshown in the figure) due to this field is-(a,0,a)xz(a,a,a)(0,0,0) (0,a,0)yXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 66 MAY 2011

Ans.Sol.(A) 2E 0 a 2(C) E 0 a 2[C]z2(B) 2 E 0 aE a20(D)2⎛ V + V ⎞ν′ =⎜0⎟ ν⎝ V − Vs′ ⎠⎛ 320 + 10 ⎞= ⎜ ⎟ 8 KHz⎝ 320 −10⎠330= × 8 = 8.51 KHz310(a,0,a)x(a,a,a)(0,0,0) (0,a,0)yzF(0,0,a) G (0,a,a)28. A meter bridge is set-up as shown, to determinean unknown resistance 'X' using a standard 10ohm resistor. The galvanometer show null pointwhen tapping-key is at 52 cm mark. The endcorrectionsare 1 cm and 2 cm respectively for theends A and B. The determine value of 'X' is-X10ΩE(a,0,a)xD(a,0,0)AH(a,a,a)C (a,a,0)flux through EHBA= flux through EHDC= E 0 a 2B(0,a,0)27. A police car with a siren of frequency 8 kHz ismoving with uniform velocity 36 km/hr towards atall building which reflects the sound waves. Thespeed of sound in air is 320 m/s. The frequencyof the siren heard by the car driver is-yA(A) 10.2 ohm(C) 10.8 ohmAns. [B]x 52 + 1Sol. =10 48 + 253×10= = 10.650B(B) 10.6 ohm(D) 11.1 ohm29. A 2 µF capacitor is charged as shown in figure.The percentage of its stored energy dissipatedafter the switch S is turned to position 2 is-1 2VS2µF 8µF(A) 8.50 kHz(B) 8.25 kHz(C) 7.75 kHz(D) 7.50 kHzAns. [A]Sol.336 × 10V s =3600m/s = 10 m/s, ν = 8 KHzV 0 = 320 m/sV 0 = V s = 10 m/sV sObserverAns.Sol.(A) 0 % (B) 20 %(C) 75 % (D) 80 %[D]2µF8µFXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 67 MAY 2011

22. The total number of alkenes possible bydehydrobromination of 3-bromo-3cyclopentylhexane using alcoholic KOH is.Ans. [5]−1⎛ 5.7 ⎞ 3= T 1 ⎜ ⎟⎝ 0.7 ⎠1no. of mole = 45= T 1 (8) 2/3 = 4T 1Sol.C–C–C–C–C–C1 2 3 4 5 6Br+ G.IC–C–C–C= C– C+ G.IC–C–C=C– C– Calc.KOH+C–C–C–C– C– CnR(T1− T2)W ==γ −11R(4T T )4× 1 − 1 9= RT12/3 825. A ball of mass (m) 0.5 kg is attached to the end ofa string having length (L) 0.5 m. The ball isrotated on a horizontal circular path about verticalaxis. The maximum tension that the string canbear is 324 N. The maximum possible value ofangular velocity of ball (in radian/s) is-23. The work function (φ) of some metals is listedbelow. The number of metals which will showphotoelectric effect when light of 300 nmwavelength falls on the metal is.Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Pt Wφ (eV) 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 6.3 4.75Ans. [4]Sol.−348hc 6.62×10 × 3×10E falling = =−9−19λ 300×10 × 1.6×10= 4.137 eVThe metals having less work function will showphotoelectric effectHence Li, Na, K, MgPHYSICSSECTION – ISingle Correct Choice TypeThis section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Eachquestion has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out ofwhich ONLY ONE is correct.24. 5.6 liter of helium gas at STP is adiabaticallycompressed to 0.7 liter. Taking the initialtemperature to be T 1 , the work done in the processis-93(A) RT1(B) RT182159(C) RT1(D) RT182Ans. [A]Sol. T 1 V γ–1 γ–11 = T 2 V 21⎛ V1⎞γ−T 2 = T 1 ⎜V⎟⎝ 2 ⎠Ans.Sol.m(A) 9 (B) 18(C) 27 (D) 36[D]θmgT cos θ = mgLTLθT sin θ = mω 2 L sin θT = mω 2 Lω 2 max =ω max =T maxmLT max=mL= 36 rad/s3240.5×0.5= 324× 4r26. Consider an electric field E = E0xˆ, where E 0 is aconstant. The flux through the shaded area (asshown in the figure) due to this field is-(a,0,a)xz(a,a,a)(0,0,0) (0,a,0)yXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 66 MAY <strong>2011</strong>

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