May 2011 - Career Point

May 2011 - Career Point May 2011 - Career Point
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17. A stone is projected from level ground. At a heightof 0.4 m above ground its velocity is found to be→v = ( 6^i + 2^j ) m/s. x-axis is along horizontaland y-axis vertically upwards). The angle ofprojection with the vertical is found to be (10 m)degree. Find the m.18. A particle starts from the origin goes along thex-axis to the point (30 m, 0 m) and then returnsalong the same line to the point (–30 m, 0 m). Thedistance travelled by the particle is (10 p) metre.Find the value of 'p'.19. A body initially at rest moving along x-axis in sucha way so that its acceleration Vs displacement plotis as shown in figure. what will be the maximumvelocity of particle in m/sec.1 m/s 2 a0.51m20. If a cone of radius R and height R is taken out of asolid hemi sphere of radius R as shown in figure.Find the volume of remaining shaded part.15(given that R = 3 )π21. If y = 4x 2 – 4x + 7. Find the minimum value of y.22. The area of a rectangle of size 1.25 cm × 1.55 cm is1.9 y, where y is single digit numbers. Find y.23. A 2m wide truck is moving with a speed of 5 5m/s along a straight horizontal road. A man startscrossing the road with a uniform speed v when thetruck is 4m away from him The minimum value ofv (in m/s) to cross the truck safely is -RSCHEMISTRYQuestion 1 to 7 are multiple choice questions. Eachquestions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out ofwhich ONLY ONE is correct.1. Which of the following have identical geometrywith same number of lone pair (s)?(I) PCl 5 (II) PF 3 Br 2(III) BrF 52–(IV) SbF 5(A) I and II (B) II and III(C) III and IV (D) III, II and IV2. Polyethylene can be produced from calcium carbideaccording to the following sequence of reactionsCaC 2 + H 2 O → CaO + HC ≡ CHnHC ≡ CH + nH 2 → —CH 2–CH 2 —nThe mass of polyethylene which can be producedfrom 40.0 kg of CaC 2 is -(A) 6.75 kg (B) 17.5 kg(C) 8.75 kg (D) 9.75 kg3. sp 3 hybridisation is in -––(A) AlH 4 (B) CH 3(C) Be 4 (CH 3 COO) 6 O (D) All of these4. What will be the maximum spin multiplicity of 3dorbital?(A) 4 (B) 6(C) 5 (D) 105. Photons having energy equivalent to bindingenergy of 2 nd state of Li + ion are used at metalsurface of work function 10.6 eV. If the ejectedelectrons are further accelerated through thepotential difference of 5 V then the minimum valueof de-Broglie wavelength associated with theelectron is -(A) 2.45 Å(B) 9.15 Å(C) 5 Å(D) 11 Å6. An impure sample of Ba(OH) 2 (mol. wt. = 171) ofmass 1 gram allowed to react with 80 ml of 0.20 MHCl (aq). When excess acid was titrated withNaOH, 20 ml of NaOH (aq) was required. 10 ml ofthe same NaOH (aq) required 30 ml of the 0.1 MHCl (aq.) in a separate titration percentage purity ofBa(OH) 2 sample is -(A) 4.275 (B) 42.75(C) 85.5(D) None of theseXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 56 MAY 2011

7. What may be the correct orbital notation if thewave function is –Ψ =1 ⎛⎜81 6π⎝r/a 0 and a 0 =(A) 4s(C) 3P yh1 ⎞⎟⎠a 02∈πme3/ 202σ 2 e –σ/3 (3cos 2 θ – 1); Here σ =(B)2 P x2(D) 3d zQuestions 8 to 11 are multiple choice questions. Eachquestions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out ofwhich MULTIPLE (ONE OR MORE) is correct.8. Which of the following statements is/are true forP 4 S 3 molecule -(A) It contains six P–S bonds and three P-P-bonds(B) It contains six P-S bonds and ten lone pairs(C) It has all atoms sp 3 -hybridised(D) It contains six P-P bonds and ten lone pairs9. Which of the following species are correctlymatched with their geometries according to theVSEPR theory -(A) ClF 2 – → linear(B) IF 4 + → see – saw(C) SnCl 5 – → trigonal bipyramidal••(D) N(SiH3)3 → pyramidal10. Sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) reacts with iodine toform boron triodide, Sodium iodide and HI. In anexperiment, 76 gram sodium borohydride is mixedwith 300 gram of Iodine. In this reaction -(A) NaBH 4 is the excess reagent(B) Iodine is the excess reagent(C) If 39.2 gram of BI 3 are formed, its percentageyield is 40(D) The weight of the reagent remaining in excessis 64.78 gram11. KCl has a dipole moment of 10 D. The inter ionicdistance in KCl is 2.6 Å. Which of the followingstatement are true for this compound ?(A) The theoretical value of dipole moment, if thecompound were completely ionic is 12.5 D.(B) The % ionic character of the compound is 85 %(C) It is a poor conductor of electricity(D) The forces operating in this molecule arecoulombic typeThis section contains 2 paragraphs, one has 3multiple choice questions and other has 2 multiplechoice questions (Question 12 to 16). Each questionshas 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLYONE is correct.Passage : I (Q. No. 12 to 14)In order to explain the existance of doublets in thespectra of alkali metals, Goudsmit and Uhlenbeckin 1925 proposed that electron has an intrinsicangular momentum due to spining about its ownaxis.The value of spining a angular momentum ofelectron can be described by 2 spin quantumnumber s and m s . The physical significance of sand m s is similar as of l and m l .12. The possible value of s for electron is -(A) 1/2 (B) – 1/2(C) 0 (D) 113. Relation between s and m s is :(A) s (s + 1)h2π. cos θ = ms(B) s (s + 1)cos θ = m s3h(C) = m s4π(D) None of these14. Spin angular momentum of electron has magnitudeequal to :(A)3h4π3h(B) 2πnh(C) (Here n is any positive integer)2π1(D) 2Passage : II (Q. No. 15 to 16)Ozone in the upper atomsphere absorbs ultravioletradiation which induce the following chemicalreaction in –O 3 (g) ⎯→ O 2 (g) + O(g)O 2 produced in the above photochemicaldissociation undergoes further dissociation into onenormal oxygen atom and one more energeticoxygen atom O*.O 2 (g) ⎯→ O + O*If O* has 3eV more energy than O and normaldissociation energy of O 2 is 480 KJ/mol. (Given1 eV/photon = 96 KJ/mol)15. What is maximum wavelength effective for thephotochemical dissociation of O 2 molecule -(A) 2440 Å (B) 1547 Å(C) 1000 Å (D) 155 ÅXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 57 MAY 2011

17. A stone is projected from level ground. At a heightof 0.4 m above ground its velocity is found to be→v = ( 6^i + 2^j ) m/s. x-axis is along horizontaland y-axis vertically upwards). The angle ofprojection with the vertical is found to be (10 m)degree. Find the m.18. A particle starts from the origin goes along thex-axis to the point (30 m, 0 m) and then returnsalong the same line to the point (–30 m, 0 m). Thedistance travelled by the particle is (10 p) metre.Find the value of 'p'.19. A body initially at rest moving along x-axis in sucha way so that its acceleration Vs displacement plotis as shown in figure. what will be the maximumvelocity of particle in m/sec.1 m/s 2 a0.51m20. If a cone of radius R and height R is taken out of asolid hemi sphere of radius R as shown in figure.Find the volume of remaining shaded part.15(given that R = 3 )π21. If y = 4x 2 – 4x + 7. Find the minimum value of y.22. The area of a rectangle of size 1.25 cm × 1.55 cm is1.9 y, where y is single digit numbers. Find y.23. A 2m wide truck is moving with a speed of 5 5m/s along a straight horizontal road. A man startscrossing the road with a uniform speed v when thetruck is 4m away from him The minimum value ofv (in m/s) to cross the truck safely is -RSCHEMISTRYQuestion 1 to 7 are multiple choice questions. Eachquestions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out ofwhich ONLY ONE is correct.1. Which of the following have identical geometrywith same number of lone pair (s)?(I) PCl 5 (II) PF 3 Br 2(III) BrF 52–(IV) SbF 5(A) I and II (B) II and III(C) III and IV (D) III, II and IV2. Polyethylene can be produced from calcium carbideaccording to the following sequence of reactionsCaC 2 + H 2 O → CaO + HC ≡ CHnHC ≡ CH + nH 2 → —CH 2–CH 2 —nThe mass of polyethylene which can be producedfrom 40.0 kg of CaC 2 is -(A) 6.75 kg (B) 17.5 kg(C) 8.75 kg (D) 9.75 kg3. sp 3 hybridisation is in -––(A) AlH 4 (B) CH 3(C) Be 4 (CH 3 COO) 6 O (D) All of these4. What will be the maximum spin multiplicity of 3dorbital?(A) 4 (B) 6(C) 5 (D) 105. Photons having energy equivalent to bindingenergy of 2 nd state of Li + ion are used at metalsurface of work function 10.6 eV. If the ejectedelectrons are further accelerated through thepotential difference of 5 V then the minimum valueof de-Broglie wavelength associated with theelectron is -(A) 2.45 Å(B) 9.15 Å(C) 5 Å(D) 11 Å6. An impure sample of Ba(OH) 2 (mol. wt. = 171) ofmass 1 gram allowed to react with 80 ml of 0.20 MHCl (aq). When excess acid was titrated withNaOH, 20 ml of NaOH (aq) was required. 10 ml ofthe same NaOH (aq) required 30 ml of the 0.1 MHCl (aq.) in a separate titration percentage purity ofBa(OH) 2 sample is -(A) 4.275 (B) 42.75(C) 85.5(D) None of theseXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 56 MAY <strong>2011</strong>

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