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MONDAY ISSUEMONDAY7:30 AM AATS Business Session(Members only)7:45 AM – 9:05 AM Plenary Scientific Session9:05 AM Award Presentations10:00 AM – 10:40 AM Basic Science Lecture10:40 AM – 11:25 AM Plenary Scientific Session11:25 AM Presidential AddressSIMULTANEOUS SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS2:00 PM – 6:00 PM Adult Cardiac <strong>Surgery</strong>2:00 PM – 5:15 PM General <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Congenital Heart DiseaseTUESDAY7:00 AM – 8:45 AMCardiac <strong>Surgery</strong> ForumGeneral <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong> Forum8:45 AM – 11:20 AM Plenary Scientific Session11:20 AM – 11:50 AM Simulation Session11:50 AM – 12:30 PM Honored Speaker Lecture2:00 PM – 5:00 PMSIMULTANEOUS SCIENTIFIC SESSIONSAdult Cardiac <strong>Surgery</strong>General <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>Congenital Heart Disease5:00 PM Executive Session(Members Only)7:00 PM – 10:00 PMAttendee Reception at the ICA:$75 per personContinued on page 17Stem Cell Biology Explained inBasic Science LectureJonathan A. Epstein, M.D., will presentthis year’s Basic Science Lecture, “InsightsFrom Developmental and Stem CellBiology,” on Monday at10:00 a.m., in BallroomA-C. He is the WilliamWikoff Smith Professorof Medicine and Chairman,Department ofCell and DevelopmentalBiology, at the Universityof Pennsylvania.“Dr. Epstein is an expert in the molecularmechanisms of cardiovascular development,contributing to how we understandand treat human disease,” said AATS PresidentThomas L. Spray, M.D.■HYNES CONVENTION CENTER BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS MAY 9-13, 2009Adult Cardiac Approaches AddressedThe AATS/STS Adult Cardiac<strong>Surgery</strong> Symposium held on Sundaywas co-chaired by Michael A.Acker, M.D., and Joseph E. Bavaria,M.D., both of the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia. The postgraduatesymposium featured some of thetop players in the field of adult cardiacsurgery and highlighted treatment ofthoracic aorta disease, advances in valverepair, treatment of atrial fibrillationand heart failure, and current issues incoronary artery bypass, including theuse of stents and off-pump vs. on-pumpprocedures.The first session, on the thoracic aorta,dealt with current trends and resultsin TEVAR, and the role of TEVAR inthe setting of type A and type B dissection.There was also a presentation ondealing with the hybrid arch.G. Chad Hughes,M.D., Directorof the <strong>Thoracic</strong>Aortic <strong>Surgery</strong>Program at DukeUniversity MedicalCenter, discussedthe uses,indications, andlimitations ofTEVAR. He focusedon the latestin clinical trialsand surgical experience,and reviewedthe FDAapproveddevices and discussedcircumstances in which open DTA repairremains the best option—primarily<strong>for</strong> patients with unsuitable anatomyor other contraindications to TEVARInaugural AATS Academya Resounding SuccessThe AATS Academy, held on Friday,May 8, immediately precedingthe AATS Annual Meeting, receivedrave reviews from allparticipants. “The wordheard most from those inattendance was ‘outstanding,’” said Fred A.Craw<strong>for</strong>d, M.D., a pastpresident of AATS andChair of the AcademyCommittee. The AATSAcademy, which broughttogether 23 leaders incardiothoracic surgery asfaculty with 19 individualsidentified as being ona career path to leading aCT division or department, was aunique educational and enlighteningexperience <strong>for</strong> everyone involved.“Whenever you develop a new program,there is a certain amount ofrisk and basically you have three potentialoutcomes—it fails; it is moderatelysuccessful; or you hit a homerun, and I think we hit it perfectlywith the Academy,” enthused Dr.Craw<strong>for</strong>d.The main goal of the Academywas to provide participants with theFREDCRAWFORD, M.D.administrative, interpersonal, mentoring,and negotiating skills necessaryto serve successfully as a divisionchief. A high faculty-to-student ratioprovided an intimate setting,facilitating dialogueand providing the attendeeswith a uniqueglimpse into the intricaciesinvolved in managinga cardiothoracic surgicaldepartment. Interestingly,the Academy also servedto facilitate the exchangeof in<strong>for</strong>mation amongthe faculty.“I knew something specialwas going on when Ilooked around and saw that the facultymembers were busy takingnotes, along with the attendees. Atthe conclusion of the meeting, everyonewalked away with some new in<strong>for</strong>mationand an understandingabout how a CT department functions,”said Dr. Craw<strong>for</strong>d.An additional goal of the Academywas to provide an opportunity <strong>for</strong>these future leaders to be introducedDr. G. Chad Hughes, Duke University Medical Center,discussed the uses, indications, and limitations of TEVAR.Continued on page 3such as Marfan/Loeys-Dietz syndrome.Dr. Hughes also discussed how hybridrepair is a safe alternative to conven-Continued on page 4New TreatmentOptions Given inGeneral <strong>Thoracic</strong>SymposiumThe AATS/STS General <strong>Thoracic</strong><strong>Surgery</strong> Symposium was held on Sunday,May 10, and chaired by David H.Harpole Jr., M.D., of Duke University.The course featured talks by leading expertsin general thoracic surgery and wasbroken into three sessions.The first session focused on issues innon-small cell lung cancer staging andtreatment. Joe B. Putnam, M.D., of VanderbiltUniversity discussed a new lungcancer staging system, and RamaswamyGovindan, M.D., of Washington Universitygave a presentation titled “Chemotherapy101,” which outlined the basics ofcurrent treatment choices.Some of the newest chemotherapy optionswere also addressed. Tyrosine kinaseinhibitors, which are believed to inhibit cellcommunication and growth and are beingused to treat some cancers, were discussedby Pasi A. Janne, M.D., Ph.D., of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Thomas J. Lynch,M.D., of Massachusetts General Hospitaladdressed the role of anti-angiogenesisdrugs, which are thought to have an effectContinued on page 17

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to the current, well-known leaders in CTsurgery who might subsequently serveas personal mentors.“To achieve this, we randomly partneredtwo faculty members and twoparticipants at each table. We stronglyencouraged faculty to remain in the sessionroom all day, and we discouragedlaptops, cell phones, or any other distractionsfrom the outside world,” he explained.A meeting of the faculty in Januaryensured that all presenters knew whatwas expected of them. During thismeeting, a very structured program wasdeveloped and each individual focusedon their assignment.“This face-to-face meeting, with almostevery member of the faculty, wascritical in communicating expectationsand made sure that everyone was committedto the success of the Academy,”explained Dr. Craw<strong>for</strong>d.The concept of the AATS Academyoriginated approximately 2 years ago ata meeting of the AATS leadership. IrvingKron, M.D., presented the idea ofdoing somethingto procreatethe currentCT leadership.“So the ideacame about‘Why not havea meeting of theleaders in thoracicsurgery topass on to thenext generationAATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009 3AATS Academy a Successcontinued from page 1IRVING L.KRON, M.Dof leaders thelessons we hadto learn the hard way?’ Most of us werenever taught the ins and outs of how tobe a division chief. Maybe we should geteveryone together and share ourlessons,” said Dr. Craw<strong>for</strong>d. A committeewas appointed consisting of Dr.Craw<strong>for</strong>d, Dr. Kron, Thoralf M. Sundt,M.D., and Bartley F. Griffith, M.D., whochose the faculty and distributed thecall <strong>for</strong> participants.Applicants submitted a personal statementand were carefully selected accordingto their experience and a strictset of criteria including: Having been nominated by a divisionchief or department chair. Having achieved the rank of AssociateProfessor. Being an active and successful clinicalsurgeon. Having a supporting letter from a divisionchief or department chair.Initially, there was concern that therewould be a lack of qualified candidates.“But when the applications started comingin, we realized that there were indeeda large number of highly qualifiedindividuals with the potential <strong>for</strong> achievingleadership roles,” Dr. Craw<strong>for</strong>d said.The organizers were thus faced with thenearly impossible task of selecting thecandidates.“And, as it happened, all the disciplinesof cardiothoracic surgery (adultcardiac, general thoracic, and congenitalheart) were almost equally represented.“Training our future leaders is part ofthe mission of the AATS, and the organizationhas been fully supportive, bothfinancially and administratively, of theAcademy,” explained Dr. Craw<strong>for</strong>d.“We have clearly exceeded expectationsand met our initial goals, and we areprepared to take the next step,” headded.What follows is<strong>for</strong> the AATS Councilto evaluate whenand how the AATSAcademy conceptwill be presented inthe future.“Building on thesuccess of thisThe academy wasvery helpful givinginsight into thechallenges thatdivision anddepartment chairsface and offeringsolutions tocommonly encountered problems.YOLONDA L. COLSON, M.D., AN ACADEMY ATTENDEEyear’s Academy,we hope to presentit again in the future. Some initial discussionsinvolved holding the samecourse <strong>for</strong> a different group of attendees,basically another Academy 101, or presentingan ‘advanced’Academy<strong>for</strong> the same individualstaking thetopics to the nextlevel,” said Dr.Craw<strong>for</strong>d.In conclusion,Dr. Craw<strong>for</strong>d noted,“The quality ofthe participantsand the vast display of their knowledgeleaves me very encouraged that the futureof cardiothoracic surgery is in capablehands.”■

4 AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009Adult Cardiaccontinued from page 1tional repair <strong>for</strong> selected TAAA—a procedurethat avoids thoracotomy, CPB,and aortic cross-clamping, and one thatis better suited to patients with significantcomorbidity.“Hybrid repair expands the availablesurgical options <strong>for</strong> treatment of TAAA,but longer-term follow-up is needed todetermine durability of approach,”according to Dr.Hughes.The fact that ultimatelythoracic aortic surgeonsneed to have expertise inboth open and endovascularrepair techniques was one ofthe take-home messages ofhis presentation.The second session,TODD M.DEWEY, M.Dwhich was devoted to aorticvalve repair, covered transcathetervalve replacement—includingboth transfemoral andtransapical approaches. In his talk,“Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement:Weighed and Found Wanting?”Dr. Todd M. Dewey discussed the pitfallsin evaluating the new technology.“Since the first reported clinical implantationof a transcatheter valve in2002, the rapidity of assimilation intothe clinical arena of this novel technologyhas been astonishing and hasled to the implantation of more than2,000 such valves worldwide, generatingintense interest in this technology,along with intense scrutiny,” Dr.Dewey said.Worse early and long-term outcomeswith the transapical as compared withthe transfemoral approachhave caused concern amongmany clinicians, accordingto Dr. Dewey.“Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, relyingonly on reported outcomeswithout appreciating thecontext within which theseprocedures are being per<strong>for</strong>meddoes a disservice tothe transapical approach,”he lamented.He indicated that mostcenters use a “transfemoralfirst” approach to transcatheter therapy.Thus, “only the absolute worst patientsare offered transapical implantation, i.e.,those patients refused both conventionalsurgery and transfemoral implantation!”Such patients have a significantly higherincidence of comorbidities, which includesevere occlusive peripheral vasculardisease, higher Logistic EuroSCORESscores, and a greater incidence of previ-ous coronary artery disease, according toDr. Dewey.“In a recent study, logistic regressionanalysis demonstrated that when youcontrol <strong>for</strong> the incidence of coronaryartery disease in transcatheter patients,surgical approach [transapical or transfemoral]is not an independent predictorof mortality,” he said.Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, the ongoing FDAsponsoredPARTNER Trial, whichcompared transcatheter aortic valveimplantation to conventionalsurgery or optimalmedical management inhigh-risk patients with criticalaortic stenosis, perpetuatesthis bias by also mandatinga “transfemoralfirst” treatment algorithm,he explained. Notable institutionsin Europe andCanada utilizing aJOSEPH E.BAVARIA, M.D.“transapical first” approachas their primary treatmentmodality <strong>for</strong> all patients,including those with severe peripheralvascular disease, have reported outcomesequivalent to those achieved atsites with the most experienced usingthe transfemoral first approach.It is important to appreciate that eachapproach has its associated advantagesand disadvantages, Dr. Dewey stated.The transapical procedure demonstratesmore accurate positioning ofthe valve with less movement upon deployment,reduced likelihood of embolicshowering with passage of the deliverysystem around the aortic arch,and minimal risk of vascular injury.Conversely, the transfemoral approachis less invasive and better tolerated inpatients with severe pulmonary diseaseand reduced lung function, and thelearning curve is faster.He noted that embolic failure of atransapical procedure is usually intothe ventricle, mandating conversion toopen removal of the prosthesis andconventional valve replacement. Conversely,embolic failure with a transfemoralprocedure tends to be into theascending aorta and can be managedpercutaneously, and often a second attemptat transfemoral placement can bemade. However, these events becomeanecdotal once the learning curve <strong>for</strong>both techniques has been surmounted,he noted.Dr. Dewey emphasized that each approachmust be evaluated independentof the other because they are used totreat two different populations of patients.“Comparison of the Kaplan-Meir survival between transfemoraland transapical patients within studiesor institutions that have a predisposedtreatment strategy should come to astop,” he said.“Such comparisons can only be validunder the auspices of a randomized trialin which study patients were equallygood candidates <strong>for</strong> either technique,”Dr. Dewey concluded.The third session was devoted to mitralvalve repair.“Additionally, the postgraduate coursewas designed to shed some light on thedecision-making process used by surgeonswhen they encounter the variouscombinations of two-valve disease,” Dr.Bavaria said.This was the primary focus of SessionIV, which also had a presentation on“The Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation:Are We Ready <strong>for</strong> PrimeTime?” by Niv Ad, M.D., Chief of Cardiac<strong>Surgery</strong>, Inova Heart and VascularInstitute. Dr. Ad discussed the latest insurgical treatment as an alternative tomedical management.Treatments <strong>for</strong> heart failurewere discussed in SessionV, which included presentationson functionalmitral regurgitation and theuse of VADs as a possible solution.Finally, Session VI was devotedto coronary artery bypassand included a threewaydebate on the optimalapproach to coronary revascularization,contrasting offpumpversus on-pump andhybrid procedures.In this session, David P. Taggart,M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Cardiovascular<strong>Surgery</strong> at the University of Ox<strong>for</strong>d,presented his talk, “Drug ElutingStents: Has the Pendulum Started toSwing Back?” Dr. Taggart discussedthe relative merits of the two techniques.“Over the last 12-24 months, substantialevidence has appeared to show that<strong>for</strong> patients with more severe coronaryartery disease, coronary artery bypassgrafting is a substantially superior therapyto percutaneous coronary intervention,”Dr. Taggart stated. “This has beenindicated by several new meta-analyses,the SYNTAX trial, and by other emergingevidence.“This leads to a major concern amongmany of us in the medical community.How do we deal with the fact that manypatients are simply not given the choicesand the access to coronary artery bypass?This in part seems to be due to cardiologistsacting as the gatekeepers,” accordingto Dr. Taggart.He noted a recent <strong>American</strong> Heart<strong>Association</strong> study showing that among500 patients who underwent percutaneouscoronary artery intervention,70% indicated in follow-up that they totallymisunderstood what the procedurewas <strong>for</strong>. More than two-thirdsthought that it would improve their lifeexpectancy (which is not the case,though it is with bypass), and 70% saidthat it would prevent a future heart attack(which it does not, compared withbypass, which does). Moreover, only13% of these patients were ever giventhe benefit of a surgical opinion.Dr. Taggart believes that proper communicationwith patients is essentialand, if they were given the full perspectiveon the actual life-saving aspects ofbypass vs. percutaneous intervention,they would choose appropriately.This points out the need <strong>for</strong> multidisciplinaryteams, including surgeons, whocould evaluate patients and providethem with the optimal treatment options<strong>for</strong> their particular needs, Dr. Taggartconcluded.■

AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009 5Plan to Attend Tuesday’s Simultaneous SessionsThe AATS simultaneous scientificsessions offer attendees the opportunityto focus their meeting experiencein their particular areas of interestand expertise.High-quality papers will be presentedeach day in Adult Cardiac <strong>Surgery</strong>, General<strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>, and CongenitalHeart Disease begining at 2:00 p.m.The sessions consist of 8-minute paperpresentations, followed by 12 minutes ofdiscussion. Each session will have a 45-minute intermission to allow attendeesto visit the Exhibit Halls. Tuesday’s sessionfeatures some of the best in their respectivefields.postcardiac transplant survival.General <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>This session, in Room 302-306, will bemoderated by Nasser K. Altorki, M.D.,and Shaf Keshavjee, M.D. The sessionwill feature: endobronchial ultrasoundguidedfine-needle aspiration of mediastinallymph nodes, extracorporealmembrane oxygenation in pediatriclung transplantation, lung transplantationusing postcardiac death donors,laparoscopic diaphragm plictation, minimalresection of thymoma, and factorsaffecting survival in esophageal cancerpatients with persistent lymph nodemetastases.Congenital Heart DiseaseThis session, in Room 312, will be moderatedby J. William Gaynor, M.D., andRichard G. Ohye, M.D. The session willfeature: genetic factors determiningimpaired growth after surgery, mechanicalmitral valve prostheses, outcomesof reconstructed biventricularoutflow tracts, gene expression profilingin newborns with hypoplastic leftheart syndrome, ventral septal defect,anastomosis repair of aortic arches, andthe impact of monitoring on survival inStage 1 palliation of univentricularheart disease.■Adult Cardiac <strong>Surgery</strong>This session in Ballroom A-C, will bemoderated by Joseph F. Sabik, M.D.,and David H. Adams, M.D. The sessionwill feature six high-quality papers: thepapillary muscle sling <strong>for</strong> ischemic mitralregurgitation, surgical managementof tricuspid valve regurgitation, theRoss procedure as an option <strong>for</strong> treatingaortic valve disease, surgical ventricularrestoration <strong>for</strong> anteroseptal scars, earlyand late outcomes using extracorporealmembrane oxygenation <strong>for</strong> refractorypostcardiotomy cardiogenic shock,and the impact of LVAD duration onAATS AlliedSymposiumMONDAY, MAY 11The Impact of HealthcareRe<strong>for</strong>m on EmergingTechnologies6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.The Harvard ClubSupported by Edwards LifesciencesCallos Bone Void Filler inOsteoporotic Sternums6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Sheraton Fairfax BSupported by Acute Innovations2009 AATS MeetingBooth #90021st CenturyCardiothoracic <strong>Surgery</strong>:Clinical and ManagementInnovations to Prepare YourPractice <strong>for</strong> the Future6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Museum of Science, BostonSupported by Sorin GroupCapture on video EXACTLY what you seeUSB plug-and-play connectivityStraight digital output - no conversion neededAngleOther LoupesTuesday, May 12Practical Solutions to CommonProblems in <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.Independence Ballroom West,Sheraton Boston HotelSupported by CovidienSurgiTel eliminated all of theneck pain that I previously enduredwith other telescopes.Raymond L. Singer, MDAng1(800) 959-0153

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8 AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009Take Time to See New Products in Exhibit HallSeveral companies are launching newproducts at this year's AATS AnnualMeeting and invite you to stop bytheir booth <strong>for</strong> the latest in<strong>for</strong>mation.Kardium 628URL: www.kardium.com/torq.htmlProduct Name: The TORQKardium introduces the TORQ, a surgical instrument<strong>for</strong> sternal closure that uses standardsternal wires and works with common wiringtechniques. The TORQ provides an increasedtension to the sternal wires, resulting in bettersternal approximation and stability, while preventingwire breakages.Pluromed, Inc. 1610Product: LeGoo Internal Vessel Occluderwww.pluromed.comPluromed's LeGoo is revolutionizing the waysurgeons occlude vessels and achieve a bloodlessfield during vascular anastomosis in cardiacand vascular surgery; lung, kidney, and15% Discount If You Register at theAATS Booth During the AATS Annual Meeting.liver surgery; and organ transplant. CE-Marked<strong>for</strong> transient vascular occlusion, LeGoo is acompletely atraumatic temporary occlusion devicethat replaces clamps, occlusion balloonsand vessel loops. LeGoo is being used in Europeanhospitals to provide a bloodless surgicalfield and/or occlude calcified arteries.SyntheMed, Inc. 426URL: www.synthemed.comProduct Name: REPEL-CV® BioresorbableAdhesion BarrierREPEL-CV® Adhesion Barrier is a thin, transparent,bioresorbable membrane made from syntheticpolymers that is placed over the epicardialsurface during an open heart surgicalprocedure to reduce the severity of post-operativeadhesions. In the US, REPEL-CV is FDA approved<strong>for</strong> use in pediatric patients. Internationally,it is CE Mark approved <strong>for</strong> use in allcardiac surgery patients.Veran MedicalTechnologies, Inc. 226Product Name: IG4 PLB Navigation SystemURL: www.veranmedical.comThe IG4 PLB Navigation System is an electromagneticnavigation system <strong>for</strong> bronchoscopicapplications that extends theworking area <strong>for</strong> conventional bronchoscopes.Providing real-time positioningwith fly-thru capability, CT path projection,and annotated bronch0ial tree views, thesystem enables users to accurately targetsmall peripheral lesions. ( FDA clearancepending)Contact:Mark HunterVP, Strategic OperationsPH: 314-659-8500EML: mark.hunter@veranmedical.comAwardPresentationsThe following awards will be presentedat 9:05 a.m. in Ballroom A-C duringa break in the Monday Plenary Session.Lifetime Achievement AwardThomas B. Ferguson, M.D.Washington School of MedicineThe Lifetime Achievement Award servesto recognize individuals <strong>for</strong> their significantcontributions to cardiothoracicsurgery in the areas of patient care, teaching,research, and/or community service.C. Walton Lillehei ForumResident AwardThis Forum recognizes the extraordinarycontributions to our specialty by agreat innovator in congenital and vasculardisease. Selected by the CardiothoracicResidents Committee, the recipientreceives a $5,000 award through a generousunrestricted educational grantfrom St. Jude Medical, Inc.TSRA McGoon AwardThe Dr. Dwight McGoon Award is presentedto an individual who has significantlycontributed to the clinical and educationaldevelopment of thoracic surgeryresidents through inspiring academic andpolitical contributions to the specialty.The MeetingContinuesOnce back in your office, theAATS Annual Meeting continues.A complete archive of themeeting is available on the AATSwebsite www.aats.org.

Sternal Talon ®www.rapidsternalclosure.comBeginning October 1, 2008, Medicare will no longer reimburse <strong>for</strong> some Hospital-acquired Conditions.Mediastinitis after coronary artery bypass graft surgery is one of these conditions.Per Centers <strong>for</strong> Medicare & Medicade Services, IPPS FY 2009 Final Rule“Instability of the sternal repair is the <strong>for</strong>erunner of most infections.A rigid fixation repair there<strong>for</strong>e is essential <strong>for</strong> normal healing without infection.”Invited comment on the Sternal Talon ®by Denton A. Cooley, MD, President and Surgeon-in-chief, The Texas Heart Institute, 2007a member of KLS Martin GroupKLS Martin®

10 AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009AAATS 2009 Exhibit Hall and ExhibitorsA & E MEDICAL CORPORATION 3262310 South Miami Boulevard, Suite 240,Durham, NC 27703 USAProducts to be exhibited: MYO/Wire temporarypacing wires, MYO/Wire II sternum wires,PorterMed rotating aortic punch, DVR2 <strong>for</strong>minimally invasive saphenous vein harvest andDoubleWire high strength sternal closure system.The high strength DoubleWire sternumclosure system provides stable sternal fixationin large and COPD patients.www.aemedical.comACCURAY INCORPORATED 3241310 Cheasapeake Terrace,Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USAThe CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery System isthe world's first and only radiosurgery systemcapable of treating tumors anywhere in thebody with proven sub-millimeter accuracy. Usingimage guidance technology and computercontrolled robotics, the CyberKnife System is designedto continuously track, detect, and correct<strong>for</strong> tumor and patient movement throughoutthe treatment. www.accuray.comACUTE INNOVATIONS 103521421 NW Jacobson Road, Suite 700,Hillsboro, OR 97124 USAAcute Innovations® is committed to providingsurgeons and their patients with innovative solutionsto challenging thoracic procedures. Stopby our booth to learn about the latest innovationsin rib and sternal stabilization.www.acuteinnovations.comAESCULAP, INC. 1083773 Corporate Parkway,Center Valley, PA 18034 USAAesculap, Inc., is a member of the B. Braunfamily of healthcare companies and the world'slargest manufacturer of surgical instrumentation.For more than 138 years, Aesculap hasprovided customers with surgical instrumentationand implants <strong>for</strong> neurosurgery, ENT, plasticand reconstructive, thoracic, micro-vascular,cardiovascular, orthopedic and laparoscopicsurgery.www.aesculap.comAMERICAN ASSOCIATIONFOR THORACIC SURGERY Lobby 1900 Cummings Center, Suite 221-U,Beverly, MA 01915 USAFounded in 1917, the <strong>American</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong> is dedicated to excellence inresearch, education, and innovation in thoracicsurgery and has become an international professionalorganization of more than 1,100 ofthe world's <strong>for</strong>emost cardiothoracic surgeons.www.aats.orgATRICURE, INC. 5176033 Schumacher Park Drive,West Chester, OH 45069 USAAtriCure, Inc. offers the most complete portfolioof products exclusively focused on cardiac ablation.Visit booth #517 to see the latest advancementsin bipolar RF and cryothermal cardiacablation energy. www.atricure.comATRIUM MEDICAL CORPORATION 5255 Wentworth Drive,Hudson, NH 03051 USASee Atrium's complete line of Mobile ChestDrains, Water Seal, Dry Suction & Dry Sealdrains. Atrium also offers coated & uncoatedPVC & silicone thoracic catheters, PleuraGuideDisposable Chest Tube Kit & Ultramax knitteddouble velour vascular grafts.www.atriummed.comATS MEDICAL, INC. 6033905 Annapolis Lane, Suite 105,Minneapolis, MN 55447 USAATS Medical features the ATS Open Pivot® MechanicalHeart Valves, ATS 3f® Bioprostheses,and ATS Simulus® Annuloplasty Products. ATSis the leader in surgical cryoablation providingREGISTRATIONCME/INTERNETAUDITORIUMENTRANCEAATSBOOTHHALL CENTRANCEHALL DENTRANCE200 300600 700 800 801 9001100 1102 1300 1301 1401 1404 15001700 INTERNET CAFE1503 160216031702102103803503 6021505 160416051704203106303902603807903FOOD FOOD1405108509608109110161015091608160951161081111291221311411611514153151515118517 617817219TELEPHONEELEVATORFOOD &BEVERAGE1201219171222204221421 1520323124423 52215231622 1623 1722125225324424824924525624127625126827 826 9261427 1526152716241627 1726226227326327426427 526129529 628832831930103093110311130RESTROOMSFOOD & BEVERAGE735 834 835 9349351035 1134FOOD & BEVERAGEJOHN B. HYNES CONVENTION CENTERLEVEL 2 - EXHIBIT HALLS C & D AND AUDITORIUM

AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009 11ATS CryoMaze probes and clamps <strong>for</strong> thetreatment of cardiac arrhythmias.www.atsmedical.comBBAITELLA AG 1603Thurgauerstrasse 70,Zurich, CH 8050 SwitzerlandBaitella AG is the leading manufacturer ofholding/support systems with articulated armswith quick central fixation <strong>for</strong> surgery, intensivecare and anesthesia applications. The productsare originally Swiss made special OEM manufactured.With the modular FISSO system customerdefined solutions will be realized easyand fast.www.fisso.comBAXTER BIOSURGERY 300One Baxter Parkway,Deerfield, IL 60015 USABaxter is a global medical products and servicescompany with expertise in medical devices,pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.Our highlighted products are FLOSEAL [HemostaticMatrix], GELFOAM PLUS, COSEAL [SurgicalSealant] and TISSEEL [Fibrin Sealant].www.baxterbiosurgery.comBFW, INC. 15032307 River Road, Suite 103,Louisville, KY 40206 USABacked by 40 years in the surgical illuminationbusiness, BFW introduces the groundbreakingChromaLUME Turbo Plasma Headlight Systemwith LIFI® technology the most intelligentmeans to ecologically minded, highly energy efficientand functionally stable illumination <strong>for</strong>the Operating Room, with an unprecedented10,000-hour lamp providing consistent 6000°Kelvin illumination. www.bfwinc.comBIOMET MICROFIXATION(Formerly W. Lorenz Surgical) 16021520 Tradeport Drive,Jacksonville, FL 32218 USASternaLock "The New Gold Standard" Intended<strong>for</strong> primary sternal closure in "high risk" patients,SternaLock is proven to provide greaterstability, decrease infection, promote earlierbone healing, and increase patient com<strong>for</strong>twhile saving time and money.www.biometmicrofixation.comBOSS INSTRUMENTS, LTD. 826395 Reas Ford Road, Suite 120,Earlysville, VA 22936 USABOSS Instruments, Ltd. is a surgical instrumentcompany that concentrates on the global developmentand distribution of specialty lines ofsurgical instruments in areas such as: Vascular/Cardiovascular,Neurosurgery, Spine, Orthopedic,and ENT. On display will be high qualitysurgical instruments, CV retractors and Table-Mounted retractors. www.bossinst.comBOSTON MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. 112117 Flanders Rd.,Westborough, MA 01581 USABoston Medical Products and NOVATECH,manufacturers of high quality tracheostomy,tracheal and bronchial stent products.NOVATECH-Dumon® silicone tracheal andbronchial stents, the original gold standardTONN delivery system <strong>for</strong> silicone stents.NEW! Full range of <strong>for</strong>ceps <strong>for</strong> rigid bronchoscopy.Montgomery® Safe-T-Tube, the originalgold standard tracheal stent providing trachealsupport and secondary airway.www.bosmed.comBRONCUS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 9241400 North Shoreline Boulevard, Building A8,Mountain View, CA 94043 USABroncus Technologies is conducting the EASETrial to investigate airway bypass, a minimallyinvasivebronchoscopic procedure to treat emphysema.Airway bypass creates new pathwaysin the lung <strong>for</strong> trapped air to escape and maypotentially reduce lung hyperinflation, improvepulmonary function and enhance quality of lifein emphysema patients.www.broncus.comCCALIFORNIA MEDICALLABORATORIES, INC. 4271570 Sunland Lane,Costa Mesa, CA 92626 USAManufacturer of cardiovascular cannuale,catheters, array of cardioplegia delivery products,suction and venting devices, accessories,and minimally invasive products. Please visitour booth in order to discuss recent developmentsin our Cannulae Line.www.calmedlab.comCARDIAC ASSIST, INC. 834240 Alpha Drive,Pittsburgh, PA 15238 USACardiacAssist,Inc. develops, manufactures, andmarkets cardiac assist devices. The Tandem-Heart System provides extracorporeal circulatorysupport through a cardiac catheterizationprocedure in as little as 30 minutes and canprovide up to 5 liters per minute (Lpm) ofblood flow. The TandemHeart is fully reimbursedby Medicare under existing DRG codes.www.cardiacassist.com orwww.tandemheart.comCARDIMA, INC. 60847266 Benicia Street,Fremont, CA 94538 USACardima-Advancing Cardiac Ablation Techniques.Proven innovative technology incorporatedinto an ablation line of products used ina thorocoscopic approach or open chest proceduresafely and effectively; creating continuous,thin, deep, transmural lesions. Cardima hasbeen dedicated to the diagnosis and treatmentof arrhythmias <strong>for</strong> over 12 years.www.cardima.comCARDIOGENESIS CORPORATION 52211 Musick,Irvine, CA 92618 USACardiogenesis Corporation is a global leader ofinnovative therapies <strong>for</strong> ischemic cardiac disease.We are innovating to provide minimallyinvasive robotic and thoracoscopic TMR deliverysystems <strong>for</strong> the treatment of patients sufferingfrom debilitating angina.www.cardiogenesis.comCARDIOM MEDICAL 1291878 Firman Drive,Richardson, TX 75081 USACardiom Medical offers a wide range of products<strong>for</strong> Off-Pump and On-Pump cardiac surgery.Cardiom markets the Triumph Aortic OcclusionCannula, the only direct method of occludingthe aorta vs cross-clamping. Cardiom also offersthe TRIPOD heart stabilization system, a rocksolidarm with unique rotating foot pads.www.cardiommedical.comCARDIOMEDICAL GMBH 424Industriestrasse 3A D-30855Langenhagen, GermanyMIC-InstrumentsLaparoscopic InstrumentsRetractors and AccessoriesCoronary InstrumentsCannulaes ProgramBlood Flow MeasurementXenon Headlight SystemClip TechnologyPacerTemporary Heartwires & Leadswww.cardiomedical.deCARDIONET 1623227 Washington St., 3rd Floor,Conshohocken, PA 19428 USACardioNet is the leading provider of a comprehensivesuite of cardiac arrhythmia monitoringservices <strong>for</strong> diagnosing patients and monitoringtreatment. The CardioNet AF ManagementProgram is the most robust and comprehensiveAF data available, providing physicians withthe in<strong>for</strong>mation they need to better diagnose,treat, and manage their patients.www.cardionet.comCARDIOUS, INC. 827360 North Robert, Suite 510,St. Paul, MN 55101 USACardious, Inc. is developing the minimally invasiveAvA Aortic Valve Bypass Graft System(currently in pre-clinical studies). This apicoaorticgraft allows the surgeon to safely and effectivelyrelieve aortic valve stenosis "off pump"via a thoracotomy. A traditional bioprostheticheart valve selected by the surgeon is usedwith the device.www.cardious.comCASMED 162444 East Industrial Road,Bran<strong>for</strong>d, CT 06405 USACAS Medical Systems, a leader in vital signsmonitoring systems, presents the FORE-SIGHT®Cerebral Oximeter, a compelling newtechnology <strong>for</strong> the non-invasive, continuousmonitoring of absolute cerebral tissue oxygensaturation.www.CASMED.comCEREMED, INC. 2273643 Lenawee Avenue,Los Angeles, CA 90016 USAOstene, a synthetic, water-soluble, bone hemostasismaterial achieves immediate hemostasiswithout interfering with bone healing.Ostene does not increase infection rates orcause chronic inflammation. Ceremed, themanufacturer of Ostene, is located in LosAngeles, CA.www.ceremed.comCHASE MEDICAL 1271876 Firman Drive,Richardson, TX 75081 USAChase Medical is a leader of innovative productsto treat heart failure. Products includeMannequinTM <strong>for</strong> physicians per<strong>for</strong>ming SurgicalVentricular Restoration (SVR), MARISATMCardiac MRI Analysis Technology and CatalystServices.www.chasemedical.comCOOK MEDICAL 509750 Daniels Way, PO Box 489,Bloomington, IN 47402 USACook Medical was the first company to introduceinterventional devices in the UnitedStates. Today, the company participates in allglobal markets, integrating device design, biopharma,gene and cell therapy and biotech toenhance patient safety and improve clinicaloutcomes. Cook won the prestigious MedicalDevice Manufacturer of the Year <strong>for</strong> 2006 fromMedical Device and Diagnostic Industry magazine.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation, visitwww.cookmedical.com.www.cookmedical.comCORMATRIX CARDIOVASCULAR 114200 N. Cobb Pkwy.Marietta, GA 30062 USACorMatrix Cardiovascular markets its ECMTechnology biomaterial devices <strong>for</strong> pericardialclosure and cardiac tissue repair, and is currentlyconducting preclinical studies to evaluatefuture applications in heart failure.www.cormatrix.comCORONEO, INC. 3279250 Park Avenue, Suite 514,Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2N 1Z2Featured will be the "Extra-Aortic" AnnuloplastyRing, a unique expansible ring to correct aorticinsufficiency in valve-sparing surgery, while preservingthe physiology of the aortic root. Surgicalplat<strong>for</strong>ms <strong>for</strong> both sternotomy and intercostal approachesduring valvular, CABG, OPCAB, and roboticsurgery. Also featured will be pediatric titaniumretractors with swivel blades.www.coroneo.comCOVIDIEN 213150 Glover Ave.Norwalk, CT 06856 USACovidien is a leading global healthcare productscompany that creates innovative medical solutions<strong>for</strong> better patient outcomes and deliversvalue through clinical leadership and excellence.www.covidien.comCRYOLIFE, INC. 15151655 Roberts Boulevard NW,Kennesaw, GA 30144 USACryoLife®, Inc. is a leader in the development andimplementation of advanced technologies associatedwith allograft processing and cryopreservation.Additionally, CryoLife continues to expand itsprotein hydrogel technology plat<strong>for</strong>m, which currentlyincludes BioGlue® Surgical Adhesive.www.cryolife.comCTSNET 1213108 Queeny Tower,Barnes-Jewish Hospital Plaza,St. Louis, MO 63110 USACTSNet is the premier electronic communityand portal of in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> cardiothoracicsurgery, providing the most comprehensive,most heavily trafficked, and most reliable onlinesource of in<strong>for</strong>mation about cardiothoracicsurgery available worldwide. CTSNet's manyresources is the full text and graphic of all articles<strong>for</strong> the major journals in the field. Cardiothoracicsurgery is unique among medical specialtiesin having a single, collaborative Webresource created by and including the majorprofessional associations around the world.This backing by the recognized professional societiesthroughout the world gives CTSNet alevel or credibility and an authoritative voiceunmatched by any other online source.www.ctsnet.orgDD'AMBRA TECHNOLOGIES LLC 106P.O. Box 7308,Portland, ME 04112 USAD'Ambra Technologies (DTLLC) is dedicated toproviding the benefits of elite 3 dimensionaltechnologies to the medical community. Wehave fostered a unique integration of softwaredesign and optical engineering with state-ofthe-arthardware. We exercise total control ofillumination, image acquisition, recording, storage,manipulation of content, and 3D display.This process af<strong>for</strong>ds precise control of every pixelin time and space. The result is a 3D imagerendered in real-time that passes the demandsimposed by clinical medicine.www.dambratec.comDATASCOPE CORPORATION 81714 Phillips Parkway,Montvale, NJ 07645 USADatascope Corp. is the global leader of intraaorticballoon counter pulsation and a diversifiedmedical device company that develops,manufactures and markets proprietary products<strong>for</strong> clinical health care markets in interventionalcardiology and radiology, cardiovascularand vascular surgery, and critical care. TheCompany's products are sold worldwide.www.datascope.comDELACROIX-CHEVALIER 1030c/o MED Alliance Group, Inc.,3825 Commerce Drive,St. Charles, IL 60174 USADelacroix-Chevalier designs and manufacturesWorld Class Instruments. D-C is best known<strong>for</strong> the Carpentier Mitral Valve Repair retractorand instrument set, Mammary Retractors, MISinstruments, and Resano "Magic" Forceps.www.delacroix-chevalier.comDESIGNS FOR VISION, INC. 610760 Koehler Avenue,Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 USAJust See It with Designs <strong>for</strong> Vision's lightweightcustom-made Surgical Telescopes - nowavailable with Nike® frames. These Telescopesimprove visual acuity and reduce back andneck pain. See It Even Better with the L.E.D.Daylite or Twin Beam L.E.D. providing thebrightest and safest untethered illumination.www.designs<strong>for</strong>vision.comDOCTORS RESEARCH GROUP 118574 Heritage Road, Suite 202,Southbury, CT 06488 USAKryptonite bone cement; Creating osteosynthesisin sternotomy patients! Kryptonite is a nontoxic,osteoconductive, bioabsorbable-calcifiedtriglyceride, extremely adhesive, cohesive andminimally exothermic.www.kryptonitebonecement.com

12 AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009EEACTS 13003 Park Street,Windsor, SL4 1LU, UKThe EACTS is the largest European <strong>Association</strong>devoted to the practice of Cardio and <strong>Thoracic</strong>surgery. Visit the booth <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation onmembership, future meetings and all activitiesof EACTS.JournalsEJCTS: European Journal of Cardio-<strong>Thoracic</strong><strong>Surgery</strong>ICVTS: Interactive Cardiovascular and <strong>Thoracic</strong><strong>Surgery</strong>MMCTS: Multimedia Manual of Cardiothoracic<strong>Surgery</strong>Future Meetings23rd Annual Meeting, 17 - 21 October 2009,Vienna, Austriawww.eacts.orgEDWARDS LIFESCIENCES 303One Edwards Way,Irvine, CA 92614 USAEdwards Lifesciences is the global leader in thescience of heart valves, with more than fivedecades of experience in partnering with cliniciansto develop life-saving innovations. Edwardstreats advanced cardiovascular diseasewith its market-leading heart valve therapies,and critical care and vascular technologies.www.edwards.comESTECH CARDIACSURGERY SPECIALISTS 2032603 Camino Ramon, Suite 100,San Ramon, CA 94583 USAESTECH enables Cardiac Surgeons who specializein: Ablation, CABG, & Valve procedures -with COBRA® RF Ablation Products, Stabilizers,Positioners, Valve Exposure, and CannulationSystems <strong>for</strong> traditional and minimally invasiveapproaches.www.estech.comEXIGON DIAGNOSTICS 93515501 Redhill Avenue,Tustin, CA 92780 USAExiqon Diagnostics is a leader in personalizingmedicine <strong>for</strong> cancer patients. Exiqon Diagnosticsis dedicated to developing and per<strong>for</strong>mingnovel molecular and cell-based oncology assaysto help physicians individualize and optimizetreatment selection <strong>for</strong> their patients. ExiqonDiagnostics is the trade name <strong>for</strong> Oncotech,Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Exiqon A/S.www.oncotech.comEXPERIMENTALSURGICAL SERVICES 1801420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 220,Minneapolis, MN 55455 USAExperimental Surgical Services at the Universityof Minnesota is more than just a contract researchorganization. From discovery to regulatorystrategy to submission we are the industryleader in researching and testing pre-clinicalmedical devices and surgical techniques.www.ess.umn.eduFFEHLING SURGICALINSTRUMENTS, INC. 624509 Broadstone Lane,Acworth, GA 30101 USAFehling Surgical Instruments exhibit featuresthe "Fehling CERAMO Instrument Line,""SU-PERPLAST" Coronary Probes and Instruments<strong>for</strong> Minimally Invasive Cardiac <strong>Surgery</strong>. BlackCERAMO surface means high efficiencythrough enhanced per<strong>for</strong>mance, increased enduranceand minimal maintenance. See andfeel the difference.www.fehlingsurgical.comGGENESEE BIOMEDICAL, INC. 5261308 S. Jason Street,Denver, CO 80223 USAInnovation Changing Life through products <strong>for</strong>Cardiothoracic <strong>Surgery</strong>. Genesee BioMedical,Inc. develops and manufactures instrumentsand devices <strong>for</strong> cardiothoracic surgery. UniqueGenesee products include sternal and thoracicretractors <strong>for</strong> adult/pediatric cardiac surgery,reusable cardiac positioners, coronary graftmarkers, myocardial temperature probes andsuture guards. All products are CE marked.www.geneseebiomedical.comGLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS 142789, rue de l'Institut, 1330Rixensart, BelgiumMAGE-A3 Antigen-Specific Cancer Immunotherapeutic(ASCI) consists of MAGE-A3 tumor-specificantigen and a GSK proprietary immunologicalAdjuvant System. This investigationalcompound aims at educating the patient's immunesystem to fight cancer.www.gsk-asci.comGORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 8111505 North 4th Street, PO BOX 2400,Flagstaff, AZ 86001 USAThe Gore Medical Products Division has providedcreative therapeutic solutions to complexmedical problems <strong>for</strong> three decades. Duringthat time, more than 23 million innovativeGore Medical Devices have been implanted,saving and improving the quality of lives worldwide.The extensive Gore Medical family ofproducts includes vascular grafts, endovascularand interventional devices, surgical meshes <strong>for</strong>hernia repair and sutures <strong>for</strong> use in vascular,cardiac and general surgery. For more in<strong>for</strong>mation,please visit www.goremedical.comHHEART HUGGER/GENERAL CARDIACTECHNOLOGY, INC. 42215814 Winchester Blvd. #105,Los Gatos, CA 95030 USAHeart Hugger-Sternum Support Harness is apatient operated support harness applied postopto splint surgical wounds. Benefits includeimproved patient compliance, faster return topremorbid respiratory levels, fewer wound complicationsand better post-op mobility. It isuseful <strong>for</strong> post open-heart, thoracotomy, fracturedrib and other check trauma patients.www.hearthugger.comHEARTWARE, INC. 1526205 Newbury St.,Framingham, MA 01701 USAHeartWare, Inc. features a miniature, full-output,circulatory support device designed totreat patients suffering from advanced heartfailure. The HeartWare® Ventricular Assist Systemincorporates state-of-the-art peripheralsand is intended to be implanted less invasivelyin the pericardial space. The HeartWare® Systemis currently the subject of a US IDE trial.www.heartware.comHOOD LABORATORIES 125575 Washington St.,Pembroke, MA 02359 USAHood Laboratories is an innovative designerand manufacturer of products <strong>for</strong> head, neck,and chest surgery. We offer a full line of T-Tubes, Salivary By-Pass Tubes, Stoma Stents,Laryngeal Stents, Laryngeal Keels, EsophagealStents, and a unique line of silicone Bronchialand Tracheal Stents. Hood Laboratories utilizesour proprietary surface modification, Ultra-Smooth Plus, which virtually eliminates edematousadhesions and mucus build up on all ofour bronchial and tracheal stents.www.hoodlabs.comHRA HOSPITALRESEARCH ASSOCIATES 934400 Lanidex Plaza,Parsippany, NJ 07054 USAOur team of experienced interviewers will bedistributing carefully developed questionnaires.We'll be gathering the answers to vital marketingand clinical questions- answers that can affectthe introduction of new products or thecontinuation of existing healthcare productsand services.www.hraresearch.comII-FLOW CORPORATION 142120202 Windrow Drive,Lake Forest, CA 92630 USAON-Q is labeled to significantly reduce painbetter than narcotics and to significantly reducenarcotics intake after surgery. ON-Q wasupheld as a best practice <strong>for</strong> post-surgical painrelief and its widespread use was encouragedas part of an independent study published inthe prestigious Journal of <strong>American</strong> College ofSurgeons.www.iflo.comINTEGRA SURGICAL 83199 Hartwell Street, W.Boylston, MA 01583 USAIntegra Surgical is a leader in innovative,quality, surgical instrumentation solutions <strong>for</strong>your sterile processing department and operatingroom needs <strong>for</strong> laparoscopic, general,cardiovascular, neuro, plastic and reconstructivesurgery. Products include Luxtec® Xenonillumination systems, fiber optic cables, instrumentationfrom Jarit®, R&BTM, Padgett®,CIMS® Consulting and Omni-Tract®table retractors. www.integra-surgical.comINTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OFROBOTIC SURGERY 17045673 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, Ste 675,Atlanta, GA 30342 USAThe International College of Robotic <strong>Surgery</strong>(ICRS), founded by Saint Joseph's Hospital ofAtlanta and led with the expertise of nationallyrecognized cardiac robotic surgeons, DouglasMurphy, M.D., and Sudhir Srivastava,M.D., offers exclusive training packages toother cardiothoracic surgeons utilizing the daVinci Robot.www.icrstraining.orgINTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FORMINIMALLY INVASIVECARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY 926900 Cummings Center, Suite 221-U,Beverly, MA 01915 USAAttend the 2009 Annual Meeting of the trueparent organization of Minimally Invasive Cardiac,Cardiothoracic and Cardiovascularsurgery, ISMICS. 3 - 6 June 2009, Westin St.Francis Hotel, San Francisco, CA.www.ismics.orgINTUITIVE SURGICAL, INC. 6251266 Kifer Road, Building 101,Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USAIntuitive Surgical, Inc. is the global technologyleader in robotic-assisted, minimally invasivesurgery. The Company's da Vinci® Surgical Systemoffers breakthrough capabilities that enablecardiac surgeons to use a minimally invasiveapproach and avoid sternotomy.www.intuitivesurgical.comKKAPP SURGICALINSTRUMENTS, INC. 9314919 Warrensville Center Road,Cleveland, OH 44128 USAKapp Surgical is a custom design shop whichdesigns surgical instruments and implants,manufactures them, and sells as well as distributesdomestically and internationally. Kapp'sexclusive products are the Cosgrove Heart Retractor,Bariatric Ring, Strip T's surgical organizer,and countless surgical devices all FDA approvedwith several pending approvals. (Kappowns 39 patents.) www.kappsurgical.comKARDIUM 628100 - 12851 Rowan Pl., Richmond,British Columbia V6V2K5 CanadaKardium introduces the TORQ, a surgical instrument<strong>for</strong> sternal closure that uses standardsternal wires and works with common wiringtechniques. The TORQ provides an increasedtension to the sternal wires, resulting in bettersternal approximation and stability, while preventingwire breakages.www.kardium.comKARL STORZENDOSCOPY-AMERICA, INC. 8032151 E. Grand Ave.El Segundo, CA 90245Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc., a leader inendoscopic devices, designs, engineers, manufacturesand markets products that emphasizevisionary design, craftsmanship and clinical effectiveness.Karl Storz offers a range of products<strong>for</strong> thoracic and pulmonary applications,including video-assisted thoracic surgery, mediastinoscopyand bronchoscopy procedures, includingearly detection of pulmonary tumorsusing autofluorescence. www.karlstorz.comKLS MARTIN LP 824P.O. Box 50249,Jacksonville, FL 32250 USAKLS-Martin, a responsive company, is focusedon the development of innovative products <strong>for</strong>oral, plastic and craniomaxillofacial surgery.New product developments in our titanium osteosynthesisplating systems allow these productsto be used <strong>for</strong> rapid sternal fixation andreconstruction.www.klsmartin.comKOROS USA INC. 735610 Flinn Avenue,Moorpark, CA 93021 USAFor the past 33 years Koros USA has manufacturedand distributed state of the art surgicalinstruments such as our Swivel Mitral Valve,Swift, Pro (Ring), CAB and IMA Retractors. Allour instruments are custom made from thefinest quality and excellence.www.korosusa.comLLIFENET HEALTH 16271864 Concert Drive,Virginia Beach, VA 23453 USAFounded in 1982 and headquartered in VirginiaBeach, VA, LifeNet Health is a leadingbiomedical alloengineering organization whosemission is saving lives and restoring health.Our CardioGraft cryopreserved cardiac allograftsare used in complex congenital heart defectsand adults with extensive valvular disease.www.lifenethealth.orgLIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 150531 Cove Road,Salem, NH 03079 USAMedical books, journals, electronic media <strong>for</strong>educational purposes. www.lww.comMMAQUET CARDIOVASCULAR 617170 Baytech Drive,San Jose, CA 95134 USAMAQUET Cardiovascular provides full supportto cardiovascular surgical teams by offering acomprehensive set of solutions <strong>for</strong> off and onpumpcoronary artery bypass procedures. MA-QUET helps improve the quality and outcomeof patient care with products such as theVASOVIEW Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting systemand the entire line of HEMASHIELD vasculargrafts.www.maquet.comMARKET ACCESS PARTNERS 1083236 S. Meadow View Road,Evergreen, CO 80439 USAMarket Access Partners provides market researchconsulting to the medical device andPharmaceutical industries. We use innovativequalitative and quantitative methodologies toresearch opinions of physicians, nurses and patients.We offer a management-oriented approachto product development and marketing.www.marketaccesspartners.comMEDELA, INC. 8071101 Corporate Drive,McHenry, IL 60050The ingredients such as mobility, electronicmonitoring and safety needed to fast-track thepatients with chest drains are available inMedela's new digital drainage system - theThopaz. It is a small, lightweight system withintegrated suction that allows the patient tomobilize the day of surgery. It gives the patientfreedom to move around without the assis-

AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009 13tance of the nursing staff. Also, Thopaz monitorsthe patient and provides an objective viewof the effectiveness of the therapy over a 24-hour period. This feature provides the physicianwith the necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation to make decisionsto discontinue the drainage easier andfaster. Thopaz is also a smart system that detectspotential safety issues. It gives an audibleand visual sound to alert the nursing staff ofan issue, which creates a safer healing environment<strong>for</strong> the patient. www.medela.comMEDI-STIM 32310200 73rd Avenue North, Suite 112,Maple Grove, MN 55369 USAMediStim is the world's leading provider of patencyverification technologies that help cardiacsurgeons deliver improved patient outcomes.Enhanced quality control is delivered throughMediStim's highly validated transit time andDoppler ultrasonic modalities. Rest assured!www.medistim.comMEDTRONIC 903710 Medtronic Parkway NE,Minneapolis, MN 55432 USAMedtronic, global leader in medical technology,offers a comprehensive product portfolio totreat patients with Structural Heart Disease:tissue valves, aortic endografting system, irrigatedradio frequency ablation devices, OPCABproducts.www.medtronic.comMY NEW HEART 529162 Muirfield Way,Easton, PA 18042 USAMy New Heart provides laminated wallet sizeID cards to patients who have undergone heartsurgery. One side of the card contains the patient'ssurgery in<strong>for</strong>mation, including a pictureof the aorta, the reverse side contains the doctor'scontact in<strong>for</strong>mation.www.mynewheart.comNNEOMEND, INC. 110260 Technology Ste. 100,Irvine, CA 92618 USANeoMend maintains a proprietary hydrogeltechnology plat<strong>for</strong>m enabling the companythe ability to provide advanced wound careproducts <strong>for</strong> a variety of applications includingwould sealing, prevention of post-surgicaladhesions, and site specific sustained drug delivery.www.neomend.comNONIN MEDICAL, INC. 160913700 1st Avenue North,Plymouth, MN 55441 USAMinneapolis-based Nonin Medical, Inc., a leadinginnovator of physiological monitoring solutions,distributes its branded and 90+ OEMproducts to health and medical professionals inmore than 125 countries. Since 1986, Noninhas developed a broad product line of pulseoximeters, capnographs, sensors, accessoriesand software <strong>for</strong> use by medical professionals.www.nonin.comNOVADAQ TECHNOLOGIES INC. 15222585 Skymark Avenue, Suite 306,Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4L5Novadaq Technologies develops imaging systems<strong>for</strong> the operating room. Novadaq marketsthe SPY® Imaging System <strong>for</strong> the intra-operativeassessment of coronary bypass grafts andmyocardial perfusion. Novadaq also marketsSPY-Q®, the world's first software program designedto analyze SPY images and provide realtimeconfirmation of the results of surgery.www.novadaq.comOOLYMPUS SURGICAL AMERICA 1153500 Corporate Pkwy,Center Valley, PA 18034 USAOlympus offers a full line of surgical scopes designedwith outstanding optics and precision.Olympus' latest generation of high-definition,deflectable-tip, thoracic videoscopes incorporatean advanced miniature color CCD chip <strong>for</strong>high-definition imaging. Olympus providesphysicians with the control needed to operateat maximum efficiency while providing the bestin patient care. www.olympussurgical.comON-X LIFE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1098200 Cameron Road, A-196,Austin, TX 78754 USAOn-X® Heart Valves: a quantum leap in mechanicalvalve technology. Breakthrough carbontechnology and valve design provide reducedturbulence and morbid event ratesrivaling tissue valves. FDA approved PROACT(Reduced Anticoagulation) trial is in progress.U.S. distributor of CarbonAid C02 Diffusion.www.onxvalves.comwww.heartvalvechoice.comPPENINSULA MEDICALPRODUCTS, LLC 8351330 Schoolcraft Road, Suite 200,Livonia, MI 48150 USASterna-Band Self-locking sternotomy suturesare a replacement <strong>for</strong> steel wires. A 4.5mmwidth spreads the clamping <strong>for</strong>ce six times overwire and the breaking point is twice that ofwires. The buckle is double-locked to eliminateslippage. www.peninsulamedicalproducts.comPETERS SURGICAL 219c/o MED Alliance Group, Inc.3825 Commerce Drive,St. Charles, IL 60174 USAExpert in Cardiac Valve Repair, Peters Surgicaloffers: Uniring® Universal Annuloplasty System,Cardionyl® Unique Monofilament suture<strong>for</strong> Mitral Valve Repair, Cardioflon® ExtraStrong Teflonised braided Polyester Suture <strong>for</strong>Ring placement, Cardioxyl® siliconised braidedpolyester Suture <strong>for</strong> ring and valve fixation.Plus a wide range of surgical sutures and accessories<strong>for</strong> cardiovascular and thoracicsurgery.www.peters-surgical.comPHILIPS HEALTHCARE 113022100 Bothell-Everett Highway,Bothell, WA 98021 USAPhilips offers medical technology designed tosimplify our lives. Come visit booth # 1130 tosee the iE33 and Live 3D TEE. Also, the PhilipsAllura Xper Series delivers superb high resolutionimage quality <strong>for</strong> challenging minimallyinvasive cardiac surgery procedures. Advancedyet easy to experience. Philips - it just makessense.www.medical.philips.com/us/company/aboutusPIONEER SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 801375 River Park Circle,Marquette, MI 49855 USAThe Pioneer Sternal Cable System consists ofmulti-strand stainless steel cable which is tensionedto a known degree and then crimped inplace using a patented instrument. The cable issmooth, flexible, and remarkably strong, contributingto a consistently stable, secure closure.www.pioneersurgical.comPLASMA SURGICAL, INC. 15001009 Mansell Road, Suite F,Roswell, GA 30076 USAPlasmaJet® technology sets a new standard insurgery, Plasma <strong>Surgery</strong>. Harnessing aerospacetechnology and the unique properties of plasma,PlasmaJet offers surgeons a multi-functionaltool <strong>for</strong> clean, precise surgical cutting andcoagulation on tissue and bone with minimalcollateral damage. The PlasmaJet® is also used<strong>for</strong> aerostasis on lung tissue and thermal surgicaltumor destruction.www.plasmasurgical.comPLUROMED, INC. 161025H Olympia Ave,Woburn, MA 01801 USAPluromed's LeGoo is revolutionizing the waysurgeons occlude vessels and achieve a bloodlessfield during vascular anastomosis in cardiacand vascular surgery; lung, kidney, andliver surgery; and organ transplant. CE-Marked<strong>for</strong> transient vascular occlusion, LeGoo is acompletely atraumatic temporary occlusion devicethat replaces clamps, occlusion balloonsand vessel loops. LeGoo is being used in Europeanhospitals to provide a bloodless surgicalfield and/or occlude calcified arteries.www.pluromed.comPOWER MEDICALINTERVENTIONS 1202021 Cabot Blvd. West,Langhorne, PA USA 19047Power Medical Interventions® (PMI) is leadingthe development and commercialization of IntelligentSurgical Instruments <strong>for</strong> bariatric,cardiothoracic, colorectal and general surgicalapplications. PMI's proprietary product plat<strong>for</strong>m,SurgASSIST, used in over 45,000 proceduresglobally, enables less invasive surgicaltechniques to benefit surgeons, patients, hospitalsand healthcare networks, including minimizingmedical waste. The Company wasfounded in 1999 and has corporate headquartersin Langhorne, PA, USA. www.pmi2.comPRECISION THERAPEUTICS 16222516 Jane Street,Pittsburgh, PA 15203Precision Therapeutics is a diagnostics servicescompany dedicated to providing physicians andpatients with actionable clinical in<strong>for</strong>mation topersonalize cancer treatments. Precision'sChemoFx®, a proprietary live tumor cell-basedplat<strong>for</strong>m, measures an individual patient's tumorsensitivity and resistance to a range oftherapeutic alternatives under consideration bya physician. www.precisiontherapeutics.comQQUALITEAM S.R.L. 1604Casale Nassio Sopra 15/a, 10010Chiaverano (TO), ItalyQUALITEAM, manufacturer of QUALIBREATH,the unique post-operative chest support, presentsthe adult and the NEW PEDIATRIC QUAL-IBREATH. Provides constant, elastic and firmsternum support <strong>for</strong> men, women and childrenwithout compromising respiration. Integratedhandles enable more support in additional painsituations and shoulder straps secure correctposition at all times. www.qualiteam.comQUEST MEDICAL, INC. 602One Allentown Parkway,Allen, TX 75002 USAFEATURES MPS®2 SYSTEM PROVIDING FLEXI-BILITY/control to optimize myocardial protectionstrategy w/Microplegia & cyclic flow (pulsatile)and pediatric protocols, includingcardioplegia delivery catheters/accessories, Retract-O-Tapesilicone vessel loops; CleanCut,PerfectCut®, and the bullet-nose rotating aorticpunches. www.questmedical.comRRESEARCH SURGICAL -MED ALLIANCE SOLUTIONS 1163825 Commerce Dr.,St. Charles, IL 60174 USAIntroducing the Dovetail Retractor. Developedprimarily <strong>for</strong> sensitive or elderly patients,the divergent design reduces the degree of retractionat the superior extent of the sternum,potentially reducing the chance of breakingbones and damaging the sternum, which couldlower the risk of secondary complications, pain,and associated healing times.www.researchsurgical.comRMD INSTRUMENTS, LLC 12444 Hunt Street,Watertown, MA 02472Designs, manufactures, distributes, and supportsNavigator Systems and Probes <strong>for</strong> surgicaldetection of tissues tagged with radiopharmaceuticals.Daniel-Probe may be usedby thoracic surgeons in a video-assisted biopsyof sub-centimeter lung nodules labeled with99mTc and previously identified by standardmethodologies. www.rmdmedical.comRULTRACT/PEMCO 9125663 Brecksville Road,Cleveland, OH 44131 USAThe Rultract Skyhook Retractor is designed to elevatethe chest wall during cardiac surgery.Various retractor rakes are available <strong>for</strong> usewith the Rultract ratchet assembly. The Rultractratchet and rake assembly will integrate withthe Rultract posts, extenders and table clampsto provide necessary chest wall retraction.www.rultract.netSSAUNDERS/MOSBY - ELSEVIER, INC. 5031600 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1800,Philadelphia, PA 19103 USAELSEVIER is the proud publisher of the Journalof <strong>Thoracic</strong> and Cardiovascular <strong>Surgery</strong>, officialpublication of AATS. Trust us to offer superiorresources that expand your knowledge, fostercommunication, build insights, enable individual,and collective advancement in the healthcarefield. ELSEVIER proudly publishes Mosby,Saunders, Churchill Livingstone, Butterworth-Heinemann, and Hanley & Belfus titles.ELSEVIER, building insights, breaking boundaries!www.elsevierhealth.comSCANLAN INTERNATIONAL, INC. 902One Scanlan Plaza,St Paul, MN 55107 USAHighest quality surgical products designed andmanufactured by the Scanlan family since1921. Over 3,000 titanium and stainless steelinstrument designs including: SCANLAN®LEGACY titanium <strong>for</strong>ceps, VATS/MICS minimallyinvasive instruments; single-use products includingAorta/Vein Punch, VASCU-STATT® bulldogclamps, A/C Locator® graft markers andmagnification loupes.www.scanlanintemational.comSIEMENS MEDICALSOLUTIONS USA, INC. 103151 Valley Stream Parkway,Malvern, PA 19355 USASiemens Medical Solutions, one of the world'slargest healthcare suppliers, combines innovativemedical technologies, healthcare in<strong>for</strong>mationsystems, management consulting, andsupport services to help our customers achievetangible outcomes. We offer a variety of urologysolutions, including the UROSKOP Accessurodiagnostic table. MODULARS lithotripsysystem and ARCADIS family of C-arms.www.siemens.com/healthcareSKYTRON 11345085 Corporate Exchange Blvd. SE,Grand Rapids, MI 49512 USAPioneering Medical Equipment Solutions <strong>for</strong> operatingrooms, emergency, cath lab, birthingrooms and ICU including LED Surgical Lighting,Emergency, Exam, Cath Lab, Birthing and HybridRooms, Skybooms, OR Integration, RTLSRFID Asset Management, Turn Key HybridRooms, HD Cameras, HD FP Displays, WarmingCabinets, Stainless, CS Products, TechnologyManagement Solutions. www.skytron.usSOCIETY OFTHORACIC SURGEONS 1301633 North Saint Clair,Chicago, IL 60611 USAThe Society of <strong>Thoracic</strong> Surgeons representsmore than 5,800 surgeons, researchers, and alliedhealth professionals worldwide who arededicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes<strong>for</strong> heart, lung, esophageal and otherchest surgeries, including transplants. The STS46th Annual Meeting, the Society's pre-eminenteducational event, will be held January 25-27,2010, in Fort Lauderdale, FL. STS/AATS Tech-Con 2010 will be held just prior to the AnnualMeeting, January 23-24. The Society offers awide variety of member benefits, including reducedparticipation fees in the renowned STSNational Database, a complimentary subscriptionto the prestigious Annals of <strong>Thoracic</strong><strong>Surgery</strong>, dynamic educational offerings, onlinepatient in<strong>for</strong>mation resources, and much more.www.sts.orgSOMANETICS CORPORATION 14151653 East Maple Road,Troy, MI 48083 USAAs the only device of its kind, the INVOS Systemprovides cerebral oximetry, somatic oxime-

14 AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009try or both simultaneously to detect site-specificischemia. It can be used on any individual atrisk <strong>for</strong> reduced-flow or no-flow ischemia. Cerebraloximetry is now a collected metric in TheSTS Adult Cardiac <strong>Surgery</strong> Database.www.somanetics.comSONOMETRICS 800500 Notthinghill Road,Londo, ON N6K3P1 CanadaSonometrics manufactures instrumentation enablinginvestigators to assess cardiac function inanimals. Segment shortening, wall thickness,valve mechanics, ventricular volumes are measuredwith our instrumentation. Our softwarecomputes hemodynamic parameters (CO, EF),PV loop indices (Emax, EDPVR, PRSW), and 3-Dventricular/valve geometry/motion. EvaluateLVADs, stents, valve implants, surgical devices.www.sonometrics.comSONTEC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 4237248 South Tucson Way,Centennial, CO 80112 USASontec offers the most comprehensive selection ofexceptional hand held surgical instruments availableto the discriminating surgeon. There is nosubstitute <strong>for</strong> quality, expertise and individualizedservice. Sontec's vast array awaits your considerationat our booth. www.sontecinstruments.comSORIN GROUP 31514401 West 65th Way,Arvada, CO 80004 USAWith a comprehensive portfolio and morethan 30 years clinical experience, SorinGroup's innovative prosthetic heart valvesand repair devices deliver superior hemodynamicper<strong>for</strong>mance, implant flexibility andexceptional durability to surgeons and patients.Visit us at booth #315 to see whySorin Group is THE CHOICE of CardiacSurgeons Worldwide. www.sorin.comSTARION INSTRUMENTS 1527775 Palomar Avenue,Sunnyvale, CA 94085Starion Instruments' proprietary Tissue Weldingtechnology simultaneously seals and divides tissueduring open and endoscopic cardiac procedures.Tissue Welding technology uses direct heatand pressure rather than radiofrequency, minimizingcollateral tissue damage. Starion's productshave been used <strong>for</strong> radial artery, saphenousvein and internal mammary artery (IMA) harvesting.www.starioninstruments.comST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC. 917807 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 400,Austin, TX 78746 USASt. Jude Medical develops medical technology designedto put more control into the hands ofthose who treat cardiac, neurological and chronicpain patients worldwide. The company is dedicatedto advancing the practice of medicine byreducing risk wherever possible and contributingto successful patient outcomes. www.sjm.comSTS/AATS JOINT HEALTHPOLICY ACTION CENTER 1401633 North Saint Clair,Chicago, IL 60611 USAThe STS/AATS Advocacy Center is the bestplace to learn about STS/AATS public policy advocacyactivities and to find out how you canhelp your practice and the future of the specialty.Stop by Booth #1401 where you can receivetimely in<strong>for</strong>mation on proposed national healthcare re<strong>for</strong>m policy initiatives, e-mail your congressionalrepresentatives and explore options<strong>for</strong> grassroots advocacy in your state and congressionaldistrict.www.sts.orgSUPERDIMENSION 200161 Cheshire Lane, Suite 100,Plymouth, MN 5441 USAsuperDimension, Inc. develops and manufacturessoftware, hardware and disposables <strong>for</strong> the lungdisease market. superDimension's system is thetotal bronchial access and navigation systemthat provides a safe pathway to peripheral orcentral lung lesions, even <strong>for</strong> patients with procedure-restrictingconditions.www.superDimension.comSURGICAL ACUITY 1103225 Deming Way,Middleton, WI 53562 USASurgical Acuity is a leading provider of magnificationloupes, laser loupes, light systems,<strong>for</strong> Medical professionals. Renowned <strong>for</strong>quality craftsmanship and superior design,Surgical Acuity creates products that keep theMedical professional at the <strong>for</strong>efront of technology.www.surgicalacuity.comSURGITEL/GENERAL SCIENTIFICCORPORATION 90077 Enterprise Drive,Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USASurgiTel Systems is dedicated to offering thebest in ergonomics, vision, and com<strong>for</strong>t. CouplingSurgiTel Systems' High Definition Opticswith Oakley Frames, we offer the very best inmagnification systems. SurgiCam, our newloupe-mounted camera system, is digital andlightweight allowing the viewers to see imagesat the user's perspective. www.surgitel.comSYNCARDIA SYSTEMS INC. 17261992 East Silverlake,Tucson, AZ 85713 USAThe CardioWest temporary Total Artificial Heart(TAH-t) is the only FDA and CE approved devicethat provides circulatory restoration in morbidlyill patients with irreversible bi-ventricular failure,bridging them to transplantation. At AATS 2009we will provide in<strong>for</strong>mation about our upcomingclinical trial of the Companion driver, designed<strong>for</strong> use in the operating room, hospital room andat home.www.syncardia.comSYNOVIS SURGICALINNOVATIONS 14042575 University Ave. W.,St. Paul, MN 55114 USASynovis Surgical Innovations; bringing confidencethroughout the healing process with ourstaple line rein<strong>for</strong>cement, soft tissue repair, andsurgical tools products: Peri-Strips Dry, Peri-Strips Dry with Veritas Collagen Matrix, andVeritas Collagen Matrix, Vascu-Guard VascularPatch, Vascular Probe, Flo-Rester, Flo-Thru IntraluminalShunt, Peri-Guard, and Supple Peri-Guard.www.synovissurgical.comSYNTHEMED, INC. 426200 Middlesex Essex Turnpike, Suite 210,Iselin, NJ 08830 USAREPEL-CV® Adhesion Barrier is a thin, transparent,bioresorbable membrane made from syntheticpolymers that is placed over the epicardialsurface during an open heart surgical procedureto reduce the severity of post-operative adhesions.In the US, REPEL-CV is FDA approved <strong>for</strong>use in pediatric patients. Internationally, it is CEMark approved <strong>for</strong> use in all cardiac surgerypatients.www.synthemed.comSYNTHES CMF 6001301 Goshen Parkway,West Chester, PA 19380 USASynthes CMF develops, produces and marketsinstruments and implants <strong>for</strong> the surgical reconstructionof the human skeleton and softtissues. Our product offering includes systems<strong>for</strong> primary or secondary closure and repair ofthe sternum following sternotomy or fracture tostabilize the sternum and promote healing.www.synthes.comTTERUMOCARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS 14056200 Jackson Road,Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USATerumo's cardiac and vascular companies willdisplay the Vascutek® Gelweave GraftGeometries range of gelatin sealed wovengrafts, VirtuoSaph Endoscopic Vein HarvestingSystem, cannulae and perfusion systems.www.terumo-cvs.comTHORACIC SURGERYFOUNDATION FORRESEARCH & EDUCATION (TSFRE)1100900 Cummings Center, Suite 221-U,Beverly, MA 01915 USAThe <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong> Foundation <strong>for</strong> Researchand Education (TSFRE) was established in 1992to increase knowledge and enhance treatmentof patients with cardiothoracic disease, to developskills of cardiothoracic surgeons as surgeon-scientistsand health policy leaders and tostrengthen society's understanding of the specialty.Physicians, corporate partners and patientsare urged to contribute to TSFRE. Pleasestop by the TSFRE booth <strong>for</strong> your donor stickerand visit www.tsfre.org <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mationon awards and giving opportunities that benefityou and our profession. www.tsfre.orgTHORAMET SURGICALPRODUCTS, INC. 225301 Route 17 North, Suite 800,Ruther<strong>for</strong>d, NJ 07070 USAThoramet proudly offers the Lewis VATS thorascopicinstruments, the most extensive catalogueof MIS products designed <strong>for</strong> access andmaneuverability in lung and chest procedures,including the innovative Pericardial Pick-Up.Stop by to see our new line of 6" pediatric patterns!www.thoramet.comTHORATEC CORPORATION 5116035 Stoneridge Drive,Pleasanton, CA 94588 USAWith over 12,000 patient implants and threedecades of experience, Thoratec® Corporationoffers the broadest portfolio of mechanical circulatorysupport devices. Thoratec's productline includes the CentriMag® Acute CirculatorySupport Device, HeartMate® LVAS, ThoratecPVAD and IVAD, and the newly FDA approvedHeartMate II® <strong>for</strong> bridge to transplantation.www.thoratec.comTRANSONIC SYSTEMS, INC. 83234 Dutch Mill Road,Ithaca, NY 14850 USAFast, easy & reproducible Transonic intraoperativeblood flow measurements improve surgicaloutcomes. Flow-based assessment of coronarybypass grafts ensures surgical success by confirmingpatency in Off-pump and On-pumpcases while still in the OR. www.transonic.comUUSB MEDICAL, LTD. 1222000 Pioneer Road,Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006Introducing the World's First Adjustable HeartRetractor <strong>for</strong> minimally invasive surgery - seethe heart like never be<strong>for</strong>e!The MonoFib System is the World's FirstCompletely Disposable One-Handed InternalDefibrillation Delivery System. The MonofibSystem is completely disposable, light-weight,easy and safe to use! www.usbmedical.comVVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY INC. 150912 Murphy Drive,Nashua, NH 03062 USAVTI's Intraoperative Dopplers utilize single-useprobes that eliminate broken probes and thehassle of reprocessing. Efficiency, economy, convenienceand availability make it the system ofchoice <strong>for</strong> your OR team. VTI's LaparoscopicSoft Tissue Dissectors utilize a durable, non-absorbentfoam tip that means virtually one dissectoris used per operation.www.vti-online.comVERAN MEDICAL 2265743 West Park Avenue,St Louis, MO 63110 USAThe IG4 PLB Navigation System is an electromagneticnavigation system <strong>for</strong> bronchoscopicapplications that extends the working area <strong>for</strong>conventional bronchoscopes. Providing realtimepositioning with fly-thru capability, CTpath projection, and annotated bronchial treeviews, the system enables users to accuratelytarget small peripheral lesions (FDA clearancepending).www.veranmedical.comVITALCOR, INC. 930100 E. Chestnut AvenueChicago, IL 60559 USAVitalcor Inc: Introducing the Featherweight VascularClamps, replacing the Bulldog. Latex freecoronary artery balloon cannulae with balloon.Titanium specialty instruments. Reusable stabilizer<strong>for</strong> beating heart surgery. Applied Fiberopticsnew digital camera system incorporatedwith the Gemini Headlight & Sunbeam LightSource. Axiom wound drains.Applied Fiberoptics: Bringing the clarity of daylightinto the surgical suite. The Gemini Headlightis lightweight & perfectly balanced, sleek,ultra-low-profile designed headlight. The Sunbeam300 Watt Xenon light source delivers instantclean white light <strong>for</strong> superb tissue definitionin hard-to-see cavities.www.vitalcor.comwww.appliedfiberoptics.comVITALITEC 70010 Cordage Park Circle,Plymouth, MA 02360 USAVitalitec will be showing a full range of atraumaticflexible and ring handled vascularclamps, inserts, delicate spring clips, GreyhoundBulldog adjustable spring clips as wellas a line of unique manual load ligation clips.Vitalitec will also be showing high quality titaniumand stainless surgical instruments manufacturedby Geister. www.vitalitec.comWWELCH ALLYN 15234341 State Street Road,Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153 USAProXenon Surgical Headlight Camera: Maintainingthe lightweight com<strong>for</strong>t that has madethe ProXenon Headlight system the choice ofmany surgeons, the new ProXenon headlightcamera offers a high quality image and easyto-useinterface. The industry exclusive cameracontroller with magnetic base makes it abreeze to use.www.welchallyn.comWEXLER SURGICAL SUPPLIES 22011333 Chimney Rock Road, #16,Houston, TX 77035 USAWexler Surgical designs and manufactures avariety of titanium and stainless steel specialtysurgical instruments and products <strong>for</strong> Cardiac,Vascular, <strong>Thoracic</strong>, and Micro <strong>Surgery</strong>. Visit usonline at www.wexlersurgical.com <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationabout our products and services.www.wexlersurgical.comWILEY-BLACKWELL 1608350 Main St.,Malden, MA 02148 USAWiley publishes an enormous range of topquality consumer, professional, educational andresearch material. Wiley-Blackwell, the scientific,technical, medical and scholarly publishingbusiness of John Wiley & Sons, is the leadingsociety publisher and offers libraries peer-reviewedprimary research and evidence basedmedicine across 1,250 online journals, books,reference works and databases.www.wiley.comThank you Exhibitors &Supporters. AATSappreciates your support!ExhibitHall HoursMonday, May 119:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.Tuesday, May 129:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

NEW POWER BEHIND A PROVEN LEADERDATASCOPE IS NOWMAQUET CARDIOVASCULARWelcome to MAQUET Cardiovascular: Cardiacprofessionals have always relied on gold-standardcardiac assist products from Datascope, helpingthem to feel confident that they are delivering thehighest quality of care to their patients. Now, aspart of MAQUET Cardiovascular, we are even betterpositioned to focus on the future advancement ofcardiac assist products and seek to explore the fullpotential of this technology through our continueddedication to innovation, service and clinicalexcellence.Expect the same great quality products you haverelied on over the years. With names you are familiarwith like: Fidelity, Linear and Sensation IABs, CS300balloon pumps, SafeGuard and StatLock.Worldwide, MAQUET ranks among the leadingproviders of medical products, therapies andservices <strong>for</strong> Surgical Workplaces, Critical Care andCardiovascular applications. Since its foundationmore than 170 years ago, MAQUET has stood <strong>for</strong>innovation and the advancement of patient caretechnologies in the field of medicine. The portfolioof MAQUET products is extensive, providing a comprehensivesolution that is designed <strong>for</strong> efficientworkflows, safety and the improvement of patientlives and outcomes.MAQUET – The Gold Standard.Datascope Corp.15 Law DriveFairfield, NJ 07004, USA1.800.777.4222www.datascope.comwww.maquet.com

16 AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009Tuesday’s Plenary Features anInternational PerspectiveThe AATS plenary sessions showcasethe top papers selectedfrom among those submitted<strong>for</strong> presentation at the AATS AnnualMeeting. Tuesday’s sessionin Ballroom A-C.The session typifies thehigh quality of the researchbeing done byAATS members and willfeature six notable papersat the <strong>for</strong>efront of cardiothoracicsurgery research.AATS President ThomasL. Spray, M.D. will moderatethe plenary sessionalong with SecretaryThoralf M. Sundt III, M.D.The papers comprise a mix of importantmolecular and clinical-levelstudies, with an international flavor,featuring presenters from Japan, Spain,Belgium, Korea, Germany, and theUnited States.The first session will open with apresentation on the nonoperative thoracicduct embolization. The paperwill be given by Maxim Itkin, M.D.,representing the work of himself andTHORALF M.SUNDT III, M.D.his colleagues from the University ofPennsylvania.Munir Boodhwani, M.D., from theCliniques Universitaires Saint Luc,Brussels, Belgium, willpresent “Valve Repair <strong>for</strong>Regurgitant Bicuspid AorticValves: A SystematicApproach.”Following this paper, Ki-Bong Kim, M.D., and colleaguesfrom the Seoul NationalUniversity Hospital,South Korea, will present apaper on their 10-year experienceof off-pump coronaryartery bypass.Walter Weder, M.D., ofZurich University Hospital will present“Pneumonectomy after ChemoorChemoradiotherapy <strong>for</strong> AdvancedNon-Small Cell Lung Cancer,” on behalfof his colleagues in Switzerlandand Germany.Victor Bautista-Hernandez, M.D.,will present “Right Ventricle and TricuspidValve Function at Mid-TermFollowing the Fontan Operation <strong>for</strong>Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Impactof Shunt Type” on behalf of hiscolleagues at the Children’s Hospital ofBoston.Tuesday’s Plenary will conclude with“Four Decades of Experience with MitralValve Repair: Analysis of DifferentialIndications, Technical Evolution,and Long-Term Outcome,” by DanielJ. DiBardino, M.D., and colleagues fromHarvard Medical School.Immediately after the Plenary Sessionat 11:20 a.m. will be the special<strong>for</strong>um on the Role of Simulation inFuture Cardiothoracic Surgical Education,followed by the HonoredSpeaker Lecture at 11:50 a.m. by MichioKaku, Ph.D.■AATS AnnualBusiness Meeting(AATS Members Only)Monday, May 117:30 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.Ballroom A-CExecutive SessionTuesday, May 125:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.Ballroom A-CHonored GuestSpeaker on TuesdayThis year’s Honored Guest Speaker is MichioKaku, Ph.D., of the City University ofNew York. He will give his lecture on Tuesday,May 12, at 11:50 a.m. in Ballroom A-C.Dr. Kaku is a theoretical physicist and the authorof “Physics ofthe Impossible: A ScientificExploration ofthe World of Phasers,Force Fields, Teleportation,and Time Travel.”Among his manhyaccomplishments ishis role as cofounderof string field theory.Dr. Kaku holds theHenry Semat Chairand Professorship inMICHIOKAKU, PH.D.theoretical physicsalong with a joint appointment at City Collegeof New York and the Graduate Centerof the City University of New York, wherehe has taught <strong>for</strong> more than 30 years.His research focuses on the quest to unify thefour fundamental <strong>for</strong>ces of the universe: thestrong <strong>for</strong>ce, the weak, electromagnetism, andgravity—the “Theory of Everything.”Dr. Kaku is a sought-after speaker who hasmade many television appearance on a variety ofnetworks. Every Sunday he also hosts a scienceshow called “SciQ” on the Science Channel. ■Satellite SymposiumInnovative Techniques to ComplexCases in General <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>:Viewpoints From the ExpertsRaphael Bueno, MD, ChairmanAssociate Professor of <strong>Surgery</strong>, Harvard Medical SchoolAssociate Chief, Division of <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>Brigham & Women’s HospitalDistinguished Faculty:David Sugarbaker, MDChief, Division on <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>Brigham & Women’s HospitalScott Swanson, MDDirector of Minimally Invasive <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>Brigham & Women’s HospitalJon Wee, MDCo-Director of Minimally Invasive <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>Brigham & Women’s HospitalThis symposium focuses complex problems that maybe encountered when per<strong>for</strong>ming video-assistedand minimally invasive thoracic surgery and offersinnovative solutions with special focus on minimallyinvasive esophageal surgery and lessons learned inVATS lobectomy.Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 5:00 pm–6:30 pmSheraton Boston Hotel, Independence WestVisit Covidien booth #213 at AATS in Boston.You asked <strong>for</strong> innovation—We deliveredDuet TRS Reload with Tissue Rein<strong>for</strong>cementThe world’s first fully-integrated Tissue Rein<strong>for</strong>cement SystemThis session is an industry supported satellite symposiumand is not an official part of the AATS Annual Meeting.

on inhibiting tumor vascularization andthere<strong>for</strong>e are being used to treat a numberof cancers.In his talk, “Radiotherapy 101,” JeffreyBogart, M.D., of State University of NewYork Upstate Medical University addressedthe other main nonsurgical cancer treatmentarm. Both chemotherapy and radiotherapywere presented as useful and necessaryadjuncts to surgical treatment.AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009 17General <strong>Thoracic</strong> Symposiumcontinued from page 1Continued from page 1WEDNESDAY7:00 AM – 9:00 AMEmerging Technologies andTechniques Forum9:00 AM – 10:00 AMControversies in Cardiothoracic<strong>Surgery</strong>10:00 AM – 12:00 PMAblation vs. <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>for</strong> AtrialFibrillationPneumonectomy: A Treatmentor a Disease?Cover image: Courtesy of Greater BostonConvention & Visitors BureauAlso in this session, Eric Valleries,M.D., of the Swedish Cancer Institutediscussed the goals and status of someof the most important ongoing earlystagelung cancer trials currently beingconducted around the world.The second session focused on controversiesin lung cancer. Bryan F. Meyers,M.D., M.P.H., of Washington Universitytalked about the use ofmediastinoscopy or endobronchial/endoscopicultrasound. Jo-Anne O. Shepard, M.D., ofMassachusetts GeneralHospital gave a talk on ablativetherapy <strong>for</strong> nodules,and Ramaswamy Govindan,M.D., of WashingtonUniversity discussed the factorsinfluencing whether touse “up front” or “outback”chemotherapy.In addition, Robert Cerfolio,M.D., of the Universityof Alabama discussedthe critical issue of who is medically inoperable.“The definition of who ismedically inoperable is user dependent.In the opinion of this general thoracicsurgeon, who is dedicated to the care ofpatients who have emphysema and whodevelop lung cancer, having a team ofRAMASWAMYGOVINDAN, M.D.experts caring <strong>for</strong> these patientsevery day preoperatively, intraoperatively,and postoperativelycreates a situation in which fewof these patients really are medicallyinoperable,” he said.Dr. Cerfolio added that onlyrarely is it unsafe <strong>for</strong> a patient tohave video-assisted resections orto undergo a segmentectomy,or even a right-upper or a rightmiddlelobectomy, because thenew techniques <strong>for</strong> thoracotomyspare the intercostal nerve,the rib, and the muscle.A number of interventionshave allowed many patientswho are elderly, weak,malnourished, or afflictedwith chronic obstructivepulmonary disease and otherrelated comorbidities thechance to be cured of theircancer with surgery.Preoperative pulmonaryrehabilitation, smoking cessation,and new intraoperativetechniques that reducepain and sparepulmonary parenchyma or resect emphysematouslung while removing thecancer have been successful. In addition,new postoperative wards that featureearly rehabilitation and carefulmonitoring have proven useful.“Of course, there are some patientsDr. Joe B. Putnam (l) discussed cancer staging.Dr. David H. Harpole Jr. was session chair.with marginal cardiac and pulmonarystatus with poor per<strong>for</strong>mance statusand/or those with pulmonary arterialhypertension that represent a real risk<strong>for</strong> surgery,” Dr. Cerfolio said.“However, in that rare patient whocannot or who is truly unmotivated toundergo surgery, new techniques such asstereotactic radiosurgery may offer someray of hope <strong>for</strong> therapy,” he added.The final session provided an overallupdate of general thoracic surgery issues,including presentations on STSdatabase risk adjustment by CameronD. Wright, M.D., of Massachusetts GeneralHospital and pulmonary metastasectomyby Thomas A. D’Amico, M.D.,of Duke University. The latest in interventions<strong>for</strong> emphysema was discussedby Malcolm M. DeCamp, M.D., of BethIsrael Deaconess Medical Center. ■Improved Outcomes. Real-Time Data Accuracy.Expanded INVOS® System labeling now reflects improved outcomes after cardiac or majorgeneral surgery when the INVOS System is used to manage therapies in patients above 2.5kilograms. This makes the INVOS System the only commercially-available cerebral/somaticoximeter backed by an improved patient outcomes claim. Real-time data accuracy was alsoadded, giving you real-time measurements of regional oxygen saturation (rSO 2) in patientsgreater than 2.5 kg, and trend rSO 2in patients less than 2.5 kg.Learn more at AATS Booth 1415 or www.somanetics.com© Somanetics Corporation. Somanetics, INVOS and “Reflecting the color of life” are registered trademarks of Somanetics Corporation. US federal regulationsrestrict the sale of this device to, or on the order of, licensed medical practitioners.www.somanetics.com | 800.359.7662

18 AATS 89TH ANNUAL MEETING • HYNES CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON • MAY 9–13, 2009Pioneers AssessedFontan ProcedureAmajor highlight of the Congenital Heart DiseaseSymposium on Sunday afternoon was “TheFontan/Kreutzer Procedure at 40” session, which waschaired by J. William Gaynor, M.D., featured presentationsby Francis M. Fontan,M.D. (Bordeaux, France)and Guillermo O. Kreutzer,M.D. (Ricardo GutierrezDr. Francis M. Fontanshared his experience.Children’s Hospital,Buenos Aires). The twomen were primarily responsible<strong>for</strong> developingthe procedure, which wasfirst per<strong>for</strong>med on a patientin 1968 by Dr. Fontan.Marc R. de Leval, M.D.(International CongenitalCardiac Centre, London),the person primarily responsible<strong>for</strong> the current approachtaken with the Fontan procedure, sent in his presentationin the <strong>for</strong>m of a video.“There is a saying about science about ‘standing on theshoulders of giants.’ Well, these are three of the giants,”Dr. Gaynor said.Other speakers included Jack Rychik, M.D., of Children’sHospital of Philadephia, who gave a presentation about thecurrent status of survivors who have undergone the procedure,and Edward L. Bove, M.D., of the University ofMichigan, who talked about future directions. ■Simulation: A KeyTraining ToolRecognizing that new andcreative educational techniquesare essential to thefuture of cardiothoracic educationand training, the AATS hasscheduled a special half-hoursession on Tuesday at 11:20a.m. immediately be<strong>for</strong>e theHonored Guest Speaker Lectureas part of thePlenary Session.“The Role ofSimulation in FutureCardiothoracicSurgical Education”will provide abrief snapshot intothe potential of thistechnology in cardiothoraciceducation.The use of simulationin trainingwill allow <strong>for</strong> interdisciplinarytraining in all areas of thoracicsurgery, and it will become acore element of resident educationand postgraduate trainingin the future.EDWARDVERRIER, M.D.The session will includemultidisciplinary contributionsby the following individuals:Dan Raemer, Ph.D., AssociateProfessor and Bioengineer inthe Department of Anesthesiaand Critical Care at MassachusettsGeneral Hospital andDirector of Research and Developmentat theCenter <strong>for</strong> MedicalSimulation; andYolonda L. Colson,M.D., Ph.D., AssociateProfessor in<strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>,and Gregory S.Couper, M.D., AssistantProfessor inCardiac <strong>Surgery</strong>,both at Brighamand Women's Hospital.Edward Verrier, M.D., who isthe Surgical Director of Educationof the Joint Council on<strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong> Education,will introduce this special session.■The AATS Daily NewsThe Official Newspaper of theAATS 89th Annual MeetingAATS StaffExecutive Director:Elizabeth Dooley Crane, CAE, CMPAssociate Executive Director:Cindy L. VerColenManaging Editor:.Lorraine M. O’GradyPublication StaffDirector, Elsevier Society NewsGroup: Mark BrancaAdvertising Sales:Betty Ann Gilchrist, 203-938-3156Publication Designer: Julie KellerPublication Editor: Mark S. Lesney© Copyright 2009, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Association</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>Thoracic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>, 900 CummingsCenter, Suite 221-U, Beverly, Massachusetts01915.Produced and distributed <strong>for</strong> AATS by ElsevierSociety News Group, an Elseviercompany. All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any <strong>for</strong>m, by any means,without prior written permission of theAATS. The opinions expressed in thispublication are those of the presentersand authors, and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the <strong>Association</strong>.When EveryDecision Matters,Knowledgeis Critical.Experience a new resource <strong>for</strong> medicalprofessionals. SJMprofessional.com is anewly designed online resource <strong>for</strong> cardiacprofessionals providing you the critical andtimely clinical in<strong>for</strong>mation you need.Experience Control. AATS booth 917.SJMprofessional.comST. JUDE MEDICAL, the nine-squares symbol and MORE CONTROL. LESS RISK. are registered and unregistered trademarks andservice marks of St. Jude Medical, Inc. and its related companies. ©2009 St. Jude Medical, Inc. All rights reserved.

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