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• Styrofoam vaccine shipping containerVaccines are typically shipped to veterinarians in small Styrofoam boxes measuringabout 8 inches long by 4 inches wide. Line the inside of the box with a leak-proof plasticbag and cut a small circular hole in the top of the box just large enough for a cat to drinkfrom. Fill the container with water. The Styrofoam will slow down the freezing.• An old tire and rocksFind an old car tire that’s been removed from its rim and stuff it full of rocks. In thecenter hole of the tire, wedge a container like a large bucket and fill it with water. Usemore than one tire if necessary to completely surround the container. The tire absorbssunlight and warms the rocks, which then radiate heat, slowing down the freezingprocess. This method is used to provide water to horses in pastures.• Deep and thick plastic bowlsThe type of bowl you use can make a big difference. Bowls made of thick plasticprovide more insulation. The best bowl will be thick, deep and have a narrow width (inorder to slow freezing, the opening at the top should be small relative to the volume ofwater held). It also helps to place the bowl so it’s exposed to sunlight and protected fromthe wind. Black or dark colored bowls will absorb heat from the sun better than lightcolored ones.• Add water to wet foodIf the cats come when you’re there and will eat right away, add a little extra water totheir wet food to help them get the moisture they need.• Place the water bowl near heating pipes inside building wallsIf you're feeding in an alleyway between buildings, try to put the water bowl next towhere a heating pipe is located inside a wall. You can find the pipes by touch or observewhether the cats tend to gather in a particular spot near the wall. If they do, it may bebecause the spot is warmed by a heating pipe. Preventing food from freezingBecause of its high moisture content, wet food left sitting out in cold weather willfreeze and become impossible for the cats to eat. This is why, in colder climates, dryfood often becomes the staple for feral cats during the winter. Even if you do manage tofeed some wet food, it’s a good idea to leave dry food out as a backup.Freezing can be avoided by placing a bowl of wet food inside an insulated wintershelter. While the cats are inside, the shelter will trap their body heat and keep the36

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