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In case you’re unable to return to the colony site right away, put out an extra supplyof dry food – enough to last a few days - before the storm arrives and leave a plentifulsupply of water. Gravity feeders and automatic waterers are perfect for ensuring anadequate supply of food and water (see “Automatic feeders and waterers” in Chapter 5).Be sure the feeding station is protected in the same manner as the shelters – raised off theground with the doorway shielded and located in close proximity to the shelters. Also,fill plastic containers or bowls with dry food and put them inside the shelters, placingthem in the back inner corners as far as possible from the door. This will make the foodaccessible to the cats during the storm. However, do not put any water inside the shelter– it would likely spill and create a health risk for the cats by getting them wet or makingthe interior of the shelter damp. The aftermathWhen you arrive at the colony siteafter a severe weather event, the firstthing to take care of is yourself. Strongwinds and heavy snow or rain can causeoverhanging branches to weaken andfall for several days after the storm.Other debris overhead can also pose adanger. Downed power lines can turnpuddles into electrical hazards. So beaware and cautious as you move about.Be on the lookout for broken glass,nails or other sharp objects and removephoto: Marialuz Menachothem promptly. Any broken lumber(Staten Island, NY, after Hurricane Sandy)should also be promptly removed.Scratches from pieces of treated lumber will become infected rapidly. Any wet itemsinside the cats’ shelters should be discarded or cleaned. That includes bedding, straw ornewspaper. When moist, these items offer no protection and will build up bacteria whichcould be harmful to the cats. Thoroughly bleach shelters, feeding stations and dishes ifthey were exposed to flood waters, which may contain toxins from sewage or othersources of contamination. For the same reason, after a flood, remove as much standingwater from the colony site as possible and provide clean water to drink, putting out extrawater bowls.If any cats are missing, be aware they may be close by, but too frightened to return tothe site. Also look high – cats may have climbed to escape flood waters and may still beup in trees or on rooftops. You can coax missing cats back by re-establishing a normalenvironment and regular feeding routine. Give them their favorite foods to comfort them,like tuna or grilled chicken, something tempting to make them feel better and lurefrightened cats back. Add treats to their meals, continuing for several days after all thecats are accounted for. If possible, stop by twice a day to offer reassurance and keepcalling for any missing cats. Most will come back within a week, but some stragglersmay take a few weeks to return.148

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