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alternatives, like scratching posts and regularly clipping the nails. If theystill seem inclined to declaw, keep looking or, if they otherwise appearokay, perhaps help them find a cat who is already declawed and needs ahome.5. What is your living situation? Own a house, apartment? Are you arenter? If so, how long is your lease? How long have you lived at yourcurrent location? Any plans to move?6. Who else resides in your home? Are there roommates? Children? Isanyone allergic to cats? If there are roommates, who will have ultimateresponsibility for the cat? Avoid shared ownership of the cat unless theadopters are in a long-term relationship. Otherwise, trouble inevitablylooms down the road when roommates part ways. If there are otherhousehold members, you’ll want to meet them.7. What safety features will there be in the home? Are there screens on allthe windows? Will the cats have access to an unscreened terrace orbalcony? Many people don’t realize cats lose their sense of height above acertain number of stories and may inadvertently jump out the window of ahigh-rise building. Will the cat be allowed on the fire escape? (Correctanswer: No!)8. Will the cat be allowed outside? <strong>Neighborhood</strong> <strong>Cats</strong> believes pet cats, fortheir protection, should live primarily indoors and always be confined withproper fencing or on a harness if outdoors. They should not be allowed toroam freely. See “Containment systems” in Chapter 4.9. Are you prepared to care for the cat his entire life? Pets are a lifetimecommitment. <strong>Cats</strong> can live to be 20 years old! Are you prepared to carefor the cat for her lifetime? What if your situation changes (a baby,boyfriend/girlfriend, move, etc.)?10. What is your employment situation? Occupation? How long?You can also find good examples of adoption applications online which containquestions similar to these. One form we like can be found on the website of Tabby’sPlace, a respected cat organization in New Jersey (www.tabbysplace.org).Remember there is no perfect home and so you’re not going to hear perfect answersto all your questions. The goal is not to go down the list and check off requirements, butto get a sense of who the person is, how stable is their situation and how they will treatthe cat. It’s also an opportunity to educate the potential adopter. If you’re satisfied withthe answers, we recommend you follow these steps: get references (personal, job and/orveterinary) and check them; have the potential adopter come over and meet the cat if theyhaven’t already; and if all goes well, pay a visit to the new potential home. For yoursafety, don’t go to the home alone, but bring along a friend or co-worker. You can bring144

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