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16. Adoptable <strong>Cats</strong>Whenever possible, adoptable catsand kittens should be removed from aferal colony for placement in goodhomes. This helps reduce the freeroamingcat population and gives theseparticular cats their best chance at long,healthy lives free from the dangers ofthe streets.A cat is “adoptable” if she has thequalities most people seek in a typicalpet. This means she is healthy, can bepicked up, enjoys being touched, has nosignificant behavioral issues and willphoto: Ernest Brandtreadily adapt to a new home. It’simportant to understand an adoptable cat is not simply any cat who can adapt to living ina human home. Most cats, even those that are quite feral, can learn to live indoors, but ifthey spend much of their time hiding and do not want to be touched, the pool of potentialhomes is very small, effectively making the cat unadoptable.There are three types of cats found in feral colonies who are or can easily becomeadoptable: (1) lost or abandoned pet cats who are still friendly to people, (2) youngkittens who can be easily socialized, and (3) the rare case of a friendly adult feral. Theseare the kinds of colony cats you want to bring in if you’re able. However, if the resourcesdon’t exist to allow you to do this, whether it’s because you have no room in your hometo foster, the local shelter has no space or you can’t afford the veterinary bills, thengetting the cats neutered and caring for them as best you can in their territory is still acompassionate choice. Determining if a cat is adoptable• Lost or abandoned pet catsThere is no easy way to tell right away whether a cat you just trapped is feral or aformer pet who will turn out to be friendly. One popular myth is that a cat is feral if sheacts frantic and thrashes about wildly after being trapped, especially as you approach.It’s not true. Almost every cat, feral or not, will panic when they realize they aresuddenly confined, have no way to escape and are at a stranger’s mercy. It’s only later,after they’ve had enough time to calm down, that you can begin to make a correctevaluation.How long it takes for a former pet to become comfortable enough to show his truenature will vary from cat to cat. Some may reveal themselves almost immediately, whileothers may require days. In general, a cat who has not been living on his own for very133

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