REGULAR BOARD MEETING Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ...

REGULAR BOARD MEETING Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ...

REGULAR BOARD MEETING Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ...

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<strong>REGULAR</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>MEETING</strong><strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong> <strong>at</strong> 7:<strong>00</strong> p.m.Windsor Essex C<strong>at</strong>holic Educ<strong>at</strong>ion CentreJohn Paul II BoardroomMINUTES1325 California AvenueWindsor, ON N9B 3Y6CHAIRPERSON: Barbara HollandDIRECTOR OF EDUCATION: Paul A. PicardPRESENTTrustees:Regrets:Administr<strong>at</strong>ion:Recorder:F. AlexanderJ. CourtneyM. DiMenna, Vice-ChairF. FavotB. Holland, ChairJ. Najem, Student TrusteeN. Tavares, Student TrusteeRev. L. Brunet, Board ChaplainP. Picard (Resource)J. BumbaccoC. GemlM. I<strong>at</strong>onnaP. LittlejohnsE. ByrneB. MarshallJ. MacriB. Mastrom<strong>at</strong>teiJ. McMahonL. SoulliereP. MurrayC. NorrisS. O’Hagan-WongJ. SheaM. SeguinJ. Ulicny1. Call To Order - Chair Holland called the meeting to order <strong>at</strong> 7:18 p.m.2. Opening Prayer - Fr. Brunet opened the meeting with a prayer.3. Recording of Attendance - All trustees present.4. Approval of AgendaMoved by Trustee Macri and seconded by Trustee Mastrom<strong>at</strong>tei th<strong>at</strong> the <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>Regular Board meeting agenda be approved as distributed. Carried5. Questions Pertaining to Agenda: NoneMINUTES Regular Board Meeting Page 1<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>

6. Disclosure of Interest - Pursuant to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.: None7. Present<strong>at</strong>ions:a. Introduction and Commissioning of <strong>2012</strong>-2013 Student TrusteesSuperintendent Mike Seguin introduced Madeline Ellepola from F. J. Brennan C<strong>at</strong>holicSecondary School as the new <strong>2012</strong>-13 Student Trustee Design<strong>at</strong>e and the Board welcomesStudent Trustee Joseph Najem for a second term.8. Deleg<strong>at</strong>ions: Nonea. Deleg<strong>at</strong>ion Regarding Items Not on the Agendab. Deleg<strong>at</strong>ions Regarding Items On the Agenda9. Action Items:a. Approval of Minutesi) Minutes of In-Camera Meeting, April 24, <strong>2012</strong>Moved by Trustee DiMenna and seconded by Trustee Soulliere th<strong>at</strong> the minutes ofthe Committee of the Whole Board In-Camera meeting of April 24, <strong>2012</strong> beadopted as distributed. Carriedii) Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, April 24, <strong>2012</strong>Moved by Trustee DiMenna and seconded by Trustee McMahon th<strong>at</strong> the minutesof the Regular Board meeting of April 24, <strong>2012</strong> be adopted as distributed. Carriedb. Items from the re-convened in-camera meeting of April 24, <strong>2012</strong> and the convenedin-camera meeting of <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>Vice Chair DiMenna reported th<strong>at</strong> the Windsor-Essex C<strong>at</strong>holic District School Boardre-convened a closed Committee of the Whole Board meeting on April 24, <strong>2012</strong> pursuant tothe Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Act - Section 207, to consider other m<strong>at</strong>ters permitted or required to be keptpriv<strong>at</strong>e and confidential under the Freedom of Inform<strong>at</strong>ion and Protection of Privacy Act.In addition, the Windsor-Essex C<strong>at</strong>holic District School Board convened a closed Committeeof the Whole Board meeting on <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong> pursuant to the Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Act - Section 207, toconsider specific personnel, real property m<strong>at</strong>ters, labour m<strong>at</strong>ters, and other m<strong>at</strong>ters permittedor required to be kept priv<strong>at</strong>e and confidential under the Freedom of Inform<strong>at</strong>ion andProtection of Privacy Act.As a m<strong>at</strong>ter of record, Trustee Courtney disclosed interest in an item discussed <strong>at</strong> the April24, <strong>2012</strong> in-camera session and further indic<strong>at</strong>ed she was not in <strong>at</strong>tendance during thediscussion.Moved by Trustee DiMenna and seconded by Trustee Soulliere th<strong>at</strong> therecommend<strong>at</strong>ions and directions of the re-convened Committee of the Whole Board incamerameeting held on April 24, <strong>2012</strong> and the convened Committee of the WholeBoard in-camera meeting held on <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong> be approved. CarriedMINUTES Regular Board Meeting Page 2<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>

Vice Chair DiMenna made the following announcements:From the April 24, <strong>2012</strong> re-convened meeting: approved the Employee Benefits Consultant agreement extension with Mosey & Moseyfor one year; approved the Essex Civic Centre <strong>2012</strong> Building Oper<strong>at</strong>ing Fund Budget.From the <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong> meeting: receipt of the Administr<strong>at</strong>ive Staff Report on hiring, leave of absence, return from leaveof absence, retirement and resign<strong>at</strong>ion of staff, d<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>; Essex Power Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion - Essex Civic Centre Lease Agreement approved; approved one year extension of the Employee Assistance Program services throughShepell.fgi; approved the agreement with Windsor Mack Baseball (LaSalle Titans); approved the retention of Marshall & Murray Incorpor<strong>at</strong>ed pursuant to the Request ForProposal (RFP) for Cost Consultant Services – New Elementary School; approved the retention of WalterFedy pursuant to the Request For Proposal (RFP) forArchitectural Services – New Elementary School.10. Communic<strong>at</strong>ions:a. External (Associ<strong>at</strong>ions, OCSTA, Ministry): Noneb. Internal (Reports from Administr<strong>at</strong>ion)i) Report: Administr<strong>at</strong>ive Staff ReportMoved by Trustee Soulliere and seconded by Trustee McMahon th<strong>at</strong> the Boardreceive the Administr<strong>at</strong>ive Staff Report on hiring, retirement and resign<strong>at</strong>ion ofstaff d<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>May</strong> 8 , <strong>2012</strong>. Carriedii)Report: 2010-11 School Renewal Program Year-End ReportMoved by Trustee Macri and seconded by Trustee Soulliere th<strong>at</strong> the Board receivethe year-end report on the 2010-11 School Renewal Program. Carriediii) Report: 2011-12 School Condition Improvement Program St<strong>at</strong>us as of March 31, <strong>2012</strong>Moved by Trustee Alexander and seconded by Trustee Soulliere th<strong>at</strong> the Boardreceive the 2011-12 School Condition Improvement Program St<strong>at</strong>us as of March31, <strong>2012</strong> as inform<strong>at</strong>ion. Carried11. Unfinished Business: None12. New Business:a. Report: 2011-12 School Renewal Program St<strong>at</strong>us as of March 31, <strong>2012</strong>Moved by Trustee Courtney and seconded by Trustee Macri th<strong>at</strong> the Board receivethe st<strong>at</strong>us report on the 2011-12 School Renewal Program and approve the upd<strong>at</strong>edproject list. CarriedMINUTES Regular Board Meeting Page 3<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>

13. Committee Reports:a. Report: Special Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Advisory Committee (SEAC) Minutes of February 16, <strong>2012</strong>Moved by Trustee DiMenna and seconded by Trustee Soulliere th<strong>at</strong> the Boardreceive the Minutes of the Thursday, February 16, <strong>2012</strong> Special Educ<strong>at</strong>ionAdvisory Committee meeting as inform<strong>at</strong>ion. Carriedb. Report: French Immersion Advisory Committee (FIAC) Meeting of October 20, 2011Moved by Trustee MacMahon and seconded by Trustee Mastrom<strong>at</strong>tei th<strong>at</strong> the Boardreceive the Minutes of the October 20, 2011 French Immersion Advisory Committeemeeting as inform<strong>at</strong>ion. Carried14. Notice of Motion: None15. Remarks and Announcements:a. Chairperson Holland mentioned the Special Board Meetings are scheduled for next weekseeking public input on the Director’s recommend<strong>at</strong>ions on the Accommod<strong>at</strong>ion Reviews.b. Director of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Picard provided comment on recent activities supporting the Board’sstr<strong>at</strong>egic priorities namely;C<strong>at</strong>holic Faith Form<strong>at</strong>ion: C<strong>at</strong>holic Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Week, many events are occurring thisweek in the schools. Please refer to the board’s website under C<strong>at</strong>holic Educ<strong>at</strong>ionWeek to review your school’s activities.Employee Development And Student Achievement Initi<strong>at</strong>ives: Family of schools meetings arebeing held this week; French as a Second Language Workshop for Authentic OralCommunic<strong>at</strong>ion will be held <strong>May</strong> 16.Celebr<strong>at</strong>ing Achievements: Nomin<strong>at</strong>ions for the J. F. Johnston Outstanding Educ<strong>at</strong>or Award,the Lucien (Kit) Lacasse Award, Outstanding Student Council Leadership, OutstandingC<strong>at</strong>holic School Council Leadership, C<strong>at</strong>holic School System Achievement, and The TimHalford Steward in C<strong>at</strong>holic Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Awards are being accepted. Please refer to the staffroom folder for more inform<strong>at</strong>ion; Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions to the student and teachers whoparticip<strong>at</strong>ed in the second annual Environmental Art Exhibition and fundraiser. Studentsfrom our high schools were chosen as top award winners in each c<strong>at</strong>egory. Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ionsto Bill St. Pierre, Paula Marcuzzi, Trevor Mullins, Olivia Markou, Sarah Eberhard and SarahVeniot; Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions to Maria DeRubeis on receiving the Ontario Volunteer ServiceAward for her involvement with the Ontario Associ<strong>at</strong>ion of Social Workers; The Council forExceptional Children’s Annual Spring Banquet is being held <strong>May</strong> 17 th . A number of ourstudents and staff have been selected as award winners. Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions to Student Awardwinners Angelo Asumen, C<strong>at</strong>herine Muldoon and He<strong>at</strong>her Tellier and congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions toEduc<strong>at</strong>or Award winners Deborah Cousineau, Sonia Dauncey, Sandi Farina and FrankRodrigues. A special recognition to Karen Kessler, the board’s special educ<strong>at</strong>ion coordin<strong>at</strong>orfor receiving the Chapter Award; Attended the 12 th Annual Dr. Clare R. MacLeod SecondarySchools Volunteer Banquet sponsored by the Rotary Club. Each secondary school selects astudent leader in school and community volunteerism. Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions to Angelo Ciardella,Sean Desmarais, K<strong>at</strong>rina P<strong>at</strong>y, Mohammed Musa, Maria Colja, Arashdeep Dhanda, ChrisAsciak, and Jake Hicks; On April 21, students from C<strong>at</strong>holic Central and Assumptionperformed on an open-air stage <strong>at</strong> Disney World in Orlando, Florida; Last Thursday, C<strong>at</strong>holicMINUTES Regular Board Meeting Page 4<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>

Central Concert Band performed <strong>at</strong> the MusicFest Canada Regional festival in Essex andreceived the high silver r<strong>at</strong>ing as well as a two (2) year invit<strong>at</strong>ion to the N<strong>at</strong>ionals ofMusicFest Canada; On Friday, C<strong>at</strong>holic Central and Brennan’s Jazz Ensembles alsoperformed <strong>at</strong> the MusicFest Canada Regional festival in Essex. C<strong>at</strong>holic Central wasawarded a Gold r<strong>at</strong>ing and an invit<strong>at</strong>ion to the N<strong>at</strong>ionals of MusicFest Canada in Ottawa.Brennan was awarded a Silver Plus r<strong>at</strong>ing and will also be <strong>at</strong>tending the N<strong>at</strong>ionals in Ottawa.Miscellaneous: A reminder, Accommod<strong>at</strong>ion Review Committee Special Board meetings arescheduled for <strong>May</strong> 14, 15 and 17 where the public is invited to make present<strong>at</strong>ionsconcerning the ARC’s and/or Administr<strong>at</strong>ion’s reports. Please refer to the board’s websitefor more details; Tomorrow, the <strong>2012</strong>-13 Draft Budget will be uploaded to the Board’swebsite for public consult<strong>at</strong>ion. The Board is seeking input from all stakeholders until theend of the month.c. Board Chaplain Brunet commented on the CORE weekends occurred St. Anne and CardinalCarter C<strong>at</strong>holic Secondary schools and Corner Stone <strong>at</strong> St. Thomas of Villanova C<strong>at</strong>holicSecondary school.16. Remarks/Questions by TrusteesTrustee Favot commented on Assumption College High School fundraiser and the St. JohnC<strong>at</strong>holic Elementary school community are in favour of reloc<strong>at</strong>ing to the C<strong>at</strong>holic Educ<strong>at</strong>ionCentre.Trustee McMahon complimented all leaders who took part in Muskoka and congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ed theteachers and staff involved.Trustee Soulliere mentioned during C<strong>at</strong>holic Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Week, St John the Evangelist C<strong>at</strong>holicElementary school community is celebr<strong>at</strong>ing Faith Night; Our Lady of Annunci<strong>at</strong>ion is hostingCarol McLeod, author of “Have you Filled your Bucket Today”; and students delivering firefliesto families in school neighbourhoods as well as erecting a firefly mural near the playground andparking area.Trustee Mastom<strong>at</strong>tei mentioned the Immacul<strong>at</strong>e Conception C<strong>at</strong>holic Elementary school Massand BBQ this Friday to celebr<strong>at</strong>e the closing and reloc<strong>at</strong>ion of the school to Victoria Street.Student Trustee Najem commented on St. Anne Secondary’s cake auction which raised $18<strong>00</strong>towards two students requiring medical care and Students helping Students; Holy NamesSecondary hosted a chess tournament; Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ed Assumption College student NormanNehmetallah who was awarded a prestigious n<strong>at</strong>ional scholarship to Mount Allison University inNew Brunswick; the last Student Sen<strong>at</strong>e meeting next week; and <strong>at</strong>tending the Ontario StudentTrustee Associ<strong>at</strong>ion conference <strong>at</strong> the end of the month. He also mentioned looking forward toworking with incoming student trustee Madeline Ellepola.Student Trustee Tavares mentioned F.J. Brennan Secondary <strong>at</strong>tended the SearsFest and won theAward of Excellence; Brennan and C<strong>at</strong>holic Central secondary particip<strong>at</strong>ed in the MusciFestBand competition both moving on to the N<strong>at</strong>ionals; Honour to <strong>at</strong>tend Muskoka and thankedMr. McMahon, Mr. Peck and other Muskoka organizers. He also wished <strong>2012</strong>-13 studenttrustees Joseph Najem and Madeline Ellepola a successful year.17. Pending Items: NoneMINUTES Regular Board Meeting Page 5<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>

18. Continu<strong>at</strong>ion of In-Camera, if required. - The Board reconvened to In-Camera Committee of theWhole meeting following adjournment.19. Future Board Meetings: Unless st<strong>at</strong>ed otherwise, all meetings will be held <strong>at</strong> the Windsor EssexC<strong>at</strong>holic Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Centre - 1325 California Avenue, Windsor with the In-Camera Sessionbeginning <strong>at</strong> 6:<strong>00</strong> p.m. and the Public Session beginning <strong>at</strong> 7:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday, <strong>May</strong> 14, <strong>2012</strong> - Special Board Meeting for Public Input - AmherstburgAccommod<strong>at</strong>ion Review <strong>at</strong> St. Thomas of Villanova HS (6:30 pm) <strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 15, <strong>2012</strong> - Special Board Meeting for Public Input – FontainebleauAccommod<strong>at</strong>ion Review <strong>at</strong> St. Joseph High School (6:30 pm) Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 17, <strong>2012</strong>- Special Board Meeting for Public Input – LakeshoreAccommod<strong>at</strong>ion Review <strong>at</strong> St. Anne High School (6:30 pm) <strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Tuesday</strong>, June 12, <strong>2012</strong> MONDAY, June 25, <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Tuesday</strong>, June 26, <strong>2012</strong> - Board Meeting for Final Decision on Accommod<strong>at</strong>ion ReviewRecommend<strong>at</strong>ions (7:<strong>00</strong> pm)20. Closing Prayer – Fr. Brunet closed the meeting with a prayer.21. Adjournment - There being no further business, the Regular Board meeting of <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>adjourned <strong>at</strong> 7:52 p.m.ApprovedBarbara HollandBoard ChairpersonPaul A. PicardDirector of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion & Secretary of the BoardMINUTES Regular Board Meeting Page 6<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2012</strong>

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