ESR-2606 - Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. - ladbs

ESR-2606 - Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. - ladbs

ESR-2606 - Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. - ladbs

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Page 2 of 9 <strong>ESR</strong>-<strong>2606</strong>for Z clip model numbers, clip dimensions, fastenerschedules, and allowable loads. See Figure 9 for Z clipdimensions and an illustration of Z clips supporting woodblocking for ceiling panels.3.2 Materials:3.2.1 Steel: The angles, clips, and plates described in thisreport are manufactured from galvanized steel in accordancewith ASTM A 653, SS designation, Grade 33, with a minimumyield strength, F y , of 33,000 psi (227 MPa) and a minimumtensile strength, F u , of 45,000 psi (310 MPa). Base-metalthicknesses for the connectors in this report are as follows:NOMINAL THICKNESS(inches0MINIMUM BASE-METALTHICKNESS (inch)No. 12 0.0975No. 16 0.0555No. 18 0.0445No. 20 0.0335For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.The connectors have a minimum G90 zinc coatingspecification in accordance with ASTM A 653. Some models(designated with a model number ending with Z) are availablewith a G185 zinc coating specification in accordance withASTM A 653. Some models (designated with a model numberending with HDG) are available with a hot-dip galvanization,also known as “batch” galvanization, in accordance withASTM A 123, with a minimum specified coating weight of 2.0ounces of zinc per square foot of surface area (600 g/m 2 ),total for both sides. Model numbers in this report do notinclude the Z or HDG ending, but the information shownapplies. The lumber treater or holder of this report (<strong>Simpson</strong><strong>Strong</strong>-<strong>Tie</strong> <strong>Company</strong>) should be contacted forrecommendations on minimum corrosion resistance of steelconnectors in contact with the specific proprietarypreservative treated or fire retardant treated lumber.3.2.2 Wood: Wood members which the connectors areused must be either sawn lumber or engineered lumberhaving a minimum specific gravity of 0.50 (minimumequivalent specific gravity of 0.50 for engineered lumber), andhaving a maximum moisture content of 19 percent (16percent for engineered lumber) except as noted in Section4.1. The thickness of the wood main member must be equalto or greater than the length of the fasteners specified in thetables in this report, or as required by wood member design,whichever is greater.3.2.3 Fasteners: Nails used for connectors described in thisreport must comply with ASTM F 1667 and have the followingminimum fastener dimensions and bending yield strengths(F yb ):COMMONNAILSHANKDIAMETER(inch)NAIL LENGTH(inches)F yb(psi)8d × 1 1 / 2 0.131 1 1 / 2 100,00010d × 1 1 / 2 0.148 1 1 / 2 90,00010d 0.148 3 90,00016d 0.162 3 1 / 2 90,000For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psi = 6.895 kPa.Fasteners used in contact with preservative treated or fireretardant treated lumber must comply with IBC Section2304.9.5 or IRC Section R319.3, as applicable. The lumbertreater or this report holder (<strong>Simpson</strong> <strong>Strong</strong>-<strong>Tie</strong> <strong>Company</strong>)should be contacted for recommendations on minimumcorrosion resistance of fasteners and connection capacitiesof fasteners used with the specific proprietary preservativetreated or fire retardant treated lumber.4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION4.1 Design:The tabulated allowable loads shown in this report are basedon allowable stress design (ASD) and include the loadduration factor, C D , corresponding with the applicable loadsin accordance with the NDS.Tabulated allowable loads apply to products connected towood used under dry conditions and where sustainedtemperatures are 100ºF (37.8ºC) or less. When products areinstalled to wood having a moisture content greater than 19percent (16 percent for engineered wood products), or wherewet service is expected, the allowable loads must be adjustedby the wet service factor, C M , specified in the NDS. Whenconnectors are installed in wood that will experiencesustained exposure to temperatures exceeding 100ºF(37.8ºC), the allowable loads in this report must be adjustedby the temperature factor, C t , specified in the NDS.Connected wood members must be analyzed for loadcarryingcapacity at the connection in accordance with theNDS.4.2 Installation:Installation of the connectors must be in accordance with thisevaluation report and the manufacturer’s publishedinstallation instructions. In the event of a conflict between thisreport and the manufacturer’s published installationinstructions, this report governs.4.3 Special Inspection:4.3.1 IBC: Periodic special inspection is required forinstallation of connectors described in this report that aredesignated as components of a seismic-force-resistingsystem for a structure in Seismic Design Category C, D, E orF in accordance with Section 1707.3 or 1707.4, with theexception of those structures that qualify under Section1704. IRC: Special inspections are not required.5.0 CONDITIONS OF USEThe <strong>Simpson</strong> <strong>Strong</strong>-<strong>Tie</strong> structural angles, clips, and platesdescribed in this report comply with, or are suitablealternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed inSection 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions:5.1 The connectors must be manufactured, identified andinstalled in accordance with this report and themanufacturer’s published installation instructions. Acopy of the instructions must be available at the jobsiteat all times during installation.5.2 Calculations showing compliance with this report mustbe submitted to the code official. The calculations mustbe prepared by a registered design professional whererequired by the statues of the jurisdiction in which theproject is to be constructed5.3 Adjustment factors noted in Section 4.1 and theapplicable codes must be considered, where applicable.5.4 Connected wood members and fasteners must comply,respectively, with Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 of this report.5.5 Use of connectors with preservative treated or fireretardant treated lumber must be in accordance withSection 3.2.1 of this report. Use of fasteners withpreservative treated or fire retardant treated lumbermust be in accordance with Section 3.2.3 of this report.

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