MSc programs - DTU

MSc programs - DTU

MSc programs - DTU


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<strong>MSc</strong> in Polymer Engineering<br />

Semesters: 4<br />

Study credits: 120 ECTS<br />

Start: September 2007<br />

Seats: 60<br />

Application date: March 15 or June 1, 2007<br />

Polymers are materials composed of a large number of smaller molecules, monomers, to<br />

form large molecular structures. Polymers may be classified into synthetic polymers (such<br />

as polyethylene or polystyrene) and biological polymers (such as natural rubber,<br />

polylactides or the protein in spiders’ web). The annual world production of polymers,<br />

currently at 80 million tons, is rapidly growing with polymeric materials continually<br />

replacing traditional materials in countless products (medical, automotive,<br />

telecommunication etc). Also new polymers are synthesized with functionality (chemical,<br />

optical, electrical) not obtainable in traditional materials. At the same time improved<br />

polymer processing operations are developed that convert these polymers to products<br />

with completely new possibilities.<br />

This <strong>MSc</strong> degree covers all aspects of polymer engineering and science including:<br />

Polymer chemistry: Synthesis of polymers with controlled structure as to chain backbone, branching,<br />

cross links and functional units for special optical, electrical, surface or barrier properties.<br />

Polymer technology and physics: Connection between given chemical composition and the mac-<br />

roscopic properties. Compounding and preparation of polymer blends and composites. Polymer<br />

rheology and connection to structure. Multiphase polymeric systems and polymers with nano-size<br />

structures.<br />

Polymer processing: Numerical modeling of injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming and film<br />

blowing.<br />

Career opportunities: The European polymer industry employs well over one and a<br />

half million people and is a major contributor to Europe’s<br />

economic strength. In fact, the wider polymer industry in<br />

Europe accounts for a turnover of €275,000 million (www.apme.<br />

org). The <strong>MSc</strong> will qualify you for a job in the polymer industry or<br />

for a PhD-study.<br />

Prerequisites: BSc in chemical engineering, materials science, chemistry<br />

or similar.<br />

Program Coordinator: Professor Ole Hassager (oh@kt.dtu.dk)<br />

Department: Department of Chemical Engineering (www.kt.dtu.dk)<br />

Read more: http://www.dtu.dk/Centre/DPC/Edu/<strong>MSc</strong>_Polymer_Eng.aspx<br />

<strong>MSc</strong> in Catalysis and Nanotechnology<br />

Semesters: 4<br />

Study credits: 120 ECTS<br />

Start: September 2007<br />

Seats: 60<br />

Application date: March 15 or June 1, 2007<br />

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering<br />

There is an increasing demand for expertise within the area of advanced materials<br />

including catalysts and nanotechnology.<br />

This specialization in Catalysis and Nanotechnology will educate Masters of Science<br />

with competences within synthesis, characterization and application of catalysts for<br />

environmental processes, fine chemicals, energy conversion and fuel cells in addition to chemistry,<br />

biochemistry and catalysis at nanoscale.<br />

Furthermore, the candidates will have the opportunity to be acquainted with theoretical aspects of<br />

catalysis including reaction kinetics and reaction mechanisms.<br />

Theoretical and practical insight in the construction and performance of research<br />

test rigs as well as industrial reaction engineering are also important elements of the education.<br />

The understanding of the relation between structure and properties of the advanced materials and<br />

catalysts is essential for the specialization. Therefore the candidates will be acquainted with methods<br />

of investigation regarding surface studies in addition to spectroscopic and x-ray characterization<br />

of molecular species and structures of solids.<br />

The education will thus appear as multidisciplinary making the candidate able to communicate with<br />

colleagues with very different scientific background.<br />

Career opportunities: The candidates may typically find jobs within research and<br />

development or process engineering in chemical industries<br />

dealing with energy production, environmental<br />

processes advanced materials, catalyst use and catalyst<br />

production.<br />

Prerequisites: BSc degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or equiva-<br />

lent. Students with BSc in Biotechnology or others may<br />

apply if they fulfill the prerequisites necessary to access<br />

the <strong>MSc</strong> program Advanced and Applied Chemistry .<br />

Program Coordinator: Associate Professor Rasmus Fehrmann (rf@kemi.dtu.dk)<br />

Department: Department of Chemistry (www.kemi.dtu.dk)<br />

Department of Chemical Engineering (www.kt.dtu.dk)<br />

Read more: www.kemi.dtu.dk<br />


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