Bullying Brochure - Kentucky Center for School Safety

Bullying Brochure - Kentucky Center for School Safety Bullying Brochure - Kentucky Center for School Safety

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What is Bullying?Bullying is when a person keepsdoing or saying something to hurt,alarm, or embarrass a person orgroup in order to have power overthem.Are You A Bully?Have you been guilty of bullyinganyone else? Place a check in thecircle next to the bullying actionyou have participated in.Bullies sometimes:o Hit, kick, or push to hurt people.o Use words to call names,tease, or scare peopleHave You Ever?o Said or written mean thingsabout someone.o Grabbed or broken a kid's stuffo Made fun of someoneo Left a kid out of a group onpurpose.If you checked more than onecircle, you might be a bully. If youare a bully, you should go talk toyour teacher, parents, or schoolcounselor.BULLYING WEBSITESFOR YOU!Download this brochure and otherbullying prevention information fromthe Kentucky Center for SchoolSafety website at www.kycss.orgBullying Online:www.Bullying.co.ukColorado Anti Bullying Project:www.no-bully.comBullystoppers.com:http://bullystoppers.comPeaceworks:http://stopbullyingnow.netAnti-Bullying Network:www.antibullying.netBullying.org:www.bullying.orgKentucky Center for School SafetyMurray State University1009 Alexander HallMurray, Kentucky 42071Phone :270-809-3235Kentucky Center for School SafetyEastern Kentucky University105 Stratton BuildingRichmond, Kentucky 40475Phone:807-805-4277BulliesThey're Not SoTough When WeStick Together !

What is <strong>Bullying</strong>?<strong>Bullying</strong> is when a person keepsdoing or saying something to hurt,alarm, or embarrass a person orgroup in order to have power overthem.Are You A Bully?Have you been guilty of bullyinganyone else? Place a check in thecircle next to the bullying actionyou have participated in.Bullies sometimes:o Hit, kick, or push to hurt people.o Use words to call names,tease, or scare peopleHave You Ever?o Said or written mean thingsabout someone.o Grabbed or broken a kid's stuffo Made fun of someoneo Left a kid out of a group onpurpose.If you checked more than onecircle, you might be a bully. If youare a bully, you should go talk toyour teacher, parents, or schoolcounselor.BULLYING WEBSITESFOR YOU!Download this brochure and otherbullying prevention in<strong>for</strong>mation fromthe <strong>Kentucky</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Safety</strong> website at www.kycss.org<strong>Bullying</strong> Online:www.<strong>Bullying</strong>.co.ukColorado Anti <strong>Bullying</strong> Project:www.no-bully.comBullystoppers.com:http://bullystoppers.comPeaceworks:http://stopbullyingnow.netAnti-<strong>Bullying</strong> Network:www.antibullying.net<strong>Bullying</strong>.org:www.bullying.org<strong>Kentucky</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Safety</strong>Murray State University1009 Alexander HallMurray, <strong>Kentucky</strong> 42071Phone :270-809-3235<strong>Kentucky</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Safety</strong>Eastern <strong>Kentucky</strong> University105 Stratton BuildingRichmond, <strong>Kentucky</strong> 40475Phone:807-805-4277BulliesThey're Not SoTough When WeStick Together !

You Can Do Something About Bullies!!!!!!Tell it or Spell it1. Talk to your parents or schoolcounselor2. Help others who are beingbullied3. Write a letter to your parents orschool counselor4. Ask your parents if you can lookup “<strong>Bullying</strong>” on the internet5. Talk to your relatives or a trustedneighbor6. Ask an older brother or sister <strong>for</strong>advice7. Draw a picture of someonebeing bullied8. Write a poem or a song abouthow you feel9. Talk to your friends about thebully and come up with a planthat involves all of you to stopbullying at school or in yourNeighborhood.Watch OUT online!In chat rooms, on MySpace orFacebook,on IM or TXT phones, othersmight pretend to be someone theyaren't and ask you to meet them. Tellyour parents immediatley if one of youronline "friends" wants to meet youface-to-face. You might receive unwantedand nasty emails, TXTs, IMS orhave something posted on a websiteabout you that makes fun of you. Ifthat happens, tell a trusted adultimmediately...and keep telling untilsomeone listens.Never give out any identifyingin<strong>for</strong>mation like stores you frequent oryour school's name or mascot,Because people can use your personalin<strong>for</strong>mation to hurt you or those youcare about!What's With ThoseBullies?There are a lot of reasons whysome people bully. They may see itas a way of being popular, ormaking themselves look tough andin charge. Some bullies do it to getattention or things, or to makeother people afraid of them.•Bullies might be jealous of theperson they are bullying.•They may be being bulliedthemselves.•Some bullies may not evenunderstand how wrong theirbehavior is and how itmakes the person beingbullied feel.

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