Cliciwch yma i weld prosbectws newydd Ysgol Cilgerran

Cliciwch yma i weld prosbectws newydd Ysgol Cilgerran

Cliciwch yma i weld prosbectws newydd Ysgol Cilgerran

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Trefniadau Cau’r <strong>Ysgol</strong> Oherwydd Tywydd GwaelEarly Closure Of School Due To Bad WeatherPenderfyniad y Pennaeth ynghyd a Chadeiryddy Llywodraethwyr ydy cau ysgol.Mae'n angenrheidiol i'r ysgol ofyncyngor yr Awdurdod Addysg Lleol ynystod tywydd gwael cyn penderfynucau'r sefydliad. Os penderfynir cau yn ybore cyn ysgol fe wneir pob ymdrech ihysbysu'r cwmni tacsi a'r rhieni sy'ncludo'u plant i'r ysgol. Fel arfer feroddir gwybod i’r gorsafoedd radio lleolfelly gallech wrando arnynt os ydych ynamau fod yr ysgol ar gau (Radio Cymru,Radio Sir Benfro). Mae modd i’r ysgol ddanfonneges destun.Mae cyfle ychwanegol i rieni os ydych ynmedru , fynd ar we-fan Cyngor Sir Benfrowww.pembrokeshire.gov.uk er mwyn derbyngwybodaeth ynglyn a threfniadau agor/cau yrysgol.Os bydd y tywydd yn gwaethygu yn ystod ydydd, fe wneir pob ymdrech i gysylltu â rhienipob plentyn. Os na fydd hyn yn bosib, byddwnyn sicrhau fod na le diogel gan y plant i fyndiddo tan bod eu rhieni yn cyrraedd adre e.e.perthnasau gyda chaniatad.The decision to close the school rests withthe Head teacher in consultation with theChair of Governors.The school is duty bound to seek theadvice of the Local Education Authoritybefore closing the school due to extremeweather conditions. If the decision is takento close before the beginning of theschool day then every effort will be madeto inform the taxi and those parentswho transport their children a long way.Local radio stations are usually informedtherefore you may wish to listen to these if yoususpect the school may be closed ( Radio Wales,Radio Pembrokeshire). It is possible for theschool to use a text service.There is an additional opportunity for parents toaccess up to date information on the schoolarrangements for open/closure which will beposted on the Pembrokeshire County Councilwebsite at www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk.When inclement weather necessitates the earlyclosure of school, steps will be taken to inviteparents to collect pupils. If this is impossible, weshall ensure that your children are in a safe placeuntil parents arrive home e.g. relatives withconsent.Codi Tâl Am Weithgareddau <strong>Ysgol</strong> / Charging For School ActivitiesYn dilyn Deddf Diwygio Addysg 1988nid yw ysgolion yn gallu codi tâl amdeithiau ysgol yn ystod oriau ysgolbellach. Yn anffodus ni fydd y teithiauyn gallu cymryd lle os na fydd rhieniyn barod i wneud cyfraniadau gwirfoddolat gost y teithiau.Following the Education Reform Act1988 schools are not allowed tocharge for visits which take placeduring school hours. Unfortunately,these visits cannot take place unlessparents are willing to make voluntarycontributions towards the cost.35

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