Cliciwch yma i weld prosbectws newydd Ysgol Cilgerran

Cliciwch yma i weld prosbectws newydd Ysgol Cilgerran

Cliciwch yma i weld prosbectws newydd Ysgol Cilgerran

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Gweithgareddau Chwaraeon / Sporting ActivitiesMae <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Cilgerran</strong> yn ymfalchïo yn y lefel asafon o weithgareddau chwaraeon agynigi’r i’r disgyblion. Yn y CyfnodSylfaen mae pob disgybl yn derbyn 1awr o addysg gorfforol (yn ychwanegoli’r ddarpariaeth yn y dosbarth), acmae’r plant iau yn derbyn 2 awr yrwythnos. Yn gyffredinol prif nodau dysgu AddysgGorfforol yw annog a helpu pob plentyn ifyw bywyd iachus a bywiog, ac i hyrwyddo datblygiadpriodweddau dymunol megis ymdrech,chwarae teg, cyd-chwarae, dyfalbarhad, gorchesta hunan hyder.Cyflwynir y nodau hyn drwy gynnig amrediadeang o weithgareddau i blant o bob oedran, tufewn a thu allan i’r cwricwlwm ffurfiol, gan euherio i ddatblygu a gwella’u perfformiadau unigol.Mae’r gweithgareddau <strong>yma</strong>’n cynnwys Gymnasteg,Dawns, Nofio, Athletau, GweithgareddauAwyr Agored ac Antur, a GemauCystadleuol. Sicrhawn fod pob disgybl yncael y cyfle i gynrychioli’r ysgol yn rhywagwedd o chwaraeon wrth gystadlu yngnghystadlaethau rhanbarthol, sirol achenedlaethol.Defnyddir cyfleusterau cymunedol yncynnwys y Pwll Nofio, maes chwarae amlbwrpas(M.U.G.A) yn ogystal â iard yr ysgol i sicrhauystod eang o gyfleoedd i’r disgyblion <strong>yma</strong>rfer.Caiff y plant eu hyfforddi gan athrawon arbenigolyn yr ysgol. Credwn fod ein cysylltiadaugyda chlybiau lleol yn rhan bwysig o greu llwybri’r plant sy’n dymuno dilyn a datblygu eudiddordebau tu allan i’r ysgol.Defnyddir pwll nofio <strong>Ysgol</strong> Ddwyieithog yPreseli. Neilltuir un cyfnod yr wythnos i blanto Flynyddoedd 3, 4, 5 a 6 ac fe gludiry plant i Grymych am ddim. Fe ddefnyddiry gampfa yn y Ganolfan<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Cilgerran</strong> prides itself on the level andstandard of its commitment to offer sportingactivities to its pupils. In the FoundationPhase every pupil receives 1 hour ofphysical education (which is extra to theclassroom provision) and the younger childrenreceive 2 hours every week. Generallythe main teaching aims of Physical Education areto encourage and help every child to live ahealthy and lively lifestyle. It is also aimed atpromoting the development of pleasant attitudessuch as effort, fair play, playing together, perseverance,achievement and self-confidence.These aims are achieved by offering a widerange of activities for children of all ages, withinand outside the formal curriculum; thus challengingthem to develop and improve their individualperformance. These activities include Gymnastics,Dance, Swimming, Athletics, Open Air Activitiesand Adventure and Competitive games.We ensure that every pupil has the opportunityto represent the school in some aspectof sports by competing at regional,county or national level.Community resources are used which includethe swimming pool, multi-use gamesarea (M.U.G.A), playing fields along with theschool yard that ensure a wide range of opportunitiesfor the pupils to practice.The children are trained by specialist teachers.We are of the opinion that our contact with localclubs are an important pathway for those childrenwho wish to develop their interests outsideof school.The pool at <strong>Ysgol</strong> Ddwyieithog y Preseli is usedfor swimming lessons. Children from Years 3, 4,5 and 6 are transported to the pool freeof charge. The children also use the facilitiesof the Sports Hall on the campus ofthe school.17

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