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Cliciwch yma i weld prosbectws newydd Ysgol Cilgerran

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Canolbwyntio ar Sgiliau / A Focus on SkillsRydym yn defnyddio’r Adran Sgiliau yngngorchmynion y cwricwlwm cenedlaethol a’rFframwaith ar gyfer Dysgu Plant 3-7 oed ermwyn nodi pa sgiliau y dylid canolbwyntioarnynt. Mae’r athrawon yn ymwybodol o’rsgil gyfredol sydd dan sylw, ac o’r sgiliau aaddysgwyd eisoes, ac maent yn cynlluniocyfleoedd i’w defnyddio, fel bod yr holl ysgolyn cymryd rhan yn y gwaith parhaus oddatblygu, cymhwyso a chyfnerthu sgiliau.We use the Skills section out of the NationalCurriculum and the Curriculum for 3-7 year oldsto identify which skills are to be the focus .Teachers are aware of the skill that is the currentfocus and of those that have already beentaught and can plan opportunities for their use,so that the school is a part of ongoing skills development.Asesu a Chofnodi / Assesment and ReportingGwahoddir y rhieni i Nosweithiau Rhieni yn nhymhorau’rHydref a’r Gwanwyn lle rhoddir cyfle i'rrhieni edrych o amgylch yr ysgol i <strong>weld</strong> gwaith yplant ac i siarad yn unigol ag athro'r plentyn. Dosberthiradroddiad ysgrifenedig ar gynnydd y disgyblionar ddiwedd tymor yr Haf.Mae croeso hefyd i rieni ym<strong>weld</strong> â'r ysgol ar unrhywamser cyfleus i ymdrin â gwaith eu plentynneu broblemau a allai godi. Gwahoddir rhieni syddyn pryderu ynglyn â phroblemau addysgiadol, ymddygiadolneu ddatblygiadau corfforol i gwrdd â'rPennaeth ar unrhyw amser. Gellir trin problemaufel yr uchod yn llwyddiannus yn yr ysgol.Every year in the Autumn and Spring terms,Parent Evenings are held for parents, so thatthey may see the child’s work and discuss his/her development with the teacher. A writtenprogress report on each child is sent out toparents at the end of the Summer term wherespecific targets are set for each child to movetheir learning forward.Parents are also welcome to visit the school atany time convenient to the teacher and parentsto discuss their child’s progress on anyproblems that might arise. Parents with anxietiesabout their children’s educational, behavioural,or physical developments are invited todiscuss the problem with the Head teacher.Often the above problems can be dealt withsuccessfully at school.15

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