Florina Klingbaum - Quaffers.org

Florina Klingbaum - Quaffers.org Florina Klingbaum - Quaffers.org


• You love the client servicerepresentative whowined and dined youthrough the selectionprocess, but how well doyou interact with theactual team?• Communication isessential. Are you betteroff having one point ofcontact or would yourather have several?• How important is it tokeep family secrets?Time to Meet the FamilyTHE MATCH.COM OF FINDING THE ADMINISTRATOR OF YOUR DREAMS

Investment Process HighlightsDisciplinedDecisionMakingThroughoutQuantitativeFundamentalBehavioral• Economic conditions determine three S’s• Population of 5,000+ stocks determine tilts• Companies on the Focus Placement List undergo arigorous analysis to determine suitability• Population of 300+ stocks• Test for over/(under) reaction to insidertransactions, share offerings/(buybacks), newsINVESTMENT PROCESS• Population of 50 – 150 stocksBeyond Asset Management. Empowered Investing.ScreenedCompaniesMonitorPortfolioOptimizationExecuteportfolioPre-tradeanalytics9

• You love the client servicerepresentative whowined and dined youthrough the selectionprocess, but how well doyou interact with theactual team?• Communication isessential. Are you betteroff having one point ofcontact or would yourather have several?• How important is it tokeep family secrets?Time to Meet the FamilyTHE MATCH.COM OF FINDING THE ADMINISTRATOR OF YOUR DREAMS

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