Florina Klingbaum - Quaffers.org

Florina Klingbaum - Quaffers.org Florina Klingbaum - Quaffers.org


Get the Best Out of Your Administrator• Do not beat around the bush, be clear with your expectations• Hand picking your team can offer an incredible advantage• Establish list of deliverables with clear due datesTHE MATCH.COM OF FINDING THE ADMINISTRATOR OF YOUR DREAMS

Out of Your League? Think Again• A relatively small amount ofassets under managementshould not be a determiningfactor of who youradministrator is• Start-up companies SHOULDNOT be intimidated intochoosing a similarly sizedadministratorTHE MATCH.COM OF FINDING THE ADMINISTRATOR OF YOUR DREAMS

Get the Best Out of Your Administrator• Do not beat around the bush, be clear with your expectations• Hand picking your team can offer an incredible advantage• Establish list of deliverables with clear due datesTHE MATCH.COM OF FINDING THE ADMINISTRATOR OF YOUR DREAMS

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