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There is a rich culture of diversity that is theearmark of a great city. And there’s sports,theater, art, community activities — all of itnearby, if not right in the city.”During the past year, Rodriguez has ensconcedhimself in the cultural life of his new home herein the city. He lives downtown in the AquaTowers building, which, he notes, really feelsmore like a small town. “I love the entire city,but I have a special fondness for downtown,”he said. “It has a cosmopolitan feel, and yet italso has a small-town ambience. Whenever Istep out the door and walk to one of the greatrestaurants nearby, it seems I run into someoneI know.”weekly to see each other. “We walk out of ouroffices and onto planes on weekends,” he said.“It works for us, even though the schedulemay not be everyone’s cup of tea. It satisfiesmy love of flying, and makes me realize overand over again what a joy and a miracle it is.You are actually sitting in a chair that is flyingthrough the sky. I never lose my sense ofwonder at that.”The high-flying couple has an 8-month oldbaby named Ava, who adds even moreexcitement to their life. Rodriguez also hastwo sons from his first marriage who sharethe couple’s joy. “They are as in love with heras we are,” he said.affordableefficientr e s ultsYet, he admits with a laugh, he really doesnot participate in most of these recreationalopportunities available right outside hisdoorstep. “My work is my hobby,” he said. “Idon’t even know how many hours a week Iwork, because when I’m not there, I’m on myBlackBerry. I just can’t stop thinking about thejob because I just love it.”Rodriguez is definitely busy these days.Beginning in March, the Airport beganconstruction of a new on-site parking garage.Groundbreaking for a new boarding loungeand concession area is expected to begin inearly 2011. “We have great plans,” he said.“This is a historic and beautiful building, andrenovating and expanding it — while preservingits character — is an exciting challenge.”Rodriguez points out the new expansion will notmake it a facility taking the overflow from LAX.“LAX is a completely different sort of airport,”he said. “It serves more international travelers,its challenge is to move as many people andas many flights through as possible. Ourclientele is different. We serve people whoare flying within the country and who expectmore personal service. That’s something we’reknown for and we don’t want to lose that.”He may be one of his best customers. Hiswife, Monica Newhouse, is assistant directorof Houston Airport Systems. The two commuteWhen land-bound in his workday milieu,Rodriguez tackles the job with characteristicenthusiasm. “We will serve our clients betterthan other airports in the area. They will havea comfortable and enjoyable experience thatwill be unique to Long Beach,” he said.Rodriguez describes himself as someone whoseeks creativity in a job well done, someonewho thinks “outside the box”. Currently heis overseeing the construction of a parkingstructure and the expansion of the terminal.He is involved in community relations andenvironmental issues at the airport. He is alsoa noted speaker throughout the country onbusiness recovery and disaster management.But he has an eye for the small things, too.“We are restoring a mosaic that was createdback in the ’30s,” Rodriguez said. “It had beencovered for a long time, but I think it’s time tospotlight it again. Not only is it beautiful, it’s areminder of the rich history of this airport andthe city of Long Beach.”Rodriguez is definitely a man whoseenthusiasm knows no bounds, and anafternoon of conversation with him is asexhilarating and gleeful as flight itself. He’s aman who never stops moving — but then, hehas a lot to do and a lot of places to go. nour brand has becomesynonymous with ourpassion, instinct & integrity.we design & createemotionally magnetizingspaces that sell.identityhome.comFind us on+longbeachmagazine.com 53

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