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citizens to get a chapter off the ground,” said Vaughn. “Typically, they aremotivated by common interest in a particular country that has a significantpopulation here.”The cultural events staged by Sister Cities are as varied as thecountries that participate. Yokkaichi and Long Beach exchangestudents, who live in the homes of residents and participate inprojects that foster common goals of each city. Long Beach sent its65-member marching band to participate in the 100th anniversary of thecity of Yokkaichi.Sochi, a resort city located on the Black Sea, is known as the “RussianRiviera”. In October the city will send a delegation to a Russian writersfestival that will be held at CSULB and is being co-sponsored by SisterCities. Heading up the delegation will be the great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy,who will read from the author’s works. A translator will assist with thereading and with a question-and-answer session.Richard Madeira, a documentary filmmaker, has been on eight delegationsto Russia. Last year he accompanied Long Beach artist Trace Fukuhara,who created a large mural for the local train station. “Sochi has a statuedepicting the city enfolded in the arms of an angel,” said Madeira. “Trace’smural depicts both cities in the angel’s arms. Six other Long Beachresidents went to Sochi to help with the mural.”Pat McMaster is president of the Manta, Ecuador chapter, the newest inthe Sister City organization. “We recently took our first trip to Manta,” shesaid. “We donated more than 20 computers to their schools, as well ascontainers of walkers and wheelchairs.” This year a delegation of lifeguardsfrom Long Beach will travel to Manta to train its lifeguards. “The city hasnever had lifeguards before,” said McMaster. “I don’t know why, but it’s agreat way to foster the relationship between our cities.”Bill Preston has taken two delegations to the city of Mombasa in Kenya. InFebruary of last year, the city’s deputy mayor, John Mcharo, led a delegationthat presented a special collection of books on the history of Mombasaand Africa to the main branch of the Long Beach Library.“It’s important for us to know each other’s history,” Preston said. “It’simportant to encourage all of these relationships with people from othercountries. We have so much in common, living in cities that are basicallythe same size, with a focus on their ports and trade.”Madeira praised President Eisenhower for recognizing early on thatvigorous relationships between the people of countries around the worldwould be a step toward preventing war and fostering growth.“The Sister City program is an outlet for the type of culturalexchange that creates a bond between countries,” Madeira said.“It also provides a host of fascinating and exciting events both hereand abroad.” nMake memories to last a lifetimeFine Photography by Lyca FaulknerTel 310.601.0646www.finekidsphotography.comlongbeachmagazine.com 27

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