Offer from GIPSA on Wage Revision during 7th round of ... - oicoa

Offer from GIPSA on Wage Revision during 7th round of ... - oicoa

Offer from GIPSA on Wage Revision during 7th round of ... - oicoa

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••<str<strong>on</strong>g>GIPSA</str<strong>on</strong>g>GENERALINSURERS' (PUBLICSECTOR) ASSOCIATIONOF INDIA<strong>Wage</strong> Revisi<strong>on</strong> proposals w.e.f 01-D8-2007(unless otherwise specified)(SUbject to Organizati<strong>on</strong>al Agenda and Govemmenfs approval)1 Basic Pay ScalesCLASS IScale VIISeale VISeale VScale IVScale IIISCale IISCale I31745-785(2)-33315-850(1)-34165-940(1)-35105-995(1)-3610028605-785(5)-3253025930-650(3)-27880.725(2)-2933022030-650(7)-2658018130-540(1)-1867o.560(6)-2203Q.650(4)-24630-Stg. 25221o.1400(2)-5501o.15OO(1)-5651o.1640(1)-58150-1700(1)-5985046610.1400(5)-53610416&0-1200(3)-45260-1350(2)-479&034460-1200(7)-428602816lJ.84O(1)-2900o.910(6)-34460-1200(4)-3926Q.Stg.22312lJ.84O(7)-2900Q.910(6)-3446O-Stg.4CLASS IIDell. Officer Gr. IDev. Officer Gr. UCLASSIIIIIVSenior AullStenoAssistantRec<strong>on</strong>iClerk785Q.485(8)-11730-500(9)-16230-525(2)=.1728Q.540(4)-19440-Stg.3 12175-755(8)-18215-780(9)-25235-820(2)-26875-840(4)-30235-519.35400-350(3)-6450-400(4)-8050 828O-54O(3)-990Q.615(4~12360-Stg.· 3*NewIntroducti<strong>on</strong>6885-485(4)-8825-540(15)-16925-stg. 5 10670.755(4)-13690-840(15)-28290-stg. 54995-285(1)-S28Q.310(2)-59OQ.350(5)-785Q.405(2)-846Q-7640-440(1)-808O..c8O(2)-904Q.540(5)-117 40-625(2)-12996-490(3)-9930-510(2)-10950-540(5)-13650-Stg.6 760(3)-15270.790(2)-16850-840(5)-21050 .Stg. 64665-190(2)-5845-210(5)-6095-225(1)-6320.250(2)- 7085-305(2)-7695-325(5)-9320-350(1)-9&70.390(2)-682Q.280(3f_310(5)-921o.345(3)-10245 -Stg. 6 10450-430(3)-11740-480(5)-14140-530(9"")-18910DriverSub Staff4665-190(2)-5045-205(14)-7915-220(2)-835~250(3)-9105 -Stg. 64105-165(5)-4930.175(8)-6330.205(1)-6535-210(3)-7165-250(2)-7665-Stg.67085-305(2)-7695-315(14)-12105-350(2)-12805-390(9")-16315618Q.250(5)-743Q.265(8)-955Q.315(1)-9865-325(3)-10840-390(8")-13960":C<strong>on</strong>sequential changes in Para 25 <strong>of</strong> Promoti<strong>on</strong> Policy to be made

House Rent AllowanceClm <strong>of</strong> CityABC10'1rMaximum-8 %-Maxlmum-7 ¥--Maximum-Rs 1600Rs 1350Rs 13001Q%.11axlmum-8 ¥--Maximum-1 ¥--Maximum·Rs 3200Rs2100Rs2600City Comp. AllowanceClal! <strong>of</strong> CityA3%-SUbjectto,i)Max Rs 500 for Class Ii1)MaxRs. 400 for Class IIlii)MlnlmumRs 160, maximum Rs 310 for Class /III IV2.5 ¥-. subject toI)MaxRs. 470 for Class IIi)MaxRs. 360for Clan IIiil)MlnlmumRs 135, max. Rs 340 for Class 1111 IV2%-subjeCttoI)Max Rs.335 for Class I ,)MaxRs. 300 for Class n "iR)MInimumRs 100, mIX. Rs.210 for Class IIIIIV3%-subject to,I)Max Rs. 800 for Class Ii1)MaxRs. 675 for Class IIiR)MinlmumRI 175, maximum Rs 635 for Class nil IV2.5 %- subject toI) MaxRI. 760 for Class III)MaxRs. 625for Class IiiII)M1nimumRs 145, max. RI 595 for Clan IUIIV2%-subject toI) MaxRI. 590 for Class III)MaxRI. 545 for Class IIlil)M/nlmumRs 115, max. RI. 510 for Class IIIIIVCadre Existing Proposfld As per VIII DA<strong>on</strong>lmount(As <strong>on</strong> 01.11.93) (w.e.f.01.08.02) (w.e.f.01.OU7) Schedule In column (4)1 00 4GII/ScaJe VII Rs. 995 ·RI. 1100 RI. • RI. 10.08AGM/ScaleVI RI. 785 RI. 1400 Rs. 300 RI. 7.5&MGRJScaIeV RI. 725 RI. 1350 Rs. 250 Rs. 6.30DYMIScaIeIV RI. 650 RI. 1200 RI. 250 Rs. 6.30AM/SCaleIII Rs. 650 Rs. 1200 RI. 250 RI. 6.30AOIScaIeII Rs. 560 RI. 910 RI.230 RI. 5.800IScaIe1 RI.560 Rs.910 RI.230 RI.5.80D.O.Gradel RI.54O RI.840 RI.230 Rs.18.a8D.O.Grade II RI.4OO Rs.615 Rs.130 RI.12.74Stano I SrAsst RI. 540 RI. 840 Rs.230 RI. 18.68Assl Rs. 540 Rs. 840 RI.230 Rs. 18.68RC RI: 345 RI.530 RI.130 RI.12.74Driver RI. 250 Rs. 390 Rs.100 RI. 9.80Sub-staff RI. 250 Rs. 390 Rs.100 Rs. 9.80The proposed revised FPA In column (3)sball not qualify for DAand HRA. However, such part <strong>of</strong> the FPAas sbown In column (4)abovesball rank for PFJPensi<strong>on</strong> and sucb art al<strong>on</strong>g wltb DAthere<strong>on</strong> as column (5 sltall rank for Gratuity and Leave Eneash.

6Transport AllowanceClassI (With no c<strong>on</strong>veyance facility) Rs. 500 Rs. 800!I (Admn.) Rs.250 Rs. 375III/IV Rs. 150 RS.275--7 Hill Stati<strong>on</strong> Allowance(w.e.i 1st <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>on</strong>th following oate ot Notificati<strong>on</strong>) 2.5%-subject to, 2.5%-subject to,i) Maximum Rs 335 for Class I i) Maximum Rs 460 for Class Iii) Maximum Rs 270 for Class II, III/IVii) Maximum Rs 370 for Class II, III/IV2 Oft-subjectto, 2 %-subject to,i) Maximum Rs 270 for Class I i) Maximum Rs 370 for Class Iii) Maximum Rs 210 for Class 1I,1II/IVii) Maximum Rs 290 for Class lUll/IV8 Kit Allowance(\'I ef 1st <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>on</strong>th following date <strong>of</strong> Notificati<strong>on</strong>)Class-I Rs.2000 Rs.3000Class -III/IV Rs.500 Rs.7509 Allowance for Technical Qualificati<strong>on</strong>(Not to qualify for any other service benefit)Qualificati<strong>on</strong> Class II, 1111 IVClass II.Jill IVLicentiate Rs.115 Rs.180Associate Rs.325 RS.490fello!y' Rs.545 Rs.820Inst.<strong>of</strong> Actuaries/per subject passed) Rs. 115 Rs. 180CA/ICWAi) intermediate Rs.235 RS.350ii) final group A or B Rs.400 Rs.600iii! final group A & B Rs.545 Rs.820MBA (for class III/IV <strong>on</strong>ly) Rs.545 Rs.82010 Graduati<strong>on</strong> Allowance to Assistants who hadqualified as Graduate up to 31.07.2007(Not to quailfy for any other service benefit)i) One year post ceiling Rs.200 Rs.300H)Two year post ceiling Rs.350 RS.53011 Graduati<strong>on</strong> Allowance to Record Clerk whohad qualified as Graduate up to 31.07.2007 Rs.135 Rs.200(Not to qualify for any other service benefit)12 Special Functi<strong>on</strong>al Allowance to Cashier Rs.515 Rs.800(Not to qualify for any other selVlce benefit)

~,13 Functi<strong>on</strong>al Allowance to Audit Aaslltaftt Rs.340 Rs.460(w.e.f 1st <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>on</strong>th followingdale <strong>of</strong> NotifIcati<strong>on</strong>)14 Special Area Allowance AsperUC AsperliC15 Paradlp Port Allowance Rs 75 for au classes Rs 110 for all claues(w.e" 1st <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>on</strong>th followingdate <strong>of</strong> Nolificalioo)16 Washing Allowance for Class IV Rs.90 Rs.13017 Special Functi<strong>on</strong>al Allowances to Sub-Staff • Rs.258 Rs. 375<strong>on</strong>ly for cash carrying & key holding(Not to qualify for any other servicebenefit)18 Entertainment Allowance to OffIcer In-eharge(w.e" 1st<strong>of</strong> the m<strong>on</strong>th followingdate <strong>of</strong> Notllicali<strong>on</strong>)I) SO In-charge Rs.5OO Rs.758II) DO In-eharge RI.600 Rs. 900.19 Mid Academic Vear Allowance for Class I .. Rs.5OO Rs••20 Allowance for Audit & Vigilance Officers Rs.580 Rs.675(w.eJ 1st <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>on</strong>th foilowlngdate<strong>of</strong> Notiflc;ati<strong>on</strong>)21 LTS' Cost <strong>of</strong> Travel upto 2000 km Each Way by entitled mode I class in a Cost <strong>of</strong> Travel upto 3000 km Each Way bYenttfed mode / class In aBlock <strong>of</strong> 02 Vears for au Class <strong>of</strong> Employeesstock <strong>of</strong> 02 Vears for ail crass <strong>of</strong> Employees22 Lump-sum led. Benefit (p.a.) (w.e.f. 01-01-10).~I Basicaboye Rs. 20350 Rs.&OOO Rev. Basic above Rs. 31725 Rs.1.Up to Basic Rs. 20350 Rs4000 Up to Rev. Basic RI. 31725 RsBOOOII Basic RI. 16230or above RI.4000 Rev. BasIc RI. 25235 or above Rs.aoooBasic Betow Rs. 16230 Rs.2500 Rev. BasIc below RI. 25235 Rs.5000Ill/IV For all RI2000ForaliRs4000',' ~;'PLACE; IUlSAIDATE: 26.07.2010

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