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1A virtual law office has been defined as the “delivery of, and paymentfor, legal services exclusively, or nearly exclusively, throughthe law firm’s portal on a website, where all of the processing,communication, software utilization, and computing will be internet-based.”Cal. State <strong>Bar</strong> Formal Opn. 2012-184.2Cal. State <strong>Bar</strong> Formal Opn. 2012-184.3The California State <strong>Bar</strong> Commission for the Revision of theRules of Professional Conduct recommended, and the State <strong>Bar</strong>Board of Trustees has approved, proposed revisions to California’srules of professional conduct that conform in style and format tothe American <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong>’s Model Rules, and contain manysubstantive provisions similar to those in the Model Rules. Theseproposed revisions are currently under consideration for adoptionby the California Supreme Court.4CRPC 1-100(A); Vapnek, Tuft, Peck & Wiener, Cal. Prac. Guide: ProfessionalResponsibility, 1:88-90 (The Rutter Group, a division ofWest, a Thomson Reuters business, 2012).5See, e.g., Cal. State <strong>Bar</strong> Opn. 2012-184; Penn. State <strong>Bar</strong> Opn. 2010-200; Florida State <strong>Bar</strong> Opn. 00-4.6See Cal. State <strong>Bar</strong> Formal Opn. 2012-184.7See Cal. State <strong>Bar</strong> Formal Opn. 2012-184.8Id.9Id.10CRPC 3-50011See Cal. State <strong>Bar</strong> Formal Opn. 2012-184.12Bus. & Prof. C. § 6126.13See, e.g., Birbrower, Montalbano, Condon & Frank, P.C. v. Sup.Ct. (1998) 17 Cal.4th 119.14ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20, House of Delegate filing (February2013) available at: http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/ethics_2020/20121112_ethics_20_20_overarching_report_final_with_disclaimer.authcheckdam.pdf.15See, e.g., ABA Law Practice Management Section eLawyeringTask Force, “Suggested Minimum Requirements for Law FirmsDelivering Legal Services Online” (Oct. 15, 2009).Sarah Banola is a litigation attorney at Cooper, White& Cooper LLP’s San Francisco office. Ms. Banola representslawyers and law firms in matters related to legalethics, legal negligence, attorney-client fee disputes,professional discipline, conflicts of interest, disqualificationmotions and law firm breakups.Ms. Banola is a contributingeditor to the professional responsibilitychapter of the CaliforniaPractice Guide on Employment Litigationand the legal malpracticesection of the California PracticeGuide on Claims and Defenses (TheRutter Group, a division of West, aThomson Reuters business, 2012).She also serves as Secretary of the<strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> of San Francisco’sLegal Ethics Committee.Youngman & Ericsson, LLP1981 North Broadway • Suite 300Walnut Creek, CA 94596MCLE SELF-STUDY TESTTo <strong>download</strong> the test form and instructionsfor this Self-Study MCLE article,visit http://cclawyer.cccba.org andclick on the Self-Study MCLE link inthe top menu.If you prefer to receive the test form viaemail, please contact Theresa Hurleyat thurley@cccba.org or (925) 370-2548.NEED MORE MCLE CREDITS?Visit our calendar to browse upcomingMCLE programs:www.cccba.org/attorney/calendar/Or choose from our MCLE Self-Studyprograms - we offer self-study articles,audio and video programs:Tax Lawyers.www.cccba.org/attorney/mcle/other-self-study.phpwww.youngman.com (925) 930-6000CONTRA COSTA COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION CONTRA COSTA LAWYER 29

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