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towards capital cost and recurring cost per annum for pollution control measures.Distillery unit will be operated for 300 days.Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring was carriedout at 10 locations during January, 2012 – March 2012 and submitted data indicatesPM 10 (25-55ug/m 3 ),PM 2.5 (14 – 30 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (7.0-15.0 ug/m 3 ) and NO x (10-24 ug/m 3 ).Incremental concentration due to proposed project was estimated to be SPM (2.5ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (5.8 ug/m 3 ) and NOx (18.3 ug/m 3 ). Bagfilter alongwith stack of adequateheight will be provided to coal/biomass fired boilers (1x20 TPH + 1x 8 TPH). Total freshwater requirement from Aripirala canal/Dosapadu canal will be 690 m 3 /day. Duringpresentation, project proponent informed that water requirement has been revised from390m 3 /day to 690 m 3 /day. Spent wash will be passed through decanter andconcentrated in Multi-effect evaporator (MEE). Thick syrup and wet cake will be mixedtogether to form Distiller’s Wet Grains with Soluble (DWGS). DWGS will be dried in dryerto form DDGS to achieve ‘zero’ discharge.Spentlees, evaporation condensate, variousblowdown & washings will be given anaerobic treatmentfollowed by aeration and tertiarytreatment. Treated water will be recycled for various purposes like cooling tower makeup, equipment cleaning & washing. The biogas generated will be utilized as fuel in theboiler of ENA plant. Domestic effluent (5 m 3 /day) will be treated in septic tank followedby anaerobic filter and treated effluent used for gardening.DDGS (1440) will be used for fish feed. Fly ash (170) will be used for brickmanufacturers. Green belt will be developed in 1.7 ha. out of total land 4.85 ha. Silencerpads, enclosure will be provided. Power requirement will be 1.496 MW/day, which will bemet from CPP (2 MW). DG set (2 x 525 kW) will be installed.Poultry litter and rice huskwill be used as fuel in boiler (20 TPH and 8 TPH) for 300 days.The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Boardon 17 th March, 2012. The issues raised during public hearing were source of watersupply for project, industry draw huge quantity of water, stack height, local employment,drawl of water from canal, doubt on efficacy of pollution control measures, watershortage for agriculture activity etc. Most of the people in the public hearing were notsatisfied with the project proposal and asked the project proponent to clarify the issuessuch as source of water supply and environmental concerns. In response, projectproponent informed that grain (damaged rice) required for manufacturing of distillery isavailable in the area and project viability was estimated on this basis only. In this projectpollution issues have been addressed. Bagfilter alongwith adequate stack height will beprovided to boiler. Distillery is designed for zero effluent discharge concept. It wasproposed to construct a seepage proof water storage tank in 10 acres having a depth of3.5 m and water will be drawn when there is sufficient water available in Canal. Waterwill be drawl after getting permission from the respective Authority. Green belt will bedeveloped in the proposed plant. Direct employment and indirect employmentgeneration will be 200 persons and 400 persons. All the issues have satisfactorily beenresponded by the project proponent and incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP reportadequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith otherenvironmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:

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