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during rainy season by flowing alongwith the storm water. Direct exposure ofworkers to fly ash & dust should be avoided.xiv. As proposed, fly ash will be transferred in the covered truck. Ash shall betransferred to the brick manufacturing. A tie-up should be made with brickmanufacturer.xv.Occupational health surveillance programme should be undertaken as regularexercise for all the employees. The first aid facilities in the occupational healthcentre should be strengthened and the regular medical test records of eachemployee should be maintained separately.xvi. Dedicated parking facility for loading and unloading of material should be providedin the factory premises. Unit should develop and implement good trafficmanagement system for their incoming and outgoing vehicles to avoid congestionon the public road.xvii. As proposed, thick green belt in 33 % will be developed all round the plantboundary to act as noise attenuator and plantation shall be done as per the CPCBguidelines in consultation with DFO. Thick greenbelt with suitable plant speciesshall be developed around the proposed distillery to mitigate the odour problem.xviii. All the commitments made to the public during the Public Hearing/PublicConsultation meeting held on 1 st March, 2011 should be satisfactorily implementedand a separate budget for implementing the same should be allocated andinformation submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office at Chandigarh.xix. At least 5 % of the total cost of the project should be earmarked towards thecorporate social responsibility and item-wise details along with time bound actionplan should be prepared and submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Officeat Chandigarh. Implementation of such program should be ensured accordingly ina time bound manner.2.5.9. Distillery (Grain based, 60 KLPD, ENA), CPP (2 MW) and Fish Feed Plant (144 TPD)at Sy. No. 37, Village Thummalapalli, Tehsil Nandivada, District Krishna, AndhraPradesh by M/s HRUDAI Bio Tech Pvt. Ltd.(TOR to EC)The project authorities gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of theproject and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken as per DraftTerms of References (TORs) awarded during the 21 st Meeting of the Expert AppraisalCommittee (Industry) held during 23 rd –24 th March, 2011 for preparation of EIA/EMP.Allcane juice/non-molasses based distillery (>30 KLD) are listed at S.N. 5(g) (ii) undercategory ‘A’ and appraised at Central level.M/s HRUDAI Bio Tech Pvt. Ltd. have proposed for setting up of grain basedDistillery (60 KLPD, ENA), CPP (2 MW) and Fish feed Plant (144 TPD) at Sy. No. 37,Village Thummalapalli, Tehsil Nandivada, District Krishna, Andhra Pradesh. Total plotarea is 4.85 ha. No national park/ wildlife sanctuary/ reserve forest are located within 10Km. Total project cost is Rs. 70 Crores. Rs. 9.0 Crores and Rs. 40 Lakhs are earmarked

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