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After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report adequate andsuggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other environmentalconditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:i. Distillery unit should be based on Grain based only and no Molasses baseddistillery unit should be operated.ii.iii.Bag filter alongwith stack of adequate height should be provided to coal/biomassfired boiler to control particulate emission within 50 mg/Nm 3 .Pucca approach road to project site should be constructed prior to commencingconstruction activity of the main distillery so as to avoid fugitive emissions.iv. Total fresh water requirement from ground water source should not exceed 11KL/KL of alcohol (i.e. 1320 m 3 /day) for distillery&cogeneration unit (3.5 MW).v. Prior permission for drawl of water should be obtained from the concernedauthorities.vi.vii.Water consumption should be reduced by adopting 3 R’s (reduce, reuse andrecycle) concept in the process.Spent wash generation should not exceed 6 Kl/Kl of alcohol. Spent wash should betreated through decanter and concentrated in multi-effect evaporator (MEE) to formDWGS. Spentlees, effluent from bottle washing, utilities and cogeneration unitshould be treated in effluent treatment plant (ETP) and water quality of treatedeffluent should meet the norms prescribed by CPCB/SPCB and recycle/reuse.viii. Spent wash should be stored in impervious lagoon with HDPE lining as per CPCBguidelines and should be kept in proper condition to prevent ground waterpollution. Storage capacity of spent wash lagoon should be for 5 days.ix.No effluent from distillery and co-generation power plant should be dischargedoutside the premises and Zero discharge should be adopted.x. Adequate numbers of ground water quality monitoring stations by providingpiezometers around the project area should be set up. Sampling and trend analysismonitoring must be made on monthly a basis and report submitted to SPCB andthis Ministry. The ground water quality monitoring for pH, BOD, COD, Chloride,Sulphate and total dissolved solids should be monitored.xi.xii.No storage of wet cake should be done at site. An additional dryer should beinstalled so that at any time wet cake is not sold then wet cake should beconverted into dry cake by operating additional dryer.Biomass storage should be done in such a way that it does not get air borne or flyaround due to wind.xiii. Boiler ash should be stored separately as per CPCB guidelines so that it shouldnot adversely affect the air quality, becoming air borne by wind or water regime

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