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Distillery Units are listed at S.N. 5(g) (ii) under Category ‘A’ and appraised at the Centrallevel.M/s RSL Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. have proposed for the Distillery Unit (Grain based,120 KLPD) and Co-generation Power Plant (3.5 MW) at Village Chandrao, Tehsil Indri,District Karnal, Haryana. Total plot area is 22.5 acres and land is already purchased.No National Park/Reserve Forest/Wildlife sanctuary is located within 10 Km. No forestland is involved in the project. Yamuna River is at 5 km. (East). Total cost of the projectis Rs. 100.00 Crores. Distillery will be operated for 330 days in a year.Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring wascarried out at 8 locations during April, 2011 – June 2011 and submitted data indicatesPM 10 (38-72ug/m 3 ),PM 2.5 (22.7-42.2 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (4.8-9.3ug/m 3 ) and NO x (9.4-16.2ug/m 3 ). Incremental concentration due to proposed project was estimated to be SPM(1.25 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (11.26 ug/m 3 ) and NOx (1.519 ug/m 3 ) bag filters alongwith stack (50m) will be provided coal/rice husk fired boiler to control emissions.Total fresh water requirement from groundwater source will be 1380 m 3 /day.Spent wash will be passed through decanter and concentrated in Multi-effect evaporator(MEE). Thick syrup and wet cake will be mixed together to form Distiller’s Wet Grainswith Soluble (DWGS) to achieve ‘zero’ discharge. Spentlees, MEE condensate andUtilities wastewater will be treated in the effluent treatment plant (ETP) and treatedeffluent will be recycled/reused within the factory premises. No effluent will bedischarged outside the factory premises and ‘zero’ discharge concept will be maintained.Sewage water will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit and used for horticultureand green belt.Wet cake and tick syrup (291 TPD) will be sold as cattle feed.ETP sludge, yeastsludge and DWGS cake (406 TPD) will be generated. Boiler ash (42.6 TPD from 100%rice husk or 69.2 TPD from 100% coal) will be sent to brick manufacturers. Waste oil andused batteries will be sold to authorized recyclers / re-processors.Out of 22.5 acres, 7 acres land is earmarked for the green belt development.Acoustic enclosures will be provided to control noise. Power (438 KW) will be met fromproposed co-gen Power Plant (3.5 MW). Coal (173 TPD) and rice husk (284 TPD) willbe used as main fuel. D.G. sets (2x1250 KVA) will be installed. HSD will be used asfuel.The Committee noted that a court case Civil Writ No. 11033 of 2012 in the matter ofShyam Murari Sharma & Ors. Vs. State of Haryana etc is pending in the Hon’ble HighCourt of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh.The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Punjab Pollution Control Board on 1 stMarch, 2011. The issues raised during public hearing were water pollution, localemployment, amount earmarked for environmental protection, steps taken to control air& water pollution, measures to control dust emissions, water depletion, arrangement toavoid obstruction to the flow of flood etc. In response, project proponent informed thatproposed project is based on zero effluent discharge concept. During construction of theproject, about 250 local workers will be engaged and during commencement of project,around 450 persons will be employed. Around Rs. 11 Crores will be spent on airpollution control measures. Fly ash will be sent to brick manufacturers. Issues raisedduring public hearing have satisfactorily been responded by the project proponent andincorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

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