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SPM (0.0308ug/m 3 ), HC (8.87ug/m 3 ) and NOx (0.39306ug/m 3 ). Air emissions from D.G.sets will be dispersed by providing adequate stack height. Flaring will be done as per theCPCB guidelines for Oil Drilling and gas extraction industry as notified dated GSR 176 €April, 1996. Fresh water requirement will be 125 m 3 /well. Water based mud (WBM) andSynthetic based mud will be used. Effluent comprising mud will be treated in compacteffluent treatment plant (ETP) comprising equalization, chemical coagulation,flocculation and clarification by settling and residual unusable mud will be collected inlined pits and solar evaporated.Remaining mud will be reused in the drilling process. Drillcutting (DC) will be separated from water based mud (WBM) and washed properly andunusable drilling fluids (DF) will be disposed off in well designed lined pit with imperviousliner for solar drying. Disposal of drill cuttings and drill mud will be carried out inaccordance with the GSR 546 (E) dated 30 th August, 2005. Used oil will be sent toauthorized recyclers. Produced water will be generated around 50 m 3 /day. Producedwater will be treated through reverse osmosis and related techniques prior foragriculture, domestic purposes, preparation of mud.DG sets (40 KVA, 50 KVA, 125 KVA, 180 KVA and 950 KVA) will be installed for drillingoperation and CGS and MCS. HSD (5.5 KLD) will be consumed as fuel.The committee deliberated upon the issues raised in the certifiedcompliance monitoring report issued by the Ministry’s regional office atBhubaneswar. The Project proponent briefed the compliance report to the issuesraised by the Regional Office, which include Essar foundation will work in thesetwo villages with local stakeholder to develop suitable solution for safe drinkingwater. Action plan will be developed to treat produced water and maximize therecycling of treated water within the project. Project proponent also clarified thatsince hydrocarbon pipeline is not passing through national park/sanctuaries/coralreefs/ecologically sensitive areas, pipeline network does not attract priorenvironmental clearance as per category 6 (a) of EIA Notification, 2006. Projectproponent also confirmed that unit has prepared separate environmental policyand same will be followed. The Committee satisfied with the response of theproject proponent. The Committee noted that PIL pending in the High Court ofCalcutta relates to laying CNG gas pipeline and it is not related to the productionof CBM.The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the West Bengal State Pollution ControlBoard on 24 th May, 2012. The issues raised during public hearing were restoration ofland which was damaged due to overflow of the existingwell, compensation for thespoiled crops due to drain out water entering into his land, repairing works approachedto school, people received appropriate compensation toward land, CSR activities doneby Essar to improve education in the area, created employment for the locals, CSR forhandicapped people etc. In response, project proponent, informed that produced waterwill be treated by RO and treated water will be reused in drilling operation and excesswater will be discharged into stream after conforming discharged standards. Groundwater level will be monitored to know the ground water table. Company will continue totake up CSR activities by engaging local communities. Adequate compensations paid toland owners whose crop affected by the drain out water. All the issues raised have

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