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Burdwan, Birbhum and Bankura districts of West Bengal. Following are the BlockCo-ordinates:S.N. Latitude (N) Longitude (E)A 23 o 41’ 12” 87 o 25’ 02”B 23 o 40’ 38” 87 o 26’ 45”C 23 o 40’ 00” 87 o 27’ 16”D 23 o 39’ 05” 87 o 27’ 09”E 23 o 38’ 50” 87 o 25’ 52”F 23 o 37’ 14” 87 o 25’ 33”G 23 o 34’ 47” 87 o 26’ 17”H 23 o 32’ 51” 87 o 28’ 46”I 23 o 31’ 45” 87 o 28’ 46”J 23 o 30’ 00” 87 o 27’ 35”K 23 o 29’ 15” 87 o 26’ 45”L 23 o 27’ 35” 87 o 27’ 25”M 23 o 26’ 35” 87 o 27’ 25”N 23 o 23’ 00” 87 o 26’ 10”O 23 o 22’ 10” 87 o 26’ 00”P 23 o 21’ 45” 87 o 25’ 00”Q 23 o 24’ 15” 87 o 20’ 00”R 23 o 27’ 30” 87 o 16’ 30”S 23 o 30’ 00” 87 o 14’ 40”T 23 o 32’ 10” 87 o 15’ 45”U 23 o 35’ 10” 87 o 18’ 00”V 23 o 37’ 00” 87 o 20’ 00”W 23 o 39’ 45” 87 o 25’ 20”Out of 500 Km 2 block area, phase –III project is proposed in 190.3 Km 2 block area.Out of 180.5 Km 2 area falls within the existing CBM block in Burdwan district, WBwith an additional 9.8 Km 2 area located outside the block abutting the westernboundary. No national park/sanctuary is located within 10 Km radius of the block. Nodiversion of forest land is involved. River Damodar and River Ajay are flowing in theblock. Total project cost is Rs. 2866 Crores. Following activities are proposed:i Total no. of wells-650 (each well pad will have one vertical and severaldirectional wells, optimized for the location and geology of the well pad) withthe target depth of ~2000 m (618 wells in 180.5 Km 2 of block area and 32wells in 9.8 Km 2 of additional area). Out of the total 650 wells, 107 wellsfalling within the Durgapur Municpal Corporation Boundary.ii 8 Nos. of GGS with the capcity 0.45 MMSCMD each and 1 No. of maincompressor station (MCS) with capacity 3.0 MMSCMD.iii Interconnecting and transportation pipeline network with a diameter range of4”-80”.iv Total estimated production of CBM from the proposed project is 5 millionm3/day. Each well is estimated to generate a peak production of 15,000m3/day.Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring was carriedout at 10 locations during November, 2011-January 2012 and submitted data indicatesPM 10 (69.5-101.6ug/m 3 ), PM 2.5 (33.1-50.1 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (8.9-12.8ug/m 3 ) and NO x (21.1-28.4ug/m 3 ). Incremental concentration due to proposed project was estimated to be

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