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22 nd March, 2012 for Anand district and 5 th April, 2012 for Ahmedabad district. The issuesraised during public hearing were area of block, movement of heavy vehicles, landacquisition, facilities for development of village etc.In response, project proponent thattotal block area is 136 Km 2 . Company will prepare metal road for movement heavyvehicles to carry drilling equipments as required. As per prevailing Government rules,compensation will be paid to the farmer. If no hydrocarbon is discovered than the landwould be given back to farmers after restoring it to its original condition. If hydrocarbon isdiscovered, then with the suggestions of the villagers the company would work for thedevelopment of the village. The issues raised have satisfactorily been responded bythe project proponent and incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report adequate andsuggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other environmentalconditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:i. Ambient air quality should be monitored at the nearest human settlements as per theNational Ambient Air Quality Emission Standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R.No. 826(E) dated 16 th November, 2009 for PM 10 , PM 2.5 , SO 2 , NO X , CO, CH 4 , HC,Non-methane HC etc.ii.iii.iv.Mercury should be analyzed in air, water and drill cuttings twice during drillingperiod.Approach road should be made pucca to mitigate generation of suspended dust.The company should make the arrangement for control of noise from the drillingactivity. Acoustic enclosure should be provided to DG sets and proper stack heightshould be provided as per CPCB guidelines.v. Total fresh water requirement should not exceed 20 m 3 /day/well and priorpermission should be obtained from the concerned agency.vi.vii.The company should construct the garland drain all around the drilling site toprevent runoff of any oil containing waste into the nearby water bodies. Separatedrainage system should be created for oil contaminated and non-oil contaminated.Effluent should be properly treated and treated wastewater should conform toCPCB standards.Drilling wastewater including drill cuttings wash water should be collected indisposal pit lined with HDPE lining evaporated or treated and should comply withthe notified standards for on-shore disposal. The membership of common TSDFshould be obtained for the disposal of drill cuttings and hazardous waste.Otherwise, secured land fill should be created at the site as per the designapproved by the CPCB and obtain authorization from the SPCB. Copy ofauthorization or membership of TSDF should be submitted to Ministry’s RegionalOffice at Bhopal.

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