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F 72 27 36.3 22 36 16.6G 72 29 5.02 22 36 16.86H 72 29 1.83 22 35 0.0I 72 20 54.0 22 35 0.0A 72 20 13.82 22 40 30.35Exploratory wells will be drilled upto 2,500m.Location of proposed wells are asgiven below:Point Longitude LatitudeDeg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec.1 72 20 53.42 22 39 52.102 72 22 3.67 22 39 14.543 72 20 28.24 22 39 6.554 72 22 3.03 22 37 17.75 72 21 51.72 22 36.5 5.296 72 24 28.99 22 36 2.217 72 26 18.68 22 35 3.098 72 26 18.68 22 35 30.709 72 26 40.96 22 36 24.8610 72 27 3.0 22 36 49.4911 72 28 48.24 22 36 9.4312 72 29 1.01 22 35 19.7313 72 27 12.24 22 40 5.62Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring was carriedout at 8 locations during Post Monsoon Season 2011 and submitted data indicates PM 10(31-93 ug/m 3 ),SO 2 (8.20-15.2 ug/m 3 ) and NO x (10.00- 14.00 ug/m 3 ). Incrementalconcentration due to proposed project was estimated to be SPM (0.26 ug/m 3 ), SO 2(12.15 ug/m 3 ) and NOx (6.39 ug/m 3 ). Air emissions from D.G. sets will be dispersed byproviding adequate stack height. Fresh water requirement from surface water source willbe 20 m 3 /day. Water based mud (WBM) and Synthetic based mud will be used.Wastewater generation during drilling operation will be 5 m 3 /day. Effluent will be treatedin effluent treatment plant (ETP) comprising equalization, chemical coagulation,flocculation and clarification by settling and residual unusable mud will be collected inlined pits and solar evaporated. Drill cutting (DC) will be separated from water basedmud (WBM) and washed properly and unusable drilling fluids (DF) will be disposed off inwell designed lined pit with impervious liner for solar drying. Disposal of drill cuttings anddrill mud will be carried out in accordance with the GSR 546 (E) dated 30 th August, 2005.Used oil will be sent to authorized recyclers.HSD (150-300 l/h) will be used as fuel in rig and D.G. sets during drillingperiod. Number of blow out prevention techniques will be part of drilling rig unit. Blowout preventers (BOP) will be installed to control fluid from the formation gushing to thesurface. Safety measures and fire fighting equipments will be provided at drilling site inaccordance with Oil Mines Regulation, 1984.The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on

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