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vi.vii.viii.ix.Risk and Disaster Management Plan along with the mitigation measures shall beprepared and a copy submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office at Bangalore,APPCB and CPCB within 3 months of issue of environment clearance letter.As proposed, green belt shall be developed in 33 % of the plant area. Selectionof plant species shall be as per the CPCB guidelines in consultation with theDFO.All the commitments made to the public during the Public Hearing / PublicConsultation meeting held on 20 th September,2011 should be satisfactorilyimplemented and a separate budget for implementing the same should beallocated and information submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office atBangalore.At least 5 % of the total cost of the project shall be earmarked towards theEnterprise Social Commitment based on Public Hearing issues and item-wisedetails along with time bound action plan should be prepared and submitted tothe Ministry’s Regional Office at Bangalore. Implementation of such programshould be ensured accordingly in a time bound manner.2.2.4. Ferro Alloy Plant (1x6 MVA Submerged Arc Furnace; 7,500 TPA of Fe-Mn & Si-Mn) at Jamuria Industrial Estate, Mouza Ikra, District Burdwan in West Bengalby M/s Gajanan Iron Private Limited - regarding EC.The project authorities and their consultant, M/s Global Experts, Bhubaneswar gavea detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmentalprotection measures to be undertaken as per Terms of Reference (TORs) awardedduring the 25 th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-1) held during29.6.2011 – 30.6.2011 for preparation of EIA/EMP report. All the Ferro Alloy Plants arelisted at S.No. 3(a) in Primary Metallurgical Industries under category ‘A’ of the Scheduleof EIA Notification, 2006 and appraised by the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) ofMoEF.M/s Gajanan Iron Pvt. Ltd. have proposed for 1x6 MVA Submerged Electric ArcFurnace Ferro Alloy Plant for producing 7,500 TPA of Ferro Manganese and SilicoManganese at Jamuria Industrial Estate, Mouza-Ikra, District Burdwan, West Bengal.Total project area is 3.83 acres, which is allocated in the Jamuria Industrial Estate setupby ADDA (Asansol-Durgapur Development Authority) and green belt will be developed in1.28 acres. No National park/wildlife sanctuary is located within 10 km radius of theproject. The total project cost is Rs. 9.06 Crores and Rs. 36.20 lakhs & Rs. 1.81 lakhshas been allocated towards Capital Cost and recurring cost/annum for pollution controlmeasures. Expenditure on CSR will be Rs. 45.3 Lakhs (5 % of the total project cost in 5years). It was confirmed that no litigation/court case is pending against the project.Manganese Ore Lumps (16,500 TPA), Metallurgical Coke (4,600 TPA), Dolomite(2,500 TPA), Quartzite (1,900 TPA) and Electrode Paste (150 TPA) are the rawmaterials that will be used. Total power requirement of the unit will be 6.5 MW, whichwill be drawn from Damodar Valley Corporation. Ferro-alloys are manufactured inelectric operated submerged arc furnace. The manufacturing process of ferromanganese& silico-manganese is similar. The blending of raw materials is done by

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