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iver is flowing at 3 km. No national park/wildlife sanctuary/reserve forest is locatedwithin 10 Km. Following products will be manufacturing:S.N. Product Quantity (TPM)Existing Proposed Total1. Resist salt 75 525 6002. Metanilic Acid(Liquid) 20 40 603. Metanilic Acid (Powder) 30 60 90Total 125 625 750By-products3,3’ DDS (Di Nitro Di4.80 19.98 24.064. Phenyl Sulphone)Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring wascarried out at 6 locations during October, 2010 – December 2010 and submitted 98tiledata indicates PM 10 (54.56-86.00 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (16.52-37.00 ug/m 3 ), NO x (12.50-26.00ug/m 3 ) and VOC (0.5-2.2 ppm). Incremental concentration due to proposed project wasestimated to be PM10 (1.895 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (3.383ug/m 3 ) and NOx (2.374ug/m 3 ). Multicyclonefollowed by bagfilter alongwith stack (30m) is provided to existing thermopak (25Lacs) and proposed Thermopak boiler(10 lacs). Acid followed by alkali scrubberalongwith adequate stack ht. (11 m) is provided to sulphonator & oleum storage tank(existing and proposed). Alkali scrubber will be provided to drawing vessels.Fresh water requirement from GIDC water supply will be increased from 14.4m 3 /day to 61 m 3 /day after expansion. Wastewater generation will be increased from 8.4m 3 /day to 49.5 m 3 /day. Out of which, 42m 3 /day of effluent will be recycled back in theprocess. Net effluent generation will be 2.5 m 3 /day. Industrial effluent will be treated inETP comprising primary, secondary and tertiary treatment facilities. Treatment effluentwill be discharged into CETP Vapi for further treatmentIron waste from the process of metanilic acid powder (90 MTPM) and Iron wastefrom metanilic Liquid 12.52 MTPM) will be sold to cement manufacturing industries.Gypsum waste (737.3 MTPM) will be sold to cement industries. Used oil (0.04 MTPM)will be sold to registered recycler. ETP sludge will be sold to cement manufacturingindustry or disposed off to TSDF Vapi.Green belt is developed in 325 m 2 out of total land 5239 m 2 . All precautionarymeasures like acoustic enclosure, anti vibration pad/foundation for equipment will beused to control noise pollution. Power requirement offer expansion will be 300 KVA fromDGVCL. Coal (600 kg/hr) will be required as fuel. Diesel (30 Lt/hr) will be required.Project proponent informed that unit was established before the EIA Notification, 2006came into force. At that period, EC was not required for the existing products. Consentorder no. 32073 dated 25 th March, 2009 is accorded by GPCB under Air & Water Acts issubmitted. The Committee deliberated upon the compliance report submitted by theproject proponent for the existing unit. The Committee noted that no public hearing /consultation is required due to project being located in notified GIDC Vapi as per stageSection 7 (i), III Stage (3), Para (i)(b) of EIA Notification 2006.

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