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vii) As proposed, Industrial effluent will be treated in ETP. Treated effluentshould be reused/recycled within the factory premises. Water quality oftreated effluent shall meet the norms prescribed by CPCB/SPCB.viii) As proposed Phenol should be extracted/treated from the effluent beforesending to the ETP.ix) The company should obtain Authorization for collection, storage anddisposal of hazardous waste under the Hazardous Waste (Management,Handling and Trans-Boundary Movement) Rules, 2008 and amended as ondate for management of Hazardous wastes and prior permission from SPCBshould be obtained for disposal of solid / hazardous waste in the TSDF.Measures should be taken for fire fighting facilities in case of emergency.x) Solvent management should be as follows : Reactor should be connected to chilled brine condenser system Reactor and solvent handling pump should have mechanical seals toprevent leakages. The condensers should be provided with sufficient Heat Transfer Area(HTA) and residence time so as to achieve more than 95% recovery. Solvents should be stored in a separate space specified with all safetymeasures. Proper earthing should be provided in all the electrical equipmentswherever solvent handling is done.Entire plant where solvents are used should be flame proof. Thesolvent storage tanks should be provided with breather valve toprevent losses.xi) As proposed, green belt should be developed in at least 33 % of the projectarea. Selection of plant species shall be as per the CPCB guidelines inconsultation with the DFO.xii) Occupational health surveillance of the workers should be done on a regularbasis and records maintained as per the Factories Act.2.5.2. Expansion of Dye Intermediate (125 TPM to 750 TPM) at Plot No. 2806 & 2807/1,GIDC Vapi, Taluka Pardi, District Valsad, Gujarat by M/s Apurva Chemicals (TORto EC).The project authorities and their consultant (Eco Chem Sales & Services) gave adetailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmentalprotection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs)awarded during the 27 th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) heldduring 21 st – 22 nd September, 2011 for preparation of EIA/EMP.All Synthetic OrganicChemicals Industry (Dyes & Intermediates) located inside the notified industrialarea/estate are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ‘B’. However, project site is locatedwithin 10 Km of interstate boundary and treated as category ‘A’ project due toapplicability of general condition and appraised at Central level.M/s Apurva Chemicals has proposed for expansion of Dye Intermediates (125TPM to 750 TPM) at plot No. 2806 & 2807/1, GIDC Vapi, Taluka Pardi, District Valsad,Gujarat. Total existing plot area is 5,239 m 2 . No additional land is required. Project costis Rs. 318.02 lakhs.Interstate boundary (i.e. Daman) is located within 10 km. Damage

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