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SEIAA, Karnataka on 5.7.2011 after following the procedure laid in the EIA Notification,2006 including the Public Hearing.The total project area is 154 acres and there is no requirement of additional landfor the proposed expansion. The project cost is Rs. 365 crores and no additionalinvestment is required. Due to the increase in the power generation through WHRB from22.5 MW to 30 MW, the power generation from coal based CPP would decrease from77.5 MW to 70 MW. The additional quantity of coal required will also be imported. Theexisting water requirement is 5,290 KLD and an additional 300 KLD is required, whichwill also be sourced from River Tungabhadra. Govt. of Karnataka has accordedpermission for drawl of 15.4 MGD. The plant will operate on zero discharge basis. Therewould be a decrease in the quantity of fly ash and bottom ash generation. The additionalquantity of coke fines generated will be used in the power plant.The proponent requested for exemption of Public Hearing since PH was held forthe 77.5 MW CPP on 9.9.2010 under the EIA Notification, 2006 and the public wereinformed that the company is having coke oven plant of 0.3 MTPA and CPP of 22.5 MW.The Committee noted that, PH cannot be exempted as per MoEF OM dated 24.8.2009.However, the Committee permitted to use the baseline data of the existing unit in thepreparation of EIA/EMP report.After detailed deliberations, the Committee prescribed following TORs forundertaking detailed EIA/EMP study:1. Executive summary of the project.2. Photographs of the existing and proposed plant area.3. A certified report of the status of compliance of the conditions stipulated in theenvironmental clearance and Consent to Operate for the ongoing I existingoperation of the project by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment andForests and SPCB.4. Recent monitoring report from SPCB, which shall include data on AAQ, waterquality, solid waste etc. shall be submitted.5. Has the unit received any notice under the Section 5 of Environment (Protection)Act, 1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water Acts? If so, compliance to thenotice(s).6. A line diagram/flow sheet for the process and EMP7. Coal linkage documents8. Proposal should be submitted to the Ministry for environment clearance only afteracquiring total land. Necessary documents indicating acquisition of land should beincluded.9. A site location map on Indian map of 1:10, 00,000 scale followed by1:50,000/1:25,000 scale on an A3/A2 sheet with at least next 10 Kms of terrainsi.e. circle of 10 kms and further 10 kms on A3/A2 sheets with properlongitude/latitude/heights with min. 100/200 m. contours should be included. 3-Dview i.e. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for the area in 10 km radius from theproposal site.10. Present land use should be prepared based on satellite imagery. High-resolutionsatellite image data having 1m-5m spatial resolution like quickbird, Ikonos, IRS P-6pan sharpened etc. for the 10Km radius area from proposed site. The same shouldbe used for land used/land-cover mapping of the area.11. Location of national parks / wildlife sanctuary / reserve forests within 10 km. radiusshould specifically be mentioned. A map showing landuse/landcover, reserved

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