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Hyderabad. Fugitive emissions will be controlled by sprinkling water at loading andunloading and provision of non-leaking of pipe connections, valves, fan, compressor etc.Base line data of ambient air quality monitored at eight locations indicates thatconcentrations of RSPM, SO 2 and NO x are varying from 35 µg/m 3 to 62 µg/m 3 , 8 µg/m 3to 15.2 µg/m 3 and 10 µg/m 3 to 18 µg/m 3 respectively. AAQ modeling study indicates thatthe maximum incremental GLCs after the proposed expansion would be 1.2 µg/m 3 , 6µg/m 3 and 10 µg/m 3 with respect to RSPM, SO 2 and NO x respectively. The resultantconcentrations are within the NAAQS.The total quality of water required is 0.065 MLD for process (cooling andscrubbing water for pollution control), drinking and sanitation purpose. The water isdrawn from the bore well located within the plant premises. The cooling water andscrubber water are recycled and blow downs are utilized for dust suppression andgreenbelt development. Sewage is treated by septic tank and finally discharged into thesoak pit. No effluent will be discharged outside the factory premises. The dross isleached by alkali - additions to recover aluminium. The treated dross is stored after drainin plastic bags and sent to TSDF at Hyderabad. Waste oil and used batteries will be soldto authorized recyclers/reprocessers.The Committee deliberated on the issues raised during the Public Hearing / PublicConsultation meeting conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board on 20 thSeptember,2011. The issues raised in the public hearing were regarding more jobopportunities in the expansion project, to clarify the budget allocation for the socioeconomic development like education, medical, infrastructure, to increase the workerssalary etc. which were addressed in the EIA/EMP report.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the EIA/EMP report adequateand suggested to stipulate following specific conditions along with other environmentalconditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance subject tosubmission of the CTE of the existing unit:i. The company shall install wet scrubber and bag filters etc. to control theparticulate emissions below 50 mg/Nm 3 .ii.iii.iv.The National Ambient Air Quality Standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R.No. 826(E) dated 16 th November, 2009 should be followed.Gaseous emission levels including secondary fugitive emissions from all thesources shall be controlled within the latest permissible limits issued by theMinistry vide G.S.R. 414(E) dated 30 th May, 2008 and regularly monitored.Guidelines / Code of Practice issued by the CPCB should be followed.Efforts shall be made to make use of rain water harvested. If needed, capacity ofthe reservoir should be enhanced to meet the maximum water requirement. Onlybalance water requirement shall be met from other sources.v. The total water requirement shall not exceed 0.065 MLD. No effluent shall bedischarged and ‘zero’ discharge shall be adopted.

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