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5. Cathodic protection shall be provided to the underground solvent storagetanks.v. A proper Leak Detection And Repair (LDAR) Program for pesticide industry shall beprepared and implemented as per CPCB guidelines. Focus shall be given forprevention of fugitive emissions for which preventive maintenance of pumps, valves,pipelines etc are required. Proper maintenance of mechanical seals of pumps andvalves shall be given. A preventive maintenance schedule for each unit shall beprepared and adhered to.vi.vii.viii.ix.Chilled brine circulation system shall be provided to condensate solvent vapors andreduce solvent losses. It shall be ensured that solvent recovery should not be lessthan 95%.Total water requirement from MIDC water supply shall not exceed 134 m 3 /day andprior permission shall be obtained from the concerned Authority. No ground watershall be used.As proposed, industrial effluent generation shall not exceed 137 m 3 /day. Effluentshall be segregated into High TDS and low COD/TDS effluent streams. High TDSeffluent stream shall be treated through stripper followed by MEE. Condensate willbe treated in secondary and tertiary treatment. Low COD/TDS effluent shall betreated in ETP (Physico-chemical treatment). Treated water shall be recycled/reusedwithin the factory premises. No process effluent shall be discharged in and aroundthe project site. Water quality of treated effluent shall be monitored regularly andmonitoring report shall be submitted to the MPCB.No effluent shall be discharged outside the premises and ‘Zero’ discharge conceptshall be adopted.x. Fly ash shall be sent to brick manufacturers and tie-up to be made with brickmanufacturer.xi.xii.ETP sludge, process waste & residues shall be sent to CHWTSDF.Green belt shall be developed at least in 33 % of the plant area as per the CPCBguidelines in consultation with DFO. Thick greenbelt with suitable plant species shallbe developed around the proposed pesticide unit to mitigate the odour problem.Selection of plant species shall be as per the CPCB guidelines.2.4.0 Any Other2.4.1. Expansion of Integrated Steel Plant (3.1 MTPA to 5.6 MTPA) at Meramandali,District Dhenkanal in Orissa by M/s Bhushan Steel Limited - regardingamendment in EC.The above proposal was accorded environmental clearance by MoEF vide letterno. J-11011/829/2008-IA II (I), dated 20.7.2012. The proponent requested foramendment in the above EC for change in product mix through establishing 2.6 MTPACRM complex and 7.0 MTPA Pellet plant for value addition in HRC (Hot Rolled Coils)without changing the overall production capacity. The project proponent andtheir consultant, M/s MECON Ltd., Ranchi also made a presentation before theCommittee.

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