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in covered trucks. There will be emissions during handling of raw materials andproducts, which will be controlled by dust suppression system. The emissions from theproduction processes will be passed through Bag filters to retain flue dust particles. Thecleaned gases will be discharged to the atmosphere through stack of adequate height of30 m. Ambient air quality monitoring was carried within the study area for PM 10 , PM 2.5 ,SO 2 and NOx. The maximum values of these parameters are 92.0µg/m 3 , 18.4 µg/m 3 , 8.2µg/m 3 and 13.2 µg/m 3 respectively. The predicted maximum incremental ground levelconcentrations (GLCs) due to the proposed expansion project are 2.2 µg/m 3 , 9.87 µg/m 3and 22.62 µg/m 3 for PM, SO 2 and NOx respectively. The resultant concentrations ofthese parameters are within the prescribed NAAQS.Total water requirement for the existing and proposed ferro alloys plant includingdomestic requirement is 74 m 3 /d, which will be met through ground water source. Therequired permission has been obtained from CGWB. Closed circuit cooling system hasbeen installed in the existing ferro alloy unit and similar unit is proposed in the expansionunit. Hence, there will be no effluent generation from the process & cooling. Sewage willbe treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. Fe-Mn slag is used in the manufacture ofSi-Mn. Si-Mn slag has been used for filling low lying areas and for roads. It is proposedto use the Si-Mn slag for boundary wall construction, roads and as filler material for flyash bricks. Waste oil shall be given to recyclers authorized by the SPCB.The public hearing was exempted for the proposed project as per Para 7(i) IIIStage (3) of EIA Notification 2006 due to the location of the project in Notified SarandiIndustrial Growth Centre as certified by Directorate of Industries, Govt. of MadhyaPradesh .After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the EIA/EMP report adequateand suggested to stipulate following specific conditions along with other environmentalconditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance for the existing andproposed ferro alloys plant:1. The environmental clearance is subject to the outcome of Writ Petition No. 20579of 2011 in the matter of M/s Ramnik Power & Alloys (P) Ltd. vs. Union of India &Ors. in the Hon’ble High Court of Madhya Pradesh.2. No charcoal shall be used as fuel. Pet coke shall be used as fuel instead ofcharcoal from unknown sources.3. Continuous monitoring facilities for the process stacks and sufficient air pollutioncontrol equipments viz. fume extraction system with bag filters, ID fan and stackof adequate height to submerged arc furnace shall be provided to controlemissions below 50 mg/Nm 3 .4. The National Ambient Air Quality Standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R.No. 826(E) dated 16 th November, 2009 shall be followed.5. Secondary fugitive emissions from all the sources shall be controlled within thelatest permissible limits issued by the Ministry and regularly monitored.Guidelines / Code of Practice issued by the CPCB shall be followed.

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