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49. A note on the impact of drawl of water on the nearby River during leanseason.50. Surface water quality of nearby River (60 m upstream and downstream) andother surface drains at eight locations must be ascertained.51. If the site is within 10 km radius of any major river, Flood Hazard ZonationMapping is required at 1:5000 to 1; 10,000 scale indicating the peak andLean River discharge as well as flood occurrence frequency.52. A note on treatment of wastewater from different plants, recycle and reuse fordifferent purposes should be included.53. Provision of traps and treatment plants are to be made, if water is gettingmixed with oil, grease and cleaning agents.54. If the water is mixed with solid particulates, proposal for sediment pondbefore further transport should be included. The sediment pond capacityshould be 100 times the transport capacity.55. The pathways for pollution via seepages, evaporation, residual remains are tobe studied for surface water (drainage, rivers, ponds, and lakes), sub-surfaceand ground water with a monitoring and management plans.56. Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 locations and near solid waste dumpzone, Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area areessential as also. Ecological status (Terrestrial and Aquatic) is vital.57. Action plan for solid/hazardous waste generation, storage, utilization anddisposal. A note on the treatment, storage and disposal of all type of solidwaste should be included. End use of solid waste viz. fly ash etc. and itscomposition should be covered.58. All stock piles will have to be on top of a stable liner to avoid leaching ofmaterials to ground water.59. Action plan for the green belt development plan in 33 % area should beincluded. The green belt should be around the project boundary and ascheme for greening of the travelling roads should also be incorporated. Allrooftops/terraces should have some green cover.60. A scheme for rainwater harvesting has to be put in place. Incorporation ofwater harvesting plan for the project is necessary, if source of water is borewell. Efforts should be made to make use of rain water harvested. If needed,capacity of the reservoir should be enhanced to meet the maximum waterrequirement. Only balance water requirement should be met from othersources.61. Detailed description of the flora and fauna (terrestrial and aquatic) should begiven with special reference to rare, endemic and endangered species.62. Action plan for the green belt development plan in 33 % area should beincluded. The green belt should be around the project boundary and ascheme for greening of the travelling roads should also be incorporated. Allrooftops/terraces should have some green cover.63. Detailed description of the flora and fauna (terrestrial and aquatic) should begiven with special reference to rare, endemic and endangered species.64. Disaster Management Plan including risk assessment & damage controlneeds to be addressed and included. Landslide hazard map and mitigationplan, Earthquake history and management plan should be submitted.65. Occupational health:a) Details of existing Occupational & Safety Hazards. What are the exposurelevels of above mentioned hazards and whether they are within PermissibleExposure level (PEL). If these are not within PEL, what measures the

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