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Points Latitude LongitudeA 23 o 12’52” 72 o 18’15”1 Lohar 5B 23 o 11’30” 72 o 18’15”C 23 o 11’30” 72 o 19’26”D 23 o 12’52” 72 o 19’26”Proposed Well Locations Coordinates of Lohar Field are as follows:S.NName ofLocationLatitudeLongitudeDeg Min Sec. Deg Min Sec1 LH- 10 # 1 23 12 46.80 72 18 45.182 LH- 10 # 2 23 12 23.80 72 18 42.723 LH- 10 # 3 23 12 39.55 72 18 35.154 LH- 10 # 4 23 12 18.93 72 19 0.795 LH- 10 # 5 23 12 30.85 72 18 58.146 LH- 10 # 6 23 12 13.36 72 18 38.387 LH- 10 # 7 23 12 8.31 72 18 31.828 LH- 10 # 8 23 12 46.49 72 19 4.689 LH- 10 # 9 23 12 18.87 72 18 24.8810 LH- 10 # 10 23 12 39.40 72 18 26.3311 LH- 10 # 11 23 12 19.03 72 18 33.7312 LH- 10 # 12 23 12 46.64 72 19 13.4513 LH- 10 # 13 23 12 38.38 72 19 4.8314 LH- 10 # 14 23 12 10.75 72 18 25.03Depth of well drilling will be in the ranging 1500 to 1600 m. In the event that economicquantities of hydrocarbon are found, the well will be completed with a well head in placeat surface along x-mass tree and casing and tubing inside the hole down to the desiredreservoir depth. In the event that no economic quantities of hydrocarbons are found, thesite would be restored to its original form and the well will be abandoned as per standardpractices.Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring wascarried out at 8 locations during summer season, 2011 and submitted data indicates asPM10 (22–83 ug/m3), SO2 (8.0 – 16 ug/m3) and NOx (10-24.4 ug/m3). 1000-1500m 3 /day associated gas/well will be burnt through rigs equipment in safe manner for 7-10days. The flare stack height will be approximately 9 m above the ground level.Total water requirement from surface water source will be 20 m 3 /day per well. Effluentgeneration will be 5 m 3 /day and stored in HDPE lined pit. Service water will be passedthrough oil separator to remove oil content in the effluent. Domestic effluent will betreated in septic tank followed by soak pit. No effluent will be discharged outside thepremises and ‘Zero’ discharge concept will be adopted. Drilling well will generate drillcutting (50 MT) and drilling mud (500 MT) and discharged in HDPE lined pit. Disposal ofdrill cuttings and drill mud will be carried out in accordance with the GSR 546 (E) dated30 th August, 2005. Used oil will be sold to authorized recyclers. Acoustic enclosures willbe provided to D.G. sets to reduce noise levels. HSD (170 l/hr) will be used in 2 DG sets

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