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Committee (Industry) held during 28 th –30 th July, 2011 for preparation of EIA/EMP.Allgrain based distilleries (> 30 KLPD) are listed at S.N. 5(g) (ii) under category ‘A’ andappraised at Central level.M/s Sudheer Bio Products Pvt.Ltd. have proposed for setting up of grain basedDistillery Plant (60 KLPD) alongwith Captive Power Plant (2.5 MW) at parts of 526, 532,534, 536, 538, 556 & 557, Village Peddavaram, Mandal Nandigama, District Krishna,Andhra Pradesh. Total plot area is 27 acres. No national parks/sanctuaries/biospherereserves are located within 10 km. Jaggayyapeta RF, Venkataya Palem RF, GingupalleRF, Kuntimaddi RF and Gudimetla RF are located within 10 radius. Krishna River isflowing at 1.1 Km. Total cost of the project is Rs. 63.71 Crores. Rs. 18.00 Crores andRs. 2.00 Crore are earmarked towards capital cost and recurring cost/annum forpollution control measures. No forest land is involved.Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring wascarried out at 6 locations during October, 2011 – December 2011 and submitted dataindicates PM 10 (15.3-27.2 ug/m 3 ),SO 2 (5.8-7.6 ug/m 3 ) and NO x (6.2-8.5 ug/m 3 ). TheConcentration of HC (methane and non methane) is ambient air was found to be BDL.The Committee advised the Consultant to improve the their monitoring mechanism inrespect of HC because HC (methane) cannot be BDL.Incremental concentration due toproposed project was estimated to be PM 10 (0.7 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (6.6 ug/m 3 ) and NOx (0.7ug/m 3 ).Bag filters alongwith stack height (47m) will be provided to coal/biomass firedboiler (29 TPH) to bring down the particulate matter to less than 50 mg//Nm 3 .Total water requirement from Krishna River/Ground water source will be 650 m 3 /day.Spent wash will be passed through decanter and then the thin slop from Decanter will bedried in Multi Effect Evaporators (MEE) followed by Dryer upto 90% solids w/w to formas DDGS and sold to outside parties as cattle feed. Domestic effluent will be treated inseptic tank followed by soak pit. No effluent will be discharged outside the premises and‘Zero’ discharge will be adopted. DDGS will be sold as cattle feed. Waste oil will be soldto authorized recyclers / re-processors. Fly ash from coal will be sent to brickmanufacturers/cement plant. Fly ash from biomass fuel will sent to brick manufacturers.Out of 27 acres, 9 acres will be developed as green belt.The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the AP Pollution Control Board on 22 ndMarch, 2012. The issues raised during public hearing were socio-economicdevelopment, employment, water scarcity and ground water depletion, zero effluentdischarge, pollution caused by the other unit etc. In response, project proponentcommitted to implement air pollution control measures, adopt zero effluent dischargeconcept and obtain permission from concerned Authorities for water drawl. Employmentwill be provided to the local people. Rain water harvesting system will be installed andsufficient water storage capacity will be created to use rain water in the process andhave satisfactorily been responded by the project proponent and incorporated in the finalEIA/EMP report.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report adequateand suggested to stipulate following specific conditions along with other environmentalconditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:i. Distillery unit should be based on Grain based only and no Molasses baseddistillery unit should be operated.

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