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51. Details of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) including sufficient budgetaryprovision for health improvement, education, water and electricity supply etc. inand around the project.52. Transportation management should cover earmarking of area for parking ofLorries, their movement at a remote location to avoid congestion.53. Adequate width of approach road to avoid congestion and to have safe exit inemergencies.54. Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed byany Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.55. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponenton the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form oftabular chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.56. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.The following general points should be noted:i. All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.ii. Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.iii. Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional languages.iv. The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach acopy of the letter.v. The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as anannexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.vi. The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues inthis letter and that raised in Public Hearing/consultation alongwith duly filled inIndustry Sector questionnaire. The index of the final EIA-EMP report mustindicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where theabove issues and the issues raised in the Public hearing have been incorporated.vii. While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents andinstructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4 th August, 2009 and 30 th September, 2011, which are available onthe website of this Ministry should also be followed.The Committee decided that the proponent should prepare EIA/EMP Reportbased on the above TORs and submit the same to the Orissa Pollution Control Board forconducting public hearing/consultation. The EIA/EMP Report should be as per thegeneric structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. The concerns emergedduring the Public Hearing/ Consultation should be incorporated in the EIA/EMP Reportand the final EIA/EMP submitted to the Ministry for obtaining environmental clearance.LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN 2 nd REAC (INDUSTRY) MEETING (29 TH – 31 STOCTOBER, 2012)Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) :1. Shri M. Raman Chairman P2. Shri R.K. Garg Vice-Chairman P3. Shri. Shiban Raina Member P4. Prof. R.C. Gupta Member P5. Dr. Prem Shankar Dubey Member A

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