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iv. The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach acopy of the letter.v. The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as anannexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.vi. The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issuesin this letter and that raised in Public Hearing/consultation alongwith duly filledin Industry Sector questionnaire. The index of the final EIA-EMP report mustindicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where theabove issues and the issues raised in the Public hearing have beenincorporated.vii. While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents andinstructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4 th August, 2009, which are available on thewebsite of this Ministry should also be followed.The Committee decided that the project proponent should prepare EIA/EMPReport based on the above TORs and submit the same to the Maharashtra PollutionControl Board for conducting public hearing/consultation. The EIA/EMP Report shouldbe as per the generic structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. Theconcerns emerged during the Public Hearing/Consultation should be incorporated in theEIA/EMP Report and the final EIA/EMP report should be submitted to the Ministry forobtaining environmental clearance.2.7.20. Coal to Liquid Plant (80,000 Barrels per day )at Village Durgapur, TehsilBanrapal/Chhendipada, DistrictAngul, Odisha by M/s Jindal Synfuels Ltd. (TOR)The project authorities and their consultant (Vimta Labs Ltd.) gave a detailedpresentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmentalprotection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for thepreparation of EIA/EMP.All the Petrochemicals units are listed at S.N. 5(c) underCategory ‘A’ and appraised at the Central level.M/s Jindal Synfuels Ltd. has proposed for setting up of Coal to Liquid Plant(80,000 Barrels per day) at Village Durgapur, Tehsil Banrapal/Chhendipada, DistrictAngul, Odisha. Total plot area is 4805 acres. Total project cost is Rs. 43000 Crores.TOR for 9 x 125 MW has been granted by MoEF on 20 th September, 2012. Forest land(212.11 acres) is involved. No national park, historical monument, wildlife sanctuary andelephant reserve etc located in 10 Km area of site. Satkosia tiger reserve is located at15.5 Km distance. Nigra Nala (0.1 Km, SE), Lingra Nala (1.7 Km, SSW), Singhada Jhor(7.0 Km, NNW) and Derjang reservoir (9.0 Km, ESE) are located. The project will involverehabilitation and resettlement.Water requirement for CTL plant will be 6130 m 3 /hr and sourced from RiverMahanadi. There will be no extraction ground water. Process water will be treated inETP. The treated water will be reused in Ash handling and horticulture. Coal requirementfor CTL project is 2250 TPH.After deliberations, the Committee prescribed the following TORs for thepreparation of draft EIA/EMP:

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