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11. Manufacturing process details of sugar plant, distillery plant and CPP alongwithprocess flow chart.12. Sources and quantity of fuel for the boiler. Management of bagasse during the leanseason. Details of bagasse storage facility.13. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards for PM 10, PM 2.5 ,SO 2 and NO X as per GSR 826(E) dated 16 th November, 2009.14. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relativehumidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (exceptmonsoon) for PM 10 , PM 2.5 , SO 2 , NO X and HC (methan & non methane)should becollected. The monitoring stations should take into account the pre-dominant winddirection, population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Datafor water and noise monitoring should also be included.15. Mathematical modeling for calculating the dispersion of air pollutants and groundlevel concentration along with emissions from the boiler.16. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions from all thesources.17. Details of the use of steam from the boiler.18. Ground water quality around proposed spent wash storage lagoon and the projectarea. HDPE-lined lagoon should not have more than 30 days storage capacity.19. Details of water requirement, wastewater generation, water balance chart for sugar,distillery and co-generation plant. Measures for water conservation by recycling andreuse to minimize the fresh water requirement.20. Source of water supply and ‘Permission’ from concerned Department/Authority forthe drawl of water. Impact of drawl of water on other user should be assessed andincluded.21. Measures for conservation and reuse of water should be maximized so as to keepnet water consumption to a minimum. Recycle & reuse treated water in cooling tower22. Hydro-geological study of the area for availability of ground water.23. Proposed effluent treatment system for sugar, distillery and co-generation plant.Scheme for achieving ‘zero’ discharge for distillery effluent and 100 m 3 /Ton of sugarregarding water discharge.24. Details of solid waste management including management plan of disposal of boilerash.25. Sufficient land should be earmarked for bio-composting activity and details of biocompostinglining as per CPCB guidelines.26. Odour management plan should be prepared to control odour from molasses baseddistillery.27. Green belt development as per the CPCB guidelines. Layout of greenbelt plant to besubmitted.28. List of flora and fauna in the study area.29. Noise levels monitoring at five locations within the study area.30. Traffic study of the area for the proposed projects in respect of existing traffic, type ofvehicles, frequency of vehicles for transportation of materials, additional traffic due toproposed project, parking arrangement etc.31. Detailed Environment Management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details ofair pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency,responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should beprovided.32. Details of TOC analyzer to be installed to monitor TOC in the treated effluent.33. Risk assessment for storage and handling of alcohol and mitigation measure due tofire and explosion and handling areas.

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