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2.7.13. Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Unit at Village Jangam Pally, DistrictNizamabad, A.P by M/s Kosher Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. (TOR).The proponent did not attend the meeting. The Committee decided to considerthe project as and when requested by the proponent.2.7.14. Sugar Plant crushing Capacity 3500 TCD to 7500 TCD, CPP 15 MW to 45 MWat village Yadrav & Soundatti, District Belgaum, Karnataka, by M/s ShivashaktiSugar Ltd. (TOR).The Committee noted that a court case (SLP Petition No. 64254/2010) is pendingagainst the project proposal. The project proposal was deferred till theoutcome of courtcase.2.7.15. Expansion of Rubber Processing Chemicals at Plot No. A1/45, 100 shed area,Degam road, GIDC Vapi, Tehsil Pardi, District Valsad, Gujarat by M/s Shri HapChemicals Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. (Unit –I) (TOR).The project authorities and their consultant (Eco-Chem Sales & Services) gave adetailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmentalprotection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for thepreparation of EIA/EMP. All Synthetic Organic Chemicals Industry located inside thenotified industrial area/estate are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ‘B’ and appraised atState level. However, applicability of general condition due to project location withininterstate boundary, proposal is treated as category ‘A’ and appraised at Central Level.M/s Shri Hap Chemicals Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. (Unit –I) has proposed forexpansion of Rubber processing Chemicals at Plot No. A1/45, 100 shed area, Degamroad, GIDC Vapi, Tehsil Pardi, District Valsad, Gujarat. Plant is located within the 10 Kmof Union territory boundary i.e. Daman. No forest land is involved. No court case/litigation is pending against the project. Plot area is 3800.92 m 2 . Total project cost is Rs2.5 crores. Following products will be manufactured.S.N. Product Quantity (MT/Month)Existing Additional After totalproposed proposedexpansion1 Rubber Processing Chemicals such asAccelerators40 275 315Adequated stack height is provided to gas fired boiler. Caustic scrubbing system isprovided to (Chlorination) process vent. Bag filter is provided to dryer. Cyclone separatorfollowed by bag filter is provided to grinder. For the proposed expansion, adequate stackheight will be provided to gas fired boiler. Caustic scrubbing system will be provided toprocess vent of chlorination. Ag filter will be provided to dryers. Cyclone separatoralongwith bag filter will be provided to grinder. Fresh water consumption will increasefrom 34 m 3 /day to 208 m 3 /day after expansion. Industrial effluent generation will be 140m 3 /day and treated in ETP. Treated water will be discharged to CETP for furthertreatment and them to sea. ETP waste will be sent to TSDF. Used oil will be sent toauthorized recyclers/ re-processors. Power requirement will be 250 KVA from GEB.Natural gas will be used as fuel.

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